1. Love Bite

It was a Sunday afternoon, and the day was as cold as ever in the small mountain town of Colorado. Children and adult were out and living their lives, and Craig was dragging his pouting, little boyfriend around town on an apology date.

"Yo-you're -ngh- a jerk," Tweek mumbled for the tenth time that day, pressing his cold hand to his right cheek. His other hand was warm in Craig's hold.

"I said I was sorry, Tweekers," Craig said for the twentieth time that day. "We're almost at your coffee shop. We'll get you a cup of coffee and then I'll go take you to the candy shop."

Tweek nodded, stilling pouting, and Craig pulled him into Tweek Bros. Coffee Shop. There was a little bell chime as they entered, coming from the top corner of the door. "Hello, you two," Missus Tweak greeted as she saw the two boys sit at the counter.

"Afternoon, Missus Tweak," Craig said politely, flipping her off. "Can you give Tweek something to drink?"

"Of course. Give me a moment." It took Missus Tweak a moment before she placed a freshly brewed cup of coffee in front of her still pouting son. "Are you hurt, Tweek?" she asked, concerned. She reached over and lifted her son's hand off his cheek. "What happened?"

On Tweek's cheek was a small bite mark, not too deep but not too light either. It was slightly red with a bit of embedded marks on it still, and it covered his entire cheek. "C-Craig -gah- bit m-me," Tweek answered, taking a sip of his coffee.

Missus Tweak looked at Craig. "Was there a reason you bit Tweek, Craig?" she asked calmly.

"Because his cheeks looked like marshmallows," Craig answered monotonously, "and I wanted a taste."

Missus Tweak giggled, finding Craig's answer to be so cute. "I think so too, Craig," she chided softly, "but you shouldn't go biting people's cheeks so hard."

"Ye-yeah," Tweek said, agreeing with his mother.

"I said I was sorry, Tweekers," Craig said, puffing his cheeks in frustration. "I swear I won't bite your cheek so hard next time."

"Ne-next time?! Yo-you -gah- going t-t-to bite me again?! Jesus Christ!"

"Well, yeah, Tweekers."

Missus Tweak giggled again, patting both the boys' heads. "You two are adorable," she said, smiling. "But Craig, instead of biting Tweek, why don't you just kiss him?"

"I already do, Missus Tweak," Craig replied, looking innocently at the Tweak mother, "but I want to bite him too. I like it when I Ieave marks on him like that."

"Does th-that mean you're -ngh- gonna bit m-m-me all th-the time?!" Tweek shouted, twitching. "It's going t-to -gah- hurt, C-Craig!"

"Nah," the chullo wearing boy promised, looking at Tweek with a small smile, "I won't hurt you, Tweekers. I won't bite too hard next time, I swear. If I do, you can bite me back."

Tweek yelped. "O-okay," he said, rubbing his hurt cheek, "but not t-too -ngh- hard any-anymore."

That made Craig smile, and he leaned over to place a soft kiss on the bite on Tweek's cheek. "Cool," he said. "Let's go to the candy store now."

Tweek nodded, getting off the seat with Craig. "B-bye, Mom," he said, giving his mother a wave.

"See you later, Missus Tweak," Craig said, leaving the store as he pulled Tweek with him.

Missus Tweak watched as the her son and his boyfriend left the coffee shop, smiling softly and think how adorable the two were.