Author Note: Well here is the start of another story on top of my already growing list of stories in progress. 'Core of My Addicion' and 'Exhale' in particular. I'm hoping this one will be successful like my prior ones. Don't hesitate to let me know what you all think of it.

Chapter 1: Setback

Davina sat behind the wheel of her own vehicle in the parked position. Her mouth was dry and her stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies. She tucked a large piece of her red hair behind her ear. Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw the reflection of jade eyes and tanned skin, with perfectly outlined make-up around her lashes. It was hard to believe that in a matter of hours she would finally make her long awaited debut in a company she had spent the last ten years trying to get to.

"Here we go..." She whispered opening the car door.

Stepping out, the click of her sandals hit the concrete floor of the parking lot. The warm Florida air caressed her bare shoulders, blowing her long hair in ever which way. Her outfit was simple. A pair of dark colored jean shorts and a black muscle tank top with a lace back. A long silver dreamcatcher necklace hung over her ample breasts.

It wasn't surprising to learn that everything was so very different than NXT; but she caught on quick. The arenas were much larger and there were thousands of people instead just a thousand or so. It didn't play nice on her nerves that were already up and running full force. Davina swallowed hard and opened the door that would lead her inside the building that would allow her to live out her dream she's had since a child.

Hundreds of stage crew workers scattered across all hallways. Small greetings were exchanged to several before walking down a hall that was marked for the Diva's. Pulling her wheeled bag behind her, her hand took hold of the door handle and pulled it open. Her eyes met those of the current Diva's Champion, Nikki Bella. The intimidation was almost immediate. "Look Brie, it's the new girl." Nikki poked fun.

The other Bella turned her head from her bag to see what her twin was talking about. Brie was easily recognized now that Nikki changed her hair color and got breast implants to make them bigger; but they were still the same vein people Davina remembered from the past. "She's pretty enough; but she's no Bella of course." Brie commented.

"Oh please, you two are so full of yourselves. I don't need to be a Bella to be successful here, nor do I want to be. I'm perfectly content with being myself." Davina replied holding her ground against the veterans.

" won't get you very far. Let's see how good you really are." Nikki stated hovering about two inches above her.

The twins walked out of the room with a flick of their hair into Davina's face. It wasn't the welcome she was hoping for; but it definitely encouraged her to put on the performance of a lifetime. Letting out a sigh, she turned to the corner and placed her bag neatly down upon the open bench. Slowly unzipping it, she pulled out her ring gear. Black and lime green boy shorts and the same colored bra-like halter top with a small opening to show off some cleavage.

Quickly changing into the clothes, she sat down to lace up her wrestling boots. Her hair fell over her shoulder into her face. The room was utterly quiet for the time of day it was. Curiosity got the better of her and she quietly walked out of the locker-room only to run into her boss. Stephanie McMahon.

"Oh god, I am so sorry." Davina apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I was actually looking for you."


"We have to push back your debut another week. Creative changes just came in and they scrapped the whole match for tonight."

Davina was completely disappointed. She was already dressed to compete and now it wasn't going to happen. Stephanie could see the disappointment on her employee's face. She really did feel bad about about the situation; but there was nothing she could do about it. "However, Lilian had a family emergency that she needed to address. Is there anyway that you can fill in for her tonight?"

"Yeah...of course. I've got it covered. I just need to change again."

"Thank you. I'll see to it that your debut will be very soon."

A smile was all she needed to give for her to understand that she appreciated it. Once her boss was out of sight, Davina was left with her own thoughts. She really hoped that she had something to wear that was appropriate for the job. Rushing back into the locker-room, she started to dig through her bag for a dress; but of course, she hadn't packed one. All she had was a navy blue long shirt with white trim around the bottom and it would just have to do.

She quickly found the navy blue matching crop top that fit snugly around her ribcage. The outfit was completely finished and it was time to start giving herself a refresher in the introductions. She practiced up and down the hallway, taking sips of water every so often; but all she really wanted to do was warm up for a match against another diva.

"Your up in five, Davina..." A stage crew man stated.


Monday Night Raw

Before the show aired on TV, Davina entrance theme she had from NXT started up. The crowd started to cheer for her as she stepped through the curtain and walked out onto the stage. Her eyes took in the thousands of people packed into the arena the night after Wrestlemania. The butterflies in her stomach started to flutter, making her palms sweat. Holding the microphone in her hand, she couldn't help but pose for the crowd. Especially when they began chanting 'Vina' over and over again. The show started off with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. She introduced them without any incident, much to her relief.

What she didn't expect was witnessing Brock's rage up close and personal. The man was massive and not someone she would want to mess with in any shape or form. She made a mental note to stay away from him anytime he was in the building. Her eyes squinted shut after seeing him F-5 Michael Cole in the middle of the ring.

Without any mistakes the rest of the night, it was finally time for the main event. Big Show, Kane and the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins would be taking on Randy Orton, Ryback and an unknown partner. The music for the champion sounded and it was met was immediate boos. Not that it surprised Davina at all. "The following six-man tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first the team of Kane, The Big Show, and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins...The Authority." Davina announced.

Seeing all of them in such close range, she got a feel for who they really were. Kane and Big Show were legends within the company; but Seth was still a newcomer. A cocky suck-up that got everything handed to him on a silver platter so to speak. The music was cut off my a familiar song. One she had heard hundreds of times. 'Voices'. The crowd became vocal with the like of him.

"And their opponents...First, From St. Louis Missouri...weighing in at 245 pounds. He is the Apex Predator...Randy Orton."

Randy stepped inside the ring and took a long glance in Davina's direction. He was so used to Lilian's introduction that it was all part of his routine; but this woman before him shook it all up for him. He knew of her simply by watching NXT shows. Her simple two-piece dress hugged the curves that would catch most men's attention.

Davina moved aside to allow him to climb up the ropes behind her to pose for the crowd. His scent waved under her nose, making her slightly grin to herself. He probably the most gorgeous man she had seen all night. They shared a brief glance at each other before his music was cut off by his tag partner. Lifting the microphone back up to her lips she spoke..."And his partners...first, from Las Vegas Nevada...weighing in at 296 pounds...Ryback."

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the three members of The Authority talking amongst themselves, strategically preparing, even laughing. Ryback got into the ring slapping the hand of Randy in passing. It didn't take long for the man that Seth screwed out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to make an appearance, intending to be the third partner Randy needed. "And their partner...from Pensacola Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds...Roman Reigns." She finished and quickly got out of the ring before the brawl would begin.

Seth eyed her in passing. The idea's forming inside his creative mind. It was something he would have to bring up with the bosses and the creative department; but until then he would deal with the task at hand.

Davina noticed the odd glance the new champion gave her in passing; but thought nothing of it. She really just wanted to the watch the match. The raw energy and emotion was unlike anything she had ever experienced. There really was animosity between a lot of the competitors in the ring currently. Seth being the culprit to a lot of them. She couldn't take her eyes off the action and before she knew it, it was all over.

Randy, Ryback and Roman stood victorious in the ring, talking trash to the losers retreating up the ramp as the show went off the air. Ryback jumped out of the ring and slapped hands with several of the fans in the front row. Randy turned back in her direction, not understanding why he was drawn to look at her. He hadn't even officially met her yet.

After The Show

Davina started her walk back towards the Diva's locker-room to gather her belongings. She was tired and had a slight headache from all pyrotechnic stuff. The Bella Twins were inside changing from their ring gear into new clothes. Both women looked up to see who had walking into the room. Large grins formed on their faces. "Heard you had your debut match scrapped." Nikki commented.


"Must be rough knowing that it was scrapped for us." Brie taunted.

"I'll get my match eventually." Davina defended.

They giggled and lifted their bags up onto their shoulders, walking in her directions. It forced her to take a step back towards the door. Brie pushed the door open and ran her shoulder directly into Davina's as she walked out into the large hallway. Nikki pushed her way into the newcomer's face. "Even if you do get a match, you won't be good enough to make them want to take this title off me." She stated shoving her into the wall.

Randy watched as the Bella Twins try to assure dominance within the Diva's division. Nikki shoving Davina into the wall was uncalled for and he knew that it would continue until they were put in their place; but he wasn't so sure that Davina was capable of doing such a thing without feeling guilty about it in the end. She just seemed like an overly sweet girl.

"I'm sure you saw all that, right?" Davina stating already knowing of Randy's presence.

" need to stand up for yourself. Don't let them walk all over you."

Davina ran a hand through her long locks of crimson. Randy took a few step closer to her, wanting to officially meet her. Extending his hand out to her, she looked up from the floor meeting his blue eyes. "You did a good job being Lilian tonight." He complimented.

"Thanks...I least I didn't mess anything up." She replied accepting his hand to pull her up from the floor.

They stood only a few inches away from each other with their hands still locked in a handshake. His hand was warm over her own. It came as a surprise that someone that was so experienced in the company would be talking to her, giving her advice, and simply being nice. She was so used to being walked all over from the time she could have any memories. She always did what she was told, never thinking for herself.

"Did they tell you when your match would be?" He asked.

"No, Stephanie said she'd see to it that it would be soon. Hopefully next week." She replied pulling her hand out of his.

"Hopefully it will be. I look forward to seeing it."

She raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He smiled at her. It seemed to be sincere; but she found it hard to trust it. Maybe that was her past talking; but it was the only thing she could do to protect herself from getting hurt. Randy could tell that she wasn't buying what he was saying. The woman before him was guarded, constantly on edge, even a little cold. The pull to help her was tugging against him. Although, he questioned just how he was going to do that.

"It was nice to officially meet you, Davina. I'll see you around." He stated backing away from her.

"Yeah..." She replied trailing off with a simple word.

Davina watched as he walked away. She mentally scolded herself for being she cold. He seemed to genuinely want to hold a conversation with her; but being who she was, she pushed him away. There was so much about herself she hated and not being able to trust someone, or even give someone a chance was one of those things.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, she stepped back into the locker-room to gather up her things. All she wanted to do was to forget that the setback happened and move forward with the hope that her debut would be soon. She wanted to prove that she belonged there and she vowed that she would do just that.