"Ciiiiieeeeeel!" the high pitched, feminine voice screeched out. It made both Sebastian and Evelyn's sensitive ears ring, while Ciel's eyes widened. "Elizabeth?!" he exclaimed, recoiling from her throwing herself onto him. The bubbly blonde pulled away, pouting. "I told you, it's Lizzie! I thought I'd come vis..." she trailed off, eyes finding the shy new girl. "Who is this?" she asked, voice dying down a bit. Evelyn blushed at the sudden attention, looking to the ground.

"This is our house guest, Lizzie. If you'd like, Sebastian will prepare some tea for us?" he suggested, offering her his arm. Immediately she was distracted from the woman, entranced by the thought of more time with Ciel. Sebastian slid past Evelyn once shutting the door, heading for the kitchen. Ciel and this, Elizabeth woman walked to the large staircase. Evelyn stood there, silent. Who was that woman, and why did she feel strangely territorial when she saw the blonde?

Shaking her head from the thoughts, the neko began to walk. She wasn't positive where she was going, but found herself at the door to the kitchen. She cracked the door open, peeking inside. She saw the 'chef', Baldroy, sitting on a barrel in the corner. A cigarette hung out of him lips, lazily taking drags. Sebastian was preparing a pot of hot tea for the guest. His eyes flicked up to the door for a moment, eyes meeting hers. The corner of his lips upturned into a small smile, eyes turning back to his work. She moved away from the door, surprised he had noticed her. Demon..Right... she thought to herself, sluggishly walking towards the front door. Evelyn didn't know what else to do, so she figured some outdoor time would have been the best idea for now.

"Elizabeth, what on Earth are you doing here? I don't remember Auntie telling me you were coming," Ciel mused, sitting on a chair across from the blonde. She giggled, sitting up excitedly. "I snuck you, I just had to see you Ciel. I missed you so much," her lips had turned into a pout once the sentence came to a finish. Ciel sighed, resting his head in his hand. "Lizzie...you can't just sneak out whenever you'd like to see me. You know all you have to do is send a letter to us, and you won't get in trouble with Auntie," he explained. Her pout just got bigger, looking sad that he was rejecting her showing up. He sighed, then looked up at her. "It's very nice to see you again Lizzy," he said. Immediately her face lit up, cheering up. Sebastian walked in, balancing a teapot on one hand, and a tray with tea cups and pastries on the other. Ciel looked up, watching his demon set them up tea.

While Sebastian poured, no one spoke. They clearly all had one thing they wanted to talk about, and that thing was currently outside with the horses. Elizabeth was the first person to speak. "So, who was that woman?" she asked, looking from Ciel to Sebastian. The butler didn't move a muscle out of place, simply continuing with his task. Ciel looked up, watching the blonde.

"I've been instructed to keep a watch over Evelynn until tensions between her family and government have tided over," he said, carefully wording his simple sentence. She nodded, content with the explanation. Ciel wanted to ask Sebastian about Evelynn's well being, but held back. He wasn't sure how Elizabeth would react to him turning his attention to another female, with her right there.

Suddenly, Sebastian appeared before the two, pouring their tea. He didn't act rushed, but Ciel noticed he was pushing things to go a bit faster. He wouldn't sacrifice performance for time of course, ensuring everything was proper. Without a word, he bowed and left the room. Ciel was quiet, lost in thought. He was curious what suddenly drove him to speed up and leave. However, he knew better than to mention anything, lest Elizabeth become concerned. He struck up a small conversation with her, to distract the blonde.

Warm breeze, soft grasses, bright skies. This was the perfect day. Evelyn stretched herself out on the tall tree, resting on a sturdy oak branch. She had let her ears and tail hang free, as no one could possibly see her way up there. It was a great feeling, like true freedom. She knew she wasn't however, she simply moved from one master to another.

The lost kitten taken in by the Guard Dog... The words from the old man rang in her head. He was right, she was under his rule. His word, despite whatever she would say, would always be final. The thought made her shiver a bit. While she was considered a guest to the servants, she, Sebastian, and Ciel all knew the true reason she was at the estate.

What would it be like to be in control? What if you had unders for once? Someone who would obey your every order, without hesitation?

Evelyn shot up, eyes looking everywhere. Where did that voice come from? She didn't see anyone, nor did she sense them. Was it..in her mind?

Ah, my dear. I am no where, and everywhere. I do, however, await a final answer. Do you desire power? You've lived for years under the control of others, isn't it time you took that power for once?

"Who am I speaking to? Show yourself!" she shouted. A laugh was heard, growing louder and louder. When it almost became too loud for her to bear, it stopped. There was nothing but silence, then two quiet taps beside her. The neko jumped, head whipping up to the sound.

"Your very first order, and the deal is complete," a low, sultry voice said. A man stood before her, tall, thin. She found that he looked very similar to Sebastian, body wise. His eyes were just as golden, but his hair was a deep, chocolate brown. Skin like porcelain, he was the ideal 'perfect'.

Then, it hit her. It was no wonder she couldn't sense his presence, and he could speak in her mind. "Now, my mistress, I am yours to control," he told her, leaning in close and stroking her cheek. She growled, leaning away from him. "Don't touch me," she snapped. His hand drew back, a smirk constant on his face.

"Evelyn, what are you doing here with, that?" Sebastian asked suddenly, startling the girl. She shrunk down, the tone in voice so full of anger and disgust.

"Why, she's my mistress. I could ask you the same thing, Sebastian," the new male retorted. Sebastian looked down to her, eyes narrow. It appeared that the girl really was scared, and confused. "You're her demon?" he asked, watching the realization, and fear, cross her face. He nodded, pointing to her back.

"My mark rests on her skin, see for yourself," the nameless demon offered, a graceful hand motioning to her back. Sebastian knelt down, carefully pulling up the back of her shirt. His eyes widened, seeing her 'brand' glowing, much similar to his and Ciel's.

"But, how..." Evelyn whispered, staring up at the demons. "Don't you remember? I suppose not..you were rather out of it. Beat up, drugged, it's no surprise you can't remember the deal..."

"Please, make this end! Someone, help me!" In the deep chasms of her bruised, beaten mind, a terrified girl coward. Her body was weak and broken, on the verge of throwing itself into the eternal depths of darkness. She couldn't even move herself two inches from it's current position.

"Pathetic...you let yourself get to this state, allowing yourself into the hands of my dirty master..." a voice echoed, somewhere in the black. Evelyn raised her head, desperately searching for it. "Please, help me," she cried. A vaguely human figure knelt before her, stretching out a hand. When reaching for the hand in return, it used almost all of her remaining energy.

"Ah ah ahh..If you want my aid, we must make a deal..I will aid you, but your soul will belong to me," he told her, hand just barely out of her reach. "Yes! Yes,anything, just GET ME OUT OF HERE," she screamed, launching herself at his hand, grasping it tightly. He laughed quietly, pulling her up into his arms.

"Now, when we came in this contact, you were already given my mark by my master. His final order to me was that, if he were to die, to transfer my contract to you. He finalized that by branding my mark to you," the demon finished recalling the story, staring down at the girl. Her eyes were wide, not having any memory of this.

"I...I don't.." she whispered, before being silenced by a glare from the demon. Sebastian pulled her shirt back down, helping her sit up. Her back pressed right against his leg, feeling a little safer with him there.

"So...What now?" Evelyn finally said, looking to the demon. He shrugged, offering a hand to help her up. She recoiled, standing on her own. Well, with the help of Sebastian, but mostly just to make sure she didn't fall. The demon's head cocked to the side, taking back his bare hand. It was only then could she see his mark on the back of his hand, causing her to shiver.

Both Sebastian, and the unnamed demon noticed this, watching her. "Are you cold?" Sebastian asked, just before the other had the chance. She looked up, half nodding. He scooped her up suddenly, jumping down from the tree. "Hey!" the demon shouted, flying down after them. Once landing softly upon the ground, Evelyn slipped from Sebastian's grasp, only to be pulled towards the man.

Evelyn jerked away, glaring up at him. A slightly surprised look crossed his face, before going stonic again. "Who are you?" Evelyn asked suddenly, looking up at the much taller demon. His gaze met hers, his golden eyes much colder than Sebastian's. "My last master gave me the name 'William', but I may go by whatever you choose," he said, giving the girl a start. It couldn't have been a coincidence that his name was the same as her father's.

"N-No..William is fine," she said, turning to the Phantomhive butler. "Sebastian, would you prepare some tea, please?" she asked him, eyes begging for something to take her away from the situation. He nodded, a smile spreading. "Of course. While you wait, please feel free to wait in the drawing room," he said pleasantly, flipping into 'butler mode'. She nodded, and began walking. William watched, then slowly followed behind. No one said otherwise. Besides, Evelyn had questions for him.

Once they had gotten inside and settled in, Sebastian left the two along. He didn't inform his master about the new guest yet, he would allow Evelyn to explain it later. While he made the tea, many question's ran through his mind. The main one was 'what was the connection between this demon and the murders?'. However, he didn't have to worry about that until the matter was brought to his master's attention. He couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the demon, knowing something bad was going to happen..

Woah, I'm alive! I know, I'm sorry for taking such a long time to update. I really hope you guys like this chapter anyways, game changer! :o Anyways, let me know what you think, and I'll see you guys next time!

Also, leave some suggestions on what you would like to see next, and I'll try to incorporate them in! See you loveys 3