I am publishing my idea of Dark Shadows 2 even though I have not yet finished my prequels to Tim Burton's version of Dark Shadows. Dark Shadows 2 is a sequel to both Burton's Shadows [including the deleted scenes on the Blu-Ray disc] and the fanfiction "Pretty Young Thing" by NichtBenz. I hope it meets with her approval.

Tim Burton's version of Dark Shadows is a horror comedy. People who know me will tell you that I am pretty funny. But what I am writing for Dark Shadows 2 is mostly a tearjerker. I leave it to Burton, Depp & Co. to supply most of the jokes, if they make this into a movie. I can dream can't I?

The story of Dark Shadows2 will be told mostly in flashbacks.

I am using many character names from the original Dark Shadows and the 1991 remake. But none of these characters are what they were in those previous versions of Dark Shadows. And in some cases I have combined the 1st name of one character with the last name of another.

The name in parenthesis following the 1st mention of a character is the actor who would play that character in a movie version of this story. For example, "Rachel Drummond (Kathryn Leigh Scott)" means that Kathryn Leigh Scott would play Rachel Drummond.

Most of these actors, including Kathryn Leigh Scott, appeared in either the original Dark Shadows or the 1991 prime-time remake. For more information about these characters and the actors who played them, see darkshadowswikia dot com.

I do not own Dark Shadows or any of its characters, institutions, or entities.

Dark Shadows 2: Chapter 1
A crowd of people sit on folding chairs in a large hall. At the front of the room is a long table covered with a white cloth and vases of flowers. At the left front of the hall is an electric organ.

One of the people in the crowd is Rachel Drummond (Kathryn Leigh Scott), proprietor of the Collinsport Inn. She wears black because she is recently widowed. Jonathan Drummond, her late husband, was played by the late Jonathan Frid in Tim Burton's 1st Dark Shadows movie. Jonathan Drummond was the publisher and retired editor of the Collinsport Star.

Sitting to Rachel's left is George Patterson (Roger Davis), Rachel's escort for the evening. He too is widowed. He is an old beau of Rachel's - and the Collinsport Chief of Police. He wears his dress uniform, including badge and revolver. Sheriff Bill Malloy (William Hope) is also present, also in his dress uniform, and accompanied by his wife.

To Chief Patterson's left are Rachel's sister Alexis (Lara Parker) and Alexis's husband Quentin Bradford (David Selby).

Catherine Harridge (Joanna Going) sits to Rachel's right. She is the Collins family's insurance agent. Sitting beside her is Jeff Clark (Ben Cross), a Fire Investigator with the Maine State Fire Marshall's Office. Catherine and Jeff had a lot of work to do when Elizabeth filed claims on the cannery and Collinwood. Barnabas's hypnotism helped them come to the right conclusions about the fires, but it played no part in making them a couple.

The crowd also includes Kendrick (John Karlen) and Millicent (Nancy Barrett) Harridge. Kendrick is President of Harridge Construction Co., which restored Collinwood and rebuilt the Collins Cannery. Millicent is a successful real estate agent.

The people are talking quietly among themselves. They fall silent when Carolyn, David, Barnabas, and Elizabeth enter from the rear of the room and walk down the center aisle. Carolyn carries a bouquet of flowers. Elizabeth carries a book.

When they reach the front of the room Carolyn turns left, and stops behind the organ. David and Barnabas turn right, and Elizabeth stops at the front of the aisle. They all turn to face the crowd.

Elizabeth says, "Good evening friends. Thank you for joining us here tonight for this joyous occasion. Please rise."

As the guests rise, Carolyn lays her bouquet on top of the organ. Then she sits down at the organ and begins to play. At the first notes of the music, the guests turn around to watch Josette Victoria walking down the aisle on the arm of Willie Loomis. She wears a wedding dress.

In a movie version of this story, the wedding dress, not the music, will be what tips off the movie audience that this is a wedding: Carolyn plays "Josette's Theme" instead of "Here Comes the Bride."

If this is ever in a movie, the 1st few lines of the opening titles, from
"Warner Brothers Pictures Presents ... "
"A Tim Burton Film
Johnny Depp"
will appear during the shots of the guests in their seats and the shots of Carolyn, David, Barnabas, and Elizabeth entering.

The title
"Dark Shadows 2"
will appear with the 1st shot of Josette Victoria walking down the aisle in her wedding dress.

Willie is sober, but he still has a hard time walking a straight line down the aisle because he is overcome with emotion. Because of his drinking, he never married and never begot any children. So he never dreamed of being in this position. His determination to do it right gets him to the end of the aisle without a single stumble.

There are tears in Carolyn's eyes too, but they do not interfere with her playing. She knew this music by heart long before she met Vicky and Barnabas.

When Josette Victoria and Willie reach the end of the aisle, Carolyn rises and stands beside Willie. She is the maid of honor as well as the organist.

Elizabeth says, "Please be seated." After the guests resume their seats, she opens the book and says, "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here tonight, in the sight of God and the face of this company, to join this man and this woman in matrimony." In spite of invoking the name of God a moment earlier, she is careful not to say "holy matrimony."

The Primary Flashback begins:
The Night of the Collins Fires (which sounds like an episode of The Wild Wild West): Rachel's Story
Rachel Drummond and many other townspeople are gathered in front of the Collinsport Inn. They are talking about the fires, and the tape Angelique played at the cannery fire, and the crazy things some of them saw and heard in front of Collinwood.

To the North, they can see Collinwood burning on its hill overlooking the town. A little East of North, they can see the glow of the cannery fire above the buildings between it and the Inn.

Rachel is the voice of reason in this mob, saying "A vampire? A witch? Don't be ridiculous. And if the Collins family had murder victims to dispose of, which they don't, why burn their own cannery to do it? Collinwood's back yard is the Atlantic Ocean, it could swallow a billion bodies and show no trace of them."

A car horn sounds off camera, and the crowd in the Inn's driveway parts to let the Collins' Chevy pass through. Elizabeth (at the wheel), David, and Mrs. Johnson are the only occupants.

Rachel runs toward the car as Elizabeth gets out. Rachel stops suddenly when she sees only the 3 of them. "Liz! Oh my God, Liz, what ... "

Elizabeth interrupts her. "It's all right, Rachel. We all got out safely." She raises her voice and turns to crowd. "Angelique set fire to the cannery and tried to frame us all for murder. When that didn't work, she tried to kill us all by setting fire to Collinwood. We got out. She didn't."

During the conversation that follows, the crowd gradually disperses.

Rachel asks, "But where are Carolyn and Willie and ..."

Elizabeth interrupts her again. "Angelique knocked Carolyn and Willie out cold. I took them to the Emergency Room for head X-rays and twenty-four hours observation. Vicky ... Vicky was last seen headed for Widow's Hill. Barnabas went after her."

Rachel is shocked. "Why on earth would she do that?"

"She never talks about her past or her family. I got the feeling she was happier at Collinwood than she had ever been before. Seeing it burn must have hurt her as much as it did us. Rachel ... " Elizabeth swallows hard. It hurts her pride to ask this. " ... Rachel, I need rooms ... for David and Mrs. Johnson now, for Barnabas and Vicky if I find them. And I have to ask you to put it on my tab until I find out how the bank handles a big depositor whose checkbook and drivers license have gone up in smoke."

"David, Mrs. Johnson, come in with me. Liz, I'll get them settled, if you want to go back to Collinwood to check on Vicky and Barnabas. And I'll have a room ready for you when you get back."

"Thank you, Rachel. But there's a vacant bed in Carolyn's hospital room. I'll be sleeping there tonight, if I sleep at all." She hugs Rachel and kisses her on the cheek. "Thank you so much. God bless you." She turns to David. "David, you mind Mrs. Drummond."

"OK, Aunt Liz. Vicky and Uncle Barnabas are all right. I know it."

Elizabeth hugs and kisses David and Mrs. Johnson, then drives away.

Rachel asks, "David, Barnabas is your distant cousin. Why did you call him 'Uncle' ?"

David smiles at Rachel. "It's a long story, Mrs. Drummond. And you wouldn't believe it if I told you."

Rachel lends one of her own nightgowns to Mrs. Johnson and shows her to a room in the Inn. She takes David to the guest room of the Innkeeper's private quarters.

"David, my grandchildren sometimes stay overnight on short notice, so I might have some pajamas that will fit you."

They do fit.

"Thank you for everything, Mrs. Drummond," David says as he gets into bed.

"You're welcome, David," Rachel replies as she tucks him in. "David, I am so sorry about the fire and everything you lost tonight."

"Thank you, Mrs. Drummond. But we all got out safely. That's the important thing, right?"

"Yes it is, David." She kisses him on the forehead. "Do you want me to leave a light on? Or to leave the door open and the hall light on?"

"No thank you. I'm not afraid of the dark."

"Good for you, David." She kisses him again. "Good night."

"Good night, Mrs. Drummond."

Rachel turns off the light and shuts the door behind her. She is 2 steps down the hall when she hears a woman's voice singing in David's room. She runs back, opens the door and says, "David?!" David is alone in the room. "I'm sorry, David. I thought I heard a woman singing in here."

"That was my Mom singing 'Millicent's Lullaby.' It's an old Collins family tradition. You must have really strong antenna if you could hear her."

"Strong antenna? David, your mother ... " Something [her strong antenna again?] tells Rachel not to go there. "I'm sorry I disturbed you, David. Good night again."

Rachel turns off the light and closes the door again. A few seconds later the singing starts again. Rachel shivers, and then goes to her husband's room to see if all the commotion, inside and out, has awakened him. If it has, he will want to know what's going on. You can take the man out of the newspaper, but you can't take the newspaper out of the man.

The Night of the Collins Fires: Elizabeth's Story
Elizabeth stops the Chevy and gets out at the far end of the circular drive in front of Collinwood, to make sure none of the collapsing stone work lands on her or the car.

She leaves the headlamps on. She holds her hand up in front of her to block her view of the burning manor. Earlier, she and her family had stared at it. Now, she can't bear the sight of it.

She calls out, "Barnabas! Vicki!"

"We are here, Elizabeth," says Barnabas as he and Josette step out of the dark shadows and into the luminance from the headlamps.

Elizabeth begins, "Thank God you're all ..." Then she sees that Vicki is not as she once was. "Oh my God! My God, Barnabas, what have you done!?"

"What I forced him to do," says Josette, with a smile. "I jumped from Widow's Hill to force him to make me like him. Now we will be together forever, just as he promised, so long ago."

"Vicki ... Vicki, I hope you're sure this is what you want. This is one thing even a woman can't change her mind about. And what do you mean, so long ago?"

"I am sure, Elizabeth. I am sure that I love him. I am sure that I want to be with him, forever."

"My dear," says Barnabas, "aren't you going to tell her your name?"

"She already knows my name."

"Name?" says Elizabeth. Barnabas looks puzzled too.

Josette smiles at Elizabeth. She turns to Barnabas and says, "I am doubly blessed. I met my one true love for the first time ... twice.
Josette first met you in the year 1776.
Victoria first met you in the year 1972.
Now I am once again Josette, but I am also still Victoria." She raises her hand to Barnabas's face, just as she did at the bottom of Widow's Hill. "When you first met Victoria, you said the name was so beautiful you could not bear to part with a single syllable of it. Surely you cannot bear to part with all of it."

Barnabas kisses her hand.

Josette turns to Elizabeth (who looks a bit dazed by now), and says, "Madam, allow me to introduce myself." She speaks in the same tone she used when she named herself Victoria Winters on the train to Collinsport, but with even greater confidence. "My name is Josette Victoria DuPres Winters." She curtsies. "At your service, Madam."

Elizabeth slowly says, "Josette DuPres ... so long ago ... My, God, I saw that portrait nearly every day of my life, and I never noticed the resemblance until now." She takes a deep breath, then takes a step forward and offers her hand. "It is an honor to meet you, Josette Victoria. May I continue to call you Vicki?"

"Of course," says Josette Victoria, smiling as she reaches for Elizabeth's hand.

"Gently, my dear," Barnabas warns. "You are now much stronger than you were before ... before I changed you."

Josette Victoria very gently shakes Elizabeth's hand. She realizes she must learn how to use these long, new fingers.

"Barnabas, I have taken rooms at the Collinsport Inn," says Elizabeth. "Shall we go?"

"Thank you, Elizabeth, but that will not be necessary for us. Josette Victoria and I will spend the daylight hours in the cave at the foot of Widow's Hill. But tonight there is work we must do. Tell me, please, who is the most evil member of Angel Bay's board of directors?"

"That's easy. Nicholas Blair."

"Please drive us to a position near his house. Near his house, not at his house. No one must see your automobile in front of his house."

Elizabeth is puzzled, but says, "All right Barnabas." She starts towards the Chevy, and then says, "Wait a minute." Elizabeth gets into the driver's seat of Angelique's Barracuda convertible. The 1st thing she sees is the tape recorder on the passenger seat. "What the hell?" she asks herself.

As she expected, the keys are in the switch, although it takes her a few seconds to find the switch. These new fangled cars have the switch on the steering column, not on the dash like her old Chevy. She takes the keys. Then she looks at the tape recorder again and takes it too.

They enter the Chevy, Elizabeth and Josette Victoria in front, Barnabas in the right rear.

When Barnabas sees the tape recorder in Elizabeth's hand, he asks, "Is that not a music box like the one that plays in the cups on Miss Carolyn's ears?"

"Yes, Barnabas. I found it in Angie's car when I got her keys so I can give them to the Sheriff. I wonder what it was doing there."

Elizabeth pushes the REWIND button. The tape clunks to a stop in less than a second. Elizabeth pushes STOP and then PLAY.


Elizabeth screams, "BARNABAS!" It is a shriek from the very bottom of her soul.

Barnabas sits in stunned silence for a moment. Then he says, "I am sorry, Elizabeth. It's true. Dr. Hoffman claimed she might cure my curse with transfusions of her blood. Instead, she sought to make herself immortal by pouring my blood into her own veins. When I caught her at it ... I killed her."

"God damn you! God damn you, you mother f***ing son of a bitch!" Elizabeth puts her face in her hands and sobs, sobs as if she was in the worst possible physical pain.

"I loved her," Elizabeth thinks, with the small part of her mind that is still capable of thought. "If I am this angry at Barnabas and this overwhelmed with grief, then I really did love Julia. And now I can never tell her." She cries so hard it hurts, physically hurts.

Elizabeth's shocking obscenities leave Barnabas stunned for an even longer time. "I deserve your anger, Madam. No matter how great my anger at Dr. Hoffman, it was no excuse for breaking my word to you that no one under the roof of Collinwood need fear my cursed nature."

Barnabas gets out and opens Josette's door. "Come, my dear. We will find Mr. Blair's house on our own."

But before Victoria can comply, Elizabeth speaks, gasping for breath between sobs. "Barnabas, get back in the car."

"Elizabeth ... "

"Shut the f*** up and get in the car!"

Barnabas meekly obeys.

Elizabeth turns in her seat and hands the tape recorder to Barnabas. She wants to throw it in his face. But that might break something off the tape recorder, and they would have to search the car for every little piece.

Still gasping for breath between sobs, Elizabeth says, "Throw it in the fire. Make sure it is utterly destroyed." She turns away from Barnabas and resumes sobbing with all her strength.

Barnabas is a very puzzled vampire as he walks back to the burning manor to carry out Elizabeth's order. "Elizabeth's anger at me for breaking my word to her is understandable. But her sobs for Dr. Hoffmann are most perplexing. The woman was a servant, not a member of the family. Granted, the family physician is a servant of elevated status, just as my dear Victoria was in her position as Master David's governess. But that is no reason for such an outpouring of grief at her demise."

Victoria understands. She clearly remembers her encounter with Dr. Hoffman after the 2nd time she saw the ghost of Josette - her other self - fall from the chandelier into the wavy floor below.

Dr. Hoffman had said, " ... I've got plenty of room on my couch, if you ever want to talk. Flexible office hours too."
And, "You know, honey, everyone in this house has at least one big, scary secret," while gently touching Vicki's shoulder and hair. Now Josette Victoria knows what Elizabeth's and Dr. Hoffman's secret was. And there had been times at Windcliff ...

"Barnabas and I have been together for less than an hour, and I already have a secret I must keep from him." Josette feels guilty about this, but it is not her secret to tell, and so she never will tell it.

And she also clearly remembers all the times Maggie Evans had cried at Windcliff, cried alone, with no one to comfort her. No one who was corporeal, anyway.

"Elizabeth," Vicki says. "My shoulder is cold and wet, but it is here if you need it."

With no hesitation, Elizabeth turns and lays her head on Vicki's shoulder. She holds on with both hands, desperate for the comfort Vicki is offering. Vicki puts her arms around her.

And then Josette Victoria realizes that she has made a terrible mistake. "Oh my God. Elizabeth, let go. Let go!" She pushes Elizabeth away and gets out of the car. She backs away from the car, but never takes her eyes off of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth stares at Vicki with eyes full of tears and a heart full of pain. Eyes so full of tears that she can not clearly see the look on Vicki's face. A heart so full of pain that she can think of nothing else. "Vicki ... Vicki, what ... "

In a voice Elizabeth has never heard before, Josette Victoria says, "I am thirsty, Elizabeth. I am very thirsty." And she slowly moves back toward the car.

Elizabeth feels the blood fleeing from her skin, leaving it cold and pale. Until this moment, only her brain has known that Vicki is a vampire. Now she knows it in her heart and her guts.

"JOSETTE!" When Barnabas turned back toward the car after carrying out Elizabeth's order, he saw Josette standing next to the car. And something about how she stood told him something was terribly wrong. He cries out and rushes to her side with such speed he is blur, just as he was when he snatched David out from under the falling mirror ball.

One look at Josette's face and Barnabas knows what is wrong. He is relieved to see no blood on her mouth. He looks at Elizabeth and is even more relieved to see that she is white with fear, not exsanguination.

"Barnabas!" cries Josette Victoria. "I'm thirsty! Oh God, I am so thirsty! Help me, Barnabas! Please help me!" She clings to him and weeps tears of blood, just as Barnabas did at the bottom of Widow's Hill after he awoke as a vampire.

"Elizabeth, it is more imperative than ever that we pay a call on this Mr. Blair. May we get into your Chevy?"

Between sobs, Elizabeth gasps for the breath to speak. "Both of you get in the back. You first, Barnabas, so you can stop her if she ... I'm sorry, Vicki, but I want Barnabas between us in case ... in case ... "

"Don't apologize, Elizabeth," Vicki replies between sobs. "I don't want to hurt you ... but ... but ... "

"Come, Josette," says Barnabas as he gets in the back seat. "I will hold you all the way there."

Josette follows Barnabas into the car and he holds her tight.

But Elizabeth is still crying. "Barnabas, I can't drive like this. You must hypnotize me, make me calm down enough to drive."

"Look at me, Elizabeth," says Barnabas.

Elizabeth turns in the driver's seat.

"Look into my eyes," says Barnabas as he holds Josette Victoria with one hand and waves the fingers of the other hand at Elizabeth. "You will calm yourself. You will save your grief for Dr. Hoffman and your anger at me for another time. You will drive us to a corner two blocks from the home of this Nicholas Blair. And you will deliver me all that you know about him as we go."

"Yes, Barnabas," Elizabeth replies. Then she turns back around and fastens her seatbelt.

After dropping off Barnabas and Vicki, Elizabeth drives to the cannery. As she expected and hoped, Sheriff Bill Malloy returned to the fire after retreating from Collinwood, and the unbelievable things he saw there. Many of the people in the mob have returned here too.

The mob parts silently in front of Elizabeth as she moves toward the Sheriff. Elizabeth has stopped crying, but her eyes are red and puffy and the tracks of her tears are clearly visible. "Let them make of that what they will," she thinks.

Malloy is watching the fire when he hears Elizabeth's voice behind him say, "Bill."

He turns and struggles for something to say. But Elizabeth speaks 1st, and loud enough to be heard by the crowd. "Angelique is dead. She set fire to the cannery and tried to frame us all for murder. When that didn't work, she tried to kill us all by setting fire to Collinwood. We got out. She didn't."

"I'm glad you're all safe, Liz."

"I didn't say we were all safe. Angelique knocked Carolyn and Willie out cold. They're in the hospital for 24 hours observation. It remains to be seen if they are all right."

She hands Angelique's keys to Malloy. "I took these from Angelique's car. Please give them to the executor of her estate, whoever that turns out to be."

"I'll write you a receipt, Liz."

"Tomorrow. I have to get back to Carolyn. And the sworn statements will have to wait until tomorrow too. None of us is in any condition to talk tonight. Good night, Bill."

When Elizabeth returns to the hospital, the nurse says, "Thank God you're back, Mrs. Stoddard. Carolyn won't lie still. She's pacing her room like a caged animal."

Elizabeth runs. Her feet hurt from carrying Carolyn out of Collinwood in high heels, but she runs.

When Elizabeth enters Carolyn's room, Carolyn cries "Mom!" and rushes to her. They hold each other tight. "Mom! I was so afraid here alone."

"You afraid? The girl who fought Angelique literally tooth and claw afraid of being alone? That's hard to believe."

"It's easy to be brave when you're fighting for your family ... especially if you're fighting as a werewolf."

"Carolyn fighting for her family," Elizabeth thinks. "A few hours ago I would have laughed at the very idea of that."

The nurse has caught up and is standing in the door. "Mrs. Stoddard, would you like that sleeping pill now?" The doctor had prescribed it for Elizabeth during her earlier trip to the hospital.

"Yes, thank you."

"Vicki and Barnabas, are they all right?" Carolyn asks.

"Yes, honey, they are," Elizabeth says aloud. To herself, she says, "Let Carolyn sleep tonight. I'll tell her about Vicki's change tomorrow. And how do I tell her about Julia? She never really liked Julia, but how will she react to what Barnabas did?"

The nurse soon returns with the sleeping pill in a little cup. She pours water from the bedside pitcher into another cup. "Good night, Carolyn. Good night, Mrs. Stoddard. I'm so sorry about your house and everything."

"Thank you, Nurse. Good night." To Carolyn, Elizabeth says, "I have to make two phone calls. Then we'll get some sleep." She picks up the phone and waits for the hospital operator.

First, she calls Rachel at the Inn. She says, "Please tell David that Vicki and Barnabas are OK." She thinks, "I'll tell him about Vicki's change tomorrow. And how will David react to what Barnabas did to Julia?"

"May I tell him in the morning?" Rachel asks. "He was sound asleep the last time I checked on him."

"Yes, please tell him in the morning. Sleep is the best thing for him right now. Thank you, Rachel. Good night."

Elizabeth wants to call Tony Peterson, her lawyer. But he went to Portland on business today and is spending the night there. She will have to see him tomorrow.

Finally, Elizabeth calls Roxanne Drew, her secretary.

"H-Hello?" Roxanne's voice sounds shaky.

"Roxanne, it's Elizabeth."

"Miss Elizabeth!" Roxanne cries. "Miss Elizabeth! Are you all right? Is your family all right?"

"Yes, Roxanne, thank you. Angelique set fire to the cannery and tried to frame us all for murder. When that didn't work, she tried to kill us all by setting fire to Collinwood. We got out. She didn't."

She spoke these words sternly to the crowd in front of the Collinsport Inn and the crowd at the cannery fire. She speaks them gently to Roxanne.

"Thank God, Miss Elizabeth, thank God!"

"Roxanne, I'll need your help tomorrow."

"Anything, Miss Elizabeth, just name it."

"Angelique knocked Carolyn and Willie out cold. They're in the hospital for 24 hours of observation. There's a vacant bed in Carolyn's room. I'm sleeping there, or at least trying to. Even with a sleeping pill, I don't think I'll get much sleep. I expect to be groggy tomorrow, and I have a lot to do. Can you drive me?"

"Where and when? Just name it."

"Catherine Harridge opens her insurance office at 8AM. Can you pick me up at the hospital 10 minutes before that?"

"I'll be there, Miss Elizabeth. Thank God you and your family are all right."

"Thank you, Roxanne, and God bless you. Good night."

"Good night, Miss Elizabeth."

Carolyn paced the floor while Elizabeth was on the phone. Elizabeth hopes Carolyn is tired enough by now to sleep. But do werewolves get tired, even when in human form? "Come on, Carolyn," she says. "Get into bed."

Carolyn obeys and Elizabeth tucks her in. Carolyn says, "Mom, I'm a big girl now. But would you sing 'Millicent's Lullaby' to me, like you did when I was little?"

"Carolyn, I am a very big girl, but I could use a lullaby myself tonight. Would you sing it back to me?"

With tears in their eyes and holding each other tight, mother and daughter sing "Millicent's Lullaby" to each other, while Elizabeth thinks, "I have my baby back. Dear God, thank you we all got out safely, thank you that I have my baby back."

Elizabeth dreams of copies.

Carbon paper.
Mimeograph machines.
Xerox machines.
Egyptian and Greek and Medieval scribes copying scrolls and books by hand in the bad old days before Gutenberg.

Carolyn propping the microphone of her tape recorder in front of a stereo speaker so she can take that music with her without buying the tape as well as the LP ...

A. "Josette's Theme" was a staple of the music in the original Dark Shadows and the 1991 remake. If you are not familiar with it, go to youtube and search "josette's music box." The hits will include 2 scenes from the 1991 remake of Dark Shadows:
1. 1991 Dark Shadows Revival-Barnabas gives Victoria Josette's Music Box
2. 1991 Dark Shadows Revival - Barnabas give Josette a music box

The 1st scene plays the music longer, and they actually dance the minuet to it.

Months ago, when I began writing DS2, those 2 scenes were close together on youtube. Now the 1st scene is still near the beginning of the list, but I don't know where the 2nd scene is. Both of them were posted by playitagainsam15401. I suggest you watch the 1st scene and then click on playitagainsam15401 to find the 2nd scene quickly and easily.

B. In the original Dark Shadows, Kathryn Leigh Scott played Maggie Evans and Josette DuPres. Actually, she played the ghost of Josette before she played the living Josette. That is why Rachel's antenna in my story is strong enough to hear David's mother singing to him.

Ms. Scott also played Rachel Drummond, a governess at Collinwood in the 1897 storyline in the original Dark Shadows. As I interpret Tim Burton's version of Dark Shadows, Jonathan Frid and Kathryn Leigh Scott played Jonathan and Rachel Drummond, Innkeepers, in the Happening scene. This is inspired by the "backstory" Ms. Scott devised for her character in Burton's Shadows. You can read it on pages 35-36 of her book Dark Shadows: Return to Collinwood [Pomegranate Press, 2012]. If Ms. Scott ever reads this, I hope she will forgive the liberties I have taken with her backstory.

C. Even in human form, Carolyn heals faster than a fully human girl. But Elizabeth is Carolyn's MOTHER, and insists on taking her to the hospital. The doctor orders head X-rays and 24 hours of observation, and Elizabeth insists that Carolyn stay for them.