Disclaimer: I do not own, nor claim to own Hanna which is the property of it's rightful owners.


Hanna VS Real Life

Chapter 1: Hanna VS Hospital

Death:the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.

Marissa Wiegler was dead before the sounds of the gunshot had stopped reverberating through the equally dead theme park. Hanna let the gun slip from her bloodied grasp, ignoring the clatter as it hit the metal surface of the slide. Then, she walked.

She went from metal to tracks to a long dirt path. She couldn't run, she didn't have the energy. She felt weak and getting weaker. Blood continued to leak out of her side and stain her clothes red. She heard the sirens get slowly louder.

She stepped out onto the street. The sirens were deafening. She couldn't see much, her vision had blurred into a wave of blue and red. She heard someone shout something in German, something about the floor. She looked down, confused.

"What about the floor?" she asked before she collapsed into darkness.


Joe Marsh stepped out of the Berlin Tegel Airport, dragging his cheap suitcase behind him. He was a short stocky man, his haggard face, thinning hair and ill fitting suit gave him the look of a man with the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

He grumbled into his phone "Where are you? I don't see you." He glared up and down the street until his attention was finally caught by the man waving at him franticly. The man was younger than Joe, Clean shaven and well dressed. Joe stomped down to other CIA agent, pushing his way through the crowd.


"Yes sir."

"Take me to the hospital then."

About an hour later Joe and David were observing the girl lying in a hospital bed. 'She's very pretty' thought Joe to himself. She wasn't exactly a supermodel. But she was still beautiful, almost like something from a fairy tale, like an elven maiden or a fairy princess. He could see why the nurses had taken to calling her ''sleeping beauty''.

"Are we sure it was Marissa that shot her?" Asked Joe.

"Ballistics confirms it was Marissa's gun that fired the bullets that killed Heller and shot the girl."

"They got ballistics overnight?" Asked Joe incredulously.

"This is Germany Joe." Chuckled David "And I suppose it helps they're really pissed about all this. Anyway, We know Marissa shot Eric because she did it in broad fucking day light and she was seen doing it by about 20 people. We think she shot the girl. The German government aren't going to arrest the girl for killing Marissa. The evidence is circumstantial, any case would get hacked to pieces in court."

Joe facepalmed "This whole thing is just a huge fucking mess." He looked again at the girl. If the doctors were right she would make a full recovery, She was either very lucky, or hard as nails. "So why are we here?"

David winced "This is where things get really fucked up."

"4 people are dead!" Exclaimed Joe.

David continued as if Joe had never spoken "This girl doesn't exist."

"What?" Asked Joe in confusion and annoyance.

"She wasn't found with any Id, and so far no records appear on any German database. No photos, No dental records. Nada."

"Can you please get to the part where any of this is our problem." Growled Joe.

"It's a bit complicated. You see, When the ballistics team ran the tests on Marissa's gun they realised it matched another round used in another murder. One Katrin Zadek, the mother of a woman supposedly killed by Erik Heller in the 90's, Johanna Zadek. One hunch and an overnight DNA comparison service later and we know know that this girl is Katrin Zadek's descendant. And given that Katrin only had one daughter, We can presume that this is Johanna Zadek's daughter."

"And?" Asked Joe.

"Well when Johanna disappeared..."


"Yeah. Well when she did the German police had a number of leads, one of which was Johanna's then boyfriend, William Walker."

Joe blanched "Would this be the same William Walker that is running for congress." David nodded, Joe's face fell into a mask of disbelief "As in William ''I'm a family man and have been happily married for 20 years'' Walker?"

David nodded again "It's gets worse."

"How?" Asked Joe bluntly.

"If Walker is this girls father, he would be her only living relative and as such required by law to care for her."

"Shit." Muttered Joe. He gazed at the girl through the glass window of her room. She looked so peaceful, Her soft breathing almost in time with the beep of the machine monitoring her vitals.

"Although even if she's not Walkers daughter the Germans want shot of her. So far as they can tell she's not technically a German citizen and have ordered her extradition."

"But we don't even know where she's a citizen of yet!"

"Unless she turns out to be Walkers daughter, At which point she becomes an American citizen."

"Oh come on! They're just making this up as they go along now."

"Well at this point they kind of have to Joe. This has never happened before."

Joe sighed "And what if she isn't Walkers daughter."

David chuckled grimly "Then she is a German citizen after all and becomes a ward of their state. Once we've taken her back to Germany."

Joe nodded "Right so... Wait what do you mean ''back to Germany''."

"They want us to take her as soon as she's discharged." Explained David.

"Why are we doing all this for the German authorities?" Asked Joe.

"So they don't tell the press or anyone else that the whole thing was a CIA operation that screwed the pooch so hard the pooch is on Gerry Springer with the resulting child." Answered David

"You've got a way with words David."

"Thank you sir."

"Which means you can tell the girl about her situation when she wakes up."

"What about you sir?" Asked David.

"I've got to go back to America, and tell a newly elected congressman that he may have a daughter he never new about."

"And his wife." Added David.

"And his wife." Confirmed Joe.


Hanna's eyes opened slowly. She was in a large white bed in a small, blurry white room. The only sound was a soft beeping coming from her left and her own breathing. Slowly her vision cleared to reveal power blue walls illuminated by a harsh halogen light. She looked to her left. The beeping was coming from a monitor that displayed a dizzying range of information. Her eye was caught by a bag of fluid hanging from a metal stand. Her eyes followed the clear tube attached to the bag till it reached her arm. She could feel the catheter under her skin. It took her no time at all to decide she didn't like the feeling at all. Her other arm moved sluggishly, weakly as her fingers slowly found their way to the tube in her arm.

"I wouldn't pull that out if I were you." Said a voice. Hanna looked up into a kindly, middle aged man's face. His dark hair was cropped short and a little messy. "Hello." He continued "My name is David Miles, I work for the CIA." Hanna visibly tensed, David immediately put out his hands to reassure her "Don't worry, I'm not here to arrest you. I'm here to help."

Hanna regarded him for a moment. She didn't know anything about him beyond his name and his place of work, but she knew in her gut she could trust him. "Where am I?" She asked finally.

"You're safe. You're in a hospital in Berlin. What's your name?"

Hanna was unsure for a moment, she thought for a moment she should give the cover story her father, no not her father, Eric had given her. But, she couldn't, she was tired of running and lying. "Hanna." She said finally.

"Hello Hanna. It's my job to tell you about what's happening. First; You are not in any trouble, Neither we or the German government have any plans to arrest you. Understand?"

"I think so." She Answered.

David smiled "Good. Now Hanna I'm going to ask you a few questions, you do not have to answer but it would make my job of looking after you a lot easier of you did."


"Where have you been living?"

"Iceland, with my fath-Eric Heller."


"He said he was my father." Hanna's voice cracked. She felt the pressure of tears behind her eyes. But she refused to let them loose.

"Ok." David had pulled out a notepad and was scribbling down everything Hanna had said. "Why did you kill Marissa Wielger?"

"I didn't want to." Sobbed Hanna quietly "But she was trying to kill me."

David raised an eyebrow "Do you know why?"

"No. Eric said that she killed my mother but didn't say why."

"Right. Do you know where you were born?"

"A town in Poland called Galinka."

"Ok. That should be enough for now. Now this could be a bit confusing but we're going to have to take you to America as soon as you're feeling better."

"Why?" Asked Hanna, Her confusion evident on her face.

"I can't tell you right now. But as soon as I can I will." Promised David, Hanna believed him. David stood up to leave, He gave her one last reassuring smile before he turned to open the door.

"David." Said Hanna tentatively. He turned back to her "Does this mean we're friends?"

"Yeah, Sure." He said.

Hanna gave a small smile. And David could have sworn the room got a little bit brighter.


Joe scowled as he dragged the heavy case from the boot of his car. He was jet-lagged, tired and hungry. And now he had to potentially ruin a family. He was not having a good 24 hours. He looked at his watch. Christ was that really the time, it felt like it should be the middle of the night on Monday, not mid-morning Saturday. He stomped up to the house. Ignoring the well tended garden and the two small children playing with a large Doberman. He didn't ignore the young man on the veranda with his girlfriend. Mainly because he looked a couple of years older than the girl in Germany. This could get very awkward.

"Hey." Said the young man, Confused. Joe realised he had been staring slightly.

"Hello. Is William Walker in today?" Asked Joe tiredly.

"I'm William Walker." Said the young man warily.

Joe raised an eyebrow "William Walker Senior." He clarified.

"Who's asking?" Challenged the boy, Standing up. He was well built and handsome. The football jersey from a local high school marked him as probably being a jock.

"Someone who doesn't have time for this." Growled Joe, pulling out his badge. The boy visibly paled at the CIA Id.

"Daaaaad!" He called loudly.

A tall man rounded the corner of the house. He was almost an exact copy of the younger William Walker, only aged to a sort of rugged perfection. His khakis and blue shirt were stained with engine oil. He smiled at Joe as he wiped oil from his hands with a rag.

He introduced himself with a large smile "William Walker." He thrust out his hand which Joe took lightly, Not wanting to stain his hands with grease.

"Joe Marsh." He flashed his badge again which Mr Walker seemed to take in stride. "I'm here to ask you a few questions could we please go inside.

"Of course." He opened the door for Joe and they stepped inside.


"Nicole! We have a guest!" Shouted Mr Walker. He was answered by a woman's voice asking "Are they staying for lunch?"

"Of course." Answered Walker.

"Oh no I couldn't." Said Joe instantly.

"Oh don't worry about. Besides you look famished." Laughed Walker. And Joe realised he hadn't had a proper meal since before he had left for Germany, over 24 hours ago. It had been coffee and airline snacks ever since. He looked around the dining room. It was dominated by a long oak table, polished to a mirror shine and laden with food. He looked around to see that 4 children had gathered around the table in various seats. Two boys, One of which was William Walker Jr. The other Joe didn't know the name of. He looked to be about 8 years old. And two girls, one was Williams Jr girlfriend the other (about 15 years old) bore a striking resemblance to her mother who had also joined the assemblage. Nicole Walker looked like she had stepped straight out of Stepford Wives. Except her clothes which were on the cutting edge of fashion.

The whole family looked at him expectantly. "I shouldn't. But I am starving." Relented Joe. "But first I need to take some blood."

Walker stopped in his tracks "What? Why?" He asked as Joe put the case down on a nearby chair. Joe opened the case and pulled out a pair of medical gloves which he quickly slipped on.

"Whoah!" Said Walker "I'm not giving you anything until tell me what's going on."

Joe looked around at the confused/outraged faces of Walkers family. "You really don't want to know that yet." He sighed.

"Well I hope you have some kind of warrant for this." Rumbled Walker. As if on cue Joe pulled a white envelope from the case and passed it to Walker.

Walker ripped open the letter and skimmed over it's contents. Joe could almost see his eyes stop at the words ''comparative DNA test''.

"Fine." Mumbled Walker as he thrust out his hand. Joe tried to be gentle as he could as he took a thimble full of Walkers blood. He handed the visibly angry man a small plaster as he inserted the sample into the machine.

"We should get the results in a few minutes." Explained Joe.

"Well you might as well eat something." Said the confused Mrs Walker. Joe nodded his thanks as he took a plate of chilli. The next few minutes were almost painfully tense as the machine in the case whirred and buzzed. Joe seemed to be the only person eating as he hoovered up his plate of food. The rest of the family exchanged puzzled looks while Walker himself simply stared at his plate of cooling food.

A short while later the machine gave a series of short bongs that signified the completion of it's analysis. Joe stood and inspected the short print out that showed the results. He sighed heavily before sitting back down and giving Walker a pointed look.

"William what is it?" Asked Nicole.

Walker almost whispered "Kids I need you to got to your rooms."

"Dad what's goin-" Began the younger Walker.

"NOW!" Boomed Walker.

"I should take Jenny home." Whispered the lad as he and his girlfriend stood up.

"William. What is going on?" Demanded Nicole as the children slowly crept from the room. Joe pulled a notepad and pen from his pocket and looked up at Walker, Who glared down at him.

"Mr Walker." Began Joe. Prompting Nicole to circle round the table so they were both opposite Joe. "I would like to point out at this stage you are not under any suspicion. You are firmly in the clear for every crime connected with this case that we know about." Joe emphasised the last part dangerously. Both the Walkers tensed. "But the fact is you could not possibly have committed any crime that could possibly have something to do with this case."

"What is going on." Growled Walker.

Joe sighed deeply "Mr Walker what exactly was your relationship to Johanna Zadek."

Nicole spoke first "Oh that trollop." She scoffed angrily "She was just his P.A. When he was in Germany. And those idiots in the German police were convinced he had something to do with her running away from home."

"Mr Walker." Probed Joe.

"It was just a fling." He whispered.

Nicole went white. "William?" She asked quietly

"What does she want?" Asked William quietly.

"Ms Zadek has been dead for 14 years. But that fact is more or less unconnected with the matter at hand." Joe paused and looked Walker in the eye. " Mr Walker, are you aware that at the time of her disappearance Ms Zadek was 1 month pregnant." Mr Walker shook his head dumbly "Well she was. And she did carry the child to full term. That child is currently lying in a Berlin hospital bed. And the test I just performed has confirmed with a high level of probability. That you are her father."

Nicole Walker shot up out of her chair and ran from the room to the kitchen. The sound of retching soon followed. Mr Walker looked unsure as to whether he should go after her or stay in the same room as the stony faced agent. The sounds of his wife being violently sick pulled him into action. He sped to the other room. Soon after the muffled sound of angry screaming emanated from the other room, soon followed by a dejected Mr Walker. Joe heard the beep of his phone informing him that he had received a text. He took a moment to read the text and give Walker a moment to collect himself.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Asked Walker angrily "What made you come here and ruin my life like this?"

"Because as soon as a small amount of paperwork is done you will be her legal guardian."

"WHAT!" Thundered Walker "Why me?"

"Because you will be her only living relative"

"I won't take her in." Insisted Walker.

"The law says you will." Said Joe dangerously. "She will be here in a few days." Joe stood up to leave. He packed up his notepad and testing apparatus and left the shocked Walker with his troubles.


Walker stepped into the kitchen where his wife was nursing a freshly poured glass of wine. She looked at him from her seat next to the breakfast bar. She didn't even try to conceal the malice in her eyes. He grabbed a beer from the fridge before sitting down opposite her. For a few moments they were both silent.

The deathly silence was broken by Nicole. "How could you?" She hissed in confusion and anger.

"I. I... I'm sorry."

"SORRY FOR WHAT?! THE ''FLING'' OR THE CHILD YOU HAD WITH ANOTHER WOMAN?!" Screamed Nicole, jumping out of her chair.

"I didn't know about the girl!" Pleaded Walker.

"Because that makes it so much better!" She shrieked.

"It happened years ago Nicole! It was just a stupid mistake!"

"I don't care! You've ruined everything!" Nicole slumped back down into her seat.

"It's not just my fault you know." He whispered angrily. "The way you were acting when I left the country I didn't think I would have a marriage to come home to."

Nicole looked up at Walker through tear stained eyes. "Either way," He continued "We're not getting a divorce..."

"I don't care about your stupid political career." Spat Nicole.

"That's not why." Whispered Walker softly. He slowly took Nicole's hand into his own. "I still love you Nicole, Even if you don't want me to any more."

At that moment the front door of the house opened quietly and shut slowly. William Jr. poked his head round the corner, his face a mask of concern and fear.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah we're fine." Answered Nicole quickly as she gripped Walkers hand a little tighter.


Hanna sat up in her bed. She had spent the last 2 days lying in a hospital bed, a little weak but no worse for ware. And she was bored to tears. She had never spent such a long time completely inactive. Usually she was hunting or training, or helping her fath- Eric, make repairs to the hut. The closest thing she'd had to activity was telling David her story, about her life in Finland by the lake. And then about why she had travelled to Germany. And why she had wanted to kill Marissa.

Hanna had asked David about Sophie, if he knew what had happened to her. He said he would look into it but had made no promises. He didn't seem hopeful. He had tried to put on a brave face, but once Hanna had explained to him the rules of being friends (namely; No lying), he had told her the truth. In all probability either Marissa or Issacs had killed them. She had cried that night.

The soft swish of the door heralded the beginning of what had swiftly become the highlight of Hanna's day. David's daily visit.

"Hello Hanna." He greeted with a smile.

"Hello." She smiled back.

He pulled up a chair to the side of Hanna's bed and gave a her a small smile. "The doctors tell me you should be well enough to leave the hospital."

Hanna grinned from ear to ear "When?" She asked excitedly.

"Today." Smirked David.

"So we're going to America today?" Asked Hanna.

"Yes." Sighed David "Which means I've got to tell you about where you will be living." David paused and looked directly at Hanna. Who met his gaze with her own questioning look. "There's no way to soften this so I'll just say it. Hanna, we found your biological father."

Hanna's face went black, her eyes wide from shock. After a few moments if silence she finally spoke "Who is it?"

"He's a US citizen named William Walker. He's currently running for Congress."

Hanna spoke to herself softly "The national legislative body of the US, consisting of the Senate, or upper house, and the House of Representatives, or lower house, as a continuous institution." She listed quickly.

David whistled, impressed "Even I didn't know all that." Hanna looked at him questioningly "I thought the House of Representatives and Congress were different things." He revealed sheepishly.

"Anyway, yes. William Walker. And slightly more importantly, I couldn't find your birth certificate in any records so far." David paused for a moment "Which means you have actually fallen into a weird, sort of, hole, in international law."

"Hole?" Asked Hanna.

"Technically you don't exist." He revealed with a laugh. Hanna frowned, not really understanding. She was fairly certain she did, in fact, exist.

David gave a small laugh "Don't worry about it." He paused as a nurse entered the room and began to detach Hanna from various medical devices.

"Come on." He said finally "Let's get you home."

Hanna suspected he didn't mean Finland.

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