(This is a re-upload from AO3, 'cause I have this account, why not use it? It's literally copy-pasted exactly the same down to the notes)

Like I said in the description, this is going to be just a bunch of disconnected drabbles in the same AU, I'm not sure how many there'll be yet. All of them focus on Arthur (A gaming youtuber by the name of FlyingMintBunny) and Francis (A vlogger by the name of BigBrotherFrancis) and none of them should be particularly long.

I think that's it.

Enjoy ;)

"Oh for fucks sake!" Came the rather more irritated than usual yell from Arthur's recording room. Francis frowned at the door as a fresh string of profanity drifted from the door and he idly wondered if he should check on the man.

Now that he came to think of it, he did remember Arthur mentioning something that morning about his fans demanding more 'rage games'. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, half of the reason he was as popular as he was, was because of the fact that he was absolutely hilarious when he got riled up. Francis could personally attest to this, put simply, it wasn't just the 'rage games' that wound Arthur the wrong way.

After another moment of deliberation, he decided that he would make tea, because an angry Arthur wasn't a pleasant Arthur, and quite honestly, it wasn't as funny when he hadn't caused it.

Arthurs shouts from down the hall were soon drowned out by the squealing of the kettle, and Francis was content to leave it that way, at least until he managed to figure out exactly where he'd hidden the tea. Alfred had visited recently, and after the incident a year prior he had insisted on hiding it whenever the sunny American visited from The States.

It's a long story.

Eventually, it was located behind the flour in the pantry, and brewed in Arthur's favourite mug, the Harry Potter one because his Doctor Who one was in the dishwasher, just to butter him up a little. Quite honestly, Francis was certain he'd need all the help he could get.

He knocked before slipping into the small office that Arthur had claimed for recording, but that Francis thought would serve much better as an art studio, the man himself turning to him and slipping off his headphones with a long suffering sigh and a scowl.

"What?" was his surly greeting.

"That's a pleasant way to greet the man who's bringing you tea." Francis replied easily, "You sounded a little stressed."

Arthur took the offered tea, pinching the bridge of his nose, "The things I bloody do for my fans." He sighed.

Francis glanced at the screen, a huge, red GAME OVER displaying across the screen. He frowned, "What are you playing?" he asked, kneeling next to the Brit and resting his chin on his knees, glancing between the screen and his sceptical expression.

"It's called The Impossible Quiz," he grit out, "And I'm seriously considering throwing my computer out the window."

Francis just chuckled, "Why do you keep playing if you hate it so much?"

"Because I need something editable," He ran his hand through his hair, "Or else I'm left with a four minute video."

Francis watched him sip daintily at his tea for a moment, the tension evident in every tiny movement he made, "This is why I vlog." He said wisely.

Arthur just scowled at him.

Francis bit his lip in amusement, before standing and giving him a peck on the cheek, "Finish up and then I'll give you a massage," he said, flitting around the chair, leaning down to wrap his arms around him from behind and kissing down his jaw, noting away the slight smile that played across Arthur's lips for future reference.

Arthur hummed contentedly, turning his head and placing a kiss on what was probably supposed to be Francis' lips but ended up being his nose, he played it off well though, "And a bath?" he said twisting his fingers through the long hair that Francis knew he adored no matter how many times he denied it.

"A massage in the bath." He replied, a light smirk playing on his lips.

Arthur's lips quirked, as he pulled Francis into a real kiss. It lingered for a moment before he pulled away, "I'll just sign off and then I'll meet you in there," he said, sighing through his nose.

Francis stood and headed for the door, "I'll run the bath, I expect you to be no more than five minutes, d'accord?"

Arthur just replaced his headphones and turned back to the camera, signalling that it was time for him to go. He just sighed and closed the door, making a mental note to not let Arthur play so called 'rage games' again for a while.