Chapter 1

It has been 3 years since the war with Gaea was won. Percy decided to start college, and is studying Oceanology; Jason goes back and forth between the camps, helping out as much as he can; while Renya and Frank both are still praetor. Hazel is now working at a jewelry store part-time when she isn't at camp. Piper thought she would try to live with her dad again. Leo is at camp year round. He mostly stay in Bunker 9 trying to figure out a way to get Calypso off the island. Nico kept to his word and didn't stay at either camp and just lived in the Underworld. That was until Nico was forced to go to the surface for his father 5 days ago.

Persephone kept nagged Hades, telling him that Nico needed sunlight and to interact with others besides the dead. Hades finally gave in and told Nico to leave the Underworld and not to come back until he was summoned. Though Nico didn't like this, he agreed.

Nico walked around for most of the few days, not really knowing what to do. On the 5th day though, he decided to walk around a forest to get away from the bustling streets. Around midday, he ran into some monsters. They weren't hard to kill, but one did cut him across his chest, before he had time to kill it. Nico fell to the ground, hand clutching his torn shirt, breathing heavy. He didn't have any ambrosia with him, so he got up and stumbled back into the city.

Next thing Nico knows is he's lying on a bed staring at a white ceiling. "Oh, good. You're up." Said a voice he didn't recognize. Next he hears a door off to his left open and close. "Nico! Thank goodness you are alright!" someone said before tackle hugging him. He looks over to see Hazel starting to cry on top of him. Nico starts to pet her hair trying to calm her down. "You gave us a scare man." Jason said as he came into view.

"What happened to you?" Percy asked, coming into view on the other side of him.

"… Where am I?" Nico asked

"Camp Half-Blood." Hazel said once she got up and stopped crying. This gave Nico a chance to sit up and hissing from the pain. Once he was fully sitting up, he looked around. He indeed was at Camp Half-Blood's infirmary. They wasn't any other patients. He noticed that Frank, Leo, and Will were also in the room sitting on the out skirt of the circle that formed around his bed. "How did I get here?" Nico asked

"I brought you." Jason replied, "But why were you in such a horrible condition?" Nico raised an eyebrow wondering what in the hell Jason was talking about. "I mean, you were passed out in an ally bleeding, why didn't you eat any ambrosia, or come to camp?" Jason changed his tactic.

"I got attack by some monster, but I don't remember even making it to an ally, let alone passing out."

"It's a good thing I was passing by and saw you, otherwise you would be a goners."

"Alright every one, let's let Nico rest awhile." Will said as he got up from sitting on a chair. Everyone got up and stared to head for the door. Hazel called out before leaving, "I'll check up on you tomorrow, got it?" The door slid shut and it was dead quiet in the room. Will didn't leave, but was writing something down before looking up at Nico. "Is there something you need?" He asked in a friendly tone. Nico just glared at him, before lying back down to close his eyes.

Nico woke up the next morning to see Will was writing something down again. Once Will noticed he was up, smiled like the sun and said, "I changed your bandages. Your breakfast is on the nightstand next to you. Eat it so you don't look like a pill of bones, and I will be back in an hour to check up on you."

"You don't need to check on me. I can take care of myself." Nico spat, glaring at Will, who was still smiling. He just nodded, and walked out. Nico looked over at the nightstand. It had a plate full of food. He turned away from the food and pulled the covers off him. Swinging his legs off the bed and walked out of the room.