****Divergent and its characters are property of Veronica Roth-Non divergent characters such as Aria and the story parts belonging to me are MY property and are not to be infringed upon Copyright law*** ©

So this chapter was extremely difficult at first because they were in the same place, which makes dialogue very difficult, and there wasn't much for them to do. So I had to create another storyline for this setting. So in this chapter we see what happens when Tobias (Four) and Aria do when they are forced to interact after all they've put each other through.

Chapter Six: Cimmerian

The light strip embedded in the rock flickers few times then shuts off. I sigh and wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness as a tiny drop of water hits my forehead. I brush it away realizing the large storage room isn't a room but a cave and it's wickedly cold. Thank god Eric ordered the guard to bring me warm clothes, well warmish, I never really had the chance to buy warm clothes, it isn't the season for it. I clutch his jacket around me tighter and look around. There's a half dozen scattered wooden crates near the door with nets strewn across them, a large tangle of climbing rope, some broken bottles litter the entry way, they must like to party down here on occasion. Though I don't for the life of me know why it's not a pleasant place. The rocks are crumbling in some areas, debris litter the ground, dust, dirt, loose rock. The walls are wet with condensation and stalactites jut down from the ceiling with constant dripping. And it smells. I'm not entirely sure of what but it's reminiscent of animal musk and rotting vegetation. What creature could survive down here is beyond me, some kind of large rats probably. I sigh again I can't believe I got myself into this.

My brother is inspecting some decrepit furniture, he picks up an armchair and tosses it aside almost angrily, guess that's useless. The old pair of arm chairs are thrown carelessly against the wall, a metal desk covered in rust and a small file cabinet missing a few drawers. Trash. Nothing we can use to make this place more comfortable. That's not the point though is it, its punishment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we were on speaking terms but this really is going to be difficult. I rub my forehead massaging the vein that's protruding there; I feel the oncoming's of a headache. I've got to relax, I can't let myself get upset over any of this, there is no need to stress I'll just chill here for a few days. That's all. Everything will be fine. The sound of the trickling river distracts me from my thoughts, perfect a distraction. Exactly what I need, so I follow the sound, dragging my hand over the uneven stone wall. The color is rater beautiful actually, it glitters in some spots like stars against the night sky. The water isn't nearly as fierce as it is in the chasm.

Following the wall as it curves around a bend I find a vast and incredible cavern before me on the other side of the underground river. My mouth hangs open, this is where the Dauntless 'store' things? I wonder closer to the edge of the river to get a better look, there is slight drop to the water where rocks stick out sporadically. I can't believe all this is under Dauntless. I can't even imagine how massive the cave system must be, it probably goes on forever.

"Get away from there it isn't safe, you could fall and die," my brothers voice comes out of the darkness and strong hands grab me, pulling me back.

"You're not safe!" I try to push his arms off, he releases me expelling a sharp gust of air.

I straighten my clothes and turn to face him, "I can't believe I'm stuck in here with you."

"Yea I know you'd rather be stuck in here with Eric right," he tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes at me.

"Yup. Leave me alone."

"You attacked me remember?"

"You deserved it." I can't stop myself from saying it, even after all we've been through with our father and we survived him only to kill each other? "I didn't do anything to you to deserve this. Ever since I got here you treated me with nothing but hostility and contempt! All I want is for you to leave me alone."

"Then why did you save me," he practically shouts at me, I don't even have an answer for him. "You should have just let him kick me out. It doesn't matter they're going to find a reason eventually."

"Why what did you do?" I ask folding my arms across my chest.

"None of your business," he sneers and we start back on the path back to the door.

"Someone's going to tell me eventually, might as well come from you," I mumble and kick some pebbles under my boot. They scatter and fall into the river with a tiny splash.

"It involves your twisted little boyfriend," his voice is as twisted as the word, there is a great deal of hatred in him and I hate that's its there, corrupting the purity that was in him. "I don't think you'd like what I have to say."

"What happened to you?"

"I could ask you the same question," he says over his shoulder as he walks just around the curve to the entrance. I stand there alone, silently in the dark tunnel and place my head against the wall. A terrible pain twists and churns inside me, wanting me to fall to pieces in this dark godforsaken place. I won't, I won't. Straightening myself I take several deep breaths before walking back towards the entrance. I find a spot on the ground that's dry, near some of the old crates. I fidget trying to find somewhere the sharp edges won't stick into my back, the stone will never be warm or comfortable. It will always be rigid and cold, like my brother. Wrapping Eric's jacket around myself as tight as I can I pull my knees to my chest and bury y face in them.

"Aria..." his gruff voice repels against the wall behind me. I tune him out. I don't want to hear it, any of it.

I'm not sure how long it's been but when I lift my face I can't even see Tobias in the black. My muscles are stiff and tight from being crouched in the same position for so long. The stalagmites constant dripping has formed smooth rounded holes that fill with water. I never thought such a small sound could be so infuriating. It sets my teeth on edge. The torture of this place is that its never quiet, between the trickling river, the dripping and the buzzing of the light strip, I might go crazy down here. I need to distract myself.

I wonder what everyone else is doing right now, training or is it dinner time? I smile to myself, if they are training with Eric he's probably in a foul mood. The cold air masks the feint scent of him still lingering on his jacket. Just breathing it in awakens something deep inside me and I recall our brief encounters. I want for him, to feel his lips on mine again, his hard body pressed against me, hands caressing me all over...dammit! This isn't helping either. At least I know he wants more of me now and my fear has faded away. His tough exterior doesn't bother me, why would it? I've met harder men then him, men with no souls and no compassion, like my father. I shake the thoughts from my head, he's all that matters now. I'd give just about anything to have him here, sheltering me with his strong arms, giving me at least the illusion of safety. A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away quick before it turns to ice. "God it's fucking freezing in here," I say to myself and it echoes against the rocks.

"Yea I'm freezing too stop complaining," he snaps across from me, huddled against his own wall, "Just don't talk."

"Fine by me," I snap back and lay down on the cold ground.

Hours drift by endlessly, I can't sleep it's too cold and my mind won't shut down. I go over the last few days countless times, the roof, Edward, attacking Tobias. Alexander would be disappointed in me for behaving like that. I can see his face so clearly...the corners of his mouth turn down and his brow wrinkles as he folds his burly arms across his chest, shaking his head disapprovingly. God I miss them both so much. I had no idea it would be this hard how naïve I was.

If he were here now what would he say; that I should have tried to talk to Edward instead of avoiding him all day. God; Edward I miss him too, his soft voice, quiet strength. I don't understand why he was upset with me? Was he mad that I kissed Eric? "It's not a game Aria," he reaches a hand out to try and touch me. "Unless, you're afraid Edward will be jealous?" Maybe Eric was onto something but Edward has Myra, their in love, they transferred factions together! It doesn't make sense and I can't bare the thought of hurting Edward if it's true. I want to be with Eric and nothing will change that.

I'm just imagining it, making more of what's happened, Edward is just upset. I won't hurt him, I won't. I can't do that again. I cover my mouth with my hand trying to stifle my sobs.

My brothers' sharp breath proceeds his words, "I'm not going to listen to you cry this whole time, whatever it is get over it."

Turning over I peer into the darkness, "Why are you are such an asshole!"

"You only have yourself to blame for this."

"Ugh, your unbelievable, shut up!"

"I'm not going to do this the whole time we're in here-"

"Screw you!"

"I'm pretty sure you're screwing Eric," he scoffs.

The tears cease instantly, it is just killing him to see me with Eric. "Always the stiff huh Tobias? I'm Dauntless, I can do whatever or whoever I want."

"Nice, get back at me by sleeping with that asshole and everyone else while you're at it."

"Ew! I certainly don't think about you when I want to sleep with someone, oh my god."

"I can't believe how low you've sunk-"

"Stop it," I say, "we're not talking about this."

"Someone has to set you straight."


"You are wildly out of control I-"

"This is not Abnegation," I'm pointing to the ground, I don't know why he can't even see me, "and this is my life so back the hell off Tobias!"

"How many times do I have to tell you it's Four!"

"Four, what the hell does that even mean!"

"Four fears." His voice is so eerily calm I stop and stare into the blackness. So that's why he's a legend among the Dauntless. I snort. Figures. "I was actually looking forward to your fear simulation. You don't seem to be afraid of much."

"I wish I was," its true. I wish I was normal, maybe then I could feel something.

"I thought at first Marcus must be in your fear sim but now I'm not so sure."

"Why's that?"

"You could have easily killed him and you didn't, why?"

"Is that why you're so interested in my teacher?" I pull my hair down around my face like a blanket and secure my hood tightly over my head, anything to help to keep the cold away.

"Who ever he is," he muses, "he taught you great restraint. To wield that kind of power and hold it back like that, it's actually quite impressive."

Did he just compliment me?

"And you couldn't say that in front of Eric could you. No, you had to be an asshole!"

"Oh Eric, Eric, Eric, your infatuated and it stops now," I hear his feet scuffling, then footsteps.

"No, stay away from me!" I screech. His hands instantly wrap them selves around my shoulders, he squeezes until I squeak.

"Listen and listen good," his cold breath hits the side of my face like icy pinpricks. "You're going to stay away from him do you hear me, its finished!"

"Fuck you," I hiss, trying to push free of his grasp, "you don't love me remember, so why do you care, why?" His fist suddenly balls up in my shirt, he opens his mouth for a second then shuts it he releases me with a growl. I watch as he gets to his feet, dragging both hands through his hair. "You were lying yesterday," the realization comes with a flood of new emotions. Surging to my feet I grab his firm bicep and turn him to face me, "how could you say that, how could you do that to me!"

"I wasn't-" his voice falters and he lowers his head, "I was trying to protect you, Aria."

"Protect me, protect me," my teeth clench together and every muscle in my body stiffens, "it would have been kinder to kill me!" I fling his arm away but he latches both hands to my face and he hauls me against him. "Stop touching me!"

"I'm sorry," he whispers, "please…"

I wrench away from him, slapping him across the face, "Stay away from me and out of my life."

"You have to forgive me," he mumbles.

"Fuck you, you coward," although he deserves it I still hate myself.

"I changed my mind," his voice suddenly cool and collected, "your perfect for each other. You're just as cold blooded as he is."

"Oh," I let my head fall against the wall arching a sardonic eyebrow, "you have no idea," So close brother, so close, "You have no idea about anything do you?"

"How the hell did you get like this?"

I can't see him anymore, he's vanished into the darkness again, I feel like I'm arguing with myself, like this is all just some nightmare and I'll wake up. I wish it was. "Its called survival, Tobi-Four," I drawl. "When you strip it all away, all the false smiles, the lies, the feeling, this is what you get. Flesh, blood, bone and desire. All that's left is this and it will eat you alive if you let it."

"You're insane," he sounds horrified and I laugh until I start to cry harder. "Please…stop crying, Aria," he says sometime later but I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake the light strip is at least working again. I rub my swollen eyes and glance around the room. The guard has left us food, water, bread and two apples. I roll over and stare at the wall. "You need to eat something," my brother says sternly. I pay no attention to him, he's dead to me. "Aria eat," he commands. I shut my eyes, maybe I can drown him in the river? I nearly jump out of my skin as he grabs my arm, "Eat," he demands and drops the apple in front of me.

He starts to walk away and I hurl it at his head, "Ow!" He lunges back and shoves me against the wall wrinkling my layers of clothes.

"Go ahead kill me," I grit my teeth, "do it."

He blows out a huff of enraged air and the tension in his face wanes, "What the hell did he do to you?"

"What do you care you left," his amber eyes are stripping away my anger, I look away like he's going to make me burst into flame, "You left me with that monster to save yourself."

"I'm sorry," he says and there is passion in his voice, it burns so badly. "I didn't want to leave you but I had to. I know it was cowardice, I know that. I'm not like you Aria."

"No... you're not," he couldn't possibly understand my meaning because he isn't like me, no one is.

I am alone in this world.

"You remind me of her," he puts hand on my face and it feels heavy yet gentle. "I should tell you..."

"Stop it, whatever it is I don't want to hear it," I plead and my head cracks again the rock, "please just stop," and the tears fall like tiny gems from my eyes, twinkling briefly in the blue light before they disappear into the darkness beneath me.

"You need to hear this," he drags his thumb under my eye and I want to hear him, I want to let him in but at what price?

"Fine," the weariness coming through my reply, "what is it?"

He sucks in a breath looking somewhere to the left, "I don't really know how to say this..."


"You…" he looks away and squeezes his eyes shut for an instant before he looks back at me, "you were so perfect when he brought you home from the hospital."

"What?" I snap, "Tobias-"

"Even though I lost her, you were like a gift. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," he takes a long breathe, "you have to know that."

"You said that-"

"Forget what I said yesterday, listen to me," he puts his other hand on my face, "I love you. I love you more then anyone ever could. You loved me too once…" his voice finally breaks, no it shatters and tears spill down his cheeks. He puts his face in my shoulder, my nails dig into the dirt, clawing at the stone and my chest constricts.

A sound that is not my voice comes out, "And what about tomorrow will you hate me again? Make up your mind Tobias. You hurt me," I push him away and flee to the river. I slide down the wall and stare out into the darkness of the vast cavern. I want to cry again but I can't, the tears will not come. I'm completely numb. I sit there for hours, the darkness surrounds me like a blanket and I can't even feel the cold anymore.

A different guard, whose name is Sorin, brought us more food and I'm finally allowed a trip to the restroom. The momentary escape is just enough to make me all the more depressed. I gaze at myself in the cracked mirror. My eyes are bruised and swollen from crying and my skin looks pale and dull lacking its usual luster. I run a hand through my disheveled hair, it's frizzy from the damp, tangled and rough. I sigh and give up, it doesn't matter anyway. "Aria lets go!" Sorin bangs on the door and I take one last look in the mirror. It's not my appearance that bothers me, it's not easy looking at myself after all I've said and done. And I'm sure it's not over yet. "Aria!" The door flies open.

"Geez Sorin good thing I wasn't naked or something!" I complain and try to push past him. He frowns at me and I match it with my own dissatisfied look. He folds his muscular arms across his chest, glaring at me with stormy grey eyes. The staring contest continues for a few more minutes until I huff and he finally lets me pass.

"Then hurry it up next time," he mutters following me back to the cave. He stands impatiently in the doorway as I sulk back inside. I give him one final sour look, "I didn't put you here," he says shrugging, "don't be mad at me," and he shuts the door.

Tobias's chest heaves up and down while he sleeps. He's so different from what I remember. I was just a child then and he was my big brother, my one and only. He was a hero in so many ways but it was the little things that made me love him so dearly. All I ever remember was looking up at him with such trust and love, now there's only this. I can see why Eric despises him. I blame my father for this, for making him this way, my thoughts betray me and return to the night before my choosing. A sickening feeling rises up in me so I push it back down, deeper but it demands to be relived. I don't suppose I'll ever forget the feeling of his hands on me, the sound of my dress ripping. He had never tried anything like that before. I pull my hands through my hair, I want to scream. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter I shake my head trying to save myself from this. I need to try and forget and then my eyes find Tobias again, he's why I can't forget. He reminds me so much of our father it's frightening.

Eric. Think of Eric. Strong arms, sweet lips, his hands tracing over my skin, his beautiful body, "Eric where are you," I sob into the dark.

I go back to the river and stare down at the water, the murkiness prevents me from seeing how deep it is or what's inside.

"Why do you insist on putting your life in danger." Tobias grabs my shoulders and pulls me away.

"Just leave me alone," I whine.

"If you fall in you could die. Listen to me-"

"What was that?" I say and move closer again.

"There's nothing there," he sighs and pulls me away again.

"There was, I saw a shadow in the water...

He rolls his eyes, "There is nothing in there, now please eat something."

"I don't want that."

"Well, what do you what huh? Just tell Sorin your Eric's girlfriend and I'm sure he'll get it for you," he says sarcastically and starts to walk away.

"I want blood," I growl. He glares at me and I turn my eyes back to the water, there was a shadow I know what I saw.

"What the hell made you this way?"

"You don't want to know," I say and start walking along the river.

"Where the hell are you going?" he demands coming after me.

"I'm going to go look around, I'm sick of sitting here doing nothing."

"You could get lost, its too dangerous."

"Well, then by all means legendary Four," I say, "come with me and protect me." I continue walking until I spot a scattering of stones that form a path across the water. I leap onto a small stone just inches from the sandy river bank.

"Aria," he scolds.

"Where is your sense of adventure? Why choose Dauntless if your scared to do something dangerous?" I leap onto the big rock.

"Sorry if I don't desire to get us both killed like you," he huffs following me. I jump to another rock and loose my balance almost falling in. I really need to eat more often, my body isn't reacting the way it usually does but I suppose thats a good thing, appearances are everything after all. Damn cravings, maybe it's the violence of Dauntless that makes me want for it more. I just don't like feeling this way, weak and drained. I skip off the rocks making my way to shore, the water is slower and quieter here but filthy, I really don't want to fall in that. I suppose it collects all sorts of things from under the earth, who knows what could be down here. I leap onto another rock, it's the last one and the shore is a few feet away. "I don't know what you expect to find," he mumbles balancing on the rock behind me. I jump one last time and land in the soft sand.

"I don't expect to find anything , I'm bored." At least we're getting along for once. The shore gives way to a large space, the rock walls bend and curve leaving holes of pitch blackness.

"Well, I'm not dying for your boredom, one quick look then we go back," he lands behind me and stumbles, nearly knocking me over.

"Ouch," I say wincing, "whose a klutz?"

"I'm sorry," he mumbles, glancing at my hand as I touch my knee gingerly, "about the knee."

"Whatever, I wasn't at my best," I say and start walking. The light strip guides us faintly from across the river, illuminating some of the shadows. I turn into one of the tunnels and follow it slowly as the light disappears.

"Aria," he starts, I roll my eyes. Eventually the tunnel leads to another open cavern. It's smaller then the other one and has several more tunnels branching off it. "Aria, no," he says a little too close to my ear.

"God," I say slapping my hand over my ear, "Its called personal space and your in it."

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"Oh now you're protecting me?"

Even in this darkness I know he's frowning, "Shut up," he says. We continue for some time, for so long in fact that I wonder if this tunnel ever ends. "Thrilling adventure," he yawns.

Finally I see and end, "Ow!" I yelp and clutch my ankle cursing.

"Was that metal?" he says bending over.

"Um hello."

"Your fine," he says and picks up the object.

"How rude."

"It's a lantern?" he says and I straighten, ignoring the ridiculous pain shooting though my right leg from the multiple injuries.

"All the way in here? How's that possible?"

"I don't know," he says turning it over in his hands. He cranks a handle on the side, the light flickers on. "Must be from when they built Dauntless?"

"I guess so," I breathe, he wipes the layers of dust of the glass and the darkness around us retreats even further. He makes a quizzical face examining the lantern further, I can't help but smile, typical Tobias, "Well, shall we," I gesture to the path ahead. He sighs and follows me, holding the lantern out to light our path.

The cave is completely silent now, no one would even know there's a river here. Tobias marks our path, arranging little stones in the shape of arrows every time we leave a tunnel. The network seems to go on forever. "Last one Aria then we're going back, I'm tired and we haven't seen anything at all."

"Yes, we did," I say, "we found that helmet and the mining equipment, that's something." I turn, rounding another corner and stop dead in my tracks. Tobias drops the lantern and it shuts it off at the sudden impact.

"Wow," he whispers.

"So beautiful," I mumble. We stare in awe. The ceiling glitters like a million stars. Nothing has ever or will ever be as beautiful as this. There are simply no words. As we walk further into the cave, the ground crunches under our feet and I crouch down sifting the soil through my hand. The earth is flecked with tiny pieces of silver that sparkle in my palm.

"This is…unbelievable," he says and I rise and walk over to the wall, glittering gems are embedded in the stone. I grab onto a large emerald and yank it free. "Aria!" he scolds coming to my side.

"What I can't have it?" I look in every direction, "I'm pretty sure it doesn't belong to anyone."

His face eases into a smooth smile, one I used to know so well, "All right but what exactly are you going to do with it hmm?"

"Wear it, it matches my eyes don't you think?" I press it to my chest and he blink rapidly, we both laugh.

"It does," he says when the laughter dies. "I'm glad I saw this, thank you for forcing me to go with you."

"You're welcome," I sing happily and pull another jewel from the wall. This one is bright blue, the exact color of Kris's electric eyes. I turn it over in my hand and study it more intently, they fascinate me, raw, untainted and wildly beautiful, its like their alive somehow.

"Here you can carry them in here," Tobias says handing me an old tattered rucksack.

"Do you suppose they were mining these gems?" I reply taking the bag.

"I guess so, there's some more supplies over there, it looks like they left in a hurry," I hit the bag and it puffs out a cloud of dust and dirt, "must have been a really long time ago though."

"Yea..." it seems odd they would abandon their efforts, what could have happened? We wonder around for a while longer and I fill my bag with other stones that I can't seem to leave behind. Every color I can find I collect and stow away in my bag and I finally find one that reminds me of Eric's eyes, clear icy blue, I clutch it to my chest and smile.

He grins at me, his brown eyes alight with amusement, "A new hobby perhaps?"

I grin back bending over to pick up another, its looks like golden honey. "Here," I say holding it out, "you should have this one."

"Why this one?" He says taking it and studying it.

"Because it looks like Tris's hair."

He frowns at me and hands it back, "So?"

"Fine," I say taking it back, "maybe someday when you grow a pair and ask her out I'll give it back to you."

"Even if I did that's none of your business," he huffs and returns to the entrance, retrieving the lantern.

"Oh so your love life is off limits but mine isn't? I see," I say picking up another gem, its as red as blood and my happiness fades a little.

"We should get back soon if Sorin notices we're gone..." he lifts his eyebrows and his forehead wrinkles.

"Yea good point," I sigh and look around once more.

"We can come back later if you like?" the corners of his mouth turn up again and I nod happily. He laughs bemusedly and we leave the glittering cave behind us.

"I'm glad that we went on this little adventure," I smile at him and wrap my hands around his arm.

"Me to," he says softly looking down at me. We make our way back through the tunnels in silence, we're both tired and hungry. I can't stave off the hunger any longer so I'll have to eat what Sorin brings us. I rest my head on his shoulder as we near the river. I finally have him back, my brother, the only person I've ever really loved. Nothing has ever made me so happy. "Can I ask you something?" he says as I hop across the river again.

"Yea," I say and the stones jostle in my bag as I jump.

"Since when do you cry?" his voice is so quiet I almost don't hear him.

"Well," I say, landing on the shore, "I never really lost anything until you left."

"Oh Aria…I'm sorry," he says mournfully landing beside me.

"It wasn't just you," I correct, "a lot has happened since then…"

"Yea, I gather that. Who taught you to fight like that?"

"I can't tell you their names, it isn't safe, just know that I wasn't alone."

"All right," he sighs, "I suppose that will do, for now, but Eric! You can't be serious?"

"Don't even go there."

"No, you're not cutting me off on everything, no sister of mine is dating that sadistic maniac. You are not going near him again, ever."

I turn and face him, crossing my arms across my chest, "Are you forbidding me, Tobias?" I say it slowly and narrow my eyes at him.

He stares at me for a moment, then shakes his head, "Go ahead and get your heart broken, just don't come crying to me."

I scoff, "Maybe I'll break his."

"Yea, maybe," he laughs, scratching the back of his head. "Why can't you just date someone your own age?" he says and we start walking again. "Like Edward. You two seem pretty close," he nudges me with his shoulder.

Edward. Why did he have to say Edward, "Yea, we are? Or were? I think he's mad at me."

"What did you do?"

"Why do you assume its me?"

"Its you its always you."

"You don't want to know, and I don't even know why he's mad at me anyway."


"Huh? Never mind."

"Just say you're sorry."

"But I didn't do anything!"

"Aria," he groans, "it would help if you actually told me something, you can't just say, 'you don't want to know' and expect me to be able to follow," he throws a hand up in the air.

"Ok, ok, ok but you're not going to like it..."

"Out with it."

"I just told about the first time I-"

"Aw god I don't want to know that," he slaps his hand over his face and makes a strange noise, "You shouldn't be doing that! That son of a-"

"No! Not that, I just told him the first time I kissed Eric." He makes a gagging sound and leans over the water, "You're so dramatic."

"Shut up."


"I am never going to get that mental picture out of my head."

I roll my eyes, "You've seen us kiss before, why is that so shocking? And you're going to have to learn to get over it."

"I don't want to talk about this," he straightens himself and walks right past me.

"I told you," I mumble following him.

"Four? Aria?" Sorin appears around the bend, "Where the hell were you guys, I went looking for you! I was about to go get a search party!" he shouts gesturing back to the entrance.

Tobias and I share a look, "We just went for a walk, I was interested in the cave," I say innocently, widening my eyes and staring into his face, red with anger. I bite my lower lip and his eyes flicker instantly.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous these caves are?" his eyes darting from me to my brother. "You could have died."

"I tried to explain that to her but-"

"Is that a lantern? And where'd you get that bag?"

"We just found some old gear in the caves and decided to put them to good use, is that ok with you?" Tobias says his eyebrows shifting together, wrinkling his forehead, he glares at the larger man unblinking.

"Yea sure, why not," he matches my brothers glare with his own cold sarcasm.

"We were-a thinking about cave diving ya know? Looking for somewhere we could do that, you should join us," I say and it draws his attention.

"Sounds like fun," his cheeks dimple in a quick, false smile. "You know something, I think I know somewhere down here you'd like? I'll take you there later ok?" he says nodding his head slightly in my direction, more like an order then an invitation.

"You've been in these caves before?" my brother says, his face seems to darken with the question and he takes a step down the path closer to Sorin.

"Not much, it's against the rules after all," he flashes a mischievous grin, "but I think I can make an exception for a fellow explorer, especially one so pretty."

Tobias makes a noise, like he's sucking in a breath building it up before he explodes, "She's not going anywhere with you."

"If you're questioning my intentions-" he growls advancing and I throw myself between them.

"I don't think this is necessary," I push on my brothers chest and he backs down.

"It certainly isn't, it's my job to take care of her, both of you actually. I would never even dream of doing anything such as you're suggesting. I don't take kindly to people questioning my character," he spits, his lips twisting in a sour snarl.

"I've heard enough about your character Sorin and I would never dream of leaving you alone with my initiate, especially after you show an interest in her."

"Whatever you heard, is a lie and if you keep insulting me we're going to have a problem you and I." His words echo sharply against the stone and I shutter, this is way out of control.

"Please stop, this is ridiculous," I plead shifting my eyes to Sorin. "You'd never hurt me right Sorin?" I say seductively and I place my hand on his well muscled arm.

He glances at my hand, "Never," he answers back his voice thick. His chiseled, masculine features become smooth like butter as his lips curl up slightly in the ends. He is devious I'll give my brother that.

"Well, now that that's settled," I smile sweetly taking my hand from his arm, "we should eat something."

"Right, its cold now, sorry," he tilts his head to right a little, a lock of dark brown hair falls across his gray eyes as he stares into my face, I feel uncomfortable the way his eyes linger, like he's trying to undress me.

"Thank you Sorin, for taking such good care of us," I say, hiding the distaste from my tongue. I raise my eyebrows and slide out from in-between them. Sorin lingers a moment longer exchanging heated glances with my brother.

"We'll talk later about that little adventure," he flashes that devilish grin again and hooks a thumb in his belt loop, I smile sarcastically in response.

I yawn and stretch my arms to the ceiling just as he shuts the door. Tobias and I share the meager meal of bread and cold hamburger, I tear it into little pieces before eating it, chewing slowly. He watches me intently, "What?"

"Nothing," he shakes his head, smiling, "I just haven't seen you eat in so long. You were messier then."

"Yea I was huh?" We share another laugh and it seems strange that things between siblings can change so suddenly. We've missed so much of each others lives, so much lost but this is the reunion I had wanted.

"Yea, I missed you. I missed my sister," he reaches out and touches my cheek.

"I missed you too but you have a funny way of showing it," I tease and he lets his hand fall.

"About that," he looks away, "I never forgave myself for leaving you alone with him, for abandoning you. When I saw you that day, saw what he did to you, I hated myself even more. Having to face you every day knowing what he must have done to you, it was-" his voice falters, catching low in his throat and he pauses for long moments. "It was too much to bare, I couldn't let you in, I was afraid it would destroy me, all I had done to become Four, to be someone else…"

I stare blankly into the darkness, "I understand. More then you can ever know." He looks up again and I can see the crease in his forehead, "I wish I could be someone else," my eyes fall to my hands in my lap, if only that were possible.

"Shh no, Aria no," he touches my face again. "Look at me," he orders and I do, "you are so incredible hmm? You're the bravest, strongest person I've ever met. And deadly smart, your breath taking," he puts his forehead to mine, "don't ever say that again, ok?"

My face feels hot, "I've done terrible things, you don't know," I start to cry, unable to hold it in any longer, my voice is only a rasp now just above a whisper, "Horrible things, sick things."

"Stop it," he snaps, "I will not hear it, what could you have possibly done like that," he puts his arms around me and I try to gather myself, for his sake. "Its ridiculous," he mutters, "this is all my fault."

"No, it isn't. Its both our faults."

He nods slowly, "Yes," there is silence for a long time, until he speaks again, "I took the train to Abnegation so many times, I wanted to come and get you, to stop him but I..."

"You were scared," I finish. His eyes turn to glass. "It's ok, I'll protect you now," and I flash him a rueful grin.

His laugh breaks the heaviness around us, that's enough rehashing of old wounds for today. "I'm exhausted," he touches my chin quickly, "lets get some sleep ok?" I nod and he pulls me to his chest, "God," he shivers, "your beyond frozen," he moves his hands roughly over my back and arms trying to warm me. "Are you ok?"

"Yea, yea I'm fine."

"Seriously I think you're going hypothermic," he shifts and gets to his feet, "hold on I'm making them get you some blankets."

"I'm ok really," but his fist pounds on the door.

The metal scrapes as its opened, Sorin lifts his eyebrows, "Yes?"

"She's on the verge of hypothermia can we get some god dammed blankets or something or do they want to freeze us to death?"

He frowns at the sarcastic comment, "Yea all right, I'll be right back," he shuts the door and Tobias returns to me.

"Come here we have to get you warm," he tugs me close again, the warmth of his body spreads over me like a dull ache.

"I love you Tobias."

"I love you too."

The door opens again and Sorin returns holding a large bundle in his arms, "Here we go, thermal blankets, they use them at the fence in winter," he spreads one of them wide and we shift to lay on top of it. "Its self heating, it amplifies the body heat," Tobias pulls the second blanket over us and I snuggle close to him. "I just want to check something," Sorin searches around for the lantern, turning up the brightness all the way, he holds it to my face and I put up a hand, again appalled at the brightness. "She doesn't look blue," he takes my arm gingerly in his hand, he winces, "what are you dead? How can anyone be this cold?"

"You must be cold blooded or something," my brother says dryly.

I frown, "I'm fine."

"Thank you Sorin, I really appreciate this," he nods to the larger man.

"Let me know her progress," he says and puts my arm back under the blanket.

Tobias nods and I cuddle up again, the sound of his heartbeat thumps in my ear, he strokes my hair. The memory of him cradling me like this flashes across my mind, but we were much younger then, in a gray house, with gray clothes, his back was wet with blood, my fathers voice echoed through the halls. I shut my eyes after the lantern shuts off. "Sweet dreams," he whispers to my hair clutching me tight. It's ok now, that won't ever happen again, we're safe, together.

"Mmm, love you…" I murmur as the warmth of his body lulls me into a world of dreams.

I open my eyes and see a crystal clear lake, a blue sky with puffy white clouds. Eric walks across the water to me smiling, he's dressed in red pants, but I don't like that color on him. His lips are soft when he kisses me and I touch his bare chest, humming with delight. "Here," he says when he pulls away and he places something in my arms, its wet and slippery, I look down.

Blood, so much blood.

I shutter and hold my arms away from my body, gulping down air as quick as I can.

"Eric," my face twists, "what is it," I sob.

"Look," he says calmly, his blue eyes empty and cold.

I peel back the fabric that sticks to the flesh, its something small but it isn't moving. "I don't want to see," I cry, shaking my head wildly, "I don't want it!"

He sighs and holds my face between his palms, "All right you can put it in the river if you want."

What, the river? "What's happening?"

The sudden rushing of water fills my ears and I'm standing over the rapids of a long and winding river, I gasp, "Eric!" I don't see him, where is he, where did he go? "Eric!"

"I'm right here," he says. He stands on the opposite shore, "Just put it in the water and we can be together," he smiles.

I swallow hard and kneel down, "But I-"

"That's it, now just drop it in," I hesitate, this feels very wrong. "Don't you want to be with me Aria! Do it!" His violent outburst makes me shutter again, hot tears burn my cheeks instantly. I submerge my arms in the cold water and release the bundle, expecting the current to take it far away but it doesn't. It sinks. Blood washes away from its skin and I see its face, its just a little baby, a tiny little thing. It has Eric's blue eyes. "Good girl," he says and he's next to me again.

"No, no what did I do!" I start after it but his massive arms haul me back on shore.

"You made a choice!" He hisses tossing me to the ground, his hands tear at my dress and I thrash. "What did you expect?"

"You told me to! I didn't know!"

"Stay still," he commands and I shut my eyes. His hand presses into my shoulder, into the mark I bare. I scream. "Look at me!" he shouts but it isn't him, it isn't his voice. I open my eyes.


I scream again.

"Aria!" someone's shaking me, "Aria stop, wake up!" I gasp for air and push the sweaty hair from my face, quickly I start removing my layers of clothes. I feel like I'm suffocating. "Hey, hey you ok? What is it," he sits up on his elbows.

"Just a nightmare," I gasp and lay my head in my hands trying to make the images go away.

The steel door creeks and groans as it opens, "What the hell was that," Sorin says coming to me quickly.

"She just had a nightmare," Tobias answers.

"God I thought someone was getting murdered," he kneels down beside me and I look at him bewildered. "You all right?"

"Water?" I gasp and rip my long sleeved tee shirt off as quickly as I can.

"Whoa, um…ok," he says nervously and his eyes dart to my chest, my shirt is drenched in sweat. I wipe a shaky hand across my forehead. "Come on," he gets to his feet and extends his hands to help me up. I place my hands in his and he pulls me to my feet. I can't help but clutch onto him, I feel unsteady and my head aches terribly. He helps me to the bathroom. I barge through the door and lean over the toilet as I expel the small meal. He comes to my aid again helping me to sit and he wipes a damp paper towel over my forehead. "That must of been some nightmare," he remarks and starts dabbing my neck and I notice his eyes drift again. I don't even care right now, everything hurts. "Here," he hands me a small plastic cup of water and I rinse my mouth out.

"Mmm hmm," I manage.

"You should go to the infirmary," he gives me a look, like if I don't listen he's sending me to bed early with no dinner. Well, the bed part might be true, he's not even trying to hide it, my brother was right about him.

"No, I'm ok," I mumble. What am I saying? I can get out of here and see Eric but then I'd have to leave my brother all alone down here.

He places the back of his hand on my cheek, "You were freezing before, now you're really warm, hold on there's a medical kit here," he goes to the far wall and opens the small tin box. Several small packets and things spill out and he releases a string of curses, he retrieves a small thermometer. "Here, come on you know the drill," he says unwrapping it. I huff with annoyance as he slides it under my tongue and I roll my eyes as he times it on his watch. "All right," he pulls it from my mouth and studies it, his brows shove together, "what the fuck," he frowns, "it must be broken," and he tosses it, "oh well."

He then places a palm on the stall next to my face and leans in close, his gray eyes graze over my face and body, "Sorin what are you-" and he forcefully presses his lips to mine. I make a sound and shove him. He pulls back and I slap him instantly.

"Ouch what the hell!" he growls and makes to try coming at me again.

"Sorin! Get away from me!" I exclaim and put my hand on his chest.

"What?" he lifts a shoulder, "You're so beautiful," he mumbles and his eyes linger over me lecherously.

"Stop it! I am not a fucking toy and you can't just take what you want!"

"I thought you wanted me too," he nearly shouts.

"When did I ever-" I make a noise and slump against the wall of the stall, I did lead him on didn't I?

"Yea exactly," he narrows his eyes at me, "bet you do that all the time right? Just bat those beautiful lashes and get whatever you want, you think its funny to toy with peoples emotions like that," his lip curls and he looks away from me.

"I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to stop you two from fighting, I wasn't thinking." I twist my hands around in my lap. The worst part is he's right, I do it all the time and I never considered that I might hurt someone. "Your right, I'm really sorry, please don't hate me."

He exhales again and I feel his eyes on me, "Well I, I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I just got a little carried away," I look up and he scratches the back of his head, the edges of his mouth turn up a little. "I'm sorry."

"Do you hate me? I don't want to hurt people, I don't mean to," I bite my lip and twist it in my teeth.

"I don't hate you, just-don't you know how fucking beautiful you are?" he arches and eyebrow at me and I lift a shoulder. "Oh come on, you just did it again," and I bust with laughter. "See now that is beautiful," his smile dimpling his cheeks.

I smirk, "Did you seriously think I'd screw you in this shitty bathroom though? Talk about delusional," I say pushing myself to my feet. He does the same steadying me with and hand on my elbow.

"I did not think that and I never would have, you think I have no class woman?" he arches that eyebrow again, looking rather cartoonish, he's actually quite funny and good natured once you give him a chance. "So whose the lucky guy? I assume there is one since you were so quick to throttle me senseless." My face contorts with another outburst.

"Ow stop making me laugh," I say and clutch at my stomach. I go to the sink and splash water on my face, "And its Eric FYI, so you better behave from now on."

"Eric," he splutters and nearly falls over in a fit of laughter.

"It's not a joke!" I say and throw down the piece of paper towel in my hands.

"You little bitch, stop messing with me already!"

"I am not! Stop laughing," I glare at him and he suddenly stops.

"You're really not kidding? You and Eric, together? Eric, in a relationship, Eric the vicious, cold hearted dick?"

"Yesss," I say and it vibrates my teeth.

He stares at me in the mirror, his face molded in an incredulous frown, "You could just say you're not attracted to me, you don't have to lie."

I whip around, "I am not lying Sorin, why won't you believe me!"

"Because that's ridiculous! Eric? Of all people, seriously Aria he's just trying to fuck you, come on."

"And what were you trying to do again?" I snap folding my arms across my chest.

"I already told you I wasn't trying to do that. Not here anyway..."

My frown deepens, "He is not."

"Yea right."

"Go ahead then believe what you want, he cares about me, yea I know its all so shocking. Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe he has feelings too?"

He rolls his eyes, "Forget it I really don't care, can we get outta here now?"

"Whatever, he's mine and he's perfect and I don't care what you think."

"Wow you call me delusional," he moves to the door and holds it open. I push off the sink but instead of walking I sway. "Easy," he's there instantly wrapping an arm around my waist, I would protest but all I see are spots.

"You're so loving this."

"Yea you caught me, I love when chicks feint dead because of my shockingly handsome face."

"Conceited ass."

"Slut," and I can't help but laugh even though it hurts. He laughs with me and hauls me into his arms. The sudden movement makes me cringe but it's so much easier being carried around. I sling my arms around his neck and groan, "So, Eric's girlfriend we'll be friends ok?"

"Well, I do like dogs."

"Oh so now I'm a dog hmm? I take it back your ugly as sin, I can't look at you."

"I meant because-oh never mind."

"Because you think I'm going to follow you around and wait for you to throw me a bone?" This guy I swear, I want to laugh again but I only shake my head. "Yea you know you want me," he walks back though the door to the dreaded hell hole and sets me down next to my brother.

"What happened?" he asks taking me gently in his arms.

"She got sick and I think she has a fever."

"Not possible," I mumble and shut my eyes.

"You think?"

"Thermometer was broken."

"You need to go to the infirmary," my brother says sternly.

"I tried that she insists she's fine."

"Stubborn as always," he says pushing the hair from my face.

"I'm ok, I'm not leaving you down here…" he laughs silently and my eye lids feel heavy again, I can't fight it much longer.

"Whose he your other boyfriend?" he quips and I smile a little.

"She's my sister, didn't they tell you?" Tobias asks and I feel him stiffen a bit.

"No. Lets let her sleep. I'm off duty in a few hours, if she's not better by then I'll tell someone and they can either treat her here or she can be released."

"I'm not leaving you..." I mumble into his chest.

"Shhh," he says to my hair, "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry about me."

"I'll get you more water, ok? Go to sleep," Sorin says and I nod, half conscious.

"Come on," Tobias whispers, and he lays us back down, "no more nightmares."


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