Hello once again readers! Here you go with the continuation story of Dragon Son, if you haven't read it, read it now .

Chapter 1

Natsu had been traveling for almost 2 months now, working his way towards the Elves of Minstrel... the Elves that could be his only salvation.

'How much farther?'

'Not too much, we crossed the border of Minstrel last week so we should be getting close'
'Shouldn't we already have encountered some elves by now?'

'Not quite, Elven culture consists of clans, and these clans are nomadic, they go wherever their food source goes'

'Speaking of food, I'm fucking starving' thought Natsu as he felt his stomach grumble

As If on cue, a large deer like creature rushed right in front of Natsu and abruptly stopped and stared at Natsu, not being one to waste a chance like this, Natsu on instinct tried to release a roar, only for nothing to come out, brutally reminding him of his current state. But not willing to let this chance go by, Natsu dashed forward in a flash he was in front of the deer, fist cocked back, he thrust forward, driving it into the skull of the stag, killing it on impact.

"Well at least I still have my strength" Natsu said aloud

Before Natsu could drag the stag into the forest to prepare it to cook, someone stepped from the brush with a notched arrow pointed straight at him.

"That stag was mine!" she shouted at him.

As Natsu turned to her, what he saw shocked him. In front of him was a woman, not possibly over 20 ears old, but she looked so experienced, as if her age was inconsequential and she knew more about the world than was possible in a lifetime. But what actually shocked Natsu were her ears, they were so big! And they looked like they were pointy enough to cut glass with. Well that might be a little too much exaggeration but still.

"Y-your ears!" Natsu said as he pointed at her in a childish manor.

"Yeah, what about them?" she asked

"A-Are you an elf?"

"Yeah, why?"

Natsu then went on to explain about his situation. How he lost his arm, which was still wrapped up in the fire proof bandaging. And how he could no longer channel his magic through his body to his needing the help of the Elves.

"So you need our help to get your magic back?"

"Well, not exactly, like I said, my magic is still there I just cant channel it. The only magic I can use is magic that doesn't require it being channeled. Then only spell I have that uses that is a body displacement spell, My Flame Shift spell"

"I think I get it"

"So you can help me!?" Natsu asked excitedly

"Well not me, I'm merely a hunter for my clan, I'm not nearly proficient enough in magic to even know whats wrong let alone fix it. I'd have to take you to my clan, but how can I be sure that you can be trusted?"

"Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me, but if that's not enough, I swear on my honor as a Dragon Slayer!" Natsu shouted while pumping is fist.

"A DRAGON SLAYER!?" She screamed

"Yeah?" Natsu said, not sure why she seemed so hysterical.

"Without saying another word, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him further into the forest.

"Where the hell are we going!?" Natsu demanded, still being dragged by the Elf woman.

"To my clan!" she shouted, not looking at him.

Suddenly, her body seemed to disappear as she walked further, like they were passing a barrier. As his head passed the barrier, his ears were filled with the sounds of laughing children, and conversations between people of an older age.

As Natsu entered the clearing all eyes were on him, not looks of hate like he had partially expected, but looks of curiosity.

"Come on, I'll lead you to our leader" she said

"Alright then" Natsu said, letting her guide him towards a large tent.

As they approached the tent, Natsu could feel a powerful presence within, when they entered, Natsu could see an two elves chatting, one of them dressed like the others he saw, but the man that emanated the powerful aura, his appearance was very different, while most of the other elves he'd seen have had brown or blonde hair, his was pure whit and tied in a ponytail behind him. His hair brought memories of Mira to his mind, and with them, brought guilt, but he shook his head tiring to clear his mind.

When they noticed his presence, the man he was taking to excused himself.

"Well hello there!" he said cheerily

"Sir Toren, I found this man on the path, he had just taken down my prey with his bare hands, he claims to be a Dragon Slayer"

Suddenly, the elf now identified as Toren, stood up as Natsu could here a certain Elemental in his head squeal girlishly.

"A Dragon Slayer you say! Now this is most interesting" he said

"Yes, sir, I am indeed a Dragon Slayer" Natsu confirmed.

"Yes, I can tell by your features, sharpened canines, slanted eyes, all signs of a Dragon Slayer, and I can feel your magic within you, a Fire Dragon Slayer no less, those are rare!"

"R-really?" Natsu asked, surprised that this man knew so much about Dragon Slayers

"Yeah, there's usually never more than one at a time, since most of the Flame origin dragons or anti-social and not to fond of humans"

"Flame origin Dragons?" Natsu asked

"Well someone is apparently not educated in their own kind, well allow me, might as well take a seat, you to Fen" he said,

'So that's her name' Natsu thought

Natsu took a seat at a small circular table in the center of the room, with this Sir Toren sitting opposite him, and Fen sitting in between.

"Well let's begin shall we" Toren announced

"Please do"

"Well, on the top of the chain of Flame origin Dragons, is the Fire Dragon King, Igneel"

"That's my dad!" Natsu shouted.

"Really!? HA! Who would have thought! Igneel of all dragons, being the one to train a Slayer! Fantastic!"

"Yeah, but he's a real good dad deep down.


"But please continue sir"

"Please, just call me Toren, all these stiffs around here refuse to acknowledge me without calling me Sir Toren"

"Well... Toren, you can call me Natsu, I should have introduced myself earlier, my bad, but anyway, please continue"

"Of course, and below him, you have what we call the Flame Origin Dragons, they are the varying types of Flame Dragons, like, ash, Lava, solar, obsidian-" Toren stopped because he saw Natsu visibly flinch.

"Is there something wrong Natsu?"

"Its just that... well, you'll understand when I tell you why I'm actually here"

"Oh yes, I completely forgot to ask that!" Toren exclaimed causing Fen to sweat drop.

"Yeah well, it's a long story" Natsu said, and then proceeded to tell Toren about everything that has happened to him, basically the same he told Fen earlier, except this time, including the Elemental that now resides within his mind.

When he was done, Toren looked both impressed and shocked.

"So the elemental adopted my name huh? Fantastic!" Toren exclaimed causing both Natsu and Fen to sweat drop

"I'm sorry if this is a sore spot but do you mind if you show me your arm?" Toren asked

"No, it's alright" Natsu said before standing up and taking a few steps away, and then proceeding to unravel his bandaging.

When all the the bandaging was removed, Toren and Fen, couldn't help but stare at it.]

"Wow, can you feel out of it?" Toren asked.

"Yeah, but no at the same time, it's hard to explain, I can't determine fine detail with touching stuff, but I can tell when stuff is soft or hard, and I can feel warmth like a regular arm."

"Amazing" Toren gently muttered

"The Toren in my head tells me that it makes me look more bad ass but I don't know"

"Oh bad ass indeed! This Toren clearly has an awesome sense of style! Much like myself!" Toren exclaimed, once again mankind Natsu and Fen sweat drop

"So can you fix my magic?"

"Well, I can say that if this is anything like what happened with me when I absorbed my first elemental, then it is you who has to fix it"

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked

"Well along time ago, when I absorbed my first elemental, a tattoo appeared on my arm" he said pulling up his sleeve, revealing dozens of tattoos of varying styles and colors, one being a green vine wrapped around his arm, while another being a icy blue snowflake

"Each one of the tattoos represents my bond with an elemental, when I first got one, I couldn't channel any magic as well, but eventually I figured out that it was that I needed to complete a contract with the elemental"

"So you really are Toren the Sage of the Elements" replied Natsu

"Yeah, kinda fond of the title myself, pretty awesome isn't it, but yeah, I made contracts with all of the Elemental Kings, without absorbing them that is"

"How's you make a contract with them without absorbing them?" Natsu asked

"Well, to make a contract with an elemental king, you must first gain his favor, and then he will grant you a little of his power, which you absorb, and that power takes form of an Elemental, in the image of the king, and then you have to make a contract with that king, but with the piece acting as his soul, the one you absorbed was a regular elemental, but that is where this gets a little weird.

"What do you mean?"

"Your arm, and the way you described the elemental, doesn't fit the description of any elemental I've ever come to know, It shares qualities of both Lava and Fire elementals, what that means I'm unsure. You ate a Lava elemental, but you also swallowed a piece of Obsidian-" Toren stopped talking as a realization hit him.

"That's it!" Toren yelled, rather loudly.

"What!?" Yelled Natsu, with Fen joining in

"You ate the obsidian as well as the lava, there must have been something about your relation to the Fire Dragon King Igneel that caused the elemental soul to adapt the obsidian into its system, creating a Hybrid Elemental!"

"A Hybrid? Is such a thing even possible?" asked Fen

"Not under normal circumstances, but like I said, it must have something to do with Natsu's relation to Igneel, it must have guided along the adaption"

"But can I still complete a contract?"

"Well, It's still an elemental, and it's sentient, so you should be able to" Toren said

"Well! How do I do it!" Natsu said excitedly

"Well first you have to enter your own mind, then you must force yourself you fully accept the Elemental into your body, then the elemental will ask you if you wish to complete the contract"

"Well sounds easy enough, so I just have to go to my mindscape"


"Well, what am I waiting for!"

"Wait, don't do it here Natsu"

"Why not?" asked Natsu

"There's no telling what will happen to your physical body while your inside, and I know the perfect place"

"Well, where is it?"

"You'll see" Toren said, before raising his hand as a ball of light formed with some strange symbol inside, then with a flash, the three of them disappeared and re-appeared in a clearing with six stone pillars surrounding them.

"This, Natsu, is the ceremonial place for completing contracts"

"Wow, It's so serene here"

"Yes, indeed it is" Toren said gently, looking away as if remembering sweet memories.

"Well, might as well get to it" Natsu said before sitting in the middle of the six pillars, and took a meditative posture, soon he found his consciousness drifting to his mindscape.

Natsu's Mindscape

"NATSU!" Yelled Toren the Elemental


"I can't believe you met Toren, not to mention he's still alive, I guess the rumor about elves being Immortal is true"

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy"

"Of course he is, he's Toren!" Toren shouted

"Alright Toren, that's enough with the Fan Girling, honestly, it isn't very bad ass"

Then, in an instant, Toren's attitude went to that of a fan girl, to his usual cool demeanor.

"Sorry, It's just meeting one's number one idol who you though had been long dead can be a little exciting"

"Yeah yeah, but we need to make this contract"

"Alright, well the first part's up to you"

Natsu then looked deep within himself, trying to find something that seemed unconnected or unfinished, then he could feel it, a warm presence almost connected to what he felt was his soul, like a plug reaching for a wall, then 'plugged' the presence into his soul, and connected them, he could feel the connection, he felt like Toren, the elemental, was actually a part of him, instead of just a presence in his mind"

When he brought his thoughts back to his mindscape, he looked at Toren, and was confused before he remembered what was supposed to happen. Toren was now floating in the air with both arms outstretched.

"Contractor! Toren said,


"Are you willing to be contracted with the spirit before you, rejection of this contract with result in the removal of the elemental soul within you, on acceptance, you will be granted the powers of the element corresponding to said Elemental."

"I accept!" Natsu announced

Then a bright light enveloped Toren as he descended, when he landed, the light faded, except for his right arm, which was still glowing, when Natsu looked down at his own right arm, he could see that it was glowing as well, then both lights faded.

"That was... fucking weird" said Toren

Natsu just shrugged before saying goodbye to Toren and leaving his mindscape.

Real World

When Natsu opened his eyes, he could see that it was now Nighttime, and Toren was passed out in the grass in a rather silly position, and Fen was fighting off sleep.

Natsu stood up and did a few stretches, attracting the attention of Fen.

"Finally" she said.

"Sorry, It didn't seem like a whole lot of time in there"

"It's alright, but did you do it?"

"Let's find out" Natsu said, before exiting the circle of pillars, going a small ways away.

"Might want to stand back, might get a little toasty over here" Natsu said before turning away from her.

Natsu deeply inhaled, and looked up towards the sky, and unleashed an inferno upon the heavens, filling the sky with fire. A roar of a dragon. Loud enough to be heard for miles. And even heard by the sensitive ears of a certain Fire Dragon King, who simply smirked at the sound, knowing very well who it was.

Fen was extremely impressed, such a level of magic, she had only seen Sir Toren do something of that caliber.

Toren had been abruptly awoken from his snoozing by an ear piercing roar, and he was quite impressed by the Dragon Slayers show of power.

Once Natsu was done, he turned back to the two elves with a face splitting grin.

"Damn does that feel good to do again!" Natsu exclaimed.

"So I take it the contracting was successful?" asked Toren

"Yeah!" Natsu said happily, just excited to finally have his magic back

"Well, how about you give us a demonstration of your new found contract" asked Toren

"Well I can try" said Natsu, before closing his eyes in thought.

After a short minute of Natsu thinking, his eyes flashed open and and imaginary light bulb lit above his head.

"Got it!" Natsu announced, before looking down at the grass withva hesitant look on his face.

"Don't worry about burning the grass, I can fix it" said Toren

"Well allright then!" Natsu shouted, every trace of hesitation gone.

"Alright here we go!" Natsu shouted before jumping a good distance away and cracking his knuckles, excluding his right hand.

Natsu extended his arm outwards, as a symbol appeared on the obsidian.

Natsu then slammed his hand on the ground before bringing it up and lava seeped up, but in the middle of the lava, was a black purple spear slowly rising from the ground.

Natsu grabbed the spear, picking it up, and then launching it directly at Toren who caught it with ease, a light smirk teasing on his features.

'Hmmm' Natsu thought, before he held his hand over the pool of lava causing it to swirl into the air, he raised his hand above his head and moved it in a circular motion, causing the lava to flow from the ground to the growing torrent above his head.

"How about this!" Natsu shouted before bringing the rotation around his body and unto Toren, who took control over it and sent it back at him.

Getting another idea, Natsu let the lava engulf him.

Fen had a shocked look on her face while Toren had a face of anticipation and curiosioty.

When all of the Lava fell to the ground, there stood a figure, covered in lava. Then the figure dashed towards Toren causing all of the lava to fly off revealing a humanoid figure but instead of skin, were plates of a dull obsidian with lava flowing around the plates.

'He's merged with the elemental, very impressive for someone who literally just contracted with their elemental.'

The now transformed Natsu dashed towards Toren, pulling back a fist, prepared to land a devastating attack, before it was caught effortlessly by Toren.

"That's enough for now Natsu" said Toren

"Damn!" Natsu said, before the obsidian melted off of him, revealing Natsu.

"I wanted a fight!" whined Natsu

"You may get one sometime, but for now let's head back"

"Fine" grumbled Natsu

"But first" Toren said, before activating another one of his elemental powers and slamming his hand against the ground, causing all of the burnt grass to be replaced by fresh grass, and repairing any other damage he may have caused.

"Well, that covers that"

"So are we heading back?" Fen asked

"Yes, but first, I have a question for you Natsu"

"What's that?"

"How would you like to train under me for a while, help you master your contract?"

"Really!" shouted Natsu

"Of course, I see a great deal of potential, and I'd like to have you around long enough to figure out your hybrid nature"

"Awesome!" shouted Natsu

Fen just stared on in shock, it had been centuries since Toren had taken on an apprentice that wasn't one of his sons, or someone from the clan.

"Fantastic!" Toren yelled happily before jumping in the air and meeting Natsu in a mid air high five

'Idiots' though Fen as a bead of sweat formed on her forehead.

"But there's something I need to do first"

"I need to send a message"

"Well sure, but what for"

"Well, when I found out I couldn't use any magic, I left my guild immediately, leaving my girlfriend Mira behind"

"OH a girlfriend now, what she like?" Toren said, with a hint of perversion in his voice.

"Well, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I love her more than anything" Natsu said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a coin purse, he opened it and pulled out a photo of him and Mira, standing under a Sakura tree.

"Wow, she really is beautiful, and look at that hair!" Toren said approvingly while Fen fawned over the picture.

"But that's why I had to leave. I couldn't let her see me like that, powerless and weak"

"That right there is weakness itself Natsu, running away from problems is the cowards way out"

"Yeah, that's what I would think before that, never running away from a fight, and facing my problems head on, but I guess you think differently when something like that happens to you"

"Well, what's done is done, you can send her a message by carrier bird once we're back in the village and in the morning"

"Thanks Toren"

"Tututut, you shoud call me sensei now Natsu!

"Yes Sensei!" Natsu said with a goofy grin as he extended a fist with a thumb sticking up, and Toren mirrored it.

'Idiots' thought Fen as she stared at the duo, for a split second, she imagined them in green spandex suits talking about the fires of youth, and a shiver went up her spine.

"Are you alright Fen?" asked Natsu

"Yeah yeah, must've gotten a little cold there"

"Honestly Fen... CLEARLY THE FIRES OF YOUTH WITHER WITHIN YOU!" screamed Toren, before Fen feinted.

"Fen!" Natsu said, shaking her slightly.

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

A lone white haired girl sat at the bar, face on the bar, and a mug attached to her hand"

"Mira, he'll come back soon, you just have to believe in him" said Master Makarov, who was rather tired of seeing Mira half heartedly doing everything, while she spent the rest of her time drinking.

"But He should have told me where he was gong, I miss him!" she muttered, not lifting her face

"This is a journey that only he can take, he must find his way alone, so why don't you put down the beer and go home, its already midnight."

"No! I need this, especially tonight, it's our 6 month anniversary!"

"Well, I' sure wherever he is, he hasn't forgotten"

"We'll he better not fucking have, because if he has, the next time I see him, I'll beat the shit out of him, before dragging him back to his house and not coming out for several days." Mira said with a heavy blush, somewhat inspired by the alcohol, and a bit of drool dripping out of her mouth.

A blush spread across Makarovs face as he imagined all of the dirty actions they'd commit.

Once Makarovs mind had calmed down he sighed.

"Just promise me you'll leave soon, i'm going home, can you lock up on your way out?"

"Yeah yeah" Mira said, waving her hand in the air dismissively.

"Thanks" the Master said before leaving her to her drink and her thoughts.

Several Hours Later

Mira awoke with a start, breaking a line of drool, she quickly wiped her face clean before looking around with tired eyes, nobody was in the guild yet but she could tell it was morning by the light creeping in through the windows.

"Well, might as well go home, sleep in a bed" Mira said out loud before sliding off her stool and walking towards the door.

As she stepped outside, she heard a shriek pierce the air. She looked towards the sound to see, a little speck in the distance, slowly getting bigger. Then, as quick as lighting, a bird slowed itself down from impressive speeds, to a gentle speed before flying towards her, she could see a roll of paper in its claw, but she had no idea what to make of it.

It flew over her head before dropping the paper over her. She caught it as it floated down and she opened it.

What she read brought tears of joy to her eyes, for in the letter, was a explanation of why he left, what had happened since then, and that he had his magic back. It was much to vague on details for her liking, but she felt that there was some outside influence that caused that. The next to last sentence made her sad and a little angry.

'I'm going to be training here under the Leader of the Clan for a while, I'm sorry but I'll see you soon, an I WILL make it up to you, any way you want, even THAT way' the last part made her smile perversely. As she reached the next and last sentence, what she read filled her with happiness.

'I'm especially sorry I'm not there right now, but Happy 6 month Anniversary Mira, I love you so much' she read. Mira then hugged the letter to her chest.

"Screw a few days, when he gets back, I'm keeping him in his house for a week" she said aloud while hugging the letter, tears of joy cascading down her cheeks, and a blush spread across her face.

There you go, hope you like it, the continuation story of Dragon Son. That's basically it, see you soon, Windbear.