AN: I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me this far. I love you all. Big hugs for Belieber Twihard, viridianaln9, DragonFireCheetah, Iridescent Bellisle Cullen, MeggieBlack for the lovely comments. I want to give an even bigger than you to Iridescent Bellisle and Alonia143 who have chatted with and helped me keep writing this story.

Ever since Uncle Bilbo came back from his Adventure Frodo had wanted to go on one too. He wanted to see mountains and Elves and Giants made of stone and Dwarrows and trolls and all sorts of adventurey things. His parents, or well his mama who was a Brandybuck, encouraged him. But then they both died, drowned in the River they did, got what they deserved they did said Cousin Lotho, and he didn't want to do anything. Uncle Bilbo took him in, kissed his hurts, saved him from mean Lotho and Uncle Otho who always looked so disappointed and Aunty Lobelia who confused him so badly cause sometimes she was nice and other times not. Uncle Bilbo told him stories, made him feel at home. Then Uncle Bilbo took in Sam and Merry and Pippin making their small family seem bigger. And for a while Frodo was happy just where he was.

Then one day Merry asked about Soulmarks. The Marks that appear on a Hobbits wrist on their thirty third birthday and give hints about the Hobbits best match, or at least that what mama had said. Uncle Bilbo had told them of course cause Uncle Bilbo always answered their questions and Frodo heard Uncle's sadness. The sadness of meeting your Mark but then losing them. Uncle Otho often yelled and hissed at Aunty Lobelia about losing them, that losing them hurts almost as much as being rejected and she needs to stay home. And just like that Frodo wanted to go on an Adventure again. An Adventure to find uncle Bilbo's Mark and bring him home so that Uncle Bilbo would smile all the time. He told Sam and the others and they agreed it would be an awesome surprise and Adventure. Of course when Frodo got his Adventure weeks later he didn't like how it started. Sam and Pippin were sick and Orcs where in the Shire! Not how he imagined starting his adventure at all!

But Rivendell, Rivendell was, is, amazing. Uncle Bilbo let Sam and Merry and Pippin write a letter to let their parents know that they were safe but that's it cause Uncle Bilbo didn't want the Orcs finding the letters and chasing them down again. Frodo loves Rivendell, loves the twins and Estel and, and everything but he loves it more when the Dwarrows come with Uncle's Mark. Uncle's Mark who said he'd fix what others broke. Sam is right and adults are confusing and they like to make things difficult.

Sam shifts beside him bringing him out of thoughts of the past. They're standing in their room making sure all their toys and books and clothing are packed. They're going on another Adventure with the Dwarrows! Frodo's going to miss it here but Uncle said they could write and visit so it's okay. Plus he wants to see Erebor! Wants to meet Mister Thorin's sister Dis and see everything that Fili and Kili told him about. Sam grabs his hand and squeezes it. His brave Sam is a bit more nervous about the Adventure, but Sam wants to go anyways. Brave Sam, his brave Sam.

"We're going to Erebor…."


Sam tilts his head.

"If Mister King marries your uncle does that make Mister King your uncle too?"

"I think so."

"Okay…. So does that mean that Mister Bilbo is gonna be Mister King's Queen?"

Frodo blinks quickly.

"I don't know… Oh! We should ask the Twins or Fili and Kili!"

With matching grins the two fauntlings race out of their room, thoughts of adventures put to the side in the quest for knowledge. They're still holding hands as they run, causing many Elves to coo softly at them. Before they can find the Twins or Fili and Kili they run into Mister Elrond and Mister Glorfindel. The blond Elf is being very serious and intent as he talks to Mister Elrond in Sindarin. Frodo understands some of it, Uncle and Mister Lindir is teaching them it. Mister Glorfindel keeps mentioning Mister Lindir and something about not hurt.

"You have my word my friend, I will do everything in my power not to hurt Lindir… He is… special to me."

Glorfindel seems to puff up at the Westron words.

"He is a very special lad. And I'm glad I have your word."

The two fauntlings wait until the adults leave, squishing back into the shadows, Mister Nori had told them that if you hear a conversation that sounds private you don't want to get caught, before continuing their hunt. They find all four of their prey together and call out to them.

Meanwhile, completely unaware of what two of his charges are doing, Bilbo sits on his bed. His room like the fauntlings rooms is bare, packed away for travel. For another Adventure his mind whispers as he slips his hand into his vest pocket to worry his ring. His nifty, useful, precious ring. Calming, precious….Oh goodness gracious I shall not begin to think like that creature! Bilbo hastily removes his hand from his pocket. While he may not be sure that he's ready to face the mountain, his love of Thorin aside, he most definitely is not ever going to be ready to start sounding like Gollum. Even if he isn't ready he will have Thorin at his side, plus he'll get to meet Dis and the other members of the Company's family. Soft rapping on his door draws his eyes to it and Thorin who stand in his doorway staring at him fondly.

"Are you ready?"

"I do believe I am up for one more adventure so long as no barrel rides are included.," he says standing and joining Thorin.

Tearful goodbyes and promises to write and visit are exchanged. Bilbo even catches Thorin politely bidding farewell to Lindir. A Lindir who is standing so close to Elrond he could be holding his hand. Of course Bilbo slyly brings this up to the Minstrel as he gets his good bye hug and rejoices in the blush it brings to the Elf. Thankfully they don't encounter any Stone Giants or Goblins on their way over the Misty Mountains. Beorn loves the fauntlings to bits and it is a sad sight on the day they leave, fauntlings crying and the big Bear of a Man looking away because pollen got in his eyes. Of course Bilbo pretends not to hear the shovel like talk Beorn gives Thorin. They say goodbye to Tauriel in Mirkwood, Kili has a sour look that Bilbo will investigate later. And then they are in Dale gazing up at Erebor.

"Home," Bilbo breathes softly not noticing the soft look he is given by Thorin nor the mischievous look on Fili's face.

"I can't wait to introduce you to mother Aunty Bilbo."

Bilbo splutters, face turning a bright red as he attempts to glare at Fili. Kili laughs.

"Oh, oh and Vonna and Nurra! Would you believe me Aunty Bilbo if I told you Nurra chased Uncle Thorin around with a frying pan?"

The Company laughs, except for Bombur who just smiles dreamily at the mention of his One, and Bilbo lets out a fond sigh. He is almost home, and if the Ring in his pocket actually feels lighter than it has since they left Rivendell… well that's for another day.

AN: And so ends Soulmarks Never Lie. Don't worry I plan on writing a sequel to this! it may take a while to be put up but there will be one!