With her teeth, Regan severed the tape from the roll, wrapping Jax's left and final hand.

She placed the nearly bare roll of tape on the wooden table behind her, resting both of her hands on her hips.

"How's that?"

Jax stretched out his arms in front of him, looking over his expertly taped knuckles. He lowered his arms to his side and smiled at her.

"It's perfect. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Jackson, quit flirtin' with the ladies. Let's get on with it, yeah?," Ryan yelled, getting a few laughs from the crowd surrounding him.

"Looks like that's your cue, Teller. Good luck."

"Don't need luck, darlin'. Hey, what do you say we get the hell out of here once I'm finished working O'Neill over?"


"Yeah?", surprised she agreed to his suggestion so quickly.


He bit his bottom lip, stepping closer to Regan. With his right hand propped underneath her chin, he raised her chin for her to look at him. His left arm wrapped around her back, holding her against him in a firm grip, causing Regan to let out an audible gasp. He smiled, bending his upper body slightly, leaning in to kiss her.

McGee grabbed a hold of Jax's shoulder, getting a glare from the both of them.

"Jax, can we talk?"

"I'm kind of in the middle of something here, McGee."

"It won't take long. Promise."

Jax reluctantly let go of Regan, who was shaking her head at her father. She's twenty five years old, not fifteen! He can't dictate who she gets involved with!

McGee brought Jax over to an area of the alley where he couldn't feel Regan's eyes shooting daggers at him.

"What the hell is this about, McGee?"

"It's about Regan."

"What about her?"

"She's not just some croweater or a local whore."

"I know that."

"She's my daughter, son."

Jax's eyes widened. He turned his head, looking in the direction where he left Regan standing.


"Aye. Her ma and I hooked up a while back when I first got together with Mo. I had no idea Regan existed until a few months ago when her ma told me about her."

"Shit. Does the club know? What about Maureen?"

"I told the club. I haven't told Maureen yet. Strugglin' to find the right words. "

"You shouldn't put it off for long. The longer you wait, the worse it will be."

"I know. But promise me, you won't continue to pursue her. She has enough on her plate as is. I don't need you goin' and breakin' her heart."

"That's not my intention, brother. I like her, and I want to get to know her. This isn't just about me getting laid."

"Teller, I'm gettin' old over here!," Ryan grew restless, cracking his knuckles.

"Have you looked in the mirror? You're already fuckin' old, bro," Jax removed his shirt, handing it to McGee, making his way over to O'Neill.

"You ready for an actual Irish beatdown, laddie?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question," Jax took his first swing, hitting Ryan in the jaw, causing him to stumble.

Once Regan spotted McGee alone, she strolled over to him, leaning against the paint chipped wall.

"Why did you do that, McGee?"

"Because you're my daughter, and I'm just looking out for you. "

"I'm twenty five. I'm a big girl now."

"That may be so, but that doesn't mean a parent stops looking out for their kids once they are grown. You'll understand when you have a few kids of your own runnin' around."

Jax walked away from the fight nearly unscathed while Ryan was getting patched up by one of the croweaters inside the clubhouse.

Regan was currently sitting on top of one of the tables, clapping as a sweaty, shirtless Jax approached her. He playfully took a bow, making her laugh.


"Very. You're probably one of the best fighters I've seen."

"You're just saying that to get me in the sack."

"You caught me, though I doubt it takes much to get you in the sack. Here I figured you could use one of these," Regan tossed him a white folded up towel.

"Thanks. You ready to go?", he asked, wiping the sweat from his face.

"Yeah. Go put a shirt on, and I'll meet you out front," Regan finished off the last of her third beer, hopping off of the table.

"That's the first time a chick has ever asked me to put a shirt on."

"There's a first time for everything."

As Regan passed Trinity and her friends, Trinity shot her a dirty look. Regan shrugged it off, giving her a smile in return. She always got the guy. Now, it was her turn.

Jax found her out in the front of Ashby's waiting for him like she promised.

"You have an idea where you wanna go?", Jax asked, fishing for his pack of cigarettes out of his sweatshirt that he had in his hand.

"Yeah, but it's a bit of a drive. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's cool. We'll take my bike."


As Jax took the lead to his borrowed harley, Regan couldn't wipe of the arrogant smile that found her face. She felt like she just hit the lottery just by being around this man. She loved that feeling, and hoped it wasn't going to go away anytime soon.


Jax handed her his black sweatshirt that contained the reaper on the back, along with his helmet.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me. When you're on my bike, your safety comes first."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"It should, but it's not."

Regan pushed her head and arms through the oversized sweatshirt, letting it fall to the middle of her thighs. Using Jax's shoulders for support, she mounted the bike, securing the helmet on her head once she was sitting down. Jax started up the bike, bringing her arms around his waist before he drove off.

She wasn't kidding when she said the place she wanted to go to was a bit of a drive. They were a good hour away from the clubhouse, no doubt getting lost if she wasn't coming back with him. Her directions led the both of them to a treeline that contained a steep hill through the trees.

"We aren't going in there, are we?", he asked as she handed him her helmet.

"You bet your ass we are."

"Is this the part where you kill me? Just tell me now so I at least have a heads up."

"No, murder isn't on my agenda. Just trust me. I promise, I'll keep you safe," Regan took his hand, and they began walking in the woods that was lit up by the full moon over their heads.

There was a few trails within the trees as they continued to walk. Jax began to feel pressure building in his ears as they advanced on the trail that led them straight.

"Can I ask what brings you and your family to Belfast? Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I find it hard to believe it's just some kind of family reunion."

"It kind of is. My.. my son was taken, and brought here. Now, me and my family are looking for him."

"Oh my god, Jax, I'm so sorry. Have you gone to the cops?"

"Cops won't do shit, so we have to."

"Jesus. I can't imagine.."

"You don't want to, believe me."

"Well, if you need my help, just let me know. I'm willing to make the effort to help you find your son."

"You barely know me."

"True, but there's a baby boy out there without his father. I'm willing to help bring him back where he belongs."

"I appreciate that, Regan."

She nodded, taking a sharp left on the trail. She stopped walking as Jax came up next to her.

"Holy shit."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Regan led him to a spot in the woods where they could see over the entire town. The moon looked even bigger than it did before as if you could touch it as it now shined down over her town.

"My mom used to take me hiking up here when I was little. We used to stay until it got dark out just to stand here and stare. It seems like the world isn't so fucked up when I'm up here. There's no such thing as violence, sadness, worries. Just peace."

"I have a place like this back home. Except it's not in the woods or anything."

"Where is it?"

"It's on the roof of our clubhouse. Feels like that's the only place I can actually think."

"Where do you live?"

"Charming, california."

"I've always wanted to go to California. I just didn't have the money to go. I don't really have the cash to go anywhere, unfortunately."

"I'll take you if you want. "