This was supposed to be up yesterday, but I had a hectic day so you get this chapter today and the next one either tonight or tomorrow depending on how my day goes. Also please review it really helps.

10:56 P.M. March 31st

The house was quiet except for the soft sound of the television in the background. Mary and Edward were already cuddled up in bed, content with their surroundings and both feeling no need to talk. Looking over at Mary, Edward saw that she was almost done fighting a battle against herself on whether or not it was time to sleep. He pulled his arm just a bit trying to get it out from her heavy head as he watched her face making sure that his sleeping beauty would not awaken with the movement. Feeling victorious that she had not woken up so far he tried to get his arm out faster. Pushing his luck, as he always does with her, he ripped the final part of his arm out from under her head and jumped off the bed. Pulling himself back together, he glanced back at her to see that she had seem to have stayed asleep throughout the whole endeavour. But with his hand on the door nob, he heard the distinctive noise of Mary clearing her throat and closed his eyes.

"Dammit," He whispered. " I was so close." He rocked on his balls of his feet for a second, thinking about his chances of getting out of this, before he turned around slowly to face the bed where Mary was laying, head propped up on her elbow.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" She asked with the raise of her eyebrows."If I was anybody else, I would swear that you were cheating on me and that I just caught you in the act."

"But you are not anybody else, therefore, you know better than to think that I would even ponder the idea of that," Edward replied, squirming as he thought back to the time when she threatened to cut off his balls if he were ever to cheat on her.

"That still does not answer my question though, so I'll ask again, where the hell do you think you are going?"

"Um, I just remembered that you forgot to set up the coffee pot for tomorrow and I know you enjoy a nice cup of it before work so I just thought that maybe I would set it up for you so you won't be cranky about it tomorrow morning." He looked around the room trying not to make eye contact with her, knowing that if he did she would see right through his lie.

"No, I clearly remember setting it up because I asked you if you wanted to try that new kind your mother gave you and you made the gagging noise you always do when we talk about your mother's gifts." She replied. "So would you like to try again?"

"Mmhm, how about I needed a cigarette and I thought you wouldn't want to be woken up for such a petty reason?" Trying again he looked at her, giving her a tiny shrug.

"Okay, how about I tell you that I know you and I know that you are setting up for your April Fool's day prank even though you know I don't want to deal with that and that I think you are such a child for doing it." Looking down rocked on his feet trying to just get it over with so he could go out and set it up. He knew she knew and she knew he knew therefore he thought there was no more reason for him to be grilled.

"Fine," She sighed, "you can go set up whatever prank you are going to pull but if you are not back in this bed by one I will assume that you wanted to sleep on the couch tonight." Rolling over to face the closet she got settled to go back to sleep, leaving him there to gape at her in surprise.

Pulling himself together for the second time tonight he ran out of the room and out to the kitchen only pausing to slowly close the door as not to disrupt her. Getting to the kitchen he slid to a stop and turned around furiously looking for the plastic wrap. Opening and closing the cabinet doors he searched for it. He stopped for a second trying to think of the last place he saw it. Deciding that it wouldn't be in one of the cabinets but in one of the drawers by the sink he slid over to the and opened the second drawer.

"Bam." He whispered, grabbing the cardboard container and sliding it out of the drawer. Slowly he closed the drawer remembering that this is the one the sticks sometimes. Usually, when Mary sees something out of place she knows exactly what he did, April Fool's day was going to be just the same, he just knew it.

After jiggling it back into place as quietly as he could, Edward went into the bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat. Crouching down by it, he set down the wrap so he could lift up the toilet seat. Giggling to himself he began to wrap up the toilet in the plastic wrap. Meticulously, he cut up the pieces and wrapped them carefully around the edges of the bowl making sure that there are no gaps and that all of the pieces could reach from one side to another.

Once Edward was satisfied with the wrapping of it, he sat back on his knees to view his work. Closing the lid of the toilet he remembered his "deadline". Quickly he got up and out of the bathroom, glancing at the stove clock he sighed. He had made it just minutes before one. Smiling to himself he put away the wrap, making sure the drawer was set and made his way to his room where his lovely girlfriend was sleeping soundly in his bed.