Chapter 10: Bat Attack

I feel like an idiot for being so scared of a police car, but what can you do? It turns out that we were not meant to be out this late and the police started questioning us. I rolled my eyes as they got distracted and started talking to each other rather than us.

"So anyway" says the Sheriff placing his hands on his hips "What are you doing out this late anyway?"

I decide to explain as best as I can, though I doubt that they'll believe me, until out of nowhere a deafening screech echoes through the town. Wendy points upwards and the looming shadow of the bat swoops down, attempting to grab anyone in reach. The cops scream and run away the bat flapping after them.

"Come on" I yell and we begin chase after it.


I turn around and see the other running towards us, I smile to see that they're all okay. Especially Mabel.

"Did you find the bat?" asks Mabel. Wendy points at the figure in the distance, "It's after the police guys."

"I'll go after them" I say, "You guys keep an eye on each other." My eyes fall onto Bill and he smiles deviously, I roll my eyes and turn to run. Mabel grabs my coat.

"I'll come with you!" she says. I move her hands away.

"Mabel, stay with the others" I tell her. "You can keep them calm alright." Mabel huffs and shrugs her shoulders. She looks irritated and I don't blame her, but I don't want her getting hurt by this thing and also Wendy needed protection too. I wink at Mabel and run towards the building that the bat was circling. I don't know what I'd be doing now if everything was normal, I would be at the shack watching movies I guess… but now is the time to prove that I am able to show how grown up I am. That I can handle anything!

I have no clue on how the cops got up onto the small bell tower, I think it's a bell tower or sorts anyway. But their screams seemed to be angering the bat more than ever. I look around for a way up there, I don't particularly want to intrude the residents inside, I decide to start climbing the building. I managed to make my way to the roof and began to make my way to the tower, I start to feel out of breath but the adrenaline keeps me going. Suddenly I slip as the tiles give way, the building is probably old. I cry as I scrape my knees, it hurts. I try again but more tiles give way. The bat begins to lash out at me and I fall even further until I am dangling off the roof. I scream as I look at the fall if I was to let go. I notice people gathering round, some pointing at the bat, others pointing at me as I dangle for my life. I shut my eyes tightly as I try to hold on, if I was smaller again I might handle the weight of the roof and dash across it.

'Please… just for a little while...'

I start to feel strange as my weight begins to lessen and I feel like I can pull myself up. I manage to pull myself up and I realise that I am twelve again. But I start to grow up again and I waste no time as I dash towards the cops, avoiding the bats wings as they try to attack me. I manage to reach the tower and jump inside the small box, the cops are hugging each other for dear life as the bat tries to grab us.

"It'll be okay" I tell them, surprised to hear my own voice again. The bat screeches more and more and I look around for some way to stop it. The fruit didn't have an effect so that option was out. More and more people had gathered by this time, even some cameramen for the newspaper. I even notice my friends, Wendy is watching with concern but Bill seems to be enjoying every second, laughing at the pain I endured on the roof. I scowl and look around for a weapon or something. My eyes fall upon a taser in one of their pockets. No time to think, only time for action. I grab the taser and climb onto the edge of the small box we were in. I lean out and turn it on. The bat screeches and flies back as the electricity crackles out of it, I lean out further but as a twelve year old again my arms weren't long enough however it seemed to do the trick as the bat was hit and fell to the ground.

I jump out the tower and hastily run down the back of the building as I feel myself change back into a teen again. I lose my footing and fall with a scream; blackness starting to surround me as I hit the grass below. I see the figures of my friends and faintly… in the distance… I hear Mabel call out my name.

And she sounds terrified.

(Pretty short I know but the next chapter should really bring a punch to the story.)