Okay, so I was with Gilbert yesterday-

He is a really nice guy-awkward a bit, but nice. He is kind of egotistical too if you ask me personally…

But that's beside the point anyways…I actually found out that Al, my brother, and Gil have this weird friendship going on. They're planning on pranking Arthur and Francis is going to help out. I'm just going to watch off the sidelines if they don't mind…

Oh, it's almost seven thirty…Let me go-

~Matthew, February 18

Matthew trudged into homeroom once more that week and took his seat in the back. The teacher droned on quietly as students did their own things personally. The shy teen slipped his phone out when he felt it buzzing in his pocket, "Eh…?"

Hey Matt! It's the awesome dude u were with yesterday!

Matthew chuckled and his thumbs did their work quickly.

Hey Gil, what's up, was his reply back. Gilbert answered back in a heartbeat:

Eh, same stuff I guess…I just pissed Alfie off thou—XD

Matthew quirked a brow up, Oh really? What'd you do?

In Gilbert's class, Alfred had been trying to remove a piece of gum stuck on his cowlick. Oh, and you'll get a full introduction on him later, but as of now-let's continue with this situation. "Gil, what the heck…?" Alfred hissed quietly, his tanned fingers running through the odd strand of his golden wheat hair. Gilbert chuckled and looked back at his phone-

Accidently spit my gum in his hair- :'3

Matthew covered his face as he held in his soft giggles, he couldn't believe such a thing. After calming down, he typed again.

I can't even-Gil, he's gonna murder you when we get to gym ; w ;)

(; w ; I know, that's why all of this awesomeness is gonna hang with you-

Matthew scuffed lightly and nodded to himself, Alright, have fun then…Btw, let me go, we have to do this make up test we missed from math o ^ o)

Gilbert hummed quietly and typed once more, Kay, I need to get my worksheet down, teach thinks I finished already. Peeeeaace~ o 7 o)o))

See ya after HRM o(uwu

Matthew met up with Gilbert and Alfred after homeroom, trying to pull the gum out of his brother's hair. "Maple, how long have you been messing with it?" Matthew asked, tilting his brother's head down slightly. Alfred grumbled as Gilbert cackled loudly, "Since we got here Matt…It kind of sucks, and I don't want to cut it off-" he made a loud wince as Matthew tugged on the strand. The shorter sighed and pulled away, "Idiot…I always have to do this with you…Ever since you were able to chew gum, Francis made me do this-"

Gilbert set a finger on his chin, "Hey, I got it!" he grinned happily. The troubled teen rolled his eyes playfully, "And what can that ever-so be, Gil?" he asked, fingers trailing through his hair. Gilbert patted his hoodie and a small, yellow canary popped out, "Meet Gilbird~! He's been with me for as long as I can remember~!" he exclaimed. The twins wore a dumbfounded expression, that's really long…Cool-

Gilbird tweeted quietly and landed on his owner's soft head, fluttering around. Matthew made a tiny smile, feeling the bird plop into his head after a while. Alfred grumbled quietly and poked his lips out, concentrating on ripping the gum from his hair, "Aagh! Mattie, Mattie!" he cried. Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose, pale fingers trailing back to his brother's hair.

"Oh, here we go!" he yanked hard, snorting when he heard the loud shriek from his brother's lips. Gilbert laughed loudly, holding his stomach as the teen whimpered at his twin, "M-Mattie, I think you killed me…" Alfred whispered. Matthew simply smiled and shrugged, "Sorry, Alfred." He shrugged. The other yanked on his blond lock and suddenly, the two went head-to-head in an intense pulling-hair battle.

Gilbert watched with a grin plastered on his face as Gilbird chirped happily. These two, the albino thought, scanning the brothers in glee.

"-and so, afterwards, she took it, and then slammed it across my head!" Gilbert explained, making wild gestures. Matthew chuckled at the shorter man* and patted his back, "I feel bad for you, Gil." He said softly, lilac eyes showing joy. Gilbert stared for a moment, memorized by his eyes, "J-ja…By the way, have your eyes always been that color…?" he asked quietly, poking at Matthew. The Canadian raised a brow.

"A-ah, no, originally, they were blue, but something happened when I was younger and there was some genetic mutation that occurred…I kind of went blind for a bit-though, my vision returned after a few months and I began wearing glasses." Matthew smiled slightly, not understanding why his friend looked so distressed.

"Mien Gott, I didn't mean to ask, I was just-I didn't expect that!" Gilbert cringed slightly at his own actions, apologizing to him. Matthew tilted his head and smiled sadly, "G-Gilbert, it's alright-I talk about it all the time whenever someone asks! You don't need to apologize, I promise." He reassured the other. The albino grabbed his shoulders, looking at him fiercely, "Promise?"


"Fiiiine, I guess I can take that-but I still feel wary."

Matthew shrugged, "Don't worry aboot it, eh?" he giggled. Gilbert raised a brow at him, grin growing on his face, "Aboot? Eh? Typical Canadian!" he snorted, waving the blond off. The other laughed and punched his shoulder playfully, "Oh, be quiet! I was just trying to lighten the mood-" he said. Gilbert grinned happily and patted Matthew's back, "You're a good kid, Matt! So inspiring too-" he fake sniffled.

Matthew rolled his eyes and averted his gaze from him, "T-thanks, Gilbert…" he smiled sweetly.

Gilbert chuckled and let out a laugh, "Keseses~ No problem, Birdie!"

"What? Was that a laugh? And did you just give me a nickname?"

"Uuh…Pretty much? Yeah-I dunno, just roll with it!"

Uhm yeah...I like Matthew being a tad taller than Gilbert, it fits my head cannon that Mattie is Gilbo's 'big-fluffy-wuffy' teddy bear. And about the whole eye color changing thing-

WWII reference anybody?

The Germans used poisonous gas on the Canadians during that time period, causing whoever that was in that situation to lose their vision. Anyways, I just had this other head-cannon that Matthew had a genetic mutation with his eyes and it caused him to lose his vision for a few months or so, and it ended up changing into a dull-lilac color. When he got his vision back, he could barely see-so he needed to get glasses.

And yeah-

I hope you enjoyed! :'3