"This was it. Matt had spent the last 45 minuets lugging around his bags trying to find it! Room 26 hall c. His dorm room finally. he heaved a sigh relieved and opened the door. Then froze. There were two people in there. He looked at the door and his paper confused. It was the right number... The white haired guy, who must have been a few years older, laughed, "Don't worry guy! You're in the right place. My friend here was just helping me haul my crap in."

The other man, this one with long blonde hair a lot like Matts own shot the taller man a look of exasperation "Helping you?! I did all the damn work!"
Matt got a good look at his new room mate. Were his eyes red? Huh. An albino. Well at least he wasn't alone in freakish eye colour! His own violet ones peaking over his glasses. "Pfft! yeah yeah whatever Francis! you begged to help because you wanted to come see all the cute new freshmen in hall C!"

Francis smirked at this comment "Ahhh Gilbert can you blame me?" He swept off the bed and walked over to matt putting a hand onto matts shoulder grabbing a bag with the other "And just look! I didn't have to go far to see one! Even your room mate is adorable!"

Matt froze and his face flushed bright red he looked at the floor "Uhm...uh.."

This only caused francis to chuckle. "See what i mean!? Adorable! I shall leave you two alone to get acquainted, but I'm sure" He ducked to look at Matts face "I'll see you again mon cher"

Matts face burnt. The french man stood up straight and turned to Gilbert, throwing Matts duffle bag on the bed he had just been sitting on "Au revoir mon ami!". Matt looked up in time for Gilbert to roll his eyes "Yeah yeah, see ya you dog"

There was an awkward silence. Matt wasn't sure about what to say, he jumped when Gilbert spoke up first "Sorry about that guy. Francis is kind of a tool, but he's harmless. I, on the other hand, am awesome! Name's Gilbert! You can call me Gil, but if you call me Gilly I may drunk your hand in warm water while you sleep" He was smirking.

"I'm m-Mathew." Matt tripped over his own words and cursed himself silently.

"Cool, I'll just call you Matt then." Matt nodded awkwardly. "Hey Matt?"

"Uhm yeah?"

"You gonna stand in the door all day?"

"The red that had previously calmed down a bit flared back. He walked over to his bed and put his stuff down. Sitting on the bed he looked up at Gil with a small, shy smile

" So Matt!" Gil laid back on his bed glancing sideways at him "Whats your major?"

" Matt sighed in relief. Maybe this room mate wouldn't be so bad. Sure, he was a bit loud, but that kind of countered Matts quietness nicely. "English. I want to go into publishing." He unzipped a bag and started rummaging "and you?"

Gil smiled, Francis was right, this kid was cute. Oh this could be fun. "Science. No clue what I'm doing with it yet. My parents finally threatened to cut me off if i didn't go to college, so here I am"

The blonde blushed. Gil looked him up and down. Beat up shoes, a pair of cargo shorts and a way too big red hoodie. He was guessing the kid didn't have much in the way of funds. "So how old are you kid?"

Those strange violet eyes met Gils and he shrugged " Turned 19 a couple months back."

Gil nodded. Three years wasn't that much... He stood up quickly making the smaller blonde jump. Chuckling he said " Well guess the bars out then. Wanna go grab some coffee? Francis family has an awesome cafe not far. They're a bit understaffed at the moment, but they're good"

"Uh.. sure okay" was the reply.

Matt seemed to calm down on the walk. His hands stayed in his pockets as they strolled down the sidewalk. Gil guessed Matt would come just to his chin, so he wasn't short, but not too tall, hard to tell the build under that giant sweater, but Gil was guessing slim by the way it hung on him.. His hair was almost the same as Francis. Slightly shorter and a bit of red, kinda messy too. His eyes were unusually violet , of course that had been noticed right away, Gilberts eyes stood out more, but violet wasn't exactly a normal colour either. Oh yeah, this would be easy.

" Hey Matt, are you looking for a job? Extra cash is always handy in college right? "

Matt looked up at the tall albino. Red eyes, white hair, pale skin... and hot. He blushed at the thought. No! room mates are off limits! But still that blue t-shirt fit in all the right places... Matt cleared his throat "Umm yeah.. yeah i was. "

They walked in the door of the cafe, the bell tinkled and Matt looked up. Oh! It was so nice! Warm and welcoming! The servers wore dress pants, white shirts, and black vests with aprons. A glass case was full of pastry. The smells of coffee filled the place. Gil handed him a plastic sign

" Well today's your lucky day." He walked up to the counter "Hey Mr. Bonnefoy, I have someone your going to want to meet."

Matt was trying to process what Gil had said. He looked down the sign in his hands "Help Wanted".

It had been two months since his dizzying first day on campus. He got hopelessly lost, He had met his over confident, but hilarious, and awesome, room mate Gil, and he got a Job at la cafe de rose . Gil had called the owner over, much like his son Francis had, he had cooed over how adorable Matthew was! He had then insisted the hoody came off so he could get a better look. Matt shrugged it off. Knocking his glasses off in the process. Strangely both Gil and Mr. Bonnefoy went red as he straightened up and put his glasses back on.

" "oh he's perfect!" Mr. bonnefoy had exclaimed... Loudly. Matt blushed and looked down at his tardis shirt. What was perfect? Sure, he had an okay build he guessed, not too scrawny, leanish, He always felt he was a bit awkward looking. They had sat down and had coffee while discussing schedules and uniform.

Matt liked his Job. It had been an awkward first day when Matt was introduce.. Err.. Reintroduced to his trainer.

"Francis face had lit up. "Ahh! See i told you i would see you again! Now i get to see this cute face all the time! Ahh I'm so blessed".

The first few shifts this kind of outburst from Francis had caused Matts face to glow red, but he grew use to it very work and hanging out with Francis and Gil on the weekends it was no longer shocking. He had also picked up on the job quickly. To Francises absolute delight, he was a charming server. The innocent and sweet air about him made him very popular indeed!

It was a quiet evening. Matt stood behind the counter, his face resting on his hand as he stared blankly out the window. Francis was prattling on about some English professor with crazy eyebrows, but Matt wasn't really listening. that's when the bell tinkled. before even focusing his eyes the welcoming smile spread on Matts face. when he really looked blush joined the smile. wow.

Gil was walking to the cafe, he was bored! Since Francis and Matt had the same shifts at work Gil only had Antonio to hang with and he was obsessed with some annoying little loud mouth kid from his business class. That kid was totally unawesome. Oh well, it was usually quiet on Friday evenings there, so he would go, grab coffee and chat while they worked. A smirk spread across his face. He loved watching people work.

Gil strolled in and stopped for a moment. Huh... People... Football players, in La rose? He shrugged and waved at francis as he found a seat. Matt was at the table taking orders. Arg! Why was he so hot in that uniform! Gil tore his eyes away from the well fitting uniform to Matts face. Matt was blushing and laughing nervously. He didn't blush at work. He had some sort of filter for that. professional decorum or some shit... Gil looked at the 3 men at the table. They all looked pretty average to him.

Francis strolled up. "Can i take your order your awesomeness?" He asked sarcastically

"You know what i like Francis, just surprise me" His eyes never left the scene in front of him.

"Matts been all flustered since they walked in. Looks like he's eyeing the blond one. Good choice, he's pretty hot! "

Gil frowned. He didn't like it. Matt was too awesome to be gaga over some stupid football player. He should be gaga for Gil! Gil had been trying to lay down a flirting ground, but Matt was too innocent to pick up basic cues.. Or he was straight. That would suck.

Gil stayed until the end of Matts shift and they walked back to the dorm. He watched as Matt groaned and stretched. "God it feels good to bed out of that vest. i can barely move in it!"

Gil nodded. Matt gave him a sideways glance "You okay Gil? You're really quiet. Kinda freakin me out"

A nervous smile spread on Gils lips "Haha sorry! Deep in all my thoughts ya know! I'm awesome."

Matt shrugged "Okay then" He looked up at the sky as they walked.

" Dammit! so cute! "Are you gay matt?" What the fuck?! What the fuck Gil! Where did that come from! He scolded himself silently as his cheeks burned.

Matt looked at him and cocked him eyebrow " Uhhh... Well.. Why?"

"Shit shit shit. Play it cool "I just saw the way you were eyeing that football player back there. Made me curious" Oh yeah.. smooth.. you were watching him "Totally doesn't bother me just so you know."

Matt blushed bright red "I well.. I wasn't... I mean.. He was just a customer... But uhm.. Yeah I am"

Gil blushed. "Okay that's cool"

Matt got into bed and cursed himself. had he been that obvious?! ugh. He covered his head. he sighed into his pillow. 'Well.'. He thought, 'I guess that means he's straight then right? I kinda figured that.'

Gil totally didn't seem like the guy loving type. He was constantly hitting on random girls, but he thought maybe he was like Francis, hitting on anything with a pulse. But he hadn't seen Gil hit on a single guy now he thought of it. Ah well. There was no point in lingering on a straight guy... Again... he rolled over and closed his eyes. Room mates were off limits anyway. he drifted off to sleep. He had an early class.

Over the next few weeks the hot blonde Matt had dubbed "Bomber jacket guy" had come in more and more frequently. A small part of him hoped it was for him, but no. Bomber jacket guy didn't even know he existed! The food here was amazing, obviously that's what kept him coming back. Matt wasn't about to complain though, he could look even if he wasn't ever gonna get anywhere with that! It gave him a good distraction anyway, Gil had been acting weird since finding out he was gay, it was kind of depressing. He was cleaning the counter and blushing as he got lost in thought.

"Day dreaming about a certain bomber jacket Matthieu? " Francis teased.

"Matt jumped and flushed red. "I-I don't know what you mean..."

"Francis chuckled and walked away with a tray of eclairs to put in the display. Matt put the cloth back under the counter with the cleaning supplies and turned to fill a coffee machine. The bell tinkled and he slowly spun around to the counter smiling. Before realizing it he was face to face with bomber jacket... Matts face went from joy to confusion as the man had hurried directly to him ignoring Francis welcome... He stopped right in front of Matts counter with a determined look in his eyes. The tall blonde reached over the counter grabbing Matts arm. Oh shit! Had he noticed Matt staring at him?! Was he going to get punched?!

He was too shocked to react as the man pulled him forward catching his face in the other hand and kissed him square on the mouth. Matts heart skipped in his chest. Was he dreaming?! He could here Francis wolf whistle. The man pulled back slightly smiling "I've wanted to do that all week. My Names Alfred Jones, Please get dinner with me?".

Matt was too shocked to speak for a second. But he nodded then muttered "o-okay...".