Hey guys thank you for the reviews, it was really appreciated! I was going to finish this chapter tomorrow but I completed it early.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Also Happy Birthday to Jonathan Groff!

Jesse gently opened the door and let Rachel walk in with him just behind. They made their way to the lounge where they presumed most of their friends were. "Hey guys" she said quietly as she walked in with Jesse's hand supporting her round her waist while she was leaning against his side. It was only Kurt, Blaine, Kitty and Artie who were in the lounge; Jesse could see that most of the others were in the kitchen chatting or refilling drinks. He was glad there wasn't a big crowd, so they wouldn't overwhelm her at first, he could see she was extremely tired already. Kurt jumped from his seat on the sofa and gave Rachel a big smile as he came to give her a really big hug. " I said you were going to win, I'm so proud of you!" He whispered in her ear. Her eyed began brimming with tears "Thank you" she choked out smiling. "You aren't supposed to make her cry Kurt" Blaine said coming over. "well done girl" he said hugging her when Kurt had finally let go. Jesse guided her to the sofa to sit down, which alerted more people that they were home, they all came to give Rachel their congratulations.

Within forty five minutes the apartment had significantly cleared out with only Rachel, Jesse, Kurt and Blaine left. "So both of you are even with a Tony each now so what are both of your plans to do next" Kurt asked "Well first of all I'm going to deliver this baby" Rachel chuckled. Jesse rolled his eyes at this "Really" Jesse replied sarcastically. Rachel rolled her eyes at this. "After that I'm just going to take about 2-3 months off work to rest and maybe audition for some new things because Sing will have finished its run by then." she said. All eyes then looked to Jesse, "As Rachel said Sing will finish in about 8 weeks and after that I'm not sure yet but I think that I want to go back onto the stage for a while" he replied. "what about you two, have you finalised your plans for when the baby gets here?" Rachel asks. "I'm going to stay at home with him or her for a year, possibly longer depending on whether we can afford too" Kurt said. "And I've taken a job as an assistant vocal coach at NYU, only temporary for maternity cover but it will be for a year maybe a little more. I start that in the fall when the term starts again." Blaine admitted. "Congratulations" Jesse and Rachel both said at the same time. "You know that really freaks me out when you do that" Kurt said smiling which they all chuckled to. Rachel then let a big yawn. Kurt looked over to the clock, "I can't believe its almost midnight, we're sorry for keeping you up so late, you must be exhausted" Kurt said hurriedly. "Its fine" Rachel said tiring not to yawn. Both Blaine and Kurt walked up to her and gave her a hug and kiss, "we'll call you tomorrow, get some rest all three of you" Blaine said looking at Jesse as well, the older man looked like he too could fall asleep any moment. "We will, I'll show you out" Jesse said rising from the sofa. As the three men walked out to the front door, Rachel stood up slowly and made her way to the kitchen with all of their mugs and put them in the sink. "I was going to do that" she heard her husband say from the doorway. "You can do them in the morning if you are really that desperate, but for now we are going to bed" she replied. " I love it when you get bossy" he smirked.

As Jesse got changed for bed he could hear Rachel in the bathroom groaning. "Rach what's the matter"Jesse said opening the door tying not to sound panicked; was she hurt, the baby? What he saw made him upset. Rachel was trying to unzip her dress but couldn't quite reach and was red faced from trying and her eyes were brimming with tears. "Go away" she mumbled, obviously embarrassed. In silence Jesse lead her from their bathroom back to the bedroom. He unzipped her dress, helped her step out of it, unhooked her bra and went to his drawer to get one of his t-shirts which was the only thing she liked to sleep in now. As he was putting it over her head he said " Rachel Berry, you are the most beautiful women I have every met. You are so talent, ambitious, funny, brave and loyal." Putting his hand on her large bump he continued "Doing this for Kurt and Blaine is one of the most unselfish things in the world and every time I look at you I think to myself how lucky I am to have gotten a second chance with you, which is rare in this world. I am your husband" he lifts her head with his finger so they are looking eye to eye with each other " I will never laugh at your struggles, I will do everything in my power to help you overcome them" he said bending down to kiss her forehead. She leaned into his touch and wrapped her arms around him. " Love you Jess" she mumbled into his chest. He smiled. "come on lets get to bed" he said. As they got into bed Rachel automatically snuggled into his chest while he draped his arm over her bump and placed his hand on her stomach. He smiled when he looked down and saw Rachel was already asleep, and again reminded himself how truly lucky he was.

Let me know what you think, leave a review!

Next chapter might be a flashback chapter but I'm not sure yet.