Author's Note: this is my first fan fiction so Plez enjoy

Sadly I don't fairy tail

Anyway here's chapter 1

Nashi's New Partner and First Job! (Nashi's POV)


"But Dad Aunt Mira said you started doing jobs at 9 and I'm 13, it's unfair!" I complained, Aunt Mira was also Mirajane Struass the S-class wizard and waitress at the most famous guild in all of Fiore. She and my mother told me stories about my father mostly about his recklessness but also his overprotectiveness nature.

"But did she tell you how many cities he destroyed?" my mother asked. "Well no but-" she cut me off, "I'll make you a deal find a partner in the next..."she looked at the clock across our table and thought for a minute. I couldn't help but wonder how she could think with Gray trying to murder Elfman, "5 minutes" she finally said.

"Luce I don't know bout that." my dad said in worried tone, as I walked away all I could hear was a faint "it's fine" before I went to look for a partner. Skimming across the guild I saw Silver, he has his mother's hair and is always wearing dark clothes he is also Gray's second child(his first is Rain, a stalker toward Aunt Levy's First child Steel) all I know about him is that he gets made fun of throughout Magnolia, it's probably because he's scared of almost everything, so I walked up to him and halfway there, Steel(followed by Rain) put him in a head lock. At that moment I saw how terrified he was, and then and there I promised myself and him, mentally, that I would protect him from that as much as I can. I also found my partner.

I acted quickly and set Steel's pants aflame, he let Silver go and ran away screaming. I started to laugh but then I heard Silver cough then my attention turned back to him.

"You ok?" I asked, concerned then I heard my mother shout "3 minutes!" I had to act quickly.

He finally answered, "Y-Yeah, thanks and what does your mom mean when she said you have 3 minutes?" when I went to answer I looked straight at him and saw his dark blue eyes.

"In order for me to go on a job I need to find a partner in the next 3 minutes," I said casually, just like before he didn't answer right away.

"oh..." he said after a couple seconds

"Do you want to be my partner?" I said with a sweet smile. He gave me a shocked and confused look finally saying,


"Yeah, you."

"But why?"

"Well you seem ni-" he cut me off before I could finish,

"No, I mean you could choose any stronger wizard but you chose me, I can't even control my magic."

He can't control his magic? I thought Maybe I can help him, finally I said.

"yeah I could, but your the only one who doesn't want to fight 24/7. And maybe I can help you with your magic."

He just gave me a look, "I have 1 minute left so just answer" I said, anxious. for his answer he said something unexpected he stuck out his hand and smiled, something I haven't seen him do.

Then he said " Yeah I'll be your partner, let's go tell your mom." He said.

" Then we can get a job! " I shouted excitedly, as I shook his hand.

We walked over to my mom and dad and I said, " Well here's my partner, can I go on a job now?"

"No!" My father said bluntly.

"Natsu, she has to grow up some time, just like Ash." My mom clarified

Here we go, it's all about Ash, my older brother, he was always the perfect child while I always had to be protected by my parents.

" But he was ready then..." my dad said.

"I'm ready now!" I yelled, I'm growing impatient with my dad,

"Nashi don't yell." My mother said calmly "Well what do u want me to? Be calm while my father criticizes me?!"

"Nashi, I'm sorry but I just don't want my baby girl getting hurt" I saw the sweetness and worriedness in his eyes and it made me smile, finally I said " Don't you worry Dad I won't get hurt I am a Dragoneel after all." With that he flash I signature grin and said "that's right, sweetie"

By the time I realized Silver wasn't next to me, I saw him at the request boardboard, smiled

and came back to me " I think this one's good." He said I looked at it and it read:

Two mages needed

defeat a ice and fire wizard!

20,000 jewel.

When I was done reading it I looked at Silver and smiled"this is perfect " I couldn't wait to get started!