A/N: I usually put these at the end but I guess since my two year hiatus I should throw this at the beginning. Sorry for not writing anything in so long. But I'm determined to finish this story. This is gonna be pretty short and probs not that high quality but I'm getting warmed up again and reacquainted with the story. Thanks for reading

"The tea here is always some real shit."

Aoi was sitting outside with a blonde haired shinigami. They were at small tea house. It was a hole in the wall place they only knew about called The Red Leaf. It was small and cramped and run by a withered old man that looked like the gravity itself was crushing him into a diamond. It was empty except for two women sitting at a table in the corner of the shop by a window.

"Yea, we really gotta find a new place to meet up." Hiyori Sarugaki agreed while munching on some cookies. "Why do we even meet up here in the first place?"

"Because none of the dickheads we know, know about this place." said Aoi, she took a small sip of tea and grimaced. It had been about two weeks since she had found out she was leaving. "So, how are the goings on of the legendary Gotei 13 and the lovely vice-captain Hiyori Sarugaki of the 12th Division?"

Hiyori smirked as she said, "Fear not innocent civilian, I am your sole and silent protector of Sereitei and have seen no thus harm come to thee or any shinigami in my presence."

They both snorted. "Silent protector? Not so sure about that one. No but honestly, how have things been? You know me, I like to be nosey," Aoi said as she leaned forward. Hiyori just grimaced.

"Nothing new really. Kisuke is still up to his stupid experiments. Shinji is still a dumbass. All's right and well with the world." Hiyori bit off another bit of cookie and said mouth full, "But enuff of Gotei bullfit, whahs up wif you?" She swallowed. "You finally ready to talk about what's got you acting all depressed and shit?"

"Depressed and shit." Aoi smirked. "You've always been so great a consoling a friend. I'm sure you've heard already anyways. All the Captains of the Gotei are like old women and gossip like they don't have Soul Society to protect."

Hiyori grinned. "Yea, I may have heard a rumor or two. Some sorta mission am I right? Sounds like a fucking pain in the ass." She took a swig of tea and coughed.

"You're telling me. And I get ample time to prepare too. I leave in a week so that's fan-fucking-tastic." Aoi sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"Whoa there Ojou-sama, watch your mouth there. That's not how a lady speaks." Hiyori grinned, snaggletooth glinting in the light.

Aoi's face became resigned and she sighed again. She looked around, still brooding about her future prospects. She had stopped her pity party attitude back on the night she had found out she was going to be leaving. It was like she had told herself, she makes her own fate. And even if she was to leave tomorrow, she would just accept it and leave with her head held high. Her grandfather told her what she must do and she knew she would do it. No one in her family had succeeded at the mission thus far. If anything, she would be the first one to complete it out of pure spite. So she could shove her achievement in her grandfather's face.

"It doesn't matter how I speak anymore, I'll be going to the human world. I hear their speak is very non-formal." Aoi frowned and stared down at her cup. Hiyori looked up, alarmed.

"Going to the human world? For what? What could those disgusting people offer you?" Hiyori's stare bore holes into Aoi's eyes but she just looked away. Hiyori made a face and reached for another cookie.

"I can't say. I've sworn not to tell anyone. Not unless I succeed."

Hiyori looked incredulous. She looked like she was about to say something but thought better of it. She looked out the window, started and jumped up.

"Dammit, I'm late. Kisuke is going to shit a brick like usual. Well, whatever bullshit it is, good luck with it. Trip lil' Byakuya for me. Sorry this was cut short, tell me more later. See you later Aoi." She picked up her zanpakuto from beside her chair, slung it around her back and ran out of the little tea shop.

"That sneaky bitch," muttered Aoi, as she threw money onto the table, "She didn't pay, again." Aoi took one last swig of her already cold tea, got up and walked out of the shop. As she stepped out of the shop's door she was bathed in the evening sun. She blinked in the light and looked around. The shop was at the end of an alleyway and the way towards the street was empty. She turned and started walking home. As she turned onto the deserted main road she started brooding again.

She hadn't seen a certain someone since their episode out in Rukongai. He hadn't visited her at all and when she went over to the Kuchiki manor he was apparently out. She frowned at the ground as she kicked a rock in front of her. Anger welled up within her. He was such a child. A selfish child. If there was one thing that could've made this last month in Sereitei better, it would be living out the good old days with her partner in crime. She stopped walking suddenly and turned. There now was only a couple people walking by. Done with the day's work and trying to make it home before it was dark. Then, without warning, she took off towards Soukyoku Hill. The flew past people as they shouted in surprise, they dropped whatever may have been their hands as Aoi flashed by. Before long, the line of trees were in sight and she was racing through them. Hair and clothes getting caught on everything. She kept feeling herself get cut as the branches whipped across her body.

She stood, panting, in front of the tree. Her red hair was flecked green with pine needles and her clothes were ripped all over. Her face, arms, and legs were covered in little cuts that had started to bleed. She didn't seem to notice as she got down on her hands and knees and crawled through the little hole. Had it always been that small? She straighten up and looked around. The inner part of the hideout was the same as how she and Byakuya had left it a weeks ago.

She heard a slight rustle and tensed. She backed into a corner, wary, and looked around. She heard a rustle again, from above her and looked up. There was someone sitting up in the highest branches of the tree. She slowly began to climb to where the person was sitting, watching the horizon. As she got to where he was, she finally sat herself down next to Byakuya.

They both sat there in silence, looking out over the blood red sunset. The cicadas sang out a lament as the shadows grew long until the sun slipped beneath the trees. They continued to sit there without a word and the half-moon began to climb.

"Where have you been Byakuya." She said it in a flat tone and still stared forward. This was greeted with more silence.

"Are you fucking deaf? Where have you been?" Aoi repeated, looking at him, her temper starting to rise.

"It looks like the plum blossoms will fall early. Will your father hold a party for you again this year?"

Aoi stared at him. "Have you finally become unhinged? Or are you finally showing how stupid you are." Byakuya whipped his head around and stared at her, face blank, unreadable.

"What? What is it? In this dimension, we use words when we wish to communicate." Byakuya's face twitched.

"I've been busy."

"With what?"

"Just busy."



He stared off again and didn't say anything, swinging his legs absentmindedly. Aoi just looked at him and sighed. She knew he wasn't one to divulge his "feelings" because he was tough old Byakuya but she wished he would just look at her. She too stared out over the trees. An owl hooted in the distance.

"I guess I'm just gonna miss you." Aoi whipped around, staring. He was squinting at the ground not looking around. Well, there's a first time for everything.