Garcia Hotel

Pulling up into the large car park, Kuroko sat in his grey Toyota Yaris taking in a breath. This was his first day at his new job; Housekeeping. His shift was due to start in five minutes and he was still in the car. He had dressed in their appropriate uniform; black trousers and shoes, a white tunic with the white fading into gold at the bottom, it had a side collar that was button up with gold buttons and the sleeves came half way down his arms. It was a comfy fit and it showed of his body well.

His mind flashed back to when he applied and got an interview with the manager of housekeeping. The interview went incredibly well and all questions were answered, giving Kuroko the information he needed. Due to him being twenty one his hourly pay was seven pound an hour so it was good pay for him. This was because he had just moved into his own apartment that's half an hour away from the hotel so it was easy travel, plus he had not long passed his driving test so he had a car to support as well as his own home. If he worked five days a week he would earn at least eight hundred and forty pounds a month, god knows how much he would earn at the end of the year. So this job would help accommodate his life. The only thing that he was thinking of is the staff. Whether they were kind or not.

Kuroko shook his head and exit the car. Locking it he walked around the through the back door for staff use. He walked up the grey carpet stairs and up to a small machine on his left. He clicked the button for signing in and the placed his first finger on the scanner. Once it read his prints Kuroko walked over to the door behind him. He ended up in a corridor. Walking up were rooms with dark brown doors and sliver handles. The carpet was neon blue and the walls were pure white. After walking up a middle length corridor, the corridor continued up and also to the right with more rooms, he turned right and found the stairs. He walked down them and found reception. The floor was black glitter marble, all tiled. To his left was a posh restaurant with white sofa chairs, sliver or glass tables, and the bar was curved and life up with blue lights and filled with multiple drinks. To his left was a reception desk that was the same as the bar. Sadly, there was no one at the desk, however, to the side of the desk were two sets of stairs. One leading down to another corridor and another leading up. Walking over Kuroko had noticed the two corridors had the same carpet as the previous corridor both had toilets location at the beginning of the corridors.

Kuroko walked up the stairs leading up and walking having a deja'vu feeling. Again he turned right at the middle of the corridor, more rooms were further up, there was a sliver lift for both floors and beside the lift were stairs leading down to the ground floor. Next was the linen trolley which had been brought down by the staff. A large grey on filled with sheets and towels, next to it was a grey dirty linen trolley and beside that was a white reject trolley. Kuroko walked passed them and up the stairs that led him to the loft. He reached a white door that had been left open a jar. He entered and then turned to his left for the dark brown door which is where his work place was. Sadly this door was shut locked and can only be opened by a key card. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When no one came, Kuroko was about to knock on the door again when a voice from behind halted his movements.

"Want to get in?"

Kuroko looked over his shoulder to see a taller male dressed in the same uniform and silver name badge standing behind him. His hair was green and his wore glasses. Kuroko slightly nodded and the male pulled out a sliver key card from his trouser pocket and placed it in front of the black square. It flashed blue and the door clicked. He then opened the door and allowed Kuroko in.

"First day?" he asked as he followed Kuroko in.

"Yes." Kuroko replied.

To the left of Kuroko were racks of teas, coffee's, milks, bathroom requirements, bin bags, cards and menus for the rooms. Big heavy cages empty and filled with dirty linen. Also on the racks closer to another door in front of them was filled with staff trays they needed for work and also the clothes and rags used. Further up and to the right were racks filled with linen and towels, next to the wall was a table with white stalls as if it was a break area. Kuroko walked with the green head to the blue lockers and coat racks just beside the linen rack of hand towels and bath mats.

"Here, you can borrow Akashi's locker today." The taller male said handing Kuroko the key.

"Oh but, won't he be in today?" Kuroko asked as he gently took the key.

"No, it's his day off today. He gave me the key yesterday saying that you can use it since you don't have a locker yet. Don't worry, you'll be sorted out soon." The green head said as he opened his locker and placed his bag in and then locked it.

"I thought other people would be in." Kuroko said as he looked for the locker number for the key.

"It's nine o'clock. The other's don't start till ten." He said.

Kuroko had finally located the number and placed his stuff in. When he locked it he noticed the other males hand held out.

"Midorima Shintaro." Midorima introduced.

"Kuroko Testuya." Kuroko shook his hand.

"Let's get you started." Midorima said and lead Kuroko through the door which lead into a small office.

Inside was a washing and drying machine, notice boards on the wall, a boiler. Walking passed the boiler was their boss, sitting at a computer. Paperwork dotted around, files stacked, a phone, and a safe on the wall, and behind him was a cabinet filled with spare tools and chemicals. On the boss's left was a filing cabinet and a few chairs, possible from rooms that no longer needed them. The two walked over to the black haired male typing at his desk, he seemed to be writing an email requesting. He was dressed in a white shirt rolled up to his elbows, a black waist coat, black trousers and shoes. On the back of his chair was his black blazer with his silver name badge.

"Morning." Midorima said as they drew closer.

"Hello." The black haired male turned in his chair and smiled. "And a new staff." He said happily.

"Good morning, Nijimura." Kuroko slightly smiled back.

"Nerves kicking in already." The boss joked. "Ok, I have the day all planned out for you. We're gonna train, work your body into this role." Nijimura said as he rolled his shoulders as if gesturing the muscle strength Kuroko should have by the end of the day. "Now, there will be some forms for you to fill out, you know, skipping the whole boring talk of induction when you can just fill out the information required. So we'll sit down and fill that out together. But the idea of today is just to get you involved in the team and to understand your job in better way. I know that sounds like a bit of a tiring thing, but, with the others help I'm sure you'll get the hang off it." Nijimura winked to him. He then turned to his desk and picked up a sheet that had about seven rooms on it and the notes for the room, he then turned and handed it to Midorima. "There you go." Midorima scanned the list for anything he needed checking before he worked.

"Umm, Nijimura….I don't have access to the rooms yet." Kuroko said with a deep panned voice.

"Oh yes." Nijimura then turned back round and picked up a sliver key card and then handed it to him. "You can borrow Akashi's today."

"I seem to be using a lot of Akashi's stuff today." Kuroko said as he took the card, looking at it, it his name imprinted on it in the bottom left hand corner. "Akashi Seijuro." Kuroko tested the name.

"Yep, he knew you were starting today so he said you could use his key card and locker."

"How will he get in tomorrow?"

"He took home the spare key card. Should you need to use it, there's a signing in and out sheet for it. But, thank you for reminding me, your key card will be cut for you and you should have it by the end of the shift. Ah, I also have your name badge." He said and reached over to his draws under neither his desk and pulled out a silver name badge with his name on. He handed it over to the teal head who had then place it on his uniform.

"Rotas' are done weekly and holidays must be given two months in advance." Kuroko nodded. "Now, I was going to have Akashi train you but then I looked at the rota and realized that he wasn't in, so….I'm going to have Aomine Daiki train you. He'll be in soon so you can shadow him for today and then tomorrow I will stick you with Akashi. Alright?" Nijimura smiled. "Oh Midorima, yesterday's bride is a late checkout. You'll be looking at one o'clock to get in."

"I hate it when people do that." Midorima cursed.

"204 and 203 have departed so you can get straight in there."

"Ok, that knocks down the number count."

"Yeah, also a ten fifteen meeting today. I just want to the others to get to know Kuroko and build a bond."

"Fine." Midorima said before he left the office to sort out his trays and then head down to the room.

"He just doesn't like numbers." Nijimura joked. "Also, Akashi took the time yesterday to sort a couple of trays for you."

"I haven't met him yet and he already sounds like an angel." Kuroko said.

"Oh yes, he's a handy man when he's not working on his rooms. He tends to do the odd jobs like; reject counting, clean linen count, tidying and stocking the cupboards sometimes and room checking. I'm just surprised that he comes in the next day and does the same thing. It amazes me."

"Really, what hours does he do?" Kuroko asked.

"He can range from nine to ten hours. Six till five or seven till five, he will do a lot of work to fill in those hours and he does that daily."

Kuroko was just in shock. Someone doing those hours and the work load that one person does, it truly was amazing.

"But, then again, he is does have a few problems. That's why he works those hours."

"Seriously, why?" Kuroko asked but Nijimura shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't go into detail about his life without his consent."

"No, it's fine." Kuroko smiled.

Ten o'clock rolled by and a few heads walking in through the door. Purple, blonde and navy blue. They all placed their stuff in their lockers and headed to get their sheets. Kuroko and Nijimura had already left to look around and to show him where the rooms were.

"Goddammit." Aomine said. "Seven rooms and that includes Italy. Man, I hate that room."

"Just be glad you don't have Romania as well." Kise smirked.

"Don't start." Aomine warned.

"Uh, Nijimura gave me the outside rooms. No fair." Murasakibara whined.

"Midorimacchi must have Romania." Kise said as he looked at the other two.

Nijimura then walked in and smiled. "Hello, meeting being held at the small table today." He said and watched then walk over to table and take a seat. Midorima came in and took a seat next to Kuroko and huffed.

"Bad?" Aomine said with a raised brow.

"Shut up." Was all Midorima had said.

Kuroko chuckled quietly to himself as Nijimura took a seat and looked at him team.

"Ok, just a couple of things I want to touch up on really, but first of all…." He then placed his hands on Kuroko's shoulders and shook him slightly. "We have a new recruit. Kuroko Testuya. He will be working with us today so, Aomine, I will be putting him with you today."

"Sure, that's fine." Aomine waved and Nijimura released Kuroko.

"Now down to business. Tea trays." He looked each and every one of them in the eye. "I have noticed that we have slacked in that area slightly, so if we can pick it up. Clean the trays thoroughly to get rid of any milk marks or stuck packets from the teas. So if we can keep in top of that that be great. Also, the pillows on the sofas and chairs. If there are any marks, stains, you name it, strip it and bring it up to be washed. That way we can keep them fresh and clean. We do have spares up here in the boxes at the back should you need to change them. Quite a few sofa beds are going up tonight, camp beds as well, just make that they are stable otherwise we'll be dealing with numerous complaints."

"But the camp beds need updating really." Kise said as he rubbed the back of his head. "They don't look safe anymore. I was setting one up the other day and Aominecchi walked in and said 'Don't fall through again' and blow and behold that's what happened."

"Looked like a duck underwater." Aomine chuckled to himself. Nijimura chuckled.

"Oh dear, we'll I have asked our GM for the camp beds to be of better quality but it's just getting the approval. We'll have them sorted out." He then turned to Kuroko and smiled. "This is the work style we have amongst us. You'll fit in just fine."

"Any word on Haizaki?" Aomine asked.

"Well, he should be in today but if he isn't in by eleven then I'll call him. I don't want to have to bring Akashi in on his day off. It's not fair for him. But it's not a big loss if Haizaki doesn't show I only give him the minimum rooms, they can easily be held or Akashi can pick them up tomorrow morning."

"But that's not fair on Akashicchi. He shouldn't have to come in bright and early to pick up where Haizaki couldn't be bothered." Kise said.

"I know but it does keep our room status up to date. Akashi hasn't complained about so I just let it go until he does." Nijimura said.

"But still, that's giving him more work that he should have. He'll drop dead in this place if it keeps up." Aomine said. "Why not bring him in here with you, Nijimura?"

"That's a good idea. Anyway we're getting off track. I'll deal with Haizaki, you guys just focus on your work load. I'll talk to him later about his." He sighed. "Is there anything else that you guys want to bring up before scatter?"

Neither said a word so Nijimura took as the ok to end the meeting. Kuroko stood and immediately and arm landed on his shoulders.

"Come on kid, you're with me today." Aomine smiled and directed him towards the trays. Aomine picked his out and Kuroko easily found his due to a note on it saying it was his. One was full of teas and coffees, shower gels, shampoos and conditioners, shower caps and soaps. The other was full of clothes and his four bottles of; glass cleaner, sink and wood cleaner, toilet cleaner and air freshener. He then followed Aomine down to the first room. Aomine was based on the Monthly Floor. Mainly because the rooms were named after the four seasons and twelve months. Aomine had opened up the room known as Spain. He knew they had checked out because the light by the side of the door was blue.

Inside the room was big, blue carpet floor, white walls, a silver desk on the left side of the room with a black leather office chair, and a black wardrobe beside it, the bed was further in and beside the double windows. The bed was a soft king size bed with crisp white covers, a TV built into the wall opposite, black night stand on either side of the bed, to the right was the bathroom. Black glitter marble floor, shiny white bath with silver shower heads above and a clear glass panel. The sink was located on the right side of the bathroom with the toilet. This was how it should look when cleaned but because it was used the night before it needed a good clean.

Aomine placed his trays by the door to keep it open. He then turned to Kuroko and smiled. "Ok, first things first. The bed is always the top priority. Make it first before you clean otherwise you create more work if you leave it till last." he explained and Kuroko nodded. "The linen is kept in the cupboard further up. I'll show you where things are and the correct linen for the job." He then walked Kuroko down the corridor, passing the France room right to two double black doors. He opened them with his key card for Kuroko to have a look.

"We have written down which linen goes on which bed." He pointed to a small piece of paper sellotaped to the right door of the rooms and the types of linen used.

In the first cupboard was King Covers and Sheets on the top shelf, Singles and Double Covers and Sheets on the second and on the floor were bin bags, waters, small chocolates for the rooms and reject bags. In the second was a similar layout; Oxford Pillow and Standard Pillow Cases on each shelf, Bath Mats, Hand Towels and Face Cloth's on the top shelf. Super Kings Covers and Sheets on the second and on the floor were stacked Bath Towels and neatly folded dressing gowns with slippers.

"So, why don't you pick out the linen we need for the bed." Aomine gestured.

Kuroko read the information correctly and took out the linen needed. Aomine nodded before taking him back to the room. He proceeded to strip the bed and place the dirty linen in the corner.

"Ok, I'm going to show you have to make the bed, not that it's too difficult." He said and then showed Kuroko the correct way of making the bed and how it was important that the pillowed were plumped and the covered tucked in tightly and neatly before adding a neon blue throw and plumped cushions in front of the pillows. Now that the bed was done, Aomine showed Kuroko the chemicals and where he should use them. He then showed Kuroko how to fold the towels and then the hover which was in the cupboard between November and Romania. This was known as the November cupboard. Aomine allowed Kuroko to full vac the room before straying it with cranberry air freshener and leaving.

He continued to train Kuroko and even allowed Kuroko to make a room on his own to see if he had learnt anything. Aomine was impressed for the boys first attempt he could do with a lot of work and to manage his time more. The rooms usually take thirty to forty minutes each depending on the status of the room, but, Kuroko took nearly an hour. He was new but Aomine was sure that Kuroko will pick it up the more he's here.

When it came towards the end of shift, Kuroko had felt like he had done a load of work already but he had barley done a room on his own. The rooms were tough and varied in size, that through him off slightly but he managed. He had followed Aomine back up to the loft where he placed his trays neatly on the floor before turning to look at Kuroko's blank face.

"Ok, we're done for now. I was going to ask you to see if the others are finished with the trolleys. Is that ok?"

"Sure, I only have to bring them up."

"Cool, asked the first before you bring them. Start with the one hundreds first because is further from the loft. I'm gonna sort out my trays for tomorrow's shift. You can do that when you're done."

Kuroko nodded and left the loft. He took the lift down to the hundred's floor and looked down 109 to 129, he found Midorima finishing off a room. He knocked n the door to gain his attention.

"Hi, are you finished with the trolleys?" Kuroko asked.

"Yeah, there's no one else on this floor." Midorima answered.

"Ok." Kuroko nodded and began to take up the trolleys.

He then found Kise and Murasakibara and asked them but they were finished and Kise insisted in helping him take them up. The two proudly did that and then stocked them for the next day. Kuroko then turned his attention to trays and fixed them for tomorrow.

"Man that was brutal. Home time." Kise said as he stretched and yawned.

"You're tired? I was outside!" Murasakibara whined.

"Yeah but, you had a few rooms in the two hundreds."

"I still had to walk!"

"You're such a cry baby Murasakibara." Amine interjected. "No matter where you are in the hotel we can still hear you, idiot."

"Huh? I don't like this job." He then sat on a cushioned seat and slouched with tiredness.

"Why do you turn up for work then?" Midorima asked as he finished his trays and placed them on the rack. "Just do a Haizaki and not bother coming in."

"Don't compare me to Zak-chin." Murasakibara warned him.

"You sure act like him." Aomine crossed his arms.

"Oh shut up!"

"Hello everyone." Nijimura said as he walked into the loft. His eyes spotted Kuroko and a smile crawled on his face. "So, how was your first day?"

"It was fine. Aomine showed me the ropes and I think I get the idea of it. My timing and pace could be improved but it was ok, overall." Kuroko answered.

"Good, I like to hear that. Tomorrow, I'm sure he'll go into depths with you more and possibly give you a couple of rooms to do be yourself. I can see you raring to go."

"Oh yes. I think tomorrow will help me improve."

"It will."

"Did you hear off of Haizaki?" Aomine asked with a raised brow.

"Yes." Nijimura sighed. "His car had gone in for service and failed to notify me."

"Shit excuse." Aomine responded.

"Of course, however, he will be in tomorrow. Five till four."

"He better be." Aomine then walked over to his locker and opened it. "Right, I'm off." He collected his things and handed in the marked off paper with his room on to Nijimura. The others proceeded with the same process. Nijimura said his goodbyes and watched them exit the loft together. It was casual talk about the day as they walked over with rubbish bags, they had collected from the floors, and signed out. Dumping the bags in the outside bins they all walked over to the car park. Kuroko however was curious over two things. 1) Aomine had his arm around Kise's shoulders as if it was a loving gesture and 2) what everyone drove. He liked to know what cars they had so he could tell who was in. as he walked over to his car and saying goodbyes, he got in and watched everyone approve theirs. The first car to drive out was Aomine, he had a black Reno Clio 2009 series. Following was Kise in a white Fiat Panda. Midorima travelled through with a grey Rover 25. The final person to leave was Murasakibara, now his case was a little different. Because he was huge he had to have a huge car. A silver Seat Alhambra. Enough said.

Kuroko shook his head and then started his engine. He happily drove away from the hotel feeling proud of his work.

I know that I keep uploading more stories but I just have loads of Ideas. I will get round to updating soon.

Please review :D