So this is the finally part of this little story. The whole thing was a little late then I wanted it to be but it's done and that's what matters. I will probably go write a chapter of a story for The 100 and then go back to my other Kiddway one.

5:37 P.M. Still April 1st.

Edward sighed turning and pulling the key out of the ignition of his car. He opened the door and stepped out, looking up Edward was startled to see Mary's truck still sitting in the same spot that it was when he left that morning. Reaching back to his car to grab his bag he wondered what she was still doing at his house. Slamming the car door, he made his way to his house.

"Hello?" He questioned looking around inside his house.

"Hey, Edward, welcome home." Mary looked over from her spot on the couch.

"I thought you said you weren't going to be here when I got home?" Edward dropped his bag at the door and made his way over to where she was sitting. Placing himself next to her, he draped his arm around her shoulders. "It doesn't really matter too much because I've had the worst day and one side of me wants to go to bed while the other half of me wants to tell you everything that happened."Mary looked over at Edward for a second before shrugging his arm off of her shoulders and lifting her arms up off her lap.

"I told you that I was going to stay home and do my work today, Edward, you know I don't enjoy pranks, so to stay on the safer side I decided to just stay here and do everything." Mary looked down at him sitting in her lap like a little puppy dog. She watched as Edward reached up and grabbed a piece of her hair and twirled it around. He played around with it for a few seconds before letting it go and gazing up at her.

"Well, as I told you before, my day was complete shit. I'm happy you're here though, so I can talk shit about whoever put shit in my coffee to make me shit so much." Edward glared at Mary, seeing that she was smirking at the news of the coffee. "But that was only a chip off the iceberg. Between the shower problems and the coffee I was pissed, then I went out to smoke, right, and my lips start going numb, it's not even cold out!" Edward huffed, the day had definitely not gone as he had planned. He was supposed to be the one who set up the jokes! But this year someone had outdone him. "It's driving me crazy, thinking about who could have done this. I thought nobody in the office would have the balls to do it to me and yet someone still did."

"Well," Mary replied. "Looks like the jokester has finally been out joked, huh?" She watched the television carefully and made sure not to crack and show even a little evidence that every single prank that had been pulled on him was her. All of them.

Edward sat up quickly, seeming to be fully energized at his new idea. "Will you help me make a list?" He asked. Jumping up he ran into the bedroom and grabbed an empty notebook and a pen. Edward bounced back onto the couch and looked at her expectantly.

"No, Edward, I will not help you make some kind of weird prank hit list," Mary told him. "Besides I doubt that the person who did it is going to make it on that list."

Edward eyed her carefully. "Why would you say that, hmm, Ms. Read? Do you know something I don't about it?" Edward scooted closer to her, watching her face carefully. "You do know it's illegal to hold information about the crime from an officer."

Mary scoffed, sparring a single glance at him before turning back to the t.v. "Edward, you are not an officer and it is not a crime to prank someone, you should know better than anyone that it's not."

"You still didn't answer my question, though." Getting closer to her face he began to watch her, waiting to see her crack. "Do you know something about these "immature" pranks that were pulled on me today?"

"No, I don't know any more than you do about it, alright?"

"You did it, didn't you?" He asked her. Smiling he watched her eyes flick with recognition for a second before going back to their usual stone cold hardness. "I got you! You said it was "immature" and "inappropriate" but then you decided that it would be cool to pull them on me anyway, huh?" Edward looked at her searching her face for the answer.

"I don't have a clue what you are talking about, Edward."

"Yes, you do. The real question is how?"

"You really don't know, do you?"Mary asked finally turning to him.

"Nope," He replied sitting back against the arm of the chair and putting his feet in her lap. "But I want to hear it, so would you please put your pride away for a few seconds and tell me everything you did to make my day a complete wreck."

"Okay," She said pushing his feet off her lap only for them to return a second later. Edward shifted on the couch a bit before looking at her with expectant eyes. "Last night after I took my shower I put those beef cubes that your mom gave us into your shower, also during that time I painted clear nail polish on your bar of soap. When you were getting ready for bed, I was setting up the coffee pot and by setting it up I mean mixing laxatives in with the grounds. Lastly while you were getting your prank ready for me I was putting Orajel on your cigarettes. See you are way too easy to fool, these were all so easy to do too."

Edward sighed, still trying to grasp that she had really pranked him. "I just can't fully grasp it. You the mayor of no-funville beat me the mayor of funville." He looked at her. "You know what? I'm going to bed, it has been the longest, weirdest day I have been through. So goodnight." Edward pushed himself off the couch and made his way to the bedroom.

Mary stayed and sat on the couch. Watching him leave to the bedroom, she chuckled to herself knowing that once again she had won another battle against him. Turning back to the television she clicked through all of the channels before deciding that nothing good was on and nothing good would not come on anytime soon. With that thought, she turned off the t.v. and made her way to Edward's bed and his arms.