MikuxLen fans rejoice for I have created another story about your favorite pairing! This story is just made out of boredom but I think it good enough.

Lately there was nothing inspiring for me and its really frustrating but then I started listening to one of Len's songs, "Sadistic Vampire" kind of caught my attention, then BAM! I had an idea. Though the story is technically different, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid (although it would be really cool if I did)


Vampires were always shunned from the world.

In the night of the full moon, biting into the neck of a beautiful woman and licking away the drops of blood with his tongue. Using that gentleman-like appearance to seduce his prey and then in exchange for pleasure, sharp fangs are bared.

Creating the illusionary existence known as vampires.

This is the tale of a village girl who was seduced by a vampire...

"Ah! Miku-chan!" Miku paused and turned around to see a girl with apple green hair rushing towards with a grin. "Good Morning." Miku smiled. "Morning Gumi-chan."

"Are you going to gather some firewood?" Gumi asked when she noticed the large basket on her back. "Yeah, I want to head to the mountain over there today." Miku pointed over to the side and Gumi followed the direction. "Over there?" She breathe as they stared at the sea of trees, on top of the mountain was a large beautiful castle that stood tall among the trees but they didn't take much note of it. "Er...doesn't it look very deep?"

Gumi looked at Miku with worry while She sweat dropped and smiled, looking very uncertain herself. "But as long as I come back before sunset, I'll be fine...right?"

Miku wasn't really sure if she wanted to go through a deep forest like this, usually she would ask her neighbors who were woodcutters if they could spare her some wood but since they suddenly moved out, she was left with no choice but to fetch some on her own.

She lived alone after all. Her parents died when she was young so she had to learn how to be independent, although some of the work are rough and wasn't really meant for women like her. She was able to get by on her own but this was a whole new level.

Miku glance at the forest and gulped. "Well but safe then." Gumi said worriedly. Miku nodded and began walking towards the forest. "Just be sure you know where you're going!" Gumi called out. "Don't worry! I'll be fine!" Miku replied.

Although she said that...

"I'm completely lost." Miku said in despair. Its almost nightfall and she was still walking around the forest. What should she do?

It was getting late and the forest was so dark that she could barely see where she was going, the only light that was there was the moon that shone in sky but it wasn't enough for her to see. She flinched when she heard wolves howling in the distance and her eyes began to tear.

Why does this have to happen to her? Miku gulped as she walked rigidly through the woods. What is she suddenly ran into them? Oh, she was about to cry when suddenly she heard a loud rustle behind her. Miku squealed in shock and lost her footing when she turned around causing her to fall onto the ground.

She was seriously about to start yelling out for mercy but noticed that it was actually a person, a male at that. He looked to be around her age, he had ash blond hair that was tied into a ponytail and wore black elegant suit that seemed too elegant and new unlike the clothes back in the village. He held a lit lantern at one hand as he stared at the very surprised girl that sat on the ground.

"Well, well." He started smoothly. "This is someone else's property. What business do you have here?" Miku was too shock to say anything as she stared into his eyes. She actually thought his eyes were pretty but what made her curious was that his left eyes was cerulean blue while his right was crimson red...like blood.

"Miss?" The boy said in a stern voice causing Miku to snap out of her daze an d exclaimed nervously. "Ehhh! I'm lost!" The boy raised a brow. "Ah so you're lost." He repeated. "If you're going to the town, its southeast from here." As he pointed at side.

Miku looked over at the sea of trees then back to the stranger with a confused expression and tilted her head. The man sighed. "It seems you don't understand." Miku laughed nervously.

In the end, Miku ended up walking right next to this stranger and explaining why she was there in the first place.

"I see." He said. "You're here to gather firewood...by yourself." He seemed a bit surprise to see a young woman like doing a job that was most done by men and Miku couldn't blame him as she nodded. "Yeah, I don't have any family so I'm on my own."

The boy paused for a moment before he looked ahead with a blank expression on his face. "Just like me." He said. "I've been alone...for a long time."

Miku silently stared at him and noticed a flash of empathy in his eyes. She wondered if he was ever lonely from the way he said that. His voice didn't betray anything, it was as if he was stating a simple fact. 'It must be really sad.' She thought.

"Is it fine to leave you here? Go straight ahead and you'll reach the town entrance." Miku realized that they just stopped walking and gasped. "Yes!" She exclaimed. "Thank you very much!" Miku bowed several times before she dashed off. The boy stood at his place as he watch her run pass the trees then he smirked. "Be careful on the road."

Miku sighed in relief as she stepped into her house. "Finally, I'm home." She muttered to herself.

"Where have you been?" Miku blinked and looked when she heard a very familiar voice. "Meiko-nee!" She exclaimed in surprise when she saw the brunette wore her usual red armor and was sitting lazily on one of the chairs of the dinning room with a bottle of wine at her hand.

"Its late so where did you run off to? Messing around with your friends again?" She question as she took a gulp of wine. Miku huffed as she set down her heavy basket. "Thats not it! I got lost while climbing the mountain...a kind person helped me get back."

"Oh." Meiko said simply before she looked at her mockingly. "And here I thought you got caught and eaten by a vampire." She cackled. "Don't say that! Its so scary!" Miku yelled.

There's an old legend about this town. Long ago, a vampire appeared and began attacking people, one after another. At that time, many villagers were killed. Miku was terrified when she heard about the story, although she doesn't believe in vampire, she couldn't help but still be frightened by them.

"Honestly, I think its just a superstition because this village is really peaceful." Miku said and sat across her before giving a scrunching her nose. "Or should I say, the not-so-peaceful one is you. A female soldier of a high rank." Meiko rolled her eyes and took another gulp from the bottle. "Hey, don't put it that way." She scoffed and reached out for the bag. "Its because I'm a knight that you get to eat."

She took out a small bag and placed it on the table. "Here. This month's allowance." Miku frowned as she reached out for the bag. "Thanks."

Meiko was actually Miku's cousin, who works as a high ranking officer in a neighboring country. She would come back to her house once a month in order to give her allowance. Although she is grateful to her, she still has mixed feelings towards her cousin, especially about her drinking problem.

"By the way, I heard a rumor in the village." Meiko began, catching Miku's attention. "Its seems a legendary vampire hunter will come here soon."

"A vampire hunter?"

"I've heard he's an invincible hunter but I don't know the details. I came home to see what all the fuss is about but it looks like I missed him." Meiko sighed while Miku sweat dropped. "Its not like anyone would come to this weird place to chase a creature that only exists in legends, in the first place."

Meiko shrugged and stood up. "There's no proof of its existence...but there's no proof that it doesn't exist either so I guess it might be more amusing to believe in it."

"You going to bed?" Miku asked as Meiko began walking up the stairs. "Yeah, Night kid."

"Er..Good night." She said and then there was silence as she sat alone on the table. She planted her elbow on the table and cupped her cheek. "A vampire hunter huh?" She muttered.

Now that she thought of it, that person from before wasn't from the village was he?

Deep in the forest where the beautiful castle was built. A figure stood in front of the large window in his room, staring at the village below with a seemingly blank expression then there was a knocking on his door.

Knock Knock

"Len-sama, dinner is ready." A maid announced as she entered the room. Her hair was peach colored and reached until her hips with an ahoga bouncing on her head, her eyes were light pink and she wore the standard maid uniform as she bowed down to her master.

"Miki." The blond boy said without sparing a glance towards her. "One needs to go out and see the world sometimes right?" Miki tilted her head in confusion and nodded. "Yes?"

Len smirked and placed a hand on the glass window. "I found an adorable child."

The next day, it was raining heavily. Miku yawned as she walked into the dinning room. "Meiko-nee." She called out but there was silence. "Meiko-nee?" On the table, she saw a letter that says: "Have to go kid, see you next month."

Miku frowned at the letter and sighed. It was just like her to leave without a goodbye. She then noticed something by the window and walked over to see what it was. Miku slowly opened the window and to her shock, she saw a person was leaning again the side of her house. The person appeared to have dark blue hair and wore travelling clothes,he also had a large bag at his side. He appeared to be older but right now, that wasn't the issue.

She gaped at the person, unsure what to do until she heard him mumbling. "So...so..."

"Um..A-Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly. "So...hungry." The man mumbled and there was silence as Miku realized. 'He collapsed from hunger?!'

"Please, have some." Miku said as she set down a basket of bread and some food. The man instantly scarfed down his food, much to Miku's surprise. He must be really hungry to be acting like that. "Um..Are you a traveler?"

The man looked up at her and shook his head. "No, I'm here on a business." Miku tilted her head. "Business?"

"Do you know anything about that castle." He pointed out the window, towards the castle on top of the mountain. "You mean that castle?"

"Yeah. I heard a vampire is living there."

Miku's eyes widened. "Eh?! Are you the one who's here to destroy the vampire?" The man scoffed. "Don't use that old-fashioned description. I'm a vampire hunter."

"Sorry." Miku smiled sheepishly. "But I've never heard of anyone living there, haven't seen anyone who looks like an aristocrat and I haven't seen any carriages either."

"Is that so?" The man nodded. "Seems like I'd better look into it...Anyways, I'm staying here from now on." Miku jumped. "What?!"

The stranger smiled and chuckled. "I'm Kaito Shion and you are?" Miku looked hesitant at first before she quietly mutter. "I'm Miku Hatsune."

Somehow the two ended up talking easily as if they have known each other their whole life and Miku could help but feel comfortable around him. "By the way this is my living expenses." Kaito sent down a huge sack of money onto the table and Miku couldn't help but gap at the fact that he had that much money and yet he was still starving.

"I can't believe this." Miku groaned as she gathered firewood one again. Its been two weeks since Kaito decided to stay at her house and already work has been piling up twice as much.

Since Kaito stays up every night, the firewood would get used up in a ridiculous fast pace so somehow it became an everyday thing for Miku to gather wood now.

"Oh? You're..." Miku turned around and saw a certain blond haired boy smiling down at her. She gasped. "You're the one from the other day." The boy grinned at her. "I'm Len Kagamine." He said with a chuckle. "Are you lost today?"

Miku blushed. "I-It was already night last time so thats why..." She mumbled while Len continued laughing. "Thats right!" She exclaimed. "Do you want to come to my place for some tea? As a thank you for last time. Ah! I'm Miku Hatsune by the way" Len looked surprised by the offer before his eyes softened and a smiled. "Then it would be a pleasure Hatsune-chan."

"I'm home!" Miku announced as she entered her house. "Huh? Its looks like Shion-san's out." This caught Len's attention. "You don't live alone?" He remember her telling him that she had no family members from last time. Miku looked at him nervously as she offered a seat for him in the dinning table which he accepted while made some tea.

"Oh, um actually a hunter is lodging here right now." Len's eyes narrowed. "A hunter?"

"Yes, he's here to destroy a vampire or something." Miku said as she set down a cup of tea in front of him and he nodded. "I see..."

Miku sat across him and sighed. "But do they really exist..." Len began chuckled. "You look like you think its all nonsense." Miku flinched and blushed. "Ah! Well..."

"It cannot be helped..." He took a sip of his tea. "The events of the town's vampire legends are said to have happened several hundred years ago. You, who lives in the present, would think of it as a simple myth.

"Then do you believe they exist, Kagamine-san?"

"Ufufu well, who knows?" He said before smiling gently. "Then again...perhaps the vampire from the legend had simply lived on alone, away from humans." Miku stayed silent for a moment as she stared at the person in front of her. She didn't thought much of when they first met but now that she was this close to this person, her thoughts about him was...

"What a beautiful person..."

Len looked up at his tea and raised a brow. "Huh?" Miku turned red like a tomato when she realized she accidentally said her thoughts aloud and looked away, trying to play it of by drinking her tea. "No! I-I didn't say anything!"

He stared at her for while before taking another sip of his tea. "Well regardless...I'm flattered by your compliment." Miku spout her tea out like a geyser with indignity that was extremely unladylike and she coughed. "If you heard then don't act like you didn't hear it clearly!" Miku yelled in embarrassment.

Len laughed. "Please come to my house next time." Miku blinked. "Huh?"

"How about the day after tomorrow? I shall prepare delicious tea and await your arrival."

Miku was shock at the sudden invitation. "Are you really fine with it?!" Len nodded. "Yes, I'd be more than happy to have you." He gave a small smile. "I live at the castle in the woods so you're welcome to come and visit."

"Eh? In the woods?" Miku suddenly remembered Kaito's words a few days ago.

"Although I've heard that a vampire lives there."

"There's someone living in that castle?!" Miku exclaimed in shock. She was so shock that she didn't realize how rude she must sound but Len didn't seem to mind as he simply smiled at her. "That place is run-down though." He confessed. Len then stood up and walked over to her. "Well then..." He gently took her hand and light kiss on top of it as the corner of his lips curled up slyly. "Let us meet again in two days' time."

Miku's face felt warm and she knew she probably looked like something related to a tomato as she realized from the way he was dressed, the action, and the manner of speaking...

'He's the so-called aristocrat!'

"Welcome back Shion-san." Miku greeted as the blue haired man entered the house. He grunted back a greeting and walked to dinning room, he stared at the two used tea cups on the table with a confused look. "Did someone come by?" He asked.

"Yeah, a visitor came here this afternoon." Miku said as she picked up the cups. "Did you went out for work Shion-san?"

"I went to gather information. There is a legend circling around this place after all...It seems their main hideout is that castle"

Miku was quiet as she cleaned up the cups. Her thought trailed towards Len, he was really kind and graceful that Miku thought there was no way he would be a vampire. "We were wrong." Miku voiced out her thoughts. "The person who lives there...is elegant and charming."


Miku gasped when Kaito grabbed her hand so quickly that it caused her to drop one of the cups and shattering it. "You saw him?" He interrogated her, ignoring the fact he just caused her to break one of the glasses. Miku looked at him with wide eyes before glaring at him. "But Kagamine-san isn't a vampire!" She argued.

"This is for you." Kaito said as he took out something from his pocket. Miku looked down at silver cross necklace. "Vampires can't handle them. There's holy water inside it." He explained before his eyes softened and patted her head. "If you're attacked, use it."

Miku frowned but accepted it nonetheless while feeling heavy hearted.

'Well...I was told that he lived in the castle...' She thought as she stood in the middle of the entrance hall. In front of her was a grand spiral staircase, the whole place didn't looked ran down at all, in fact it looked new and barely used.

The place was huge and the entrance hall alone was as big as her house. 'This really is a castle...' Miku thought and sweat dropped, feeling embarrassed from the way she acted before knowing he was an aristocrat.

"Welcome." Miku looked over to the side where Len was walking up towards her. "I've been waiting for your arrival." Miku grinned nervously. "H-Hello." She greeted in an awkward fashion while Len smiled brightly. "I shall prepare tea right away."

Len stuck out his hand and Miku looked at him curiously before looking back at his hand and shyly took his hand as he lead her upstairs.

Kaito was frustrated.

The evidence he gathered didn't add up at all. The testimony concerning the vampire incident three hundred years ago...according to literature, a red-eyed vampire brutally murdered 87 villagers.

An examination of the bodies revealed that most died from external wounds but 14 of the corpses were confirmed to have bite marks on their necks, and were mummified from having their blood drained and according to the description of the vampires, there's no doubt he was the lord of that castle on the mountain.

The name of the lord at the time was...Len Kagamine.

There are no records of his birth, or anything of his life until now, so much that its completely unnatural.

Kaito groaned and placed a hand on his forehead. "But an ordinary vampire only becomes active at night...Its too weird that he can walk around during the day..." He sighed. "Besides they need human blood to survive, and there hasn't been a similar incident for almost three hundred years.."

That person even made contact with Miku but there was no sign that anything happened. Was it possible that it was just a 'human' with the same name?

"I just can't figure it out...but if he's after Miku, we'll have a problem."

"Miku-chan." Len called out. "The sun is about to set. You should get going before it gets dark."

Miku looked out the window and saw it was indeed already dark. She was having so much fun talking to Len that she didn't notice how time flew by so very quickly. "You're right, its already this late!" She gasped and stood up right away. "I'm so sorry for bothering you for so long!"

Len shook his head. "Not at all." He said gently. Miku quickly walked over to the door, unknowingly dropping something on the way which Len noticed and bent down to pick it up. "Miku-chan, you drop someth-" He stopped when he saw what it really was. He decided to pick it and tuck it inside his pocket.

"Kagamine-san. Can I come here again?" Miku stopped mid-step and turned to him. Len smiled. "Anytime you like." Miku smiled back and turned back to the door but then she stopped for a moment. She rigidly looked back at Len an laughed sheepishly. "Um..Where's the entrance?" The castle was so huge, she completely forgot where they just came from. Len sighed. "I'll show you the way-"

"Miku!" A yell was heard from outside. The two glanced at each other then quickly left the room. Outside the castle, a certain blue haired man panted, completely out of breath. "Shion-san?!" Miku exclaimed, surprise to see him this far in the woods.

"Are you alright?" Kaito questioned as he checked her for any signs of injury, specifically her neck. "Why are you here?!" Miku questioned back and realized there was another person behind her. "Ah, sorry Kagamine-san. He's Shion-san, the one I told you about, who's living in my house."

"Oh, yes." Len scanned Kaito's form and gave a small smile. "The vampire hunter right?" Kaito narrowed his eyes at him. "You're Len Kagamine?"

"Yes. Something wrong?"

"There's a stench." He sneered. "You have the stench of a monster." Len only chuckled. Miku, on the other hand glared at him. "Shion-san that's rude!" Kaito ignored that and took Miku's hand. "Let's go Miku." Before Miku could protest, Kaito dragged her along but not before Len added.

"When night falls, creatures that should not exist prowl in the forest up ahead." Kaito glanced at him over his shoulder before turned back and continued pulling the obviously unhappy Miku away. Len smirked.

"Please have a safe journey and don't be seduced..."

Len sat in front of his dinning table with a rather foul expression on his face. "Garlic, Holy water..." He looked at the cross that dangled in his hands, in front of him. "A cross, A silver chain..." He then gripped the cross tightly. "If I could die from these things, I wouldn't feel such agony."

He sighed and leaned back against his chair. He glanced at Miki, who stood at the side. "Say, Miki. Which do you believe is superior: Pure bloods or Mixed bloods?"

Miki looked at her master then bit her lip reluctantly. "As...a human, I believe either kind is an existence akin to god..." She paused while Len chuckled at the belief but allowed her continue. "Be it physical ability or abnormal constitution...a mixed blood is...inferior to pure blood. On other hand, the impulse to drink blood due to pure instinct is not as strong."

"We eat the food of our prey- human food. " He snorted as he picked a spoon so he may drink his soup. "Isn't that amusing?" Miki glanced at him. "...Len-sama, the night of the full moon is almost here...Do you plan to drink that human's blood?"

Len paused and his lips slowly dropped to a frown. "That child is..."

In this sordid human world...in this hellish world where he had lived, undead for thousands of years...Len had finally found a tiny warmth. He was cursed to never murder a human and yet, he must go on as he was. A blood sucking vampire.

"How many hundreds of years ago did I last feed..?" He wondered as he twirled the spoon in his fingers. Ahhh, He was thirsty...

"The vampire will be active on the night two days from now." Kaito said as soon as they were inside the house. "The vampire will attack on the night of the full moon, just before the immense protective power of adulthood takes effect."

"Kagamine-san is human." Miku said. "If you're bitten by him, it'll be too late." Kaito explained. "You'll turn into a vampire. You'll become a monster that survives only for the lust of blood and flesh." He looked at her, dead in the eyes with a very stern look. "I'm a vampire hunter...I don't want to kill you."

Miku took a step back and her heart skipped a beat as she frowned. He was serious. "Shion-san..."

It was the night of the full moon and Len twisted and turned on his bed. Panting heavily in shallow breaths as if in pain. "Len-sama..." Miki tried comforting Len, who struggled with his urges. "Stay back!" He yelled and Miki flinched but stayed put. "But Len-sama-"

"I just have to persevere...!" He grunted, taking a fist full of the sheets causing them to tear. "You're forcing yourself!" Miki shouted. "If you have an attack you'll lose all reason-" She gasped when she was suddenly pulled forward roughly by the neck.

Len's eyes were now glowing red and fangs popped out, ready to sink his teeth onto the girl's neck. Just before his fangs could even scrape her neck, Len went back to his senses and pushed her away. Len groaned as he covered his face in frustration. "To think that I would drink contaminated human blood!" He grunted.

Miki slowly picked herself up from the ground and took a deep breath. "I...understand how a history of persecution makes you resent humans...Just putting it in your mouth must feel repulsive..." She bit the inside of her cheek and continued.

"But you can only eat human food to suppress the blood thirst for so long. You can't survive for several hundred years without feeding." Her hands curled into fist as she shouted. "Even if you're a mixed blood, if you suppress your instincts too, you'll suffer! Do you plan to reenact...that indiscriminate massacre!"

Len knew that she was right. The longer he ignores his natural instincts, the more worse his condition would be as well as the painful blood lust. He already made that mistake three hundred years ago, he didn't want to repeat that again but...

He clutched the silver cross that belonged to Miku tightly in one of his hands. It would be good if it were her.

He craved for Miku's blood.

"Hmm...its not here." Miku whispered to herself. After searching the entire house and practically ripping the whole place apart...she therefore concluded that she had lost the cross...She was so dead.

She began sweating a waterfall as she thought of what Kaito might do to her if he ever found out that she had lost that talisman but whats worse was the last time she had the cross was when she went to Len's castle so in other words, it was back at that place.

This was very bad in several ways. If Len finds out that she had something like that, it would be like admitting to him that she was suspecting him. What should she do?

Miku gasped and shook her head. No, she was very sure Len was human and wasn't a vampire. He's nice so she was sure he'll forgive her. With that in mind, she nodded to herself and felt to go back to the castle

But just a few meters away from the forest, Miku stopped and thought to herself nervously. But if he doesn't, what will she do if he gets angry at her? Miku face palmed. She was such an idiot.

"Len-sama." Miki peeked at the door and quietly stared at her master with uncertainty. "The human from last time is..." She trailed off.

Len, who has finally calmed down, perked up in surprise and weakly pushed himself up. "Let her in." He said hoarsely. Miki looked at him worriedly. "But..."

"Its okay." He sighed as he sat up. "And...don't let anyone else come through here." Miki's eyes widened and was silent for a few minutes then bowed. "...As you wish."


Back at Miku's house, Kaito opened the door to Miku's room, holding onto a couple of papers at one hand. "Miku, I finally have proof that-" He blinked when he noticed that she wasn't in her room. "Miku?" There was silence. He wondered she could be but then his eyes widened when he thought of one place.

'It can't be-!'

"Welcome Miku-chan." Len smiled warily while Miku fidget on her seat. "I-I'm sorry for bothering you this late..." She muttered. "Please don't worry about it." He said as he set down a cup tea. "Whats the matter?"

Miku wasn't sure why but she felt really concerned about him letting her into his bedroom which was why she felt anxious. "Um, well...yesterday I left something behind." She said. Miku couldn't help but notice how awfully pale he was and there were beads of sweat trailing down his forehead. He didn't appear very well which worried her a bit.

"Oh. The cross necklace right?" He guessed as he took out the necklace from his pocket. "Ah! That's right! That's the one!" Miku blurted out. "Here you go." Len slowly passed the necklace to her and Miku took it gratefully.

"Thank goodness." She sighed in relief. "If you can hold onto to this, then you aren't one of them." Len scowled for a second before he smiled and placed a hand on top of her head. "Did that vampire hunter say something to you? He's really not keeping up with the times." Miku blinked. "Huh?"

"In the vampire world, there are pure bloods, who were born among their species and there are mixed bloods, who are born between a vampire and a human." For some reason, Miku's heart began racing as Len continued his explanation. "Pure bloods are usually harmed by crosses or sunlight. They cannot survive if they do not regularly consume human blood. Conversely, mixed bloods are half-humans. Neither a cross nor sunlight has any effect on them."

Miku gulped as he advanced towards her like a lion stalking his prey. "For a certain time period, they can survive even if they don't ingest human blood."

"K-Kagamine-san...?" Miku began to feel fear as the conversation continued. "In truth, its easy to identify vampires." Miku looked up at him and he stared back at her, his right eye glowing red. "They are those with red eyes."


Miku leaped out of her chair and backed away from him. "W-What..? W-Why are you telling me this...?" Her breath hitched when her back hit the glass window. She was trapped.

Len began snickering. "Do you find it strange that I know so much?" He calmly strolled towards her with a dangerous smile. "What do you think the reason is?" Miku felt confused, frightened, and horrified when she was slowly putting the pieces together. "Its not true right?!" She shouted desperately. "Because you-...You never said you're a vampire-"

She gasped when he suddenly right in front of her and shuddered when he poked her collarbone. "That's true." He said, tracing her collarbone up to her neck before grasping her chin lightly. "I didn't say I'm a vampire." His red eye flashed dangerously as he stared deeply into her eyes. "But I didn't say I'm not a vampire, either."

Miku froze in fear and she remembered Len telling something about the vampire when she invited him to her house:

"Then again...perhaps the vampire from the legend had simply lived on alone, away from humans."

"Miku!" Kaito yelled as he charged into another room of the castle. He clicked his tongue when he saw nothing and ran down the hall once again. There was no end to this place! The castle was too large and it was like a maze in the inside. Where were they?!


"Are you terrified of that which is not human?" Len questioned against her neck causing Miku to shiver. "Please don't be afraid." He said as he felt the fear coming out of her but how can she not be afraid from a situation like this?

She should've listened to Kaito, she should've taken his advise and stay away from Len but because she was just too stubborn and had to pay the price.

"Let me tell you one more thing." Len started. "Even if you're bitten, its not guaranteed that you'll turn into a vampire..." Miku looked at him with tear filled eyes. "Sucking blood can be purely done for feeding." A pair of sharp fangs grew from his mouth and Miku closed her eyes, expecting pain. 'Please help me Shion-san!'

"Miku!" Kaito barged into the room where he finally reached the two but it was too late.

Len pulled away from the unconscious female and turned to Kaito...blood dripping from his fangs and mouth. Kaito felt anger rush into him and charged at the vampire with a cry. "Kagamine!"


The sword in Kaito's hand was stopped by a black spear that appeared out of nowhere in Len's hand. "Disrupting someone's meal...hunters are so impolite."

Kaito scoffed as the two pushed against each other. "I'll make you give her back to me, even if it takes all my strength." Len's eye twitched in irritation. They glared at each other heatedly. "What an arrogant human emotion." He remarked in distaste. "To us, you hunters are nothing more than livestock."

"Wouldn't it be amusing if you were killed...by that very livestock?" Kaito spat and Len laughed mockingly. "It would be amusing to defeat you." Len comment as a colony of bats flew into the room. "Unfortunately, I'm very hungry right now."

Kaito's eyes widened in horror as Len picked up the unconscious Miku and stepped onto the ledge of the now open window. "Stop!"

Len smirked at the horrified hunter. "Don't worry, I shall return this child as a living human to you." Before Kaito could react, the colony of bats flew towards him and blocked his vision. He clicked his tongue as he tried fighting off the bats. When they finally clear, the two were already out of sight.


"Even Kaito...would not expect me to escape to Miku-chan's house." Len mused to himself and chuckled. He sat on the edge of the bed where Miku was sound asleep. Len traced the skin of his lips and a small smile formed. Ahh, it was such a pleasant feeling.

"Your blood...is very sweet. I unintentionally drank too much." He said as he reached out and caressed teal haired girl's head, the action slowly aroused her from sleep. She groaned lightly and slowly opened her eyes. Len smiled gently at her. "Are you awake?"

Miku's eyes widened as she remembered the events that happened. 'K-Kagamine!" Miku tried crawling away from him as she screamed. "Anyone-!" Len quickly clamped her mouth shut. "Calm down, this is your home. I won't do anything scary to you anymore!" He exclaimed.

Miku struggled for a while before slowly calming down. Len reluctantly removed his hand from her mouth and she turned away from him. "I-I...I'll turn into a vampire!" She whimpered and began sobbing. "No, you won't." Len comforted as he kissed her forehead.

She stopped and looked at him with teary eyes filled with confusion. Len smiled. "I told you didn't I? One must conduct a ritual to sire a new vampire. Its completely different from merely feeding." He brought the girl to his chest and patted her head in a gentle manner. "Vampires are outside the cycle of reincarnation, they live in solitude for eternity." Len looked down at her sadly. "I would not intend to draw you into this curse."

"Kagamine-san..." Miku relaxed completely. Even though he was a vampire, he was still so kind. Len then sighed. "Vampires that will wither one day are all the more admirable for it...You are the one who taught me that."

Miku was confused by this. "Meeting you that night made me feel interested in you but you were still insignificant...Thats what I thought." Len hugged her even tighter. "But before I realized it, my mind was already filled with thoughts of you."

Miku blushed at the sudden confession and buried her face into his chest. For some reason...she was becoming dizzy.

"Why is that...? There are so many things out there that could take your place." He breath out. "But its good that its you...It has to be you. I cannot imagine doing this to anyone other than you." He gently grasped her chin and raised her head as he smiled ever so gently. "Is this the so-called feeling of love?"

"Kagamine-san...I feel...dizzy." She said, her eyelids dropping as she struggled to keep them open. "Oh of course, on humans, vampire's saliva has the same effect as that of chloroform."

Miku blinked rapidly and rubbed her eyes. "A..Chloroform..." She was really sleepy as if she was about to be knocked out which she was.

"Thats right but don't worry." He said and kissed her cheek before laying her down onto the bed. "I'll stay by your side until then." He then chuckled. "Perhaps...its not a bad idea to imitate the human acts of affection from time to time."

Before Miku became unconscious once again, she felt a pair of soft, warm lips against hers. She closed her eyes and gently kissed back, feeling complete bliss as she fell into a dreamless sleep.

"...-ik, Miku!" A voice called out and Miku snapped her eyes open as she gasped. She looked up and saw Kaito's worried face above hers. "Shion...san?"

Kaito sighed in relief. "Thank god." He pulled the surprised girl up and hugged her tightly. "You must've been so scared...Don't worry, the vampire's gone now." Miku was confused. "Huh?"


The Next Morning...After she heard what the hunter told her, the village girl went out to look.

Miku stared at the mountain in shock. The castle was gone. Completely out of sight as if it were never there in the first place.

It was as if...everything had happened inside a dream except for one...

Miku touched the two hole on her neck with a sad look in her eyes.

The scar on her neck told the young girl that everything was real...

Human reincarnate.

The servant, The vampire hunter, and The village girl...

They are all connected by a strange fate. They would be reborn, and they continue to live on...

Somewhere in a city, students were entering their high school to start a new day. A blue haired boy ran through the gate as a woman with short brown hair chased after him angrily while an apple green haired girl stretched as she walked into the gates of the school with a peach haired girl following and calling out to her with a smile.

Further away, a familiar teal haired girl was rushing through the streets hurriedly with a negi in her mouth. She was late for school and barely had enough time to finish breakfast. Her hair was tied into two messy pigtails and her uniform was a disaster as well but she didn't care for now.

And the vampire? After he disappeared, no one know where he went or what happened to him.

The girl unknowingly passed by a certain blond hair boy as she continued rushing to school. She didn't even notice him as they passed by each other.

The boy's hair was tied into a ponytail and wore another school's uniform as he strolled by casually.

Perhaps he's still alive, somewhat in the present...


As the girl brushed passed him. White, sharp fangs bared as he grinned.

Because the life of a vampire can last for several thousands of years.


A/N: That ends this chapter. Wow this is probably the longest chapter I have ever written since I began writing here in fanfiction. What an accomplishment!

Anyways there would be two more chapter related to this one here so its not over yet, ladies and gentlemen! BTW today is my big brother's birthday! My idiotic brother is just another step away from being an old man! Is that great? ^^

Its funny how me and big bro are just seven years apart and sometimes I'm not sure who is the older one between us X9 but moving on.

Please review and tell me what you think...this is technically the first time I ever written a story that has a paranormal/supernatural being. Sometimes its hard to explain when there is a monster like vampires and werewolves in the story *sigh*

Anyways see ya and hope to see you read the next chapter very soon
