Oh my god, where have I been?

Sorry, I have literally not written one of these if forever... that's a crime, I apologize.

I'm not sure if there is any exposition to put up here, except for the fact that their parents in this story are their 2p's and their Nyo's respectively, just so you have a kind of reference for that, but I think that's all so I'll let you get on with reading.

Enjoy ;)

"Bonjour Mes Petits Lapins," Francis smiled, "You guys have been requesting that we do the boyfriend tag... a lot."

"You've been practically spamming us," Arthur cut in rolling his eyes.

"Yes, when I asked you what I should do in this video I didn't expect quite so many of you to request it, but we're here now, so let's get started."

"Okay Arthur, our relationship rests on this, so you have to get at least three quarters of these right."

"Brilliant, okay, good to know."

"First question, Where did we meet?"

"In a bar, and that's as far as we're going into that."

Francis laughed, "Embarrassed, chouchou?"

"There are things the fans don't need to know. Christ knows they don't need more fuel for their fanfictions."

"I suppose I can't dissagree with you."

"Next question, where was out first date?"

"Here, London, you took the Eurostar from Paris and we went to dinner, it was a bit shit, then we got stuck in the rain so we had to hide in a bookshop, I thought the whole thing was a disaster, but when I took you back to your hotel you kissed me and told me you couldn't wait to see me again."

"It was a disaster, my dear, but you were so cute about it."

"Shut up, Francis, like you could have done better."

"We both know I could have." Francis smirked, flicking Arthur's nose playfully, and making the Brit scrunch it up distastefully.

"Next question!"

"What was your first impression of me?"

Arthur hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he wanted to be teased for the rest of his life about it... after a short while he decided to take the plunge, "I thought you looked like a model, and that you were too French for your own good."

Francis smirked, "And now?"

"Nothing's changed Frog," Arthur replied, punching him lightly in the arm, "You're still too pretty and too French."

Francis grinned, "And you're still surly and British."

"I hate you," Arthur said through a restrained laugh, shaking his head.

"You know you're only supposed to tell the truth in this game, Arthur."

"Shut up, you great buffoon!"

"When did you meet the family?"

"Your family? Oh, we'd been dating... four months or so, and I was at your house in Paris, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, and your were in the shower. Your parents just showed up -I didn't know they were his parents, mind you and his dad is bloody terrifying at first glance- while I was drinking my morning tea, speaking French and I had no idea what they were saying, so I just kind of stared at them like an idiot until they stopped talking and all I could say was, 'I'm so sorry, I don't speak French,' and they started laughing -well your mum did- and I was so bloody confused. Then you showed up, and greeted them, and you were all speaking French, so I just sat back down, with no context, until you all decided to stop being arseholes and explain to be what on earth was happening, and that they were your parents, and they weren't supposed to show up until later, but they'd decided to surprise you, and they could, in fact, speak English, but decided to speak French just to spite me, I'm sure."

Francis laughed heartily for a moment, "Non, ils t'aiment," he giggled, "They just like to mess with you, you're so easy to mess with."

"Don't get me wrong," Arthur continued, "I love your parents, but I honestly think it was unnecessary to keep me in the dark for so long."

"You would have been fine if you'd paid better attention in secondary school."

"Oh give it up, I'm never going to learn French, and you're never going to be able to make a decent cup of tea."

"Do I have any weird obsessions- if so, what?"

"You have a new obsession every other day, you can't expect me to keep track of them all?"

"What's my most recent one then?"

"Those weird diet smoothie recipes."

"They cleanse the body."

"And bath bombs."

"They are beautiful and they smell amazing!"

Arthur rolled his eyes, "Just move on to the next question."

"How long have we been together?"

"Four years, nine months, and... seven days."

Francis stared at him in shock for a moment, as Arthur smirked at him, "I have to keep track, because I fear the day I miss our anniversary, you'd castrate me."

Francis made a face that said something along the lines of 'yeah, probably', before speaking, "I'm still impressed."

"Do you have any traditions with your boyfriend?"

Arthur frowned, "Do we?" he asked, "I mean, I don't..." he bit his lip in thought, "Does the trip to France on your birthday count as a tradition?"

Francis nodded, "Yes, there's one more though."

"Eugh, really?"

"I'm prepared to give you half points if you want to give up."

"No, no, give me a minute."

"Oh shit, of course! On our day-we-met-not-our-actual-anniversary anniversary we go to that bar we met in and I buy you a glass of wine and you buy me a whiskey, and then we go to dinner, and come home and get drunk on cheap champagne."

"There is one more thing..."

"Get off it, you pervert!"

"What is my favourite restaurant?"

"That poncey French one in Paris that I can't pronounce the name of."

Francis rolled his eyes, "I'll give it to you."

"What do we argue about the most?"


"That's not true."

"We can literally make an argument out of anything."

"That is not true! You make it sound as if we have a dysfunctional relationship!"

"We are arguing about what we argue about right now."


"Who wears the pants in the relationship?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Yes, the answer I have here is that the relationship is best when neither of us are wearing-"


"If I am watching TV, what am I watching?"

"Alone? Because if you mean alone then it's something in French," he frowned a little, "Well, that or shitty reality television."

"Don't lie you watch shitty reality television too."

"Yes, but at least mine doesn't make one want to throw oneself off a bridge."

"Yes, one would hate to do that."

"Well I'm sorry I grew up with a mother who spoke like the bloody queen."

"I don't know what you thought I was implying?"

"I swear to god I will start speaking French."

"No! Arthur!"

"Je-ay oo-ne pom, set le pay de le-amoor-"


"What is one food I do not like?"

"Anything I cook, you ungrateful bastard."

"Correct, next question."

"What is my shoe size?"

"Disproportional to your penis."

Francis sent him a dry look, making Arthur burst into laughter, "Remember kids, size doesn't matter!"

"What is my eye colour?"

He closed his eyes as Arthur instantly turned to face him, "Do you mean like exact shade, because they're blue to me."

Francis chuckled, keeping his eyes closed, "I want to hear what shade you think they are now."

"Deep blue, almost indigo," he smirked, leaning over to kiss him for a short moment. As he pulled away, Francis opened his eyes, "And absolutely beautiful."

Francis had a tiny blush on his cheeks, Arthur a smug smile as the next question was read out, "What is something you to that I wish you didn't?"

"Something I do?"

Francis nodded.

"Endearingly or annoyingly?"

Francis raised an eyebrow.

"Because an endearing one would be you hating when I stay up late to write or make videos."

"And an annoying one?"

"You hate that I leave things laying around in my office, so you clean it up, but then I have no clue where it is."

"Everything has a place, if you put them back there to begin with you'd know where they were when I needed to put them back. Honestly, I don't know how you record in that mess."

"It's organized chaos, and every other place in this house is spotless."

"That's not-"

"If I could live anywhere, where would it be?"

"You'd move back to France, probably to a quaint little village somewhere out of the way, I should imagine you'd have a vegetable garden, and you'd perhaps open an even quainter cafe, and you'd cook those little macaroons and-" Arthur stopped, noticing Francis' expression, "What?"

Francis was looking at him with curiosity, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Where will you be?"

Arthur smiled a little, "I'd be in a couch in the corner of the cafe, writing and getting fat off of macaroons."

Francis smiled.

"I'm impressed Arthur, you got them all right!"

"You sound as if you didn't expect me to..."

Francis remained dutifully silent.

"That was the boyfriend tag, I hope you enjoyed! I did pretty well, if I do say so myself."

"Yes, yes, Arthur... We'll see you next time, if you have any tag request for us, feel free to let us know, but in the meantime, we'll just say à bientôt!"

If there are translations they're minimal and/or unimportant so I don't want to, until next time!