Hey guys! I'm back with another Star Wars Rebels story. I just re-watched Rebel Resolve and a thought came into my head while watching it. If you remember the part where The Inquisitor uses the Force to do make Kanan talk and you know how Kanan mentions Ezra? This is my twist to Rebel Resolve in that the Inquisitor, Tarkin and Kallus take the revelation and use Ezra against Kanan. I don't know if this story will work, but hopefully it will. And I want to apologize for always using Kanan's POV I just find he is easier to write about. He's also my favorite Star Wars Rebels character so far. So if you have any other ideas for the other crews' POVs let me know!

Kanan's POV

My whole body hurt. That little interrogation droid was brutal. I could still feel the needle poking its way into my body.

I let out a soft groan as I heard the droid round behind me, hoping that its retreat would mean the end of the pain that the droid had been inflicting.

I briefly opened my eyes to find Governor Tarkin and Agent Kallus still standing in front of me with beady eyes.

"It's only a matter of time before he breaks," Kallus informed someone, though I couldn't tell exactly who he was talking to through the fuzzy nature of my mind.

"You have wasted enough of my time," I heard Tarkin exclaimed angrily. Fear quickly rose inside of me. I knew that tone of voice didn't mean good things.

I then heard the clanging of the cell door open, and in walked the Inquisitor. I didn't know how to react so I just sent a pained glare towards the Pau'an, who never took his eyes off of me as he walked down the stairs.

"You are no doubt unaware that the Jedi are trained to resist mind probes," the grey faced creep explained to the governor.

"If he indeed is the Jedi he claims to be. I take it you have a solution?"

"Pain. The Jedi still feels pain, and pain can break anyone."

Tarkin's POV

I watched as the Inquisitor raised his hand towards the Jedi's face. I was convinced more and more by the minute that he was truly indeed one of the ancient race of people.

The Inquisitor surprised me by using the force against the young man. He kept on asking our guest what he saw and where were the other cells located. But the man didn't budge. He either kept silent or let out hisses of pain.

But the one thing that sparked my interest was a name.

"No…Ezra…Not Him!" he cried out to the Inquisitor, "Not him!"

"Inquisitor, stop," I ordered the Pau'an. He lowered his hand and turned his eyes to me. The Jedi slumped against his restraints, taking swift scared breaths eyes slowly opening not leaving The Inquisitor.

"Who is this Ezra?" I asked the two officers.

"This Ezra," Kallus began, "Is the padawan to this Jedi."

"Perfect," I thought to myself.

I turned the Jedi before continuing, locking eyes with the young man. He seemed genuinely afraid after hearing the name of this boy. I watched as his eyes darted between me and the two others in the room, as if he was frantically searching for an answer.

"Agent Kallus, go retrieve this Ezra," I replied keeping a steady eye on the Jedi. Kallus was about to walk out when the Jedi protested.

"No," He pleaded, "Whatever you do leave him out of this."

I smirked walking around to where I was directly in front of him.

"Unless you plan to give up the location of the other Rebels, that's not going to happen," I said smirking. I could see the panic rise up in the Jedi's eyes. He was scared and that was something I was going to use for my advantage.

At my request though he remained silent, which only made my resolve to break him grow.

"Well if you won't tell me now, then your padawan is going to have to suffer," I said walking out of the room flanked by the Inquisitor and Agent Kallus.

The door closed behind us when we made it to the top of the stairs.

"Make sure you bring this boy back alive Agent Kallus, otherwise there will be consequences," I informed the agent.

"It will be done, Governor," he replied making his way out of the detention block.