It's 3AM and I was so excited to get started on this story that I stayed up all night to write the first chapter. I wanted it to mainly be about introducing Leila and how they come from completely different worlds. It'll be loosely based on Romeo & Juilet, which I hope you guys pick up on.

Under Her Wing is still a priority but since I'm having a hard time writing through season 7 i thought I'd post the first chapter of this!

Please let me know what you think and have an open mind - this is pretty different in terms of following the show. It takes place before season 1! :) Thank you so much to the people following through all my stories, I really hope you'll love it.

As always, I only own my OC!

Wiping sweat and oil off his brow, the tall blonde vice president of SAMRCO watched as a police car and a black SUV pulled into the Teller-Morrow lot. Unser got out of the car along with Jeffrey Heaton, head of the board of supervisors in the San Joaquin county, and two other men. Jax nudged his best friend Opie, who was still working under the hood of an old Honda Civic.

Placing a hand over his eyes for shade, the larger man watched as the men walking into Gemma's office. "What's that about?"

Jax squinted his eyes, running a hand through his long blonde hair. "Anything with Heaton is a problem."

Opie nodded in agreement as the two watched the men walk out of Gemma's office and driving out of the lot. Jax threw the rag he was holding over his shoulder and walked over to Gemma's office. "What did Heaton want?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.

Gemma looked over her glasses, putting down the yellow envelope as she turned to face Jax. "He came to drop off the money he owed me for putting together the festival for his daughter."

"His daughter?" Jax asked trying to remember who she was talking about.

"You haven't heard? Leila. She's coming home." Gemma answered, sitting back in her chair to look at paperwork. "News has been going around town like crazy."

Though he was unable to stop his jaw from dropping down, he caught himself quickly and clearing his throat. Leila Heaton - Charming's sweetheart - was coming back home after 8 years of being in LA. He straightened up, adjusting his work overalls. "No Ma, I was in Nevada all week. When is the festival?"

Noticing a sense of excitement and nervousness from her son, she turned her chair to face him, placing her glasses on her table with a smirk. "Tonight. Is there something I should know?"

He regained his composure and rolled his eyes at his mother. "No Ma."

As he turned to leave, Gemma stood up and grabbed his arm. "Jackson."

He laughed and shook his head, "No Gemma. I've never said so much as a sentence to her."

Though he'd grown up in the same small town as her, the two had never crossed paths. Their families were from two different worlds. Her family was upper class. She'd been in private schools her entire life. She grew up with money, always dressed in fancy clothes and fancy cars. Yet he'd found himself oddly drawn to her. He'd had a crush on her since middle school when she performed at one of the charity events his mother threw. She had one of the most beautiful voices he'd ever heard and she sang every year. From then on she'd always appear in his dreams, even randomly crossing his mind throughout the day.

They'd only run into each other a few times but Jax had never met anyone with a more electrifying personality. Her looks weren't anything to undermine either. She was shorter than him - about 5'5 with blue/green eyes and tanned skin. She had a skinny waist and thick thighs. He'd never known anyone who could compare. Anytime she'd enter a room she'd leave everyone breathless. He'd never express any of this to anyone though but Opie knew. Opie always knew.

He'd always been wrapped up in Tara. She was the love of his life. Then after high school she went away to college and he felt like his life ended. It was the most depressed he'd ever been. It took two years to get him back to feeling like himself it had been the hardest thing he'd ever dealt with. Just when he had set his eyes on Leila, she went away to college too. Now she was coming back.

"Hmm." The woman crossed her arms over her chest knowingly, snapping her son out of his thoughts. "Alright. Don't forget to gather the guys and be there at 7. Op's on firework duty."

"We have club business to handle, Ma."

"I spoke with Clay. Everyone has a job at the festival tonight. The whole town will be there and all the money is going to charity. So if you guys don't show up, you'll all get my foot up your asses." Gemma focused her eyes on her son, using her stern voice.

He laughed, knowing she'd make good on her promises and nodded. "Alright. Alright."


Shutting the back of her all black Mercedes G Class SUV, Leila walked over to the movers who'd just finished loading up her furniture. Moving her bangs out of her face she smiled at the tall sweaty men. "Thanks for all the help guys. You have the address. Everything should be delivered there by 9AM tomorrow." After signing the release forms, she smiled at the men giving them a tip for their work and waved them off.

Stepping up into her car she tied her long blonde hair up in a high ponytail, her smile falling off her face as she turned the car on. Truth be told, she didn't want to go back to Charming. Everyone was in everyones business. She couldn't even go grocery shopping without ending up in the paper. She couldn't complain about her lifestyle but she stayed in LA 4 years after she'd graduated because of the privacy it offered her. Everything she did effected her father's career and that was not something he took kindly. With a deep breath she huffed her bangs out of her eyes and started on the 5 hour drive.


The sun had gone down and festival was well underway. The club had finished their business and the guys were divided among the duties Gemma had assigned them. Jax and Opie were in charge of the fireworks, while preparing Jax had his eyes wandering about the booths the whole time. He couldn't explain why he felt this excited but he was more alert than he'd ever been.

Opie shoved the blonde man lightly. "You with me brother?"

Jax looked up at him and laughed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "Yeah. I'm here."

Opie did the same, taking a long puff and blowing it out. "What's on your mind?"

Looking around at the booths, Jax leaned against a beam taking a puff of his. "Have you ever thought of what life would be life if SAMCRO was legit?"

The taller looking man inhaled deeply, and shook his head. "All the time." He took a pull, holding it in momentarily before letting it out. "Do it see it happening? No." He shrugged.

Just as Jax was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of blonde hair, glistening in the light coming from the booths. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he turned to see her. In the midst of a small crowd, Leila Heaton had arrived. Just as intoxicating as he remembered her.

"Jesus Christ." Gemma's voice caught both mens' attention. "Pick your jaws up off the floor. It's almost time for the firework show." Ignoring everything his mother said he continued to watch her. How everyone was greeting her. All the Hello's, the hugs, the happy tears. He felt a strong urge to go pull her away from the crowd, get her all to himself, even for just a moment - but that was her world.

Since Tara had left he'd been with hundreds of women. He never felt anything towards them. Barely saw their faces but Leila's eyes met his and her lips curled into a smile and everyone else disappeared.