"Coming, coming!" Shelby called distractedly as she hurried to answer the door, straightening her dress as she went. It was Ryan's graduation day, and the small family of three were busy getting dressed and waiting for the rest of the Corcorans. Opening the door, she smiled at her parents, ushering them in. "Hi Mom, Dad."

"Hi sweetheart." Sarah hugged her briefly. "Where's my grandson?"

Shelby rolled her eyes, amused. "Upstairs getting ready." She led them into the living room just as James came downstairs. turned to her parents. "Excuse me while I go finish up." She patted James on the chest as she brushed past him, intent on completing her makeup.

James moved into the living room, glad that he'd finished dressing already. "Hello Tom, Sarah," he greeted, shaking Tom's hand before Sarah pulled him into a hug. "Did you have an okay trip over here?"

"It was fine, thank you for asking," Sarah answered kindly. "So, are you ready for the wedding?"

He laughed, running a hand through his hair. Their wedding was in less than two weeks, and he was more than excited. "Oh, I'm more than ready. Thanks for pretty much doing the arrangements, by the way, you know Shelby isn't too keen on anything big." Sarah had quickly taken over the more intricate details of the ceremony and had gotten a venue, flowers, and a caterer for the reception while Shelby had been busy wrapping up her records for the end of the school year.

"Oh, it's not a problem, sweetheart." Sarah patted him on the cheek. "God knows I've been waiting for this forever. The girl's already forty, after all." James shook his head, chuckling.

"Do you have anyone coming to the wedding?" Tom questioned.

"Yes, actually," James smiled. "A few of my friends from my old unit are coming. They're stationed in Pennsylvania and I caught them between deployments." The doorbell rang again, and James excused himself to open the door. He smiled when he saw Josh and Paige on the porch, the former holding baby Alex. "Hi guys, come in."

"Thanks," Josh grinned, shaking his hand as he entered after his wife and child. "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good, pretty good," James nodded. "Hi Paige. And hello there, cutie," he grinned at Alex, who giggled and hid her face in her father's chest. "You're getting big!"

"Yes she is," Josh said proudly. "Say hello to Uncle James, Alex."

"Hewwo," the one-year-old greeted shyly. James' smile broadened as they entered the living room. Tom and Sarah's attention was quickly taken by the little girl, and James sat back, watching and waiting for Shelby and Ryan to come down so they could leave.

A few minutes later, Ryan came down, wearing a long-sleeved collared shirt and tie, his red toga and cap folded over his arm to be worn later. "Hi everyone!" he greeted happily, laying the clothes down on the couch, obviously more than pleased that his entire family had turned out to see him graduate. "Thanks for coming."

"Hey kiddo," Tom smiled, patting him on the back. Josh grinned at him too.

"Looking good," he complimented, Paige nodding her agreement with a smile.

"They're right," Sarah said fondly, coming over to hug her grandson. "Oh, you look so handsome!"

Ryan beamed, wrapping his grandmother in a hug. "Thank you." He crouched down as Alex toddled over, smiling at the tiny redhead. "Hi Alex!"

"Wyan!" The little girl hugged him enthusiastically, and Ryan grinned, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. He seemed to be his cousin's favorite person, always gravitating towards him whenever they visited, and he could always get her to stop crying.

Shelby appeared after another minute, smiling happily at her family. "Okay, everyone, let's go!"


A couple of hours later, applause rang out in the auditorium as McKinley's 2012 valedictorian finished his speech. Ryan cheered loudly as Mike Chang ducked his head with a smile, hurrying off the stage and back to his seat next to Ryan. The students were arranged alphabetically, much to Ryan and Quinn's chagrin, but at least Ryan had found himself seated next to Mike.

"That was an awesome speech," Ryan congratulated him. Mike flashed him a grin.

"Thanks. It felt like I was sweating buckets though, for a second I thought maybe I should have failed something just so I didn't have to be valedictorian."

Ryan laughed. He couldn't exactly relate to the feeling; he felt incredibly at home onstage after all. "Well, it went wonderfully, and at least it's over now."

Figgins took the stage next, and several teachers started to herd the seniors to the backstage area, where they'd wait until their names were called. Ryan smiled as he found Quinn, looking absolutely gorgeous in the red graduation toga and cap. "Hey, you," she called, pulling him close with a smile.

"Hey yourself." He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

"Get a room," Santana called out, rolling her eyes at the display.

Brittany poked her in the arm. "I think they're cute." She tilted her head curiously. "Aren't they supposed to be playing Donald Duck's Ark music yet?"

"Excuse me?" Ryan looked at her in confusion. As far as he knew, Pomp and Circumstance was the go-to soundtrack for graduation ceremonies.

"We watched Fantasia 2000 the other day," Santana explained, smiling fondly at her girlfriend.


A moment later, the music started to play, and Figgins started calling out the names of the students. The group of seniors quieted down backstage, waiting in excited anticipation for their names to be called. Ryan was right there with them, more than ready to achieve this last milestone that would signal his entry into true adulthood. Several students later, Figgins got to the C's.

"Michael Chang, Jr.!"

Ryan bumped fists with his friend, who beamed widely as he went up on stage to accept his diploma. Ryan cheered loudly, peeking out through the curtain before pulling back. He turned around, grinning at Quinn, who shook her head indulgently at him. Finally…

"Ryan Corcoran!"

Quinn beamed proudly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pushing him out of the curtains. He stepped out into the auditorium, grinning as he was greeted by loud cheers from the crowd. He walked down the front of the stage, waving and grabbing hands with the Troubletones underclassmen who were lining the front of the auditorium. He hurried up the stage, beaming at Miss Pillsbury as she handed him his diploma. Turning to face the audience, he quickly scanned through the sea of faces, honing in the ones he was looking for. His parents were cheering him on loudest of all, the rest of his family close by, all of them with wide, proud smiles on their faces. He smiled at them as he held up his diploma in victory.

The moment was broken all too soon though, and he hurried to the back of stage as Figgins called the next student, grinning at Mike, who held his own diploma. Facing front, he waited impatiently as Figgins went alphabetically through the student roster, bouncing in place as the principal finally reached the F's.

"Quinn Fabray!"

Ryan whistled loudly as his girlfriend walked up the stage, a wide smile on her face. He kept a careful eye on her as she climbed the short flight of stairs up the stage, but he didn't have to. Her steps were sure, and she confidently made her way to Miss Pillsbury, who offered her the diploma with a congratulatory smile. Quinn turned to face the crowd for a moment, taking a second to wave at Judy and Frannie, who had managed to arrive in Lima that morning, and to Shelby and James for good measure, before heading towards Ryan. He grabbed her in a hug as soon as she reached him. "Congratulations," he whispered.

"Right back at you," she shot back, twining her fingers with his as they turned to wait for the rest of their friends. Finn was soon onstage, staying a good distance away from them, Mercedes following soon afterwards.

"Santana Lopez!"

Ryan and Quinn clapped enthusiastically as their friend strode up the stage, a bright smile on her face as she received her diploma. Dr. and Mrs. Lopez were cheering loudly in the crowd, and soon Santana took her place next to Quinn, waiting expectantly. It took several minutes, but finally it came.

"Brittany Pierce!"

Quinn and Ryan cheered, or course, along with Brittany's parents, but Santana's applause was loudest of all. Brittany's infectiously bright smile was wide on her face as she accepted her diploma from Miss Pillsbury, and she hurried over to her girlfriend, Santana beaming proudly as she landed a kiss on the blonde's cheek. She'd worked hard to get that diploma, and she more than deserved it.

Several minutes later, the last student was called, and Figgins leaned down towards the microphone with a smile. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you McKinley's Class of 2012!"


"Ryan, over here!"

Ryan found himself engulfed in a plethora of hugs from his family as soon as he got out of the auditorium, his parents letting his grandparents lead the charge. He laughed as he hugged his grandmother back, unable to keep the smile off his face.

"Congratulations, Ryan," Josh grinned clapping him on the back.

"Ditto," Paige agreed, smiling even as she struggled to keep hold of Alex, who was trying to get to Ryan. The fresh graduate nodded his thanks, holding his arms out to his little cousin. The toddler immediately climbed into his arms, smiling happily.

Shelby came forward, giving him a kiss on the cheek as she hugged both him and Alex. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie."

"We both are," James added, ruffling Ryan's hair.

Ryan didn't think his smile could get any wider, but as he looked at his parents, at his family surrounding him, it somehow did. It had been barely two years since he'd met all of them, and yet he could feel the love they had for him in a way he'd never truly felt from Hiram and Leroy in fifteen years. "Thanks," he said, unable to come up with any other words right now. "Thank you so much for being here."

"We wouldn't miss it," Tom told him, smiling proudly at his eldest grandchild.

After a minute of happy chatter, Ryan noticed Quinn coming toward him, still dressed in her red toga. He quickly turned to meet her, smiling widely. "Hey."

"Hi." Quinn's smile was blinding as he pulled her into his side with one hand, Alex still in his other arm. "Hello, Alex."

"Winn!" The little girl offered her a happy smile.

"Oh good, you remember me," Quinn laughed, reaching out to stroke Alex's auburn hair. Ryan's aunt, uncle, and cousin had visited several times in the past year. It had been hard on Quinn in the beginning, the little girl's presence reminding her so much of Beth, but she had grown fond of Alex. Ryan smiled affectionately as Alex reached out to tug at Quinn's tassel.

"Of course she does, you're unforgettable," he told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he passed Alex to his grandmother and pulling Quinn into a proper hug.

"Congratulations, Quinn," Shelby said warmly, smiling at the blonde teenager. Quinn smiled back, moving to hug her as well.

"I couldn't have done it without you," she admitted softly. Shelby just shook her head with a smile as James offered her a grin. "It's nice to see you all again," Quinn greeted the rest of Ryan's family.

"It's lovely to see you too, Quinn," Sarah smiled back. "How are you? I'm glad to see you up and about again." The Corcorans had visited a few times since the accident and had seen Quinn in her wheelchair, but they hadn't been to Lima since she'd started walking again.

"Oh, believe me, no one's gladder than I am," Quinn said wryly. "I'm doing alright. I'm getting better." She smiled as Ryan wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek.

"She even danced with us at Nationals," he bragged. "And we won, too!" Quinn just shook her head indulgently at her boyfriend's antics.

"Where's Judy and Frannie?" James inquired.

"Oh, they're somewhere around here…" Right on cue, Quinn's mother and sister turned a corner, heading towards the Corcoran gathering. "There they are."

"Oh, congratulations, Ryan," Judy gushed as soon as they arrived. "You two looked so wonderful up there."

"Thank you, Judy," Ryan smiled. "Do the three of you have any plans?" he asked, hoping to invite them to the dinner he was having with his family.

Judy exchanged a smile with Shelby. "Oh, we most definitely do."

"They're coming with us," Shelby supplied. "We already invited them home with us for dinner."

"You did?" Quinn asked, surprised.

"We did," Shelby confirmed. "We wanted to surprise you."

"Well, I think it's a wonderful idea," Ryan approved happily. "Let's go!"

With that, the group started off towards the exits. Tom and Sarah would go with Josh, Paige, and Alex in one car, and the Fabrays in their own, leaving Ryan with his parents. The three of them trailed behind slightly, and soon the others had outstripped them. Ryan stopped at the exit, hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia. He'd spent four years in this school, and his time here was done. This place held some of his most miserable memories, but it also held happy ones. And now he was leaving, quite likely forever. It was almost overwhelming.

Shelby and James paused when they noticed he'd stopped, turning to look at him. "Something wrong?" Shelby asked. Ryan slowly shook his head. No, nothing was wrong. He had almost lost himself in this place, but now he had everything he wanted, and it started with the two people in front of him now. It was time to close this part of his life, and it was time to start a new one. Stepping forward, he pulled both his parents into a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered. Shelby just smiled a bit tearfully, and James reached out, tweaking the tassel on Ryan's cap.

"You're welcome, buddy." He cleared his throat, offering his son a smile. "Now let's get going, before your uncle eats all the food."


Dinner was a rousing success filled with laughter, chatter, and several embarrassing stories that had Ryan and Quinn blushing at times. It wasn't entirely unexpected, since Judy did have a tendency to break out the cutest and most blush-inducing stories about Quinn, and Shelby enjoyed matching her with Ryan's baby pictures that Leroy and Hiram had sent her when Ryan had first moved in with her. For his part, Ryan would have preferred for some of those pictures never to see the light of day, but he could see the regret in his mother's eyes whenever she looked at those pictures mixing with her joy and amusement, and he could hardly begrudge her those snippets of his childhood.

Eventually the dinner came to an end, Tom and Sarah returning to Akron and Josh and Paige back to Columbus with a sleeping Alex in tow. Judy and Frannie had stayed a bit longer, indulging in a (non-alcoholic) sparkling cider before heading home. Quinn had stayed though, and she and Ryan found themselves cuddled together in his bed, exuberant and exhausted by the events of the day.

"It's strange," Ryan mused, holding his diploma in one hand, Quinn's head pillowed on his other arm. "It's such a small piece of paper, to signify four years of high school."

"A lot happened in those four years, I guess," Quinn nodded, her hand drifting gently towards her stomach. The corner of her mouth quirked up. "For all that crap we put up with, we deserve some kind of medal, not just a piece of paper."

Ryan hummed in agreement, thinking back to those first two years of high school before everything had turned around. It had been absolute misery, and he almost thought he wouldn't make it through. Looking at Quinn now though, looking at everything and everyone he had right now, he decided that he wouldn't trade his four years of high school for anything. "It wasn't all bad," he teased lightly.

"It had its moments," Quinn allowed, smiling crookedly. "That Push It performance, for one."

"Oh God, will we never live that down?"

"That image of you dry-humping Tina? Nope, that's never going to be lived down." The blonde's smile softened though. "But you're right. High school wasn't all bad. It's where we found each other, after all."

"Right." Ryan returned the smile, reaching out to hold her hand, pulling her close for a kiss. He sighed softly, the sensation of her pressing against him just as electric as it had been two years ago. "It's just hard to believe it's over."

"I hope you mean high school…"

Ryan laughed. "Oh, Quinn. I hope you know by now that the two of us? We're never going to be over."

"Glad to hear it." She squeezed his hand, sobering slightly. He was right, it was hard to believe that after four years spent in the same school, they'd soon all be going their separate ways. "We're going to be okay, right?"

"Absolutely," he nodded vehemently. "I know that statistically, long-distance relationships rarely work out, but I believe that a relationship with a good foundation can withstand the distance. And unless there's something I don't know, our relationship is built on mutual trust. Plus, New Haven isn't all that far from New York after all, and I'm sure we can find time on weekends to spend together."

Quinn smiled, simultaneously amused and reassured. She wasn't naïve enough to think that a long-distance relationship would be easy, but they could do it. They'd just have to put in the work. And on that note, she straightened up, reaching for her purse, abandoned on the side of the bed. "I've got something for you."

"Oh?" He looked at her curiously, smiling when she pulled out a small envelope. "I love it already."

"You don't even know what it is, you dork," Quinn teased. She handed the envelope over, and Ryan lost no time in opening it and shaking it out. His eyes widened a bit as he saw a crisp Metro North pass in his hands. He looked up at her.

"What's this?"

"A Metro North pass between New York and New Haven," she answered, smiling softly. "I got one for me too." The smile faded slightly. "It's going to be hard, not being able to see you every day," she admitted. "I just want to make sure that all the stuff we've been talking about, seeing each other weekends and that sort of thing, I want to make sure we can do that."

Ryan blinked back a little moisture in his eyes as he looked back down at the train pass. "Quinn, you shouldn't have." He looked down at the pass, then back up at her. "Do you have any idea how much these cost?"

"Well, seeing as I paid for them, I think I have a pretty good idea. Don't worry, you can get the next ones."

He let out a laugh. "Right." Quietly he pulled her into a hug, holding her close as he whispered into her ear, "Thank you. Thank you so, so much." Quinn leaned into him, knowing somehow that the words were for far more than just the train pass. They had changed each other's lives so much.

He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, sitting back after a moment. "Actually, I have something for you too." He stood up from the bed, picking up a flat wrapped package from his desk.

Quinn arched an eyebrow lightly as she unwrapped the gift. "A CD?" She turned the CD case over in her hands, looking for a label. There wasn't one though, and she looked at her boyfriend curiously. He ran a hand through his hair, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah. I made it for you."

"A mix CD then?"

"Not exactly," he hedged. "I've been spending some time in Mom's music studio, and she actually has a lot of recording equipment. I've been recording some songs for the past few weeks whenever I have a bit of spare time. Mom and Mike have been helping me."

Quinn looked up at him in surprise. "So this… this is you?"

He nodded. "Yeah." He cleared his throat. "They're mostly covers, you know, of songs that remind me of you. And… I put in a couple of original songs. Get It Right is on there too. I thought… I thought maybe if you missed me in Yale, you could put that on and it would almost be like I'm singing to you." He smiled hopefully. "What do you think?"

She was quiet for a moment, before putting the CD on the bedside table and pulling him into a hug. "I love it." She pressed her lips against his in a slow, sweet kiss, and Ryan let his eyes flutter shut, savoring her skin on his, her weight settled against him, the taste and scent of her setting him on fire. "Thank you," she murmured, drawing back. "I love you so much."

Ryan smiled gently. "I love you too."

It was a few days later when Ryan started going through his belongings, segregating the things he would take with him to New York and the things that would stay behind. It was almost hard to believe how much stuff he'd accumulated in his room, especially considering that he'd only been living here for two years. Smiling in mild amusement, he set aside the basketball trophy he'd received after last year's season. He'd performed quite well, prompting Coach Beiste to name him captain this year. Unfortunately the season had only been halfway through when the car accident had happened, and it had all but vanished from his mind. The team had performed decently enough without him, ending with a 6-4 season.

Putting the trophy down, he glanced around his room. He'd decided to attend NYADA, and had already sent in the necessary requirements and had applied for a spot at the dorms. He and his parents were also considering finding an apartment if he didn't manage to get a slot, but it was still in the air.

Ryan looked up as he heard a knock on his open door, and he smiled at Shelby, who strolled in, glancing around at the mess. "Need any help?" she asked.

"If you've got time," Ryan nodded as she started to help him go through his things. "Shouldn't you be helping Grandma with the wedding details?"

Shelby waved dismissively. "She's got it, and it's not my thing." Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. Shelby had taken a surprisingly hands-off approach to her wedding ceremony to James, stating that she didn't need a fancy hoopla to exchange rings with her fiancé. Sarah was having none of it though and had taken charge, roping Ryan into helping her. Fortunately for him, his grandmother had let him take today off. "I got a letter from Madame Tibideaux," she said casually. Ryan's eyes widened, his organizing forgotten.

"What? Why? Did she say anything about me? Did she change her mind? What –"

"Okay, okay, slow down." Shelby shook her head at him in amusement. "Contrary to your belief, not everything is about you," she teased, causing him to pout. "Do you want to hear what it was about?"

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Yes."

Shelby raised an eyebrow. "Yes, please."

Another exaggerated eye-roll. "Yes please, Your Majesty, I beseech your infinite worthiness to impart to me the contents of this hallowed letter, if it so pleases Her Excellency."

"Fortunately for you, it does in fact please me to share," she sniffed. "It was a job offer. She says she was quite impressed with our win at Nationals, and that if I was interested, she has a spot open in NYADA's vocal department."

"Really? That's amazing!" Ryan grinned, immensely proud of his mom. "Are you going to take it?"

Shelby glanced down for a moment, then back at him, eyes curious. "Do you think I should?"

Ryan blinked, brought up short. He sat down on his bed, thinking. "Well, I think it's a fantastic opportunity," he said slowly. "It's in New York! You've always wanted to go to New York! Why would you want to stay in Lima if you had a job waiting in New York?"

"But what do you think?" Shelby pressed, sitting down beside him. "You'd have your mother teaching at your school again. And I have to say it, accusations of favoritism are a bit more complicated in college, especially in such a subjective field as the arts." She paused. "And do you really want your parents tagging along with you to college? This is when you're supposed to, I don't know, spread your wings or some such crap like that."

"Well…" Ryan sat back. "I wouldn't really mind you being my teacher, I mean, it's worked pretty well for the past couple of years. But I suppose it would kind of cramp my style a little." He offered her a small smile.

Shelby nodded. "Mr. Motta's offered to extend the funding for the Troubletones," she mused. "He was more than pleased with the outcome, and he wants me to stay on."

"It would kind of be a shame to leave them," Ryan said. He sighed. "Look, I'll admit that maybe I want to branch out, learn how to live by myself, stand on my own feet. But… I can't help but feel like we haven't had enough time together." He glanced up at her. "Does Dad know about this?"

"About the job offer? Yeah," Shelby nodded. "And… we've been talking about moving to New York, even before I got the letter." She reached out, squeezing his hand with an affectionate smile. "We kind of feel the same way. We've only had two years together, and you're already moving out." She sighed wistfully. "But I can't help but feel like we should stay."

Ryan smiled a bit sadly, squeezing his mom's hand. "I kind of get that feeling too," he admitted. "The Troubletones need you," he added lightly.

"And you don't?"

He shook his head. "I'll always need you."

"But it's time to grow up." She understood. Of course she did. They couldn't stay together forever. Things changed, and this was just one of them. She offered him a small smile. "Well, I suppose it's not like you're leaving forever."

"Of course not," Ryan agreed. "There's Skype, and holidays, and who knows, maybe if it doesn't work out, you could move to New York next year."

Shelby nodded, reaching out to touch his cheek. "I'm just going to miss you." Two years was unfairly short, but at the same time it seemed like he'd been in her life forever.

"I'll miss you too," Ryan assured her. "But we'll be okay."

She pulled him into a hug. "Yeah. We will."

The next couple of weeks passed by in a blur, and before anyone knew it, it was the much-anticipated day of Shelby and James' wedding. James whistled appreciatively as he entered the wedding venue, admiring the modest yet tasteful décor. "I have to admit, this place looks wonderful," he complimented his soon-to-be mother-in-law.

Sarah smiled proudly. "It does look good, if I do say so myself." Sarah, by some miracle, had managed to put together the entire wedding almost singlehandedly in less than a month, commandeering the assistance of Paige as well as Ryan to carry out everything. She had managed to snag a reservation at one of Lima's few function halls and had gotten her hands on a non-denominational minister to do the ceremony, and had managed to decorate the entire place. The guest list was short and intimate, making it all relatively uncomplicated to organize.

"It should look good," Ryan added. "We put quite a lot of effort into it, since Mom couldn't be bothered." He'd been in charge of music for the reception of course, and he'd managed to get the Troubletones to attend without too much effort. They'd all been excited for their coach's wedding too, and were more than happy to participate.

James just chuckled. "We all know this stuff isn't her thing."

"I don't see why not, she makes a living staging productions after all," Sarah grumbled good-naturedly. James shook his head, amused. "Well, anyways, we should all get changed," she continued. "Everyone should be arriving in half an hour."

"Got it," Ryan grinned. "Come on, Dad, let's go get dressed."

A few minutes later the three of them were in one of the smaller rooms, looking smart in their tuxedos. Ryan checked his reflection in the mirror, beginning to fix his tie into a Windsor knot. James was bouncing a bit nervously in front of another mirror, and Josh pushed him playfully in the arm.

"You're not getting cold feet, are you?" he teased. Ryan froze, wide eyes aimed at his father. What if his dad really did get cold feet and decided to back out? That would be terrible, and absolutely devastating for his mom. If that happened he had no idea who he'd side with, though he suspected he'd eventually end up with Shelby.

Fortunately it proved to be a moot point, as James chuckled, shaking his head. "Nope. I've been waiting for this for a long time."

"That's a relief," Josh said lightly. "Otherwise I would have had to beat you up for standing my sister up." He paused. "Well, I suppose I would have tried, and lost," he admitted ruefully.

"Well, don't worry, we're not going to be having a boxing match anytime soon," James smirked. "I'm just… excited."

"Good." Josh clapped him on the shoulder, adjusting his cuffs. "I'd better go out there, some of the guests should be arriving soon." He exited the room, leaving James and Ryan.

"You're really not getting cold feet, right?" Ryan checked anxiously. James shook his head again.

"Nope. I'm more than ready for this." He took a deep breath. "I've been waiting for this for a long time."

Ryan smiled softly, finishing his arrangements on his tie. Turning to his father, he asked a curious question. "How did you know she's the one?"

James paused, thoughtful. "I don't know how, exactly. I just know she is, if that makes sense. And that's why I never thought of backing out even for a second."

"When did you know, though?" Ryan pressed curiously. His father smiled crookedly.

"I don't think there was any big moment, you know, where it hit me that this is the person I'm supposed to be with." He shrugged. "I think I sort of knew, even when we were in high school. Even when we went our separate ways, I just kind of… knew. Not in so many words, exactly, but there was this feeling, you know? I don't know how to explain. I just… it just feels right. She feels right."

Ryan nodded, filing the words away into his mind. "I get it. I think." He sort of understood what James meant. There was just something he could feel whenever he looked at or thought about Quinn, something indefinable that just felt right. And maybe anything permanent was still in the far-off future, but he knew without a doubt that he would always need Quinn in his life in some capacity. He just knew.

James shot him a small smile. "Yeah, I think you do." He pushed Ryan playfully. "Quinn's a lucky girl."

"We both know I'm the lucky one," Ryan smiled. His father shook his head, straightening his tie.

"You're both lucky." He glanced up inquisitively at Ryan in the mirror. "Have you two talked about future plans? Are more wedding bells in the near future?" he teased.

"Oh, we've talked about it, vaguely," Ryan admitted. "But we both agree that neither of us are ready for a commitment of that magnitude." A small smile appeared on his face. "She told me she'd say 'yes' if I ever asked though."

"That's good," James grinned. "But you're right, a teenage wedding probably isn't all that great for anyone involved. I'm glad you're mature enough to know that." Ryan rolled his eyes. They were quiet for a moment. "You know," James said quietly. "I should really thank you."

"Me?" Ryan cocked his head. "For what?"

"For… all of this." His father smiled crookedly again. "When I came here to Lima after your Mom left me that voicemail two years ago, I never would have imagined that I'd end up here."

"I thought you said you were already thinking about looking Mom up," Ryan ventured.

"I was," James nodded. "But… without that push, I might have never gotten up the courage to actually do it. And once I got here… you changed me."

"I did?"

"Yeah," his dad nodded again. "You… you're the one who made me really think about what I wanted again. I wanted a family, and I have that, with you and your mom. I'd thought… I thought that I was too late, that I was too old, that I couldn't have that anymore. But you made me realize that it wasn't too late." He laughed softly. "I am so proud of you," he said seriously. "And everything you do inspires me to be better. This wedding? This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been here. You're the one who inspired me to really just go for it. So thank you."

Ryan let out a wet chuckle, touched beyond words at what his father had just told him. It was awe-inspiring to think that he'd had such a profound effect on someone. "You inspire me just as much," he reciprocated sincerely. "I'm honored."

James smiled, pulling him into a hug. Ryan hugged him back for a moment, before they broke apart. "Okay then," James clapped once. "We're all set."

"You ready for later?"

"You bet," James grinned, thinking of what they had planned.

Ryan grinned. "Then let's go get you married."


Quinn was already waiting outside as soon as Ryan exited the dressing room, and he stopped short as he took in the sight of his girlfriend. "Wow," Ryan breathed, gazing adoringly at her. "You look beautiful."

She smiled at him. "Thank you. You look great too." She reached up, straightening his tie and brushing imaginary dust off his shoulders. Ryan just shook his head lightly. His brow creased though, as he saw a hint of something in her eyes.

"Something wrong?"

"Hmm?" Quinn froze for an instant before recovering. "No, it's nothing, I'm fine."


The blonde sighed, her hands resting lightly on his shoulders. "Nothing, it was just the car ride over here." She chuckled self-deprecatingly. "My last car ride to a wedding didn't quite go as planned." Ryan paled suddenly at the reminder, and she quickly tightened her grip. "It's fine, I'm fine, I promise."

Ryan swallowed. "I didn't think –"

"I didn't either," Quinn cut him off. "Not until we were actually on our way." She shuddered. "But it's fine, we're both here, no-one's going to get in a car accident this time around."

"Right," he mumbled, clearing his throat. "Right." He was being stupid, she was right there in front of her, the entire wedding party was already here. Nothing was going to go wrong. Still, he felt the undeniable need to pull his girlfriend into a hug, and as he did so he felt Quinn clinging to him just as tightly, both of them needing the comfort of feeling the other in their arms. "We're being silly."

Quinn nodded firmly. "Yes we are." She offered him a smile, one that he tentatively returned.

"When are Frannie and Cooper getting married anyways?"

"They're taking their time this time," Quinn answered. "That, and they can't really find common time off. I'm sure they'll tell us when they're ready." She shook her head. "Ready for your parents to get married?"

Ryan chuckled, his nerves settling. "It isn't every day that a person gets to say that, but yes, I am."

"Can't believe Shelby asked me to be a bridesmaid," Quinn commented lightly, smoothing down her dress.

"Well, she thinks very highly of you," Ryan assured her, kissing her on the cheek. "How could she not? You're incredibly smart, and I know the two of you have grown close over the years." He smirked. "Plus, she knows you made a wonderful choice of boyfriend."

Quinn rolled her eyes, smiling. "Dork."

"Your dork."

"True." She leaned forward to give him a proper kiss, smirking when some of her lipstick smeared across his face. "We should probably go out now," she said, reaching out to wipe the smudge off.

"Right. Thanks." He smiled at her, offering her his arm, and the two of them headed out to the chapel. A few people were already there, chatting idly as they waited for the wedding to start. Sue Sylvester, wearing a black tracksuit, was near the back gossiping away with Holly Holliday, who had come in from Cincinnati for the wedding. The glee kids weren't here yet, but Ryan knew they would be arriving soon.

"Your grandmother is a miracle worker," Quinn said, glancing around the decorated venue appreciatively. For a wedding planned in less than a month, it was very well put together, and she knew Sarah had been responsible for most of it, Shelby having neither the desire nor the patience to do it herself.

"Honestly, I think she's been planning it for longer than a month," Ryan confided, smirking slightly. "Like, ever since Mom and Dad got engaged. Between you and me I think Grams was starting to think Mom was going to be single forever."

Quinn shook her head, amused as they headed to the entrance and spotted Judy. "Hi Judy," Ryan greeted.

"Oh, hello Ryan, Quinnie," Judy smiled back. "You two look so cute together."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Mom."

"Thank you, Judy," Ryan smiled proudly. "I have remarked quite a bit that we are a very attractive couple."

Quinn just shook her head fondly. A minute later they saw James heading toward them, a few people in tow. "Hi guys," he smiled. Quinn smiled back. Ryan's dad looked quite handsome in his tux, and it was only augmented by how happy he looked for his wedding. She'd been around a lot in the past couple of weeks, and James was genuinely excited to be marrying Shelby. Quinn was happy for both of them, and for Ryan too.

"Hello, James," Judy nodded, giving him a small smile. "The wedding looks wonderful, I can't believe you and Shelby planned it in less than three weeks."

James smiled happily. "Thanks, Judy, though Shelby and I can't really take the credit. It was mostly Sarah's doing." He glanced behind him at his companions. "Ryan, I wanted to introduce you to some people, they're my friends from my old unit."

"Oh?" Ryan perked up. He hadn't really met any of his father's friends before, except for that one time when James had moved to Lima almost two years ago. "I remember you," he grinned. "Sim, right? And… Frank?"

"Right," Frank grinned, pleased. "Nice to see you again."

"What he said," Sim nodded.

James chuckled. "Well, you obviously remember them. Sim Dupont, Frank Gehring, Leo Wilder, and Max Keats." The two new guys smiled affably at Ryan, Quinn, and Judy. "Guys, this is my son, Ryan, his girlfriend Quinn Fabray, and her mother Judy."

There was a round of handshakes, and Quinn's interest was piqued when she noticed Judy blushing slightly as she shook Mr. Dupont's hand. She was quickly distracted by the arrival of some of the Troubletones though, and she easily let Ryan pull her away a moment later.


Shelby looked up as the door opened, Ryan slipping into the makeshift dressing room she was occupying, making some last-minute preparations. She was all dressed in the white gown her mom had dragged her into choosing, and she supposed it did look good. Ryan seemed to agree.

"You look amazing, Mom," he said sincerely. Shelby smiled at him, glancing back at the mirror.

"You think?"

"Definitely." He leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Dad's not going to know what hit him."

Shelby laughed, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, sweetie." She pulled away, patting him on the chest. "Do you have the rings?"

A panicked expression crossed his face. "The rings? Oh no, the rings!"

Her eyes widened for a moment, jaw dropping in horror. Then his face relaxed, breaking out into a laugh. "Calm down, Mom, I've got the rings." He pulled a box out of his pocket, flipping it open to show the two matching wedding rings nestled inside. Shelby breathed a sigh of relief, before scowling and smacking him reprovingly on the arm.

"Don't do that," she scolded. "If I have a heart attack before the wedding, I'm blaming you."

Ryan just laughed again, shutting the box and stowing it into his jacket pocket. "Don't worry, Mom. Everything's going to be perfect."

"Of course it is," Sarah said briskly as she entered the room, Tom on her heels. "You look wonderful, Shelby," she said, smiling as she gazed at her daughter. Shelby chuckled as tears started to brim in her mother's eyes.

"Mom, come on. I'm forty, don't tell me you're still crying over me getting married."

Sarah waved her off. "I'll cry if I want to. My baby's getting married." She shook her head, discreetly wiping away a tear. "It's almost time. Are you ready?"

Shelby turned back to the mirror, taking a deep breath. She was getting married. It was almost surreal. After James had left, after Ryan had been born, she'd thought that she was done. Sure, she'd dated around, but no one had really meant anything. And now she was getting married to James. She nodded resolutely. "I'm ready."

"Good," Tom chimed in. "Ryan, why don't you go escort your grandmother to her seat, huh?"

Ryan nodded. "Got it." He moved to Shelby's side, offering her a sweet smile. "You've got this, Mom. I love you."

She couldn't help smiling back at him. "I love you too, sweetie." He pressed a kiss to her cheek, and she turned her smile to her mom, who had moved to her other side. "Love you, Mom."

"I love you, baby." Sarah wrapped her arms around Shelby in a hug, and Shelby relaxed marginally, the butterflies in her stomach settling a bit. "I'll see you soon, okay?" She let Ryan lead her out of the room, leaving Shelby with Tom. She smiled up at her dad.

"I don't suppose you're going to cry too, are you?"

"Me? Nah," Tom shook his head, smiling at his daughter. "I just thought I'd never see the day."


Tom laughed, pulling her into a hug. "I'm just kidding, sweetheart." He pulled back, looking her up and down. "You look gorgeous, you know? James is incredibly lucky I'm letting him marry you."

"Oh, believe me, he knows how lucky he is." She smiled at her father fondly. "I love you, Daddy."

He smiled, his expression slightly wistful. "I love you too." He offered her his arm. "Now, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

She took a deep breath. "Okay."

Arm in arm they stepped out of the room, the music starting to play as they appeared on the makeshift aisle. Shelby's breath caught as she met James' gaze, an awestruck smile adorning his face as he watched her walk towards him.

The walk down the aisle seemed to take no time at all, and before she knew it she was standing next to him, Tom pressing one last kiss to her cheek before he took his seat next to his wife. Shelby smiled at the man who was going to be her husband in just a few short minutes, huffing out a small laugh. "Hi."

"Hi," James grinned back. Shelby's smile widened, and she shifted her attention to Ryan, who was smiling as he watched his parents.

Finally, Shelby noticed that there was someone up here who was not supposed to be. She looked at their 'officiator' suspiciously. "Sue, what are you doing?"

Sue rolled her eyes with an amused look. "Again with the suspicion. Your officiant has been delayed by a flat tire about twenty minutes away. Fortunately for you, the license I took out to officiate my unfulfilled marriage to myself last year doesn't expire until 2013, and upon hearing the news, I took it upon myself to save the day. You can thank me later."

Shelby's eyes flicked to James and Ryan in question, and James nodded, a faint smile of amusement on his face. Ryan's smile looked a simultaneously resigned and apprehensive, but he nodded as well. Finally, she turned back to Sue. "All right then. Make it good."

The cheerleading coach winked. "Gotcha. Okay, everyone, listen up," she raised her voice. Shelby rolled her eyes. "We are gathered here today for the holy matrimony of these two people up here. Now, I'm supposed to ask if anyone objects to this union, but please be informed that if you do, then I will be compelled to run a full background check on you which may or may not culminate in your mysterious disappearance. So, anyone?"

The room was silent, and Shelby had to fight the urge to either laugh or facepalm. She contented herself with a tiny smirk at her mother's incredulous expression. Shelby would bet anything she hadn't been expecting this.

"All righty then." Sue clapped. "Let's skip to the fun part. Vows?"

Shelby and James exchanged a glance, wordlessly questioning who was going to go first. A moment later Shelby cleared her throat. "Looks like it's ladies first," she quipped. She looked up, locking her eyes with James'. "Okay. James. We have had the strangest relationship I've ever known. Seriously, it should be in a movie or something." She took a deep breath. "And after everything that happened, and all the mistakes I've made, it humbles and amazes me that you still want to be with me. It took us a long time to get it right," she flashed a small smile at Ryan, "but now I know that we were always meant to be together. You're my best friend, my protector, and now… my husband." She let out a small, breathless laugh. "So from this day forward, I promise that I will never give up on us, nor on the family that we've built. I give you my love and fidelity, and I swear to love you, honor you, protect and cherish you all the days of my life."

The smile on her fiance's face was brilliant, and he blinked rapidly as he cleared his throat. "Shelby. We've known each other for so long now, and you're right. Mistakes were made, on both our parts," he stressed. "When we first met, you became my best friend. The you became my girlfriend. We lost our way for a while, but now we've found it again. I just told Ryan that I didn't know when I figured it out, but I know that you, Shelby Corcoran, are the love of my life. You're… you're my family," he said simply. "You and Ryan, you're the family I've always wanted." He looked at the two of them to be met with the most beautiful of smiles. "And now, I promise you, both of you, that I'll never give up on the family that we have now. I pledge to you my love and fidelity, and I swear to love you, honor you, protect and cherish you all the days of my life."

Sue cleared her throat. "Outstanding. Rings?" Ryan stepped forward, opening the small box that contained the rings and handing it over with a smile and a discreet brush of his hand across bright eyes. "Shelby, do you take James to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Shelby smiled, slipping the ring onto James' hand. "I do."

"James, do you take Shelby to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He grinned happily as he slipped Shelby's ring onto her finger to join her sparkling engagement ring. "I do."

Sue nodded, a rare true smile on her face. "Then by the power vested in me by the state of Ohio and the slightly sketchy website I found last year, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss."

The newly-wedded couple smiled brilliantly at each other, their lips meeting in a kiss, as applause broke out from the assembled guests.


Soft music played minutes later as the guests milled about, the reception moving along smoothly. Ryan watched happily as James his parents took their seats next to each other. Then he looked away as someone clinked a glass, his parents chuckling and obliging the request for a kiss. Yes, this was their wedding, but he didn't particularly feel the need to see his parents locking lips. It was over in a moment though, and he made his way over to the small stage where the band had set up. He cleared his throat, calling the audience's attention. "I think it's time for the best man's speech now," he noted. "That's me, by the way; and since I'm pretty sure you all know me, I'll dispense with the introductions."

Glancing around at the attentive crowd, he smiled at his parents. "Like my dad said, he and my mom haven't had a particularly conventional relationship, and the same can be said of mine with them. I met my mom for the first time a little over two years ago, and my dad a few months after that. But even in that short time, I can see so much love between the two of you." He paused for a moment, smiling softly at his parents. "The love you two have for each other… it was the first time I'd seen that kind of genuine, sincere love between two people. It's something special, and I am so privileged to witness it, to be inspired by it, and to be a part of it even in some small way. Your relationship may not be perfect, but those flaws are what make it real, and your love is what keeps me believing in love, and it's made me a better person for having seen it."

He picked up a champagne glass from a waiter, lifting it into the air. "We may not have known each other for as long as I'd like, but I love both of you very much, and I wish you a long, happy life together." A round of applause rang out as everyone lifted their glasses in a toast. Ryan met his parents' soft, grateful expressions directed at him. After taking a sip from his champagne, he paused. "You can kiss now, I suppose, but not for too long. There are kids here."

A laugh rumbled up from the guests, Shelby shaking her head in amusement as James leaned in for a kiss. Ryan rolled his eyes as his parents purposefully lengthened the kiss before finally breaking apart. "So now that that's over," he remarked dryly. "It's time for the bride and groom's first dance."

James grinned as he stood up, holding out a hand to help Shelby up. Ryan nodded to the band, and a soft instrumental started up as his parents made their way to the dance floor.

Something about the way you look tonight,
Something about the way that I can't take my eyes off you.
Something about the way your lips invite. Maybe it's the way
That I get nervous when you're around, and I want you to be mine.
And if you need a reason why

It's in the way that you move me,
And the way you tease me,
The way that I want you tonight.
It's in the way that you hold me
And the way that you know me
When I can't find the right words to say

You feel it in the way

Smiling, Ryan watched as Shelby and James swayed slowly around the room to the soft version of the song. He loved seeing them so happy, and they deserved to be. He loved them so much, and seeing them get their own happily ever after was incredible.

Something about how you stay on my mind,
Something about the way that I whisper your name when I'm asleep
Oh girl, maybe it's the look you get in your eyes, oh baby it's the
Way that makes me feel to see you smile, and the reasons they may
Change, but what I'm feeling stays the same.

He glanced over at the table where the Troubletones had grouped together, locking eyes with Quin for a moment. She offered him a tiny smile that he easily returned, half of him singing for his parents, and the other for her.

I can't put my fingers on just what it is that makes me love you
You baby so don't ask me to describe, I get all choked up inside
Just thinkin' 'bout the way

It's in the way that you move me and the way that you tease me
The way that I want you tonight,
It's in the way that you hold me
And the way that you know me
When I can't find the right words to say

You feel it in the way

The music faded out slowly, and the guests applauded as the bride and groom came to a stop. The two shared a kiss again before turning to Ryan. Shelby mouthed a 'thank you' at him, and he smiled in response as he hopped off the stage.


The reception was soon in full swing, and Quinn headed back over to the Troubletones table, carrying a glass of punch. She turned her attention to Santana, who was stuffing herself with mini-sandwiches. She arched an eyebrow. "Have you considered leaving some for anyone else?"

Santana gave her an unimpressed look. "Go away, Tubbers. I needs to eat, and have you tasted these things? Heaven."


"Dancing burns up a lot of calories," Santana informed her. A wicked smirk spread across her face. "As did Britts' and my activities in the bathroom a few minutes ago."

Quinn rolled her eyes, but was very much used to Santana's inappropriateness. She was distracted when Ryan slid into the seat next to him, having gotten up to get his own drink. "Thank God, civilized conversation," she grumbled.

Ryan looked at her knowingly. "Did she tell you about their fun in the ladies' room?"


After a moment he stood up abruptly. "Dance with me?"

"Hmm." Quinn teasingly considered it for a moment before standing up. "Okay." Ryan grinned as they headed onto the dance floor. "How are you doing?"

"Me? Oh, I'm great." He flashed her a smile as his hands settled comfortably on her waist, her arms draped over his shoulders, letting him take some of her weight. She smiled back as she followed his lead, loving the feeling of being this close to him. Like she'd told Frannie so long ago, he made her feel safe, and she knew he'd never let her fall.

"Yeah," Quinn nodded. They were quiet for a moment, before Ryan nudged Quinn gently.

"Look over there."

Quinn looked in the direction he indicated, and her eyes widened slightly as she saw Judy dancing with one of James' friends from the Army. Sim, if she remembered right. There was a wide smile on both their faces, and Judy let out a laugh as the two teenagers watched.

"They look like they're enjoying themselves," Ryan noted lightly. Quinn nodded absently, watching as Sim said something that made Judy laugh again. Quinn hadn't heard her laugh like that in a long time.

"Yeah. It does." Quinn found that she didn't really mind. It had crossed her mind once or twice whether or not her mother would ever start dating again, and Quinn thought that it might be good for her. She was slightly wary, of course, but this guy was James' friend, so he couldn't be that bad.

Whatever was going on there, she decided to put it out of her mind for now, instead choosing to focus on her boyfriend. "It was a nice ceremony," she said idly, referring to the wedding. "Coach Sylvester notwithstanding."

Ryan chuckled. "Yes, it was, wasn't it?"

"I think I'd like our wedding to be like this," she found herself murmuring. The ceremony itself had been short and heartfelt, and the reception was far better and more relaxed than any she'd been to. The shortness of the guest list appealed to her too, with only the people she really wanted in her life present. She'd spent enough of her life pretending to like other people to want to do it at her own wedding.

"Our wedding, huh?"

She pulled herself out of her thoughts, meeting mischievous brown eyes. "Yeah, our wedding," she answered challengingly. "Got a problem with that?"

Ryan laughed. "On the contrary," he whispered, "I think I'd like that very much." He kissed her softly as the song came to a close. "I love you."

Quinn couldn't help her smile. "I love you too."


A few minutes later, Ryan made his way to the stage, having a quick work with the band. The reception had so far been a success, the Troubletones coming up now and then to sing a song. It was time for something else now though. He cleared his throat, calling everyone's attention. "We've got a special surprise for the bride," he announced brightly, smiling at the startled expression on his mom's face as his dad got up on the miniature stage with him. James cleared his throat a bit nervously.

"As most of you probably know," he started, "Shelby and I haven't had the most… conventional… of relationships." A chuckle rippled up from the small crowd. "We were together, then we split up, then we got back together for a week and had a baby, then we got back together again for real after fifteen years." He shook his head with a small, self-deprecating smile. "We probably should have figured out long ago that we were supposed to be together. But that's not important. What's important is that we're here now. We made a few detours, I guess, and a whole lot of mistakes on both our parts. But even with all that, we found our way back to each other." He offered Shelby a smile that was returned wholeheartedly.

Ryan nodded at the band leader, who started to play an introduction on the piano, and James started to sing the song Ryan had been helping him with for the last couple of weeks.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

James smiled wistfully at Shelby, thinking of their past together. They'd been stupid before. He believed they belonged together, and deep down, he'd probably always known they had. They'd just been too young and too scared and too foolish to act on it. But they knew better now.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

He looked at Ryan. He'd missed so much with him. Fifteen years' worth of time that he wished he could get back somehow.

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.

Everything was coming together now, though. He'd found Shelby again, he had a wonderful kid. Everything that had happened to all of them had lead up to now. Ryan started to add his voice to the song, providing a simple harmony.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

Applause rang out as the song ended. He smiled softly as his new wife, noticing the tears slipping down her face, and his breath caught for a second. Then his gaze flickered to his son, standing beside him with a smile, and he shut his eyes briefly, basking in the moment. He'd finally ended up where he was supposed to be, and he'd finally found what he'd been looking for for so long.

A family.


The party was beginning to draw to a close when Ryan found his parents laughing together as they finished another dance. He offered them a smile. "Think I can cut in for one dance?"

James smiled lightly. "I think I can give you that," he teased. "But I want her back afterwards." Shelby just shook her head in amusement, letting Ryan take her hand and lead her onto the dance floor.

"Are you having a good time?" Ryan asked as the band started up a new song.

Shelby nodded, smiling as they danced slowly. "Everything's been nothing short of amazing." She laughed. "Now see, if I'd been in on the planning, it probably wouldn't have gone half as well, plus I'd probably have an ulcer from worrying about everything."

Ryan laughed. "Well, thank goodness for Grams, then."


They swayed companionably for a moment before Ryan observed, "You look really happy."

"I am." She shut her eyes for a moment. "I never really thought I'd end up here, you know? I thought I'd messed everything up too badly." Her eyes shone with unshed tears for an instant. Then she blinked, her gaze refocusing on him. "I haven't said this nearly enough… but thank you."

Ryan smiled softly. "You know, you're the one who's done so much for me, Mom. You've been taking care of me ever since we met, remember? I don't think you have anything to thank me for."

She shook her head at him. "No, I do. When we met…" Her voice trailed off for a moment. "I wasn't happy with my life before. Yes, I had my family, but they have lives of their own. The only thing I had that was mine was Vocal Adrenaline." She let out a self-deprecating laugh. "Kind of pathetic when you think about it. Thirty-seven years and nothing to show for it except a group of soulless automatons."

"Give yourself a little credit," Ryan chided. "They were talented soulless automatons."

Shelby let out a laugh at that. "Yes, well." Her eyes took on an introspective look. "My life stopped when I had you."


"It's true," she said quietly. "After I had to let you go I let myself fall, and even when I came back up it wasn't the same. I closed myself off because I didn't want to get hurt again. Never had a real relationship. Turned into the hard-assed bitch Vocal Adrenaline knew as their coach."

"I guess you just needed the right person. I'm sure if Dad had shown up sooner –"

"He did, actually. Remember, I told you I met back up with him just before I left New York." She shook her head again. "I love him, but he wouldn't have been able to fix me completely. Not without you." She smiled, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "When I first saw you up on that stage, I couldn't believe my eyes. I just knew you were mine. Then we met at the garage, and finally, I felt like maybe my life could actually get better. Before, I was just… going through the motions. But then I met you." She looked at him strongly, her green eyes intense. "You have made my life infinitely better. Even all this, this wedding? I know it would have never happened without you."

Ryan laughed softly, blinking back the tears that had sprung up in his eyes. He'd never imagined that he would have so great an impact on someone's life, and today, the two people who'd impacted him the most had told him that he'd affected them so much. "The feeling is mutual," he told her sincerely. "My life has been a million times better since I met you." They drifted effortlessly around the dance floor for a few more beats, before he smiled. "Do you remember that time in the garage before I figured out just who you were? We were talking about dreams."

Shelby let out an amused huff. "I remember. Considering I was worried to death that my Range Rover was going to fall on top of you and crush you to death, it's pretty amazing I remember what you said." Her smile softened in reminiscence. "You told me that you were missing… me."

"Yeah." His expression was pensive now as they continued to glide around the dance floor. "There had always been something missing, something I was looking for. Something that could change everything, for the better. I didn't know what it was, exactly, but eventually I figured out that maybe it was you." He shook his head, smiling. "And I was right."

"I felt the same way," Shelby nodded. "There was always something missing in my life, a void nothing could fill." Her smile turned wry. "I always knew what it was, of course."

Ryan smiled at her as the song drew to a close. "Well, I'm glad we both found what we were looking for."

Shelby pulled him into a hug, each holding the other close. "Me too."

Pulling away after a moment, Ryan nodded towards the band, which was gearing up for its next song. "Will you sing with me?"

The smile on his mom's face was wide. "I'd love to."

And that's a wrap! Just in time for Christmas too. I hope you all liked it and that it wasn't an anticlimactic end to this behemoth of a story.

As multiple people have remarked to me, it's hard to believe that this fic is finally finished. It's a bittersweet feeling. I've been doing this for almost three years now, and a lot has happened in that time – I've graduated college, gotten a job, started a graduate degree. But writing this fic has become a constant and fun way to blow off steam and to let my creative side out for once. It's been a challenge to try and improve the canon storylines, but it's always enjoyable to explore what ifs, and to put in all the little nods to canon and meta references here and there.

I've mentioned that this is my first fic ever, and I never intended for it to get this long. And I certainly never expected anyone to actually read it, much less follow along with it for over 700k words. So I'd just like to thank everyone who's read this fic, followed it, favorited it, and most importantly, everyone who's left a review. I can't tell you how happy it made me every time I saw a notification for this story in my email, and how delighted I was every time someone complimented my writing, the characterizations, or just the story itself. I've never had much confidence in my writing before – and even until now I'm very anxious every time I post a new chapter – but writing this fic has really changed that for me. Your comments always nudge me to keep going, and they push me to improve my skills.

So with that, I'll mark this fic as complete, but I think these characters I've written still have stories to tell in the future. I don't know when any sequels will be up yet, but I do have plans for one, as well as plans for other stories. Time will tell when I can post more of my stories and which ones will be published first, since real life keeps me quite busy, but I'll be back.

Again, thank you for sticking with me throughout this story, and I hope to see you again in any others that I post in the future!