A/N: Okay, so this is the last chapter. Thank you guys for reading and following me with this fic. I hope to update the rest of my ongoing stories for you all soon. Hope you like this one!

It had been a few days since Santana had last seen Quinn, they hadn't spoken since Quinn confessed her love, which really disappointed Santana since Quinn did shout to her that she wasn't going to give up on the two of them. It made her heart beat a thousand times faster when Quinn admitted to Santana that she was in love with her and that she had been all this time. If Santana had heard that a couple of months ago she would have carried on with the secret relationship with the blonde, but now she just couldn't. Santana hated secrecy, she went through life being out and proud about who she was and when she hid that away it really drained her. Hiding who she was and who she loved was too hard for Santana. She needed to be open, which was why she really hoped that Quinn would come around.

Along with this, it had also been a few days since Santana had last seen Kitty, mainly because after what had happened with Quinn she had been avoiding Kitty at all cost and just ended up texting Kitty some excuse as to why she couldn't come and hang out with her. However, Santana knew that she couldn't put it off anymore, she had to see Kitty and tell her everything that went had happened with her and Quinn.

It wasn't fair to Kitty at all, Santana thought that she was ready for a new relationship but seeing Quinn again was just proof that she wasn't over the hazel eyed blonde. She had to end things with Kitty, right now she just had to be on her own and that was a good thing.

She texted Kitty telling her that she was coming over to which Kitty was actually happy about because she hadn't seen her girlfriend in a few days.

This was why Santana was now stood in front of Kitty's front door waiting for it to be opened.

"So, you sleep with a girl who just asked you to be her girlfriend and then she goes on to ignore you for the next few days, what gives?"

It was clear to Santana that Kitty wasn't very happy about the way things had gone and Santana's sudden disappearance, and in all fairness she had every right to be pissed.

"I'm sorry, I've been a really shitty girlfriend to you and I apologise for that" Santana sincerely said, "I owe you an explanation"

"You do" Kitty agreed, "Come in" she moved over to the side to let Santana through the door and shut it once Santana was in.

The two of them went into the living room and sat down on the couch next to each other.

"So, this explanation?" Kitty started off, wanting to hear what Santana had to say for herself.

"Yeah, I um… I'm sorry I just, I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship yet. I thought I was but then…"

"Then what?"

Santana took a deep breath before telling Kitty the rest.

"Then I saw Quinn"

A surprised look appeared on Kitty's face upon hearing this news, "You saw Quinn?"

Santana nodded her head slowly, "The night you and I um… slept together she appeared on my doorstep and told me that she missed me, we didn't talk much then, but the next day I drove over to her house because I wanted answers to why she left and why she was back. She told me that she was in love with me and had been all along, and this kind of led to us making out, but then she said that she still wanted to keep us a secret and I just couldn't do that so I left"

Once she had finished, Kitty remained silent as she processed what Santana was saying, so Santana took this moment to continue on.

"I am so sorry Kitty, I hate myself for putting you in this situation, you don't deserve any of it. It's just seeing her again made me realise that I am still very much in love with her and it would be unfair of me to continue with us when I'm feeling this way. I think I should just be on my own at the moment and try and get myself back together."

Kitty gave Santana a sad smile, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised huh? I mean, I saw the way you two looked at each other when we were filming. I guess I just wanted to be selfish for a moment so I could have a chance with you, no matter how small it may be. It's obvious that you guys belong together"

"I don't know about that. I can't live the rest of my life in secret"

"She'll come around San, she just needs time" Kitty reassured her.

Santana gave the girl next to her a small smile, she couldn't believe how amazing Kitty was reacting to all of this. Santana almost wished that she had met Kitty before Quinn because Kitty was a amazing, perfect girl, but it was just the problem that she wasn't Quinn.

"You're amazing, you know that right?"

"I know, you're a fool for letting this go" Kitty joked causing the both of them to chuckle.

"I know I am" Santana agreed, because even though she knew Kitty was joking she was also telling the truth. Kitty was an amazing girl who was going to make someone very happy one day, that person however was just not going to be Santana.

"Anyway, she will come around Santana, you just have to be patient"

It had been three months since Quinn's confession, and to Santana it seemed like Quinn had given up on trying to get her back, but for Quinn it was quite the opposite. For these past three months Quinn had been visiting a therapist to focus on her issues of fearing change and how she can overcome them not only for her relationship with Santana but for herself also.

"You're ready Quinn" Dr Holly Holiday said to her as they were coming to the end of their session.

"Are you sure? I don't know…" Quinn said a bit unevenly.

"You're ready" Holly reassured her, "We all experience fear, it can affect us in the worst possible ways but it's the way in which we overcome that fear which really defines who we are. You tell me that you are in love with Santana? Well you cannot let fear ruin this for you. Things are going to change, that is inevitable, it happens as life goes on. You're ready to go for it with her Quinn, don't waste any more time that you already have, go live your life Quinn. You can do it"

Quinn sat in her seat across from Holly, taking all of her words in. She knew that Holly was right, Quinn was just incredibly nervous to take the first step forward, but she knew that it had to be done. If she wanted her life with Santana she had to put her fears aside and go for it.

"Okay, I'm ready"

Beautiful gowns and suits were everywhere. It was the day of the academy awards and Last Woman Standing was nominated for quite a few awards, some of those including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress – meaning that Quinn and Santana were going to be reunited once again.

It was on the red carpet when the two girls saw each other again. The paparazzi were shouting at them to get a picture together so they slowly gravitated towards each other, their eyes connected each step of the way.

"Hi" Quinn whispered as the two of them were stood together.

"Hi. You look beautiful" Santana commented as she took a good look of the girl next to her.

"Thank you" Quinn blushed slightly, "So do you"

Their arms slid around the other waist as they took the photos. It didn't last long until Santana retracted her arm.

"Well I should get back. I'll see you in there?"


Santana gave Quinn one last smile before turning around and walking away from the blonde.


It was finally time for the Best Director award and Quinn was very nervous for this one because she wanted so badly for Santana to win it.

"And the award for Best Director goes to… Santana Lopez for Last Woman Standing"

Applause filled the room, with Quinn joining in enthusiastically. She was so incredibly happy that Santana had won because she knew better than anybody how much Santana deserved it.

However, when Quinn saw Santana hug those closest to her before going up on stage and accepting her award she felt a little sad. She wished that she was one of those people next to Santana. She knew in that moment that today was the day that she would tell Santana. She would drag her to the side at some point in the night and tell her that she was ready to give them a real shot.

A little while later it was time for the Best Actress award. Quinn couldn't lie, she was very nervous to hear the results, especially since this was her first time nominated for an Academy Award.

"And the Academy Award for Best Actress goes to… Quinn Fabray in Last Woman Standing"

A huge applause and cheers erupted in the room. Quinn couldn't believe it, she had actually convinced herself that she wasn't going to win.

She started to walk towards the stage after hugging those next to her, however on her way up to the stage a hand caught her own causing her to stop. She lifted her head to see who had stopped her and saw that it was the woman who she loved most dearly.

"Congratulations Q, you deserve it" Santana smiled at her before letting her hand go. Quinn stared at her for a second longer and then proceeded to walk up to the stage to accept her award.

"Wow, I honestly cannot believe I am standing here holding this award right now. First of all to all the cast and crew of Last Woman Standing, you are all so amazing and I would not have this if it wasn't for you, this belongs to all of you as well. To my family and friends who have supported me nonstop throughout my career I cannot thank you enough."

Quinn took a deep breath before saying her next words.

"And most of all, I would like to thank Santana Lopez. You believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself, your words of encouragement inspire me and… I was actually going to wait till we were in private later on to do this but I know you've waited long enough. I love you Santana, I am so in love with you. I don't know what I am, or how to describe myself but I've discovered that labels aren't for me, but what I do know is that I no longer am going to let the fear of what other people think stop me from living my life the way I want to live it, and the way I want to live it is with you. I am so proud to call you the love of my life San and I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you. Thank you everybody"

Cheers and applause were louder than ever now and Quinn honestly couldn't believe it. Quinn walked backstage after she had finished her speech. She couldn't believe how good it felt to say those words and get them out there and she definitely couldn't believe the amount of support she was getting right now.

"That was some speech" Quinn turned around upon hearing that familiar voice.


"I can't believe you said that in front of all those people"

"I couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't make you wait any longer. I love you Santana, will you still have me?"

Santana grinned at the blonde in front of her and lifted her hand and placed it on Quinn's cheek, "It's about time Fabray. You're lucky I love you so damn much"

Quinn matched Santana's grin, "Is that a yes?"

"That's a yes baby"

Both of them rushed forward and connected their lips in a passionate kiss. Neither of them caring that a camera had caught their whole exchange and was most likely broadcasting it on live television all around the world.

All they cared about was that they could finally live the life they wanted together and that they had nothing holding them back now.

"I love you so much Q"

"I love you too San" Quinn mumbled back into Santana's lips.

"Yeah, there is no way we're heading to that after party tonight" Santana cheekily said as they separated from each other.

"Oh no?" Quinn grinned back.

"No, we've got a lot of catching up to do" Santana winked before leaning back in to connect her lips to the woman who captured her heart.