So this first chapter got rewritten once I figured out that you guys liked the idea of this. So here is the new first chapter, read enjoy and i should have the next chapter up this weekend.

Late at night was the worst. It got entirely too quiet for her liking. The quiet use to be her escape and now it was her prison. She had just finished reading one of the grimoire she had found at her grandmother's house. God she had missed that place. IT was her home growing up. After her mom left when she was three and her father decided that being away was easier than seeing his daughter that looked too much like said mother, her parents old home was just a house. Grams house always smelled of cinnamon and cookies, she had missed that. She guessed that what people said was true, you never really know what you have until it is gone.

She heard the TV in Damon's room playing. She knocked on his door and heard a grunt before walking in.

"What are you watching?" She asked just trying to get rid of the silence and keep her head from trying to think of her family that she would never see again.

"Just some movies I found lying around here. Apparently 'Uncle Zach' was a big 80s movies fan." He told her with a laugh. She wasn't sure if it was because of the Uncle Zach comment or the 80s movies. "You can stay in here and watch with me." She nods. He scoots over and pats the bed beside him. She moves beside him and they quietly watch the rest of the movie.

After that night, this became their tradition. After they cooked dinner together, they would both head to the library. Damon would read a random book and Bonnie would read a different grimoire. After about an hour of reading, they headed up to Damon's room and watch one of the many movies that had found. Some nights they would go straight to bed afterwards, but other nights, they would sit and talk.

"Were you close to your family?" She asked him one night.

"I was close with my mother, nonna, and nonno. I was born in Italy and my family moved here when Stefan was three. My nonno had just died before we came and my nonna had come with us. She taught me everything I know. She taught both Stefan and I to cook, she taught me the piano. My mom was the one that taught me practical things. She died with Stefan was five." He laughs. "I think that's the most I have talked about my family in forever."

"Well I am glad you trust me enough to talk."

"I kind of have to." They both laugh. "I know that your mother left and your father has been absent. What about your other family?"

"Well I was close with grams. She had another daughter, my aunt Clair, which I was pretty close to growing up. She moved to Florida when I was 12 though. Then on my dad's side, his sister was a lot younger than him. She was only five years older than me and lived with us until dad started becoming absent all the time." She had a small frown on her face.

"You didn't deserve half the shit you got handed to you in life. The last three years, a lot of it was my fault, and I'm sorry." He told her and she could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"That actually means a lot." She hugged him, surprising both of them. "You aren't as bad as you use to be."

"And that means a lot to me[GH1] ." He copied her words from earlier.

"I may not have liked you when you first came to town, but I am glad that I'm here with you and not alone."

"I agree. I would probably go crazy if I was here alone and I am use to solitary. You are used to Blondie talking your ear off all the time." She laughed at him.

"I miss them." She said after a few minutes. "God I miss all of them."

"I know." He looked over and had tears in her eyes. He pulled her close to him. "It will be okay."

"Do you think that we will ever see them again?"

"Honestly, I don't know." He sighed. "I hope we do. I miss my little brother. I let him go so many times, but now that I know I could never see them again, it sucks." He paused. "It sucks more than never seeing Elena again."

"I know you lost a lot. You finally had gotten all you wanted."

"I wanted her so badly." He sighed. "We weren't working though."


"All we did was argue. She wanted me to be Stefan." He paused and took a deep breath. "I was never going to be enough for her. I should have just left when she got with Stefan."

"Who are you?" she paused.

"I've changed. I don't want to be the ass hole or the horrible brother. I can't be the hero, but I don't want to be such a bad guy anymore." Bonnie saw how much he had changed and how much he wanted to better.

"I think you are a better guy." She leaned in and hugged him. He brushed a hand through her hair and smiled.

"Thank you for saying that Bon-Bon." He leans to her to peck her on the cheek, but she moves and his lips land on hers. They both freeze for a second, but he recovers and kisses her softly. Finally she responds and this quickly becomes another part of their routine.

She sat in her bed at the boardinghouse. She was lonely. It had been almost four months since she sent Damon back on his way. She still wasn't sure how he was able to send her message to go get the blood from Qetsiyah out of Silas' grave, but he did. She had gotten back from there a month ago and had been studying up on the spell since then. She had been practicing so often, that she hadn't felt strong enough yet, but last week she made herself stop and today was the day she was going home.

She went back to the place where she sent Damon home. She laid the ingredients around her and place the candles in a circle. With one flick of her wrist, all the candles lit up. She had missed doing that. When the eclipse was at its most powerful, she started the chant. She had found it in Emily's grimoire, which Damon had dug up for her. She kept chanting, she knew that it was taking a lot out of her, but she needed to make it back home. She looked up and saw the world starting to fade and she smiled.

She woke and was confused as to where she was. She knew she wasn't at the Salvatore Boardinghouse, but something felt familiar about it. It smelt like cinnamon and sugar, like her Grams. She fully was able to wake up and look around. She was lying on her own bed at her grams house. Someone must have found her and brought her here. Grams' house was her home, not the house that she had grown up in.

She finally got up when she felt strong enough and headed towards the door. She heard the TV on downstairs, which ever friend found her must still be here. She walked down the stairs toward the noise. She was expecting to see Elena or Caroline sitting there, but instead sat her Grams. Bonnie gasped and her Grams looked towards her.

"Are you okay child?" She asks as Bonnie walks towards her Grams.

"Grams…" She had tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe this.

"Bonnie? What is wrong?"

"How are you here Grams?"

"This is my home. What is going on?" She asked again.

"You were dead."

"Bonnie did you have a nightmare?"

"NO. It was my life. You died after being exhausted from a spell. You were gone, but you never left me."

"You had a vision." Her grandmother said with a sadness in her voice.

"It wasn't a vision. It was life." She paused and went and started looking in her Grams' bookshelf.

"What are you looking for?"

"A certain grimoire." She found it and opened it up. "I read this a couple days ago."

"Bonnie, you haven't been here for a week. You just got back from your fathers, he was in town."

"NO. You aren't listening." She looked over the grimoire again and quickly got the candles to put around her. She lit them with the flick of her wrist again. She started a chant and all of a sudden she saw a projection of her life on the wall. Her grandmother watched in amazement. After ten minutes, the main points were shown. Bonnie ended the spell.

"Do you know what spell you used to leave?"

"It is in Emily's grimoire." Shelia looks surprised.

"You found her grimoire?" Bonnie nods.

"Yes. Damon and Stefan found it before. We found it again."

"Do you think you could right the spell?"

"Yes." Grams grabbed some paper and Bonnie started writing. Shelia's house phone rang while Bonnie was writing. Shelia answered it and after a minute called to Bonnie.

"Where is your cell phone?"

"Upstairs I think?" She asks.

"Elena is trying to get in touch with you. She said some guy kept calling her looking for you. She doesn't know him, but he knew her number. He said you weren't answering." She nodded before running upstairs. She saw Damon's number on the phone. She called him back.

"Bonnie?" He asked as soon as she answered.

"Damon. Where are you?"

"I'm in Maryland. I was asleep at the boardinghouse and woke up here. What is going on?"

"I went and got the blood like you told me. I did a spell and I ended up back here with Grams."

"That doesn't explain why I remember anything. Elena didn't even know my name."

"I don't know. But I need you to come here. I need to see you."

"I'll be there soon. It's great to hear your voice Bonnie. I've missed you so much."

"I've miss you too Damon." She hung up and went downstairs. Shelia was staring at the sheet.

"This spell would be incredibly hard to do. I'm still not sure how you are still standing after this spell."

"I don't know. Damon still knows me though. The rest don't remember."

"In the prison world, did the two of you grow closer?" Bonnie nodded. "Did you ever have sex?"

"Grams!" Bonnie was blushing.

"I'll take that as a yes." Bonnie nodded. "Did you also share blood?"

"Yes. I let him have some once a week. He would give me a bit to heal me afterwards."

"I think you have a blood bond. It would explain everything."

Blood bond?"

"Witches and Vampires don't create these often. But when they do, they are the most powerful. When a witch is in a blood bond with a Vampire, anything is possible." She paused. "It is the most powerful connection one can have in life. It is more powerful than family."

"But how did we do it?"

"There would have to be some feelings involved."

"It is crazy. When we met, I hated him. He hurt me, almost killed me, but now, now I trust him with anything." Bonnie smiled. "He saved me when I didn't think that I could be saved. He saved me when I was dead. He is the reason that I was brought back."

"You love him." She said it without question.

"Yes." She pauses. "He is someone that I love."

"No Bonnie. You love him more than anyone else."

"Of course not. In my other world, I was in love with Jeremy. I love Elena and Caroline more than Damon."

"Then why haven't you even tried to call any of them. You could do the same spell on them, but you haven't. The only other person you talked to beside me was him. You love him more than you think." Bonnie didn't know what to think. "It's okay. These feeling have to at least be somewhat reciprocated."

"I need to think." Bonnie says and heads out to the door. She walks over to the backyard porch. She spent many days here with Elena and Caroline, Matt and Tyler, even Jeremy and Vicki. She had missed those days, and she vowed that this time around she was going to be happy and try and save everyone she could.