Alright, here's episode 7 and I wanted to make sure Norway is in here. Sorry for not having him make a scene, so I decided to put more Norway! Just so you guys don't get confused, all the events will be happening around the same time like the the end of fourth, fifth,sixth episode. We will get to see what's happening to Norway as he's enslaved by his own controlled mind and possibly more plot twists, remember viewers every story has a great plot twist! (Unless it's very disappointing…). If you have any questions please ask! Also, I'm listening to Bones by Young Guns while writing this.

Norway's Journey to Madness


"N-N-Norway..why..?" England stuttered but then looked enraged. "Why?! How could you do this!?"

"Because Norway wants power and he wasn't going to get it with you two." Sara said, as her hands slithered down Norway's chest. "You two were only bringing him down, isn't that right Norway~" She whispered his name in his ear.

"Yes, I hated being around you two and the others. Once my master says it's time, you'll all be destroyed." Norway said with no emotion.

"You backstabbing bastard!" Romania yelled out running at them. Norway pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger. He shot Romania at his chest.

"Romania!" England cried out and caught his friend before he hit the floor. England put his hand on the wound to put pressure on it so it can stop the bleeding. His hand hand getting covered with blood in the process.

"Goodbye my friends. I'll see you two soon enough."

Norway and Sara

Norway couldn't believe it! He just shot one of his closest friends and he can't control his body! All he could do was watch as 'he' betrayed his friends and tried to kill them. That look of betrayal England showed and Romania covered in blood as he struggled for life.

"This can't be real! This has to be a dream! It just can't be real!"

He followed Sara to an old abandoned building. They walked down a set of stairs and everything was completely dark.

"You're about to meet the Master soon, and so don't do anything stupid-Oh wait. I forgot you have no free will." Norway wished to shoot her. They made it down and Norway saw a few demons. Each one they passed by was more frightening or more hideous with different sizes. But what really got him was seeing a familiar small figure again.

Fary was sitting on a small throne chair, and seemed to be bossing other demons. He then saw Sara and Norway walking behind her.

"Hey Mysterio, I see you joined the winning side." Norway didn't even acknowledge him, just glared at him. Fary growled and yelled, "Hey asshole I was talking to you!"

"He's under a curse, he's not going to have a conversation with you idiot." Sara told the dummy, while he flipped her off. "Anyways, how's our dear master faring?"

"Getting worse by the day. The broad's magic still as strong as ever." They both turned to Norway, "That's where you come in."

"Bring him to me…" The voice was very raspy, but yet still threatening. It made Norway's skin crawl. Norway saw the man, no, creature! His body looked to be deteriorating and his eyes were almost the same shade of red as Romania's. "Norway, I'm very pleased to meet you." He then turned his attention to Sara and spoke, "Do you have all the gems with you?"

"Forgive me Master, but I only managed to get two. The last one I had trouble-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses! I'm getting weary of you failing me girl, don't make me punish you again for your failures."

"Yes Master." "Who is this?"

"Glad you asked."

"You can hear me?!" Norway didn't if he should be glad or more discouraged. He didn't want to stay another second in the same room with this thing! "Why did you decide to use me?!"

"Simple, you're a magic user and I need a new body."

"Body?!" He can't really mean…

"You're to be my new vessel. Soon my old body will be gone and me along with it, one of my old enemies not only managed to seal me away but weakened me. As for who I am, I am known as Malum."

"Tell me Malum, are you the one trying to kill us before?" Malum smirked and nodded.

"Yes, technically I've been killing many U.A.S agents and anyone who get in my way. You Magic Trio got in my way, it was only natural for you three to die, but you're lucky. I get inside you and we become one except I'll be the dominate between us." He signals Sara and she gives him the gems, "With these gems I'll have enough power to make the bond between us, and I'll destroy this worthless world and become a God of the universe."

"That will never happen! I have faith in my friends, they will stop you!"

"Not unless you kill them." Malum knew this would get to Norway. He feel the Norwegian's hatred for him. "I saw how you almost killed one of your friends, and I know exactly how I want you to do it! The next thing Norway knew he was surrounded by visions of the people he knew. He saw the Nordics looking at him with content. Denmark started to walk over him with a wide smile.

"Norge! Where have you been? We were worried-AH!" Norway saw himself break through Demark's chest and started to pull out his heart. "Norway….why…"Denmark with tears running down his cheeks fall down dead on his feet. Norway saw that he still had the Sapphire of Ice in his hand, and he could feel a smile forming in his face. He turned to see Finland holding onto Sweden in fear with little Sealand hiding behind them, and he froze three of them and they broke into many tiny pieces. Norway then started to walk towards Iceland who was cowering in a corner holding his penguin.

"Chara Su Bi" The blue light hit Iceland turning him into ice, and Norway shattering him. After he saw the death of his family, the vision soon brought England and Romania. They didn't look scared, but their eyes showed disgust and hate.

"You're a monster Norway." England said, "You hurt the ones who care about you."

"No one is safe around you. They don't even want to share the same air as you!" Romania yelled out with a cruel grin. "England, should we take out the trash."

"We should. The world will be better off without this monstrosity." England said with excitement in his voice. The two started to stalk towards him, with the intent to kill him.

"Please..don't...I don't want this…" Romania summoned a spell which brought Norway to his knees. "I can't move.." Then he felt something warm falling onto his head. Norway looked up to see Romania bleeding from his chest. His lively red eyes fading, and Norway couldn't help but cry. "I'm so sorry! Sorry! Please forgive me!"

"How could you!" England said venomously, "You and I both knew Romania cared so much for you. Yet you betray him like this!? You played him and Denmark like fools, did you enjoy their attention Norway? It must of been fun being a little attention whore, but now you selfishly destroy their lives."

"You're wrong!" England kicked him in the face. Norway landed hard on his back and England then grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a wall. He could feel England's lips near his ear.

"Wrong? You killed everyone who ever gave a damn about you! Now I'll be sending you to hell where you belong!"

"NO!" Norway managed to grip England's head and ripped it from his shoulders decapitating him. Norway didn't hear England's body hit the floor, all he could do was stare at England's soulless eyes as if it were still calling him a murderer. "MAKE THIS STOP!"

Norway saw the visions disappear and he could feel his hot tears rolling down.

"You're a monster…"

"On the contrary, you're the monster in this story, and pretty soon you'll start to love it."

Somewhere in the city 1:56 AM

A young woman walked down walked down an alleyway. Seriously? Did she have a death wish.

"You are incredibly brave or just plain stupid for trying to confront me here on your own." Sara said as she walked out from the shadows in front of the woman. "Agent Laura Vendez is it? I'm sorry to say, but your career has just been cut short." Vendez pulled out her gun and aimed straight at Sara. She moved her head to the side and the bullet missed her, it was just too slow for her. Vendez continued to shoot but with no effect!

"I'm getting bored!" Vendez could only stare in shock as the succubus came at her with such inhuman speed. She was kicked in the gut and her face backhanded with enough force to knock her to the ground. Sara then began to stomp on the agent and laughed insanely! "Now this is fun! What hurts more?! Me stomping on you like an insect or me destroying that pride of yours?" Sara then kicked Vendez across the floor like a soccer ball. Vendez could only feel the pain of her shattered body, but still had the strength to try to contact her partner.

"Stevens...I'm down, I need help…" But all she could could hear was static in her microphone. "Stevens..?"

"No one's coming to help you." A chilling voice told her. Vendez turned her head and saw Norway! By what she's seeing, he's holding a decapitated head with the same hair color as Stevens. That told her, he was already dead, and she has no choice but to fight them on her own.

"You bastards..! I'll kill you!"

"I don't think you're in any position to be threatening us~" Sara said coyly. "But no worries, since you're here. We'd like you to deliver a message, Norway care to do the honors?" Norway walked emotionlessly to the fallen agent and digged his fingers into her eye socket!

"AAAGGHHHH!" He pulled out her eye and crushed it in front of her, until it was just a gooey substance.

"I want England and Romania to witness your broken body and spirit!" They both started to break every bone in the agent's body and her screams continued to motivate them.

Debra Bastarch Residence

"Alright boys, I finally found my spell book!" Debra exclaimed. Instead of looking like a mess earlier, her hair was in a high ponytail, long black shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown high boots. "So, how do I look?" Posing as a model, both nations blushed.

"Um, you look um nice…" Romania said, he really didn't know what to say.

"Very nice! Hehehehe…" England said next, while he rubbed his cheek nervously. Debra looked annoyed and grunted.

"You guys are so lame!" Debra began to walk out the door and turned to the other two, "Well, we don't have all day!" The blushing duo just gave each other a confused look and were about to walk out until they heard, "Oh my God! Guys get out here now!" The two ran out the door and were in for a shock!

A woman was hanging in the middle between two poles. Her wrists were tied across the poles, her uniform so torn it could barely cover her body, and her bruised legs were twisted in angles.

"Bloody hell?! Is that Vendez!?" England and Romania rushed over and cut the ropes. England held the broken woman and confirmed her to be Laura Vendez. "Laura, who did this to you?"

"Norway…." She whispered as she lost consciousness. England picked her up bridal style and turned to the others.

"Debra call an ambulance and Romania contact Joe about this."

"Wait! Let me heal her wounds first." Debra's hands released a light blue glow around Vendez legs. The bruises and cuts began to fade. "That's the best I can do, I just stopped the bleeding."


Romania and Debra were both in the waiting room, while England went to contact Joe.

"So, is Romania like some sort of code name of something?" Debra asked, wanting to break the silence.

"Huh? Code name?"

"You said your name was Vladimir something right? He called you Romania, if you go by the names of countries I think I should have one too! I want to be Canada!"

"Did you just make that up?" Cana-wha? 'I think I've heard that name before'

"Can-na-da, duh. It's the continent above the USA." 'He can't be serious!'

"You sure it exist?"

"I was born and raised there, I'm pretty sure it's a real country." Romania had a face that looked like 'Thinking mode on' as he scratched his head, trying to think where he heard that name before.

"Nope sorry! Doesn't ring a bell, ask my partner, maybe he knows."

"Seriously! Canada! It's Canada!"

Somewhere in Canada

"Achoo! Ugh…"

"Dude, are your allergies acting up? You're sneezing like crazy."

"No, I think that someone is talking about me…"

Back at Hospital

England finally managed to contact Joe.

"Hello England?"

"Finally you decide to answer! We've found Debra Bastarch, but we have a problem."

"Let me guess Norway?"

"How did you-"

"Charlie contacted me a few minutes ago. Norway is heading over to them right now! I already sent two agents-"

"He got to them already."

"What?!" Wow this was the second he heard Joe lose that calm composure. "What happened?"

"Agent Vendez was left for dead outside Ms. Bastarch's house for us."

"Then there's no time to waste, I suggest you come here now!" England hanged up and walked over to the other two. "We need to leave!"

"Hey England, I just gotta ask. Do you know a country called Canada?"


"Are you three in a secluded place? I can't risk anyone seeing you." England, Romania, and Debra managed to find an alleyway close by the hospital.

"Yes, we're just waiting for you" England replied irritably. Romania looked at England questionably. He seemed to have something against Joe, and was it because of his suggestion of killing Norway? He knows he shouldn't judge England's anger at him for that because he too really wanted to kill Joe at that moment. No one knows his secret 'crush' on Norway except England, and he only felt some kind of attraction for Sara because of her charms and he just wanted a way to get over Norway. But it's something else. What did Joe do to piss off England?

"So, are we supposed to wait here for a ride oh- AH!" Debra was cut off when the three instantly disappeared in a flash.

U.A.S Headquarters

"Charlie,why are we in this room?" The room in question, was steel plated, a few chairs, a table, and a large screen showing what was outside the room. On the screen people in military uniform were either walking fast or arguing with each other. "What they doing?"

"There's something important going to happen and they want to get everything ready before it happens?" Charlie responded, "We need to stay here and not leave this room okay?" Jacob couldn't help but let out a whimper. "Jacob, I promise you everything is going to be alright, but you need to trust me."

"Everyone is always promising, but they don't tell me what's going on." His eyes seemed to glow as he stared back at Charlie with a stern look. "Why do you need my trust, when I don't have yours?"

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked, what could this little six year old boy be thinking? Most children his age were so naive and believed everything an adult told them? Could it be because of him being an nephilim?

"I know you, Joe, Vladimir, and even Arthur are hiding something from me! Is it an important secret? I want to know!" Charlie was about until they both heard an explosion.


The screen showed everyone running around, and holding weapons. You could hear the their panicking and their arguments became screaming matches. Charlie and Jacob were under the table and Charlie was covering Jacob's ears from the loud sounds of the explosions.

Joe's Office

Joe sat in his desk as the explosions continued on, and the screams of all his agents could be heard. His handsome face had the look of pure anger and frustration, 'I had everything planned! I knew it would have a few setbacks but I didn't comprehend it would escalate to this havoc!'

England, Romania, and Debra popped in the room and landed painfully on the floor. Debra rubbed her head as she got up slowly.

"Remind me to bring a helmet next time!" Debra growled at the two nations. Another explosion shook the room and the three arrivals looked around in confusion. Romania turned to Joe.

"Joe! What's with the explosions?!"

"Norway decided to pay us a visit it seems." He got off from his desk and walked over to the three. "He has to be stopped before he gets to Jacob, any means necessary."

"You don't have to do to that! We have someone who can undo the curse! We can still save him!" Romania yelled out. Joe looked at Debra with a look of disinterest.

" , do you believe yourself to be able to break a curse like this."

"…." Two explosions shook the room violently and the three almost lost their balance.

"Miss, you either can or cannot. My headquarters is being bombed and people are dying! Answer me now or stay out of this!" The magic duo were shocked at how Joe was losing his temper.

"Yes! Yes I can!" Debra shouted frightfully, "But I need to speak to them. I can't do this without them." An agent came running into the room, his face bruised and panting.

"Sir! Norway is getting close to finding the boy, 30 are injured and 15 are dead!"

"Damn it!" Joe growled, "Make it quick! I'll give five minutes, until then my people will handle it!"

With Norway

Norway could only watch as he floated above the other agents shoot him or foolishly try to attack him head on. He could hear the gunfire behind him, but he managed a spell to shield him from the bullets.

"Die you son of a bitch!" The shooter cried out. Norway conjured a spell that split the man in half. The top to his head to his groin, and the remaining agents decided to flee. Norway slowly landed down and walked calmly toward the door. He could sense the boy nearby in the other room.


Norway turned to see England, Romania and another woman standing behind him. Deep in Norway's subconscious he was panicking! He didn't want to see them here! He didn't want them to see what he had done!

"Hello friends, it's been awhile." 'Please run!' "I was looking forward to this reunion." England walked forward a bit, but Norway could see the fear in his eyes as he passed many dead bodies. "You want to be the first one to die England?"

"Norway, I know you're in there and we're going to help you." 'England, you're the one I want to kill the most! Leave now!'

"Kill him Norway! Kill him now!"

"CHARA SU BI!" England managed to avoid turning into ice. "Keep your eyes on me!" Norway was instantly in front of England and kneed him in the stomach. As England was about to go down, Norway grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and floated up to throw England into the ground! Norway continued to punch England in the face, but England pushed him off.

"Fora fora uzi!" The spell hit Norway and it burned his arm. Norway got up and eyes narrowed at the English nation.

"So much for saving me huh?"

"You brought that on yourself!"

"Are you almost done conjuring up that spell?!" Romania had his hand out waiting for Debra to do the spell.

"Five minutes. Do you think your friend can handle a beating for five minutes?" The two watched as England continued to dodge Norway's attacks. "Just shut up and let me concentrate!"

England managed to grab Norway's fist and pulled him down to knee him in the chin! England saw Norway was down and began to walk away as he wiped the blood off his nose.

"Debra, is the spell almost done-GAH!" Norway had used a spell when England's back was turned, and froze his body. England could only look up to Norway's hand glowing.

"Die" Romania body slammed into Norway. He then turned to England and began to melt the ice using his spell hara di. The ice melted away and Romania helped England up.

"You okay?"

"N-N-ever better!" England responded as he shivered. "I assume the spell is finished?" Debra ran over to them and her spellbook opened.

"Guys on my signal, I'll start summoning the spell." The three saw Norway growling at them with bloodlust. "1…" He began walking towards them, and Romania tapped England by his shoulder. "..2…" England began rushing towards Norway managed to slide down to avoid blue glowing hit! He pulled norway down by his legs and was trying to restrain him! "..3! BACLA LOZRA" Romania's hand began to form a yellow ball and it was coming from the spell book! "VUCHASU MERA SEKL REPENTS SE!"

"Romania now!" England shouted as Norway was Norway was close to breaking his hold.

'This better work!'


"So you need us both to complete this spell? I thought the curse could only be broken by a witch's magic." England questioned. Debra opened her spell and showed them the page to the spell.

"Yes, because most witch but not all have used their magic for dark purposes for the years. So most of their spellbooks were burned and their magic practices banned from the magic world. Since this spell is a witch's spell you need a witch and two other magic users to break it." England and Romania still were confused. "I need one of you to hold him down, the other I will will to hold the spell, and once his hit with it both of you can go into his subconscious or mind shit whatever! And pull him out, and the curse will be broken."

"That's so cool!" Romania cheered!

"But there's a setback. If you two can't convince Norway, you two will lose your souls…, just needed to get that part out there.." The two nations could only stare in disbelief! They both looked at each other and just laughed! "You two do know I'm being serious here right?!"

"Don't worry love, we know you're telling the truth."

"But when it comes to each other, our lives aren't really what concerns us" Debra stared dumbstruck at the two.

"You two are either brave or suicidal."

End of Flashback

Romania made a dash and slammed the yellow ball into Norway's chest. Norway screamed and his eyes and mouth began to glow yellow. Romania and England soon found themselves in the snow.

"Where are we?" Romania asked and England just continued to walk around. He then stopped and signaled Romania to come over. They both saw a child with very light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. "Norway?" The boy's lip quivered and tried to back away from the two nations.

"Stay away from me! I'll hurt you!" The little boy cried. England and Romania could see his white gown covered in blood. "I don't want to kill anymore!"

"Norway, we came to help you." Romania told him gently. The boy still looked frightened and wanted to get away.

"No I'm a monster! I don't deserve to live." Norway sobbed, but stopped when he felt someone wipe his tears away. He saw it was England who just smiled gently.

"Now, now Norway. Crying never helped anyone." He picked up the child, "You're life matters, always remember that."

"You're our friend Norway, we'll always stand by you." Norway saw Romania grinning at him.

"But I hurt you."

"Doesn't matter! Let's get you home." Norway could feel his tears falling but nodded anyway.

"Home. I want to go home."

The three soon found themselves back into the destroyed headquarters of U.A.S. Norway remained unconscious, while England and Romania were breathing hard.

"You guys did it! You saved the fucking day!" Debra shouted in enthusiasm!

"Will Norway be alright?" England questioned.

"Yeah. You're friend is going to be alright. But, I think we should get you guys checked out in hospital." Debra then pointed at England's nose. "You gotta get that fixed pal."


Norway opened his eyes to be in a white room. He turned his head to see Romania and a bandaged England his side. England woke up first and then proceed to wake Romania.

"Norge! You're okay!" Romania cried out! Both of them both hugged Norway tightly that it was getting harder for him to breathe.

"I appreciate you two saving me, but I can't breath!" The two stopped their assault. England looked a little embarrassed for doing that,while Romania grinned in delight.

"Sorry, old chap. Just a little emotional today." England replied as his face was turning red.

"Norway…"The two turned to see a blushing Romania. "I'm so happy you're okay, and I wanted to tell you this for a while and um.." England eyes read, 'Tell him already you git!' "I wanted to say.."

"NORGE!" The three turned to see an excited Denmark. He quickly ran over and hugged the Norwegian.

"Stop touching me." Norway said, as he blushed. Denmark continued asking what happened to him, is he alright and if he wanted to talk about it. As the two Nordics were talking, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland came. The Nordic family were circling around Norway, while Romania and England could stare. England turned to see Romania.

"Romania, are you okay?"

"He loves Denmark, doesn't he." More like a statement than questioned. "I'm happy for him."


"If Norway's happy, I'm happy." Romania said with a bittersweet smile.

Okay, sorry if it was rushed. Also any of you wondering why I put some Norway/Romania in there was because I was recently reading some Norway/Romania/England stuff and it was interesting. Plus I wanted to add some drama, hopefully you guys were okay with it. No this will not affect Romania and Norway's friendship or cause more problems. Also sorry if it was really rushed, but I'm juggling a lot of stuff. I also didn't want to keep any of you guys waiting and if I did I'm sorry.