Disclaimer: I own none of this. This is just a story I wrote for the enjoyment of others who also love the Power Rangers series, and a good Tommy/Kimberly fic.

Chapter One: Reassignment

Hoisting the black duffle back onto her shoulder Special Agent Kimberly Hart exited the airport, stepping out into the balmy California air. It had been years since she'd set foot in the state. Grabbing a cab, she gave the driver the address to her new apartment. She's spent the past seven years working as a federal agent with the FBI in Miami, Florida. The Pan Globals were a mere memory now, recalling that she'd won first place. The victory had been well earned, but Kim had felt that something had been missing. It wasn't long before she realized that her calling was with law enforcement. It seemed that her years as a Power Ranger had left her with the need to protect and serve.

Almost immediately she enrolled in the nearest police academy, and began training to become an officer. For whatever reason, she'd never made it to the rank as an officer. The upper officials had seen her in action, and recruited her for the FBI. She knew that it was her training as a ranger that had caused it. While they had no knowledge of her past they were impressed with her skills both physically and mentally. No longer the fluffy, frilly that she was remembered as Kim developed into a strong woman. The kindness she'd once shown without hesitation was gone, replaced by a determination to succeed. Thinking back to her ranger days left her with a feeling of overwhelming sadness, and despair. Squashing it before it could rise Kim stared out the window of the cab, watching the city flash by. Reefside, California. It was to be her new home now that she'd been transferred. The branch had been looking for capable agents willing to step up against the fight of evil. Apparently there was a new team of rangers, and they were defending the city. However, the FBI wanted a part in protecting the citizens as well as the local police. Due to the rise in monster attacks around the city, the local government had decided to bring in the best they could find to help deal with the issues. The team would be like a smaller version of the well-known Silver Guardians, who resided in Silver Hills, another city who had been plagued by evil once. This team in Reefside however would consist of random law enforcement agents deemed appropriate for the job, due to their skills and experience. Naturally due to her abilities Kim had been selected as a candidate.

She'd said yes without regret. Feeling that it was her only way to return home without actually returning to Angel Grove. The other rangers had about cut off all contact with her after… Feeling her eyes well with tears she roughly brushed them away. The only one who'd remained in touch with her, and who knew the truth was Trini. It had only been a few years, but Kim still missed her friend dearly. The original Yellow Ranger had been killed in a car crash. Kim had shown up for the funeral, but had remained away from the others. She wasn't even sure if they'd known that she was there, grieving in silence.

"I miss you Trini. I wish you were here." Kim whispered. Reaching into her jeans pocket Kim found herself seeking out the talisman she carried around with her everywhere. The warm metal disk calmed her down slowly, reminding her of where she was and why.

When the cab pulled up in front of her new apartment Kim tossed some bills up front, ignoring his calls for change. After getting the key from the manager she made her way up to apartment 37. Upon stepping into her new apartment she looked around at the bare walls and empty rooms.

"Welcome home." She murmured.

The next morning Kim stood in line with the rest of the agents and officers flown in to take up the position in what was now called the RATF Ranger Assistance Task Force. Kim had fought the urge to roll her eyes when the Commander had announced the name. Why not just call them an emergency response team? That's what they were anyway, except unlike the other law enforcement offers they would go after the monsters directly. It was another reason why Kim had joined up. These people had no Ranger training, so they had no idea what it was like to go up against creatures such as these. Hopefully she could at least help some of them with their fighting skills.

"Now I want everyone out patrolling the city. You need to get used to your surroundings. You can split up or go in pairs. It's your choice. Call for backup if there's a problem. We are here not only for this city, but for each other as well. We are not the Power Rangers, but we will hold off the monsters until they can arrive." Commander Steve O'Donnell informed. Kim fingered the standardized blaster that had been given to her. Where these people had found the technology to make a ranger blaster was beyond her? She highly doubted that the power rangers in this city would share such information, but then again she wasn't privy to such information.

"Please just let me do my best to help this city." Kim prayed silently.

Forty- five minutes later Kim was wandering around the city of Reefside, feeling rejuvenated in the warm air. Dressed in jeans, a pink blouse, sneakers, and a light jacket Kim strolled down the street. The dress code for work was casual due to the fact that they were supposed to blend in with the civilians. Wanting to be with her thoughts and not mindless conversation she had opted to go alone. Tucked into the small of her back was the blaster that O' Donnell had given her. Her ID was in her jacket pocket, and her most prized possession was resting comfortably in her jeans. Keeping her eyes peeled, Kim observed the people of Reefside. They were friendly enough, exchanging greetings. However, she noticed that like all cities there were those who walked with their heads down, ignoring everything else around them. Deliberately Kim walked into a less populated part of the city. Was she looking for trouble? Yes. Was she looking for a monster? Yes. Casually Kim slipped down a narrow alleyway. With hands in her pockets she walked calmly down the alley, her senses on full alert. It had been so long since she'd faced off against a creature, and for some reason she was craving a full on battle.

A strange sound hit her ears, causing her to stop suddenly. Pressing up against the side of one of the buildings she slowly crept towards the sound. Even as she slid silently along the wall, something she hadn't felt in years suddenly geared to life. This wasn't normal. Nearing the entrance she saw a green creature walk by. It was covered in spikes, and looked kind of like a dinosaur. The thing didn't even have a face.

"Ew." Kim muttered. The words fell from her mouth without heed. Years ago she would've said as much, but not now. After all that she had seen and been through it shouldn't have been a problem. Surprised momentarily Kim shook her head as if to clear it before moving closer.

"Gather the fuel cells! Mesagog wants them now!" A garbled, distorted voice ordered. From her position Kim peered around the corner to see the source of the voice. A creature fitted with sharp black armor was ordering a swarm of the green creatures invading a ware house. Who was this guy? And who was Mesagog? What was going on?

"Mesagog's new machine will stop the Rangers dead in their tracks!" another voice added. Stepping out of the ware house was another monster of some sort. This one was a bright yellow, and looked like a hornet. From the sound of its voice Kim determined that it was a he.

"You better have enough power to add to those fuel cells or Mesagog will fry you." The black creature warned.

"And what will you be doing Zeltrax? Fulfilling your long awaited revenge against the black ranger?" the hornet sneered. The black creature known as Zeltrax grabbed the hornet by its antennae, shoving him to the ground.

"I will indeed get the black ranger Electronix, but I will make quick work of you if you continue to mock me." Zeltrax threatened.

"But Mesagog needs me." Electronix whined.

"He can always create another. Either way he'll have enough power for the machine to work." Zeltrax growled. Kim listened intently, needing to know what machine they were talking about. Once she found out she could search for the Rangers, and find a way to get the warning to them before it was too late.

A sudden flash of black light nearly blinded Kim, but she was quick to see that a woman had appeared. She was human as far as Kim could tell. Her sense of style fell in the Goth category. It looked good on her, long black dreadlocks, and a stylish black leather outfit. However, Kim wouldn't be caught dead in it if it were her.

"I see you two are getting nothing done." She sneered.

"Elsa! I have this under control!" Zeltrax snapped.

"Mesagog wants to know what's taking so long. He sent me to see if you were hiding from the Rangers. Is that true? Are you two cowards hiding from the Rangers?" Elsa jeered.

"I am no coward! We are getting the fuel cells as Mesagog ordered! These Tyrannadrones are uselessly slow!" Zeltrax exclaimed.

"You better hope that this plan to freeze the Rangers works." Elsa warned. Freeze? Oh no! The Rangers! But she had no idea where the Rangers were or how to even find them. Heck, she didn't even know what they looked like. Damn it! That wasn't the only problem. The need to protect had always been there, and now it was back stronger than ever. The last time the need had arisen like this was when Rita and Zedd were in control. Dipping her hand into her pocket, Kim held the warm power coin for a moment. When she pulled her hand back out, she was ready to go.

"May the power protect you." Kim whispered. And with that said she stepped out to face the evil. Old habits die hard.