Chapter 2-How to Train Your Dragon (Part 2)

"Human Speech"

'Human thinking'

[A/N, Time skips, flashbacks, etc.]

Beta: Ketsuoni

Disclaimer-I don't own anything in the series they all belong to their respective series.


Said person grumbled and burrow further into the pillow, ignoring whatever loud voice was insisting that he wakes. Then suddenly a loud bagging could be heard coming from his door.

"Time to wake up lad!" The voice, Hiccup recognized, belonged to Gobber. This only made Hiccup burrow his head further into his pillow and fall fast asleep. He didn't even react when the door swung open.

"HICCUP, TIME TO WAKE UP," Gobber yelled, making Hiccup groan in annoyance. The teen wished this was a dream and motioned for Gobber to go away with his hand. Gobber sighed at this and nudged the teen to wake up. "Come on lad, wake up, it's time to start training," Gobber said.

Hiccup mumbled into his pillow, before sitting up. "Gobber…good morning," he mumbled being perfectly calm and not surprised at all that Gobber had burst into his house. With that said, he laid down again resting his head on the soft, comfy pillow.

Gobber sighed and opened the window letting the sun's rays enter the room, making Hiccup yelp in surprise as he thought he was blinded by the sudden flash of light. "Fuck you sun, one day, oh one day, I will destroy you, my mortal enemy," Hiccup cursed with half lidded eyes, before standing up.

"Come on now Hiccup, do you know what day it is," Gobber asked, controlling his excitement. He was, after all, the one who convinced Stoick to include Hiccup in the Dragon training, where he planned to force Hiccup to show his true strength and then finally the villagers would stop pestering the lad, who he viewed as a son in all but blood. "The day after yesterday," Hiccup replied while rubbing his eyes.

"That too, but something else."

"Something to destroy my mortal enemy, the sun."

Gobber had a deadpan face at the lad's answer. "No you smart ass. Today you start Dragon training. Hurry up and get ready," Gobber said.

"Oh joy," Hiccup sarcastically said, but did as he was told. He had barely managed to put on his vest when the Smithy dragged him downstairs.

Hiccup suppressed the urge to flip Gobber on his back side and just let Gobber do as he pleased; he was still too damn sleepy to care. "I knew you'd like it, plus I know all of you will enjoy it," Gobber said, still dragging Hiccup.

"Welcome to Dragon training," Gobber said while opening the arena gates. The teens stepped inside the large ring, which also caged dragons such as the Monstrous Nightmare, a Deadly Nadder, a Gronckle, a Hideous Zippleback, and a Terrible Terror to name just a few.

The other teens were in awe at the site, while Hiccup looked bored. 'This is so going to be a drag,' he thought lazily following his fellow classmates into the arena. Hiccup's mind was still on what happened between him and that Dragon.

It puzzled him to no end, but it did prove one thing though; Dragons weren't the blood crazed beasts that Vikings made them out to be. There was another side to them, a side that Hiccup promised to find.

'I have to get back to that dragon.' Hiccup thought. He had to know; his mind was demanding it. It was something he couldn't explain, an unspoken feeling.

"No turning back," Hiccup heard Astrid's voice, snapping him out of thought.

"I'm hoping to get some serious burns," Tuffnut said excitedly. Hiccup always wondered if the Thorsten male has a masochistic attitude.

"I'm hoping for some mauling. Like on my shoulder or lower back," Ruffnut said. Again, did their family have a thing for feeling pain or something?

But, then again, a lot of Viking families were weird, in their own way, which is completely normal nowadays.

"Yeah, it's no fun unless you get a scar out of it" Astrid said, agreeing with Ruffnut. It was considered a great honor to have scars from battle as it shows your might and strength as a Viking, that and they were also considered as medals to show your survival or success in battle. It was a typical Viking behavior.

Hiccup didn't say anything as he just continued to watch his… classmates from behind, wondering how long training would last.

He had more pressing matters to attend to, like sanctifying his growing curiosity about dragons. His gut instincts were telling him that understanding dragons was the key to ending this war; and that particular dragon would be the key to that.

Gobber walked closer to Hiccup and put a hand, his only hand, on Hiccup's shoulder, getting the teen's attention. "Don't worry, you'll be fine," Gobber reassured.

"The way you're dressed, the dragons would think you're small and weak, or see you as sick or insane, and go after the more Viking-like teens," Gobber joked. Hiccup chuckled at his remarks and sent a gaze over to Fishlegs, as the dragons might see him as large cattle. Though if that were true then he shouldn't be standing beside said person.

"Now, behind these doors are but a few of the dragon species you'll all learn to fight," Gobber started, easily ignoring how the metal door was rattling like a mad man in a cold snow, some took a step back at hearing the rumbling and the growling behind those doors. "First the Deadly Nadder…" Gobber was cut off by Fishlegs.

"Speed, eight, armor sixteen" the large teen said.

"The Hideous Zippleback…" again Gobber was interrupted. Hiccup inwardly chuckled as he knew this would go on, until of course Gobber snaps.

"Plus eleven, stealth times two"

"The Monstrous Nightmare"

"Firepower fifteen"

"The Terrible Terror"

"Attack eight, venom twelve" Fishlegs said after Gobber introduced a dragon by name. Hiccup mentally counted down from three… two… and…

"WILL YOU STOP THAT" Gobber yelled at Fishlegs in annoyance. Hiccup inwardly chuckled at Gobber. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who was an expert on dragon know how. Well, not know how per say. More like Fishlegs could break dragons down to their feet.

Gobber took a deep breath before continuing. "And finally, the Gronckle," he said.

"Jaw strength eight," Hiccup heard Fishlegs whisper silently.

Gobber placed a hand on the lever that would open one of the metal doors. "Wait, aren't you going to teach us something first?" Snotlout asked, panicking already.

"I believe in learning on the job," was Gobber's simple reply before opening the large door. Immediately a Gronckle came out, growling deeply.

"Today is about survival," Gobber started to explain, while ignoring the panicked whines of his students, aside from Astrid… and Hiccup, who acted like he was panicking.

"If you get blasted, you're dead. Now, quick, what's the first thing you'll need," Gobber asked his student.

"A doctor," Hiccup lazily said while rolling his eyes, knowing full well you'll need a shield or quick reflexes.

The Gronckle may have thick armor, but its lack of mobility can be its downfall. So, essentially, you need to out maneuver it with speed, but a shield is still good to have. "Plus five speed," a frightened Fishlegs said.

"A shield," Astrid pointed out, not taking her eyes off of the hovering lizard, though she did spare a glance towards Hiccup.

The blonde could see he wasn't at all panicking. In fact, he was calm as a leaf. Her respect for him just grew even more, along with certain feelings. 'Not now' she mentally scolded herself.

"Shields, go," yelled Gobber. The teens quickly bolted for the nearest shield, though in Hiccup's case, it was more of calm jog towards a nearby shield.

"The most important piece of equipment is your shield, if you must make a choice between a sword and a shield, pick the shield," Gobber lectured the teens.

The twins were the first to grab ahold of a shield, well the same shield anyway. "Get your hands off of my shield," Tuffnut said, tugging on the shield.

"Get another one, there are, like, a million shields," Ruffnut said, also tugging on the shield.

"Pick the other one. It has flowers, girls like flowers," Tuffnut said before losing his grip on the shield. He was then whacked on the head by his sister with the shield.

"Whoops, now there's blood on it," Ruffnut said gesturing to the shield, which Tuffnut quickly grabbed again, continuing their tug of war.

This continued until the Gronckle blasted their shield, sending them both flying.

"Tuffnut, Ruffnut you're both out." The hear Gobber say, despite their dazed state. Off to the side, Hiccup was watching the brown, scaled dragon, observing its every movement, trying to spot any blind spots that he could exploit, counting the seconds before the next shot was fired, and moving opposite to where the dragon was going.

"Those shields are good for another thing, noise! Make lots of it. It throws off a dragon's aim." Gobber instructed.

Hiccup stared as the rest knocked their weapons against their shields. Hiccup could see it was working and the dragon looked like it was going to hurl. So the auburn haired teen joined in, to get the dragon disoriented, while still keeping an eye on the dragon, though he wasn't the only one making observations.

Astrid observed Hiccup while maintain a good visual on the dragon. 'He's observing it, learning if the dragon has some kind of pattern… smart,' she complimented in thought, but she already knew Hiccup's high intellect, given all the inventions, he made, which may end in disaster, it was still something after all.

Most Vikings tend to not use their brains. This just added more evidence to the fact that Hiccup is hiding something and Astrid was determined to find out what.

"All dragons have a limited amount of shots. How many does a Gronckle have," she heard Gobber ask.

Astrid was about to answer, but she was beaten to it. "Five," Snotlout said, making her roll her eyes at how he couldn't answer a simple question correct.

"No! Six," Fishlegs said, quickly forgetting about the dragon, which Astrid knew he'll pay for.

"Correct, six," Gobber said. This made Fishlegs happy, till the Gronckle shot his shield clean off his hand.

Fishlegs screamed in terror and started to run away. 'And that's why you never take your eyes off your opponent,' Astrid thought dryly. She spotted Hiccup shaking his head. She assumed that he had thought of the same thing as she did.

Astrid notice how calm and collective Hiccup was. It was as if he already has experience fighting dragon. She didn't know how close she was. In truth Hiccup would sometimes face wolves, wild boar, or, on occasion, a wild bear.

Hiccup had to be calm, as panicking would only lead to death. So Hiccup trained himself to always remain calm and collective during dangerous situation.

'What's your secret,' Astrid thought, wanting to know more about the auburn haired enigma.

"So, I'm moving into my parents' basement, you should come by and work out, you look like you work out."

Astrid inwardly groan in annoyance at Snotlout's blatant flirting, she saw the Gronckle fired another shot and dodged, moving to where Hiccup was, though the shot still hit Snotlout's shield.

"Snotlout, you're out." Gobber said. "One shot left," he added.

Now it was just down to Hiccup and Astrid. "Looks like it's just you and me," Hiccup said playfully.

Astrid smirked, "yeah, looks like it. So, got any idea on how to take this one down?" She asked.

"Yeah, I noticed that there is a three-second interval before the Gronckle takes a shot. We'll use that to our advantage."

Hiccup and Astrid dodged as the Gronckle was about to tackle them. "When the Gronckle is about to fire, we'll use our shields to get it disoriented, making it miss. That should prompt Gobber to end today's lesson, being survival and all." Astrid nodded as the plan sounded both effective and, at the same time, simple.

They danced around the Gronckle a bit, making the dragon frustrated as it lined up for the shot. Both teens smirked as they were waiting for the dragon to do just that.

Hiccup and Astrid beat their weapons against their shields, getting the dragon disoriented as it missed its target.

"That's it well done Hiccup and Astrid," Gobber said, grabbing the dragon by the mouth and dragging it back to the cage. "Back in you go," he said.

Hiccup wasted no time and left the arena, intent on returning to Stardust dragon, leaving a confused and curious Astrid as to where he could have gone.

Gobber was feeling ecstatic. His plan for his apprentice to show his hidden skills were slowly but surely coming to fruition.

'Just a few more sessions, and the whole village will know how great Hiccup is and maybe this could also teach Stoick to be more observant,' he thought.

[Scene change-Raven cove]

Hiccup made his way back to the cove, intent on finding out if his instincts were right. "Well, this is disappointing," Hiccup muttered, finding no trace of the dragon. Could the dragon have left, or was it hiding?

"What will I do…" Hiccup was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Stardust dragon, surprising the young teen.

Hiccup got over his shock and stared at the dragon. He had read in the book of dragons about a dragon that could blend in with its surroundings, but the dragon was in midair, with nothing to camouflage itself with.

Hiccup then took a closer look at the dragon's scales and noticed how they shimmered a bit. Hiccup's brain was racked with ideas on how Stardust dragon was able to cloak itself.

He observed the dragon again and noticed that the sun was causing the scales of the dragon to shimmer. 'Somehow, Stardust Dragon is using the light around the area and the scales are able to bend it to allow invisibility.' Hiccup theorized.

His theory was proven true as Stardust Dragon was enveloped within a clear shimmering light, causing the dragon to turn invisible, but Hiccup could make out a slight distortion moving to the left.[A/N-if any of you played the game Crisis, Stardust Dragon's ability to go cloak is similar to how Nano-suit turns invisible]

From a distance, Hiccup couldn't really make out where Stardust Dragon was, unless the dragon was moving, but even then, the dragon was hard to find.

Hiccup spotted a wild boar. 'Must have fallen into the cove,' Hiccup thought. Then he realized the reason Stardust Dragon went cloak. 'So, lunch huh.' Hiccup kept his sights on the wild boar.

Then the Dragon de-cloaked and stabbed the boar with its claws and the teal-green eyed teen saw the dragon ignite its claw with a silver color flame, like how a Monstrous Nightmare ignites their body.

'It's a hunter, like me,' Hiccup thought, admiring that he has something in common with the dragon, being an avid hunter himself. Just when Hiccup was about to try and interact with the dragon, small droplets of water fell on his shoulder, making him look up to the sky to see the clouds darkening.

'Better get back, don't want to be caught in the rain' he thought to himself, though he wasn't happy about only learning two things about the dragon.

Hiccup arrived at the great hall a little wet, as he was not quick enough to escape getting caught in the rain.

Inside the great hall he could see his fellow trainees and trainer all looking at him. 'Awkward,' he thought to himself.

"Ahh, nice of you to join us Hiccup, I was just about to go look for you. Now have a seat and take your meal," Gobber said, Hiccup shrugged as he guessed they were about to review on training today.

Hiccup sat at the empty table, whilst grabbing his meal. He ignored his cousin's usual childish antics in favor of figuring out dragons in general.

What made Stardust Dragon different from the rest? The dragon was never spotted attacking their village, nor any other village for that matter.

All the Vikings in the archipelago know the legend surrounding that particular dragon, so it begs the question, 'why do the dragons keep on raiding villages and why doesn't this dragon?' Hiccup thought, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together.

"So, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today" Gobber asked, snapping Hiccup out of thought.

"I overstepped my summersault dive, it was sloppy and it threw me off," Astrid answered, making Hiccup inwardly chuckle. Her perfectionist attitude was acting up and it was amusing to hear.

"Yeah we noticed," Ruffnut said while rolling her eyes.

"No, no. You were great, that was so Astrid," his cousin said trying, and failing, to flirt with the blonde Viking.

Hiccup mumbled something under his breath about denseor he simply doesn't get it, though this got his cousin's attention. "What'd you say," he asked with a glare.

Hiccup didn't grace his question with an answer and simply ignored his cousin in favor for his musings.

'Maybe I need to read that book,' Hiccup thought to himself. The book he was referring to was the Book of Dragons, a manual on everything there is about Dragon-kind.

Snotlout didn't like being ignored, but before he could even respond, Gobber placed a hand on him and gave Snotlout a stern glare.

"So can anyone tell me what Hiccup did wrong in today's training," Gobber asked.

Now that got them to shut up, the teens were thinking of where Hiccup went wrong in training.

"Um, Hiccup really didn't do anything wrong" Fishlegs said, breaking the silence. "He was never where the dragon was," Astrid added, though there was a hint of respect and admiration in her voice.

"Thank you Astrid," Gobber said, pacing around. "You need learn and breathe this." He then dropped a book on the table, the Book of Dragons.

"The dragon manual; everything we know about dragons is in this book." Loud thundering noises could be heard outside of the great hall.

"Hmm no attacks tonight, carry on," he said before leaving. Hiccup glanced at the book and tuned everything else out. He idly wondered if the book contained anything related to Stardust dragon or the habits of dragons.

Now why habits? Well, all animals and, to some extent, humans are creatures of habit and instinct.

They all follow certain necessities. For example the need to eat, to sleep, to breed, and the most well-known, to live. Finding out the reason why the dragons keep on attacking was the key to ending the war between dragons and Vikings.

And by Odin's mighty beard, Hiccup was going to find out what.

Hiccup noticed that his all of classmates were leaving, which only left him and Astrid. Hiccup moved from his table and grasped the book, though he spared a glance at the blonde teen.

Astrid caught his gaze. "I've already read it," she said, sounding tired. Astrid got up and left, leaving the brunette haired teen alone.

Hiccup sat alone, in the dark, with only a small, lit candle. Turning the pages Hiccup began to read each chapter and sighed while rubbing his temples.

"Kill on site."

At best, the book just gave a physical description. Hiccup felt disappointed. He would have thought Berk would have a fair amount of information on dragons and what makes them tick, but apparently not.

"Nightfury, the unholy spawn of lightning and death itself. Speed unknown, size unknown. Never engage this dragon, your only hope is to hide and pray it doesn't find you… Well very forthcoming of you," Hiccup mumbled and turned to the last page.

"Here we go, Stardust Dragon. It is said that this Dragon was born from the left over dusted remains of a dead star hence the name Stardust. Not much is known about this dragon, other than the legend that surrounds it," Hiccup read and sighed again. The book was good, but it was still lacking.

'The only way I can solve this puzzle is if I get to learn dragons… That's it! I'll learn everything I need from Stardust dragon.'

With that thought in mind Hiccup decided to turn in for the night.

[Time skip-next morning]

Just outside of Helheim's Gate, Stoick, along with his fellow Vikings, gazed upon the large fog like gates. Behind them was the suspected location of the nest of the dragons that they had been fighting for such a long time.

"I can almost smell them," Stoick said looking, over the map before looking back at what might be the entrance to Hel itself.

"They're close, steady." Stoick didn't feel any fear as he looked on to the gate.

"Take us into Helheim's gate," he ordered. The Viking nodded to his Chief and went into the fog. Behind the lead ship, the rest of the Vikings followed their fearless leader.

As soon as all the ships were inside the fog, they were assaulted by dragons and if anyone were outside the fog they would have seen a silhouette of a Monstrous Nightmare and would hear war cries from the Vikings.

Back with the training, aside from Hiccup, the young Vikings were avoiding a tracker class dragon, the Deadly Nadder.

'Hmm, I guess this exercise is about attacking and knowing the enemies blind spots,' Hiccup thought while leaning on the maze walls.

The auburn haired teens mind was on something else entirely and it was clearly visible on his face.

Though his mind was somewhere else, his body was on autopilot, a quirk he had developed over the years and that he really didn't bother learning on how he develop it. He just chalked it up to his instincts.

From afar, Astrid could see Hiccup both distracted and at the same time focused, which she admitted was impressive, considering how deep in thought he looked.

'I wonder what he is thinking of,' the blond Vikingess thought to herself. She ducked under a tail whip from the Nadder and quickly bolted to the next side of the maze. She heard the dragon squawk, probably in displeasure.

"Today is all about attack," Gobber started while looking from outside of the arena. "Nadders are light and quick on their feet."

To prove his point the Nadder was leaping from one part of the maze to the other with speed befitting the dragon's species.

"Your job is to be quicker and lighter," he instructed as the Nadder landed where Fishlegs was and raised its spike tail. With one swipe, it sent three spikes hurdling straight for the big boned teen.

Fortunately, Fishlegs was able to raise his shield, defending himself from the attack. "I'm beginning to question your teaching methods," Fishlegs said while running away from the Nadder.

Gobber ignored it, since this was how his dad used to teach him. "Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one," he advised while removing the gunk from his teeth.

"Find it, hide in it, and strike," Gobber said as Ruffnut and Tuffnut turned from a corner and were face to face with the Deadly Nadder. Fortunately they were in front of the dragon's nose.

"Ghaw, do you ever bath," Ruffnut asked her, less than good smelling, brother as the two of them were trying to stay in the dragon's blind spot.

'Serious, it's like he hasn't bathed in weeks or months… Oh wait, he's my brother, of course he smells like this,' she thought with a mental deadpan expression.

Her brother gained an irritated expression. "If you don't like the way I smell then just get your own blind spot," he said pushing his sister, effectively putting the two of them in the site of the Nadder.

"How about I give you one," she said as the two were mashing heads. But reality dawned on the two teens as they turned to see the dragon about to fry them to a crisp.

The two teens screamed out as they as they ran away from the dragon. "Blind spot yes, but dead spot, no so much" Gobber said a bit cynically while chuckling.

The teens were trying to regroup, though run away was more like it, while Hiccup was still on auto-pilot.

'I need to end this now and go see that dragon,' he thought. 'Though I do need to ask,' Hiccup then stopped and looked to where his teacher was.

"Hey Gobber, the book didn't have anything on Nightfury and Stardust Dragon. Why is that," he asked, all the while making sure he was ready to dodge the incoming Nadder.

Gobber gave his apprentice a curious look, wondering why Hiccup was asking, but then stopped himself because his student was Hiccup.

"Well, aside from the fact that no one had ever seen one, with the latter being a legend and the former being hard to find and only one witness living to tell the tale," came his answer.

Hiccup sighed and saw Astrid and his cousin, crouching behind the wall of the maze. The blond gestured to the Nadder just a few meters from them.

'I should end this now,' Hiccup thought as he was growing a bit restless. The auburn haired teen gestured for Astrid and Snotlout to listen in. "Do you have a plan," the blond asked.

"Wait why would we, more importantly me, listen to your plan," his cousin said, putting on his bravado again.

"Fine, do you have a plan," Hiccup asked as both he and Astrid gave Snotlout a, we're waiting, look. The silence from Hiccup's cousin was all the answer the two Vikings needed.

"Thought so, now listen up. This is all about utilizing the dragon's blind spot to our advantage, but I still believe we could use its site against it, if we gave it prey."

Hiccup stopped for a bit and brought out a length of rope he picked up before the start of their training.

Astrid quickly caught onto his plan and smirked. "Smart, Hiccup," she complimented, getting a really surprised look from Snotlout.

"What do you mean? It's just rope. How will that help us?" both Hiccup and Astrid groaned while wondering if Snotlout was dropped when he was a child or something.

"You know what? I have something else in mind for you Snotlout," he said. Hiccup's eyes showed a twinkle of mischief and his lips curled into a slightly evil smirk.

Once again Astrid caught on and nodded to the auburn haired teen. "Shall we start," he asked. The blond didn't say another word and just grabbed the other end of the rope.

Hiccup rolled to the left side and signaled for Astrid to initiate the second part of the plan.

"Wait, what are you…" Snotlout didn't get the chance to finish his question as the blond haired Vikingess suddenly pushed him right in front of the Nadder.

The dragon squawked in response and charged at Hiccup's cousin. Said cousin did a good imitation of a scared girl and screamed out in fear.

"SNOTLOUT, JUMP OUT OF THE WAY NOW!" Hiccup ordered with an authoritative voice.

Snotlout didn't need to be told twice and jump out of the way. Just as the Nadder was about to make a turn both Astrid and Hiccup pulled the rope up, causing the Nadder to trip and crash head first to the wall of the maze, making the walls fall like dominos.

Hiccup looked at the dragon's eyes and sent it an apologetic look, along with a knowing one that the dragon clearly understood; it's either this or kill you was the message, before the Dragon pass out.

"Good work Hiccup and Astrid, oh I suppose you as well lad," Gobber said referring the last part to Snotlout, who was in a fetal position before he recovered, regaining his bravado.

Astrid rolled her eyes and muttered something and was about to comment to Hiccup about how well they work together. When she turned to where he was, Hiccup was already gone.

'Thor dammit how the Hel did he do that' the blonde cursed mentally about how Hiccup seemingly vanished. [A/N-think of how the Batman would suddenly vanish]

*Scene change Raven's cove*

Hiccup was currently looking around to see where Stardust Dragon was, but suddenly remembered that the dragon could cloak itself.

'Damn,' Hiccup thought. 'Looks like I'm going to have to rely on my other senses.' The auburn haired teen had this sort of sixth sense that allowed him to feel and see, metaphorically speaking, the surrounding.

The chief's son didn't know how he gained this ability, but he theorized that it's part of his genetics. That he inherited it from either his dad or his mom.

'Well I did bring some meat and fish, maybe I could lure it out,' Hiccup thought and brought out both.

As soon as he did, a silver scaled dragon suddenly flashed before his eyes making Hiccup stumble a bit and drop the meats.

'Okay, I'm not blind. Note to self, make some goggles.' Hiccup stood up to see the dragon eating and enjoying.

"Glad to see you like it, I got some more fish, meat, and eel." The last part got him a sneer from the Dragon, making Hiccup raise a single brow. "So you don't like eel huh." As if the Dragon understood him, it nodded.

"Whatever you say boy." He heard a growl and Hiccup understood what it meant. "Girl, I mean girl."

Satisfied, the dragon continued eating. Seeing the dragon distracted, Hiccup slowly moved away from the dragon and sat down on a nearby rock.

'Now for some research,' the auburn haired teen thought, taking a pencil and paper. Hiccup took note of everything he learned, so far, from observing the Dragon.

'Height 50' from head to her axe like tail. Abilities include cloaking, flashes that could temporary blind a target, able to ignite its claws with, from what I can recall, silver colored flames, presumably plasma. Class, hmm, stalker but not yet fully determined'Hiccup wrote all this down and didn't notice the dragon walking up to him, till the female lizard was directly in front of him.

Hiccup blinked in surprise when the Dragon was in front of him and looked at her curiously.

"What's the matter," Hiccup asked the dragon. He then saw the Dragon act like it was choking.

"You've got to go slow; the fish are a bit long and wide. So you have to take it slow before you swallow. Trying suppressing your gag reflexes," he advised.

The teen thought the dragon was choking on a hard piece of meat, so imagine Hiccup's reaction when the silvered scale dragon regurgitated a fish head onto his lap.

Hiccup blinked in confusion before looking between the fish head and the dragon only to see said Dragon looking at him intently like she was expecting him to do something. They continued to stare for a few minutes before the Dragon gestured with her head looking between Hiccup and the fish head.

Hiccup mentally groaned, understanding what the Dragon wanted. 'This is gonna suck,' he thought before taking a bite of the fish head, almost hurling.

Hiccup nodded, acting like he enjoyed the saliva covered fish head and to his dismay the Dragon made a swallowing motion, making him mentally groan and sigh.

Wanting this to be over, Hiccup swallowed, causing him to turn green and shudder. Satisfied, the Dragon left to do her own thing.

"Great Odin that was horrible, truly nothing will ever compare," he muttered to himself and decided to leave, having gathered enough information on the dragon, at least for now.

He felt like he had made some sort of progress with the large creature and hoped that it would lead him closer to the answer of how to end this war with the dragons.


Author- Pairings for Hiccup, well I'll keep it a secret, for now at least.

I'll try to upload as much as I can, but I'm writing between working hours when I'm on my Break

Thank you once again for your patience and please continue with a review, favorite, and following would kindly