Today's the day. The first day to the rest of our lives and the last day of our old life. To say that I've dreaded this day, would be an understatement. Everyone knows that I've dreaded this though. But I'm going to make the best out of this day. It's graduation day!

At seven in the morning I had to drag myself out of bed. Sadly. That's so depressing. I take one look at myself in my mirror before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. "You can do this."

I walk into my bathroom and start the steaming shower as I begin to strip. I hop in and let the warmth of the water sooth me.

Unfortunately, no matter how long I want to take in the shower, I'm on a limit so after I wash my hair and body and face and all that, I hope out. I put on my under garments and my robe and wrap my hair in a towel before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

I grab some fruit, a bowl, and some yogurt. I put the yogurt and fruit all in a bowl before grabbing a spoon and walking back upstairs. I look at the time; seven twenty. I don't have to be at school for rehearsal until nine thirty. Graduation itself, starts at noon.

I eat my food quietly until my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I swallow.

"Hey Ally."

"Oh, hey Trish."

"How are you?"

"Good, just about to start getting ready. You excited?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Yes, somewhat. I'm going to make the best out of this day."

"That's good. Keep an open mind." she pauses. "Have you talked to Austin?"

"I did last night right before I went to sleep but not since then."

"I'm sure he'll call. Even if he doesn't, you'll see him in an hour and a half anyway."


"Well I better go, I gotta get ready but I'll see you there, yeah?"

"Definitely. Bye."

I hang up and set my phone and bowl on the table as I walk into my bathroom and set out everything to start doing my makeup. I turn on the radio to bring some life to this boring activity.

"All you need is somebody to lean on.."

Since my graduation dress is beige, I decide to do a beige eyeshadow with black eyeliner, and light pink lipstick. Pretty basic. But my hair is really where it gets good. It's wand curled and at the top, around the back of my head, it's French braided to make a crown.

Once I'm finished with that, I see that it's seven forty five. I sit down and check my phone to see if I missed anything from anyone.

0 missed messages.

0 missed calls.

Nope, guess not.

I sit around doing absolutely nothing but watching the cars outside for about fifteen minutes before I decide to put my dress on. I put it on and my heels before looking in the mirror. "You know, for someone who doesn't wanna go I sure do clean up really nice."

I'm talking to myself. Am I actually that lame to where I'm talking to myself?

I put my phone and certain small things that I can use to touch up my hair and makeup for later before grabbing my purse and my cap and gown. I'm ready and out the door by eight thirty.

I send a quick text to Trish letting her know that I'm leaving before I make my way to the high school.

I pull up into the already crowded parking lot, one last time.

I park my car and grab my bag and cap and gown before walking up the steps to the school.

I step inside and am immediately directed to the cafeteria. I walk inside and sign my name in, letting them know that I'm here, then I go and sit down.

I was reading the itinerary for the day when I see Trish walking up. "Hey," I smile.

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

"Oh no it's fine, I was early."

"Yeah I kept psyching myself out and was afraid that I was forgetting something."

"Woah, who knew you'd be so nervous to graduate."

She laughs. "Have you talked to Austin?"


"That's odd. I'm sure he's just busy though. Today is a very nerve wracking day."

"I know."

"I think you'll talk to him soon enough."

"I sure hope so."

Trish doesn't even get to respond before I feel someone's hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?"


"Awe, you were supposed to get it wrong."

"Darn, I'll try harder next time."

I lean up and kiss him before we sit back down.

"Why didn't you call me or anything?"

"My phone wasn't charging last night so I had to charge it while I was getting ready this morning. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I was just worried."

After awhile, the principle directs us to get in our spots for the real graduation so we can practice our speeches and stuff.

Before we know it, it's only an hour until Graduation. I touch up my makeup and hair in the bathroom before putting on my cap and gown and heading into the quad. I see Austin talking to Dallas as I head up to them.

"Hey Ally." Dallas smiles.


"You excited?"

"Eh, so so."

"Yeah I know what you mean. Well my folks are close so I'll talk to you guys later, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you." Austin waves.

"I'm gonna miss him."

"Me too."

"So, you excited?" I ask as I grab his hands.

"A little bit. You?"

"Yeah. Kind of nervous though."

"I almost forgot about your speech today, don't worry, you'll do great. You always do."

"I love you."

"I love you too, no matter what."

Someone calls over the announcements for the graduates to get in their seats, signaling that the ceremony is about to begin.

"Next time I'll get to kiss you, you'll be a graduate." he smiles.

"As will you." I kiss him before we walk away to our spots.

I sit down where my spot is reserved and wait for the ceremony to begin.

"Good Afternoon," the principle starts. "Today is a day that our graduates will never forget. It's the first step to adulthood, and the last step to childhood. All their lives we have prepared them for this day. Not just this one, but this one in particular. Our children have gone through twelve to thirteen years of schooling to get right at this point. Graduation day. This indeed will be a day to remember. First, let's bring up our valedictorians to the stage."

I, along with five other people, stand up and make our way on stage. We sit down in the six reserved seats as we wait to be called up to read our speeches.

"We will have two valedictorians read per group of children that will come up and get their diploma. For the first speech is Mrs. Ally Dawson."

I stand up and thank Mr. Duvall. I walk to the microphone and set down my paper on the podium. "Hi, my name is Ally Dawson. Well, we made it. As much as I'd like to say that I've been looking forward to this day, I won't say it because it's not true. I'll admit, I have been dreading this day for multiple reasons. This is a chapter in our life that we finally get to close. The majority of us have been at this school for four years now, and to just leave, that's scary. Now no matter what problems I or anyone else for that matter, may have faced in these past for years, there were always people here that could help you. Teachers, Counselors, friends, your parents." I pause. "I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for those people. Now that we're done, we can experience the real world. Occupations, Relationships, Military, and College. I don't know of

any other school that could help guide me to get where I am today better then Marino. Not only did they prepare us for college, they prepared us for our entire lives. Sure, you might hate high school while you're experiencing it but I bet you'll miss it when it's gone. This is where most of our life long memories are being made. To say that I'm just going to miss this place would be an understatement. Like I said, guys, we made it. Thank you and congratulations."

The applauding starts as I go and sit back down. The other valedictorian comes up and gives his speech. I can't help but tune it out a few times though. Next, we're sent to sit back down as we're about to be called back up on stage to get out diplomas. We all get in a line as we await to walk back up on stage. I look at the crowd of students in search for a spot of blonde hair.

I see him. He notices me and smiles. "You did great." he mouthes.

I smile before the line starts to move. I can hear the cheers of the graduate's parents as they get their diploma and I'll admit, it does hurt a little to know that no one even from my family is here. I'm sure everyone and their mom that are here knows that too.

I step into the stage as there's just two more people in front of me. My heart starts beating so loud that I swear anyone near me would be able to hear it.

Next thing I know,

"Ally Dawson."

I walk across the stage and shake Mr. Duvall's hand and grab it before looking out to the audience and hear many people cheering and screaming.

I smile as I walk across the stage and wait for everyone else to be called.

Everyone else get their diplomas within the next hour and a half. We get dismissed to leave so I set off to find Austin or Trish. I find Trish and we tackle each other in a huge hug.

"Ally, you were great."

"I was so nervous."

"Couldn't even tell, you were awesome! I'm sorry your parents missed it."

"It's alright. Nothing to feel sorry about."

All of the sudden, I'm being lifted into the air. I start to panic before I turn around and see the face of my goofy boyfriend. "We're graduates!"

"I know!" I squeal.

He leans down and kisses me. "Did you ever think this day would come?"

"Honestly, no. But in a way, I'm glad that it did."

"Now we have almost all summer to hangout."

"I'm excited."

"So, you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We each hand each other a folded piece of paper. Inside that folded piece of paper contains the college that we are going to.

"On three."




We unfold the papers and as I see his college my jaw drops.

"MUNY!" we both scream before I jump into his arms.

"I can't wait to spend the next four years of my life with you."