Disclaimer - I own nothing you recognise.

Written for the BS Card Game.

Word Count - 277


Suspicion is a natural reaction when someone is acting secretive. When your three best friends are those involved in the secrecy, you cannot stop the suspicion from morphing into something more. Something like worry, fear that they no longer want to be your friend.

Suspicion changes even the most innocent of moments into something bigger, something worse that it should be. Your friends find out about your... Affliction, and suddenly... They aren't there anymore. They're being secretive. It only fuels your suspicion that they are disgusted by you. You are being pushed out of the group that has become the best thing in your life and it leaves you feeling... Abandoned.

Suspicion is your worst enemy, because it leaves you feeling miserable. Alone. Your friends are suddenly more interested in spending time in the library, something that once would have made you happy but now only leaves you feeling suspicious of their reasons. Instead of taking advantage of your love of reading to ask you about whatever it is they are doing, you often catch them with obscure books that they'd usually not even know exist.

Your suspicion that you're friends are going to abandon you is unfounded. Instead, they've been working hard, harder than they ever have before, to do something that will help you. They've put in the effort to make your transformations more than just a painful happening that you cannot control. They've gone above and beyond the call of friendship to make you feel... Loved.

You swear to yourself that you will never allow suspicion to taint your view of your friends again.