Chapter 1

It was morning. At a meeting. Like any other meeting, England and France were fighting and Italy was waving white flags everywhere. Romano was cursing Spain out, America was laughing his usual laugh and Russia was scaring the crap out of the Baltics. Germany of course was screaming at everyone to shut up, however this time it wasn't working.

Everything seemed to be normal. However…..


Outside the building, a certain dissolved nation poked his head out of the bushes, where he had been hiding. He did his little Kesesesese and moved closer to the door. Apparently what his little brother had said this morning really got to him.

Really got to him.


"Alright, I'm going to the meeting. Don't make a mess of the house while I'm gone." Germany called down the hall. There was a small pause before Germany heard loud huffing and heavy footsteps. "West! Wait!"

Germany stopped from walking out the door to see his brother panting behind him. "What's wrong, bruder?"

"You-you almost left without me!" He panted with a smirk. "Alright, now we can go!"

Germany put a hand to his face. This couldn't still be going on could it? "Bruder, listen-"

"HANG ON! Before you say what I know you're gonna say West, let me explain that I'm awesome and deserve to come. I'll make the meeting more fun!"

"Bruder, please-"

"Shh! I'm not done talking! Let me come, and I'll clean the house for a week! And feed your dogs and whatever!"

"Bruder stop. JUST. STOP."


Germany sighed. He couldn't say it nicely, so he just said what he could. "Bruder you know very well you can't come to meetings anymore. You're dissolved. This little play you put on every time a meeting comes up is getting old. You can't come and that's the last time I'll say it."

"But-but West-"

"NO BUTS! Stay here and don't get into trouble." Germany walked out of the house with a long, exasperated sigh, shutting the door behind him. He didn't want to be mean to his brother, but he had no choice. He had to make him understand.

Prussia watched sadly from the window as Germany took off in his car and drove away. He red eyes shook. Suddenly an amazing idea popped into his head.

"I'm sneaking into that meeting! Weather they like it or not!" he laughed. Racing out the door he made his way to the building where the meeting would be held. In America.


Prussia opened the door slightly and crept in. He shut the door softly and looked around. Where was the meeting hall again?


There it was. On the second floor. I gotta thank Ita-chan for that later, he thought.

Racing up the stairs he looked into the meeting room quietly.

It was hilarious.

He saw his buddies Spain and France; one being harassed by a brit, the other harassed by an Italian.

This whole scene was amazing. His brother was rubbing his temples in annoyance at this whole scene. Once his red eyes spotted Russia he growled with hatred. He hated him. He gave a small laugh when he saw America and Denmark laughing at some stupid joke America said.

He couldn't believe this. He was missing out on all the fun!

Ah, at least he hadn't gotten caught.

"Prussia? What are you doing here?"

He gulped. He knew that voice. He despised that voice. It was behind him. He turned around slowly and spotted the prissy aristocrat behind him. He shook with a little bit of fear knowing he had been caught. Hopefully this jackass wouldn't tell on him.

"Prussia, you're not supposed to be here. Go home." Austria snarled.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Prussia smirked. Austria just sighed in annoyance and tried to walk past him. Prussia stopped him in his tracks: "You're not going to tell on me are you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Of course not." Austria snarled with a raised eyebrow. He pushed past the Prussian and walked into the meeting room. He took a seat beside Hungary who greeted him with a loving smile. Austria took a sip of some tea and turned to Germany, "You know your brother's outside right?"


"What?!" Germany howled. Austria shrugged. "I tried to tell him to go home, but he wouldn't listen to me. Figures." He said with another sip of his tea.

"I'm sure he'll listen to me" Hungary snarled with her frying pan in hand. Germany stopped her from holding the metal object up and sighed. "No, I'll deal with this. He needs to learn. Isn't that right, bruder?!" he called.

Prussia gulped. Everything had quieted down in the meeting room. Even the constant fighting of the Frenchmen and brit stopped for a minute at the mention of 'bruder.'

He had no choice. He peered around the door and made a huge nervous smile, "Yeah West?"

"Mi amigo!" Spain yowled excitedly, "How are y-"

"Enough! Bruder, go home." Germany commanded. Prussia didn't move. Instead, he looked a little….hurt.

"Go home, Prussia. You're not welcome here." Austria snarled. Hungary nodded to her frying pan in warning. Prussia's eyes shook. Spain leaned in a little closer. Was he crying?

"I HATE YOU ALL!" He screeched, "Throwing me out of meetings just because I'm dissolved! How could you?! You wouldn't know what it feels like! What if something really did happen to me?! Then you'd miss me!" He said with visible tears running down his eyes. Germany, France and Spain were terribly hurt by the comment he had made. Romano just snorted with a smirk.

"Get out of here potato bastard number two. You're not welcome here." Romano nodded to the door with his thumb.

Prussia cursed in German under his breath. Finally, not being able to take it any longer, Hungary stood up and walked up to him and put her frying pan under his chin, making him squeak with fear. "Get out Prussia; now. Or I swear I'll hit you so hard you'll never wake up."

Switzerland nodded in agreement. A few nations began whispering a few things under their breath.

"SCREW YOU, BOOBS!" Finally Prussia had interlocked with a full on battle with the Hungarian. They were fighting with their hands, for Prussia had knocked her frying pan out of her hands. And now that they were fighting, everyone was in panic.

"Vee! Stop!" Italy squealed.

Finally a bunch of nations tried to break up the fight but were failing miserably. England sighed in annoyance and drew out his spell book. It seems the only way to end this is with a spell, he thought.

"Give me that!" England flinched when France snatched the book out of his hands and began to flip through random pages. "I'll stop this!"

"STOP YOU BLOODY FROG! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" England screeched. Germany dashed to France and tried to pull the book out of his hands along with England. Finally France flipped to a random spell that had the words 'stop' and 'fight' in it. Germany figured this was it. And, out loud, he began to mutter the spell. England, recognizing the spell, jumped away with panic, France in tow. "Stop Germany! Stop!"

Too late. While Germany had been going on with the spell his brother had bumped into him and a huge white light echoed from the book. It surrounded Prussia and Germany, and the other nations screamed and moved back, further away. Watching in horror, the white light completely surrounded the two. Suddenly, Germany flew out of the light and hit the wall sharply, wincing with pain.

"Germany!" Italy cried running to him. He helped his friend up and the two continued to watch in horror as the white light continued to surround Prussia.

"BRUDER! NO!" Germany raced back to the light.
"Stop Germany!" England howled. Thankfully, the white light vanished. Two small thumps were heard the instant the light disappeared. Germany's eyes widened as well as the other nation's did. Everyone looked around. Where was Prussia? Germany looked at his feet.

Oh my god.

At his feet, England's spell book lay next to a small child. The small child was wearing a white coat with the iron cross on the front, basically all over it. The child looked up at him and gave a huge grin. "Hey west! Did you get taller?"



Prussia looked around, confused. "Why do I feel so small? Why is everyone so tall?" He looked at his clothes. "Hey! Why am I in my Teutonic Knight uniform?"

Germany panted heavily. He felt like he was going to faint. What have I done?

"You idiot! That wasn't the right spell that was a child's spell! And do you know how long that takes to wear off?! A LONG TIME!" England spat. Germany shook. He turned his brother into a child!

"He looks so cute!" Italy squealed.

"Da. Bad memories we had when we were children, da?" Russia remarked at the Prussian.

Germany couldn't take it. "England! There has to be a way to reverse it!"

"No there is not." The brit shook his head. "Just wait for it to wear off."

"And how long will that take?"

"I don't know. I've never used it before." England shrugged. Germany looked to Romania and Norway, who shook their heads to signal they didn't know what to do either. Germany sighed. "Bruder, I-"

"I'm a child again! Should I be excited or scared?" Prussia asked himself. A few nations looked at the small ex-nation and began to walk toward him. Suddenly Prussia remembered what happened before all of this. "Stay back!" He commanded, "I'm still mad at you all!"

A few nations sighed. "Look mon ami, we're sorry." France said, "Actually it should be you're brother and the Austrian and Hungarian and older Italian who should be apologizing to you."

Romano looked away with a snort. Austria sighed with annoyance and Hungary turned away. Prussia snorted and looked around at everyone. "Well don't touch me! Just because I'm a child again, doesn't mean I want to be with you!" he yelled. The nations backed up except for Germany. Germany, who was behind him, grabbed him and held him up. Prussia gasped and squirmed around in his brother's hands. "Let me go! Let me go!"

"Nein. I'm taking you home until this spell wears off. The meeting is over!" He announced, "We can all go home now."

The nations just watched the German walk out with a Prussian child in his hands. Now all the nations could say was, "What?"

Author's note!

It'll get better. I promise.

Ok. I love Prussia. That is it. So I had to do a story about him. I hope you enjoy it as it goes on XD

See you in the next chapter XD
