Even Lord Vader never failed to be impressed by the greatest trove of knowledge the Empire had to offer. If the answers he sought existed, he would find them here. Of that, he was certain. His breathing echoed off the walls of the empty room as he sat down with his holopad and saw the familiar, brightly colored logo appear on his screen. Google knew all. Obi-Wan Kenobi could not elude him for long.

The Emperor would not approve of this new interest in his former master. The man had gone into hiding; the Sith had won. Fifteen years had passed since the galaxy had last heard of the Jedi, and he doubted Kenobi would ever surface again. Obi-Wan Kenobi was of no importance to the new government, and Vader's valuable time should not be wasted attempting to locate him.

Palpatine would never have to know. He would delete his browser history when he was done.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Did you mean 'Ben Kenobi'?

Vader growled. "No, I didn't. If I wanted to know about this Ben Kenobi, I would have searched for him." He thought for a moment before entering his next set of search terms.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi

Several pages worth of information on Obi-Wan's time in the Jedi Order appeared, and Vader made special note of the sources. The Emperor would not be pleased at how poorly his ban on information regarding the Jedi was being enforced. The fools would pay later, but his curiosity could not wait. On the fourth page of results, he decided he had seen more than enough. Of course he had. He could construct his old master's entire life story from what he had read, but he had seen nothing to suggest Obi-Wan was still loose somewhere out there. Nevertheless, he found himself typing again.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Skywalker

What little had been left of Anakin Skywalker had been burned away in that volcano on Mustafar. Nothing he read could hurt him now.

That was quickly proved false. He foolishly opened the first link to find something he believed had been written by a teenage girl who, he hoped, had no understanding of just how inappropriate such a relationship between master and apprentice would be. Vader shuddered and clicked on the next page. This piece, at least, was somewhat tamer. Still, he decided it would be wise not to venture any further into that corner of the HoloNet. He would have to be more specific.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Lives Skywalker

Did you mean 'Ben Kenobi lives near Luke Skywalker'?

Vader reached out with his mind and pressed his hand into a fist out of habit. If Google were an individual, his aides would be removing its corpse right now. Unfortunately, the almost cheery logo seemed to taunt him. "You have won this round," he admitted as he pressed the button. Perhaps it would lead him to something useful. Even Obi-Wan had to have made some mistakes in fifteen years of hiding.

The Dark Lord found nothing but two Tatooine addresses and pictures of a weathered old man and a blond teenage boy. Google had failed him for the last time. Gloved fingers entered the address of a new site. Next to the clean, white letters that spelled 'bing,' he entered a new set of search terms.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Lives

No results found

Vader leaned back in his seat, content in his triumph. Obi-Wan Kenobi was dead. The greatest trove of information in the galaxy could not be wrong.

A/N: Happy birthday to my wonderful friend earinabox! Shockingly, I do not own Star Wars, Bing, or Google. Incredible, I know.