I. Breather

It was 10 PM. He was drunk. His friend was drunk and he found it unbelievably bothersome. How can someone who drank 10 cans of beer be so active and annoying? He should be fainting right now for Death's sake. "C'mon Bro! You've locked yourself up ever since the time that you broke up with that Blair!" The blue-haired guy slurred, tugging on his arm. Why was it so important to this guy anyway? He could do whatever the fuck he wanted in his life. Why'd he have to meddle with it? "I'm a bro, bro! Bros look out for each other. Just come with us, Soul!" He continued to garble.

"Blake, dude, drop it." Soul shoved his friend who was almost crawling on top of him while he sat down on his couch. Said guy toppled to the other side and lied down, laughing before he fell on the ground and began snoring. Soul stared at the 24-year-old male and kicked him on the shin which did nothing to the now sleeping guy.

Soul leaned back against the backrest of the couch and wondered. He had been single for almost a year now, but so what? He didn't need girls. He had enough girls who threw themselves at him so he could easily pick one and play around whenever he planned. At 23 years old, Soul could say that he had his enough fill of women in his life - enough, that he felt like he didn't want to be in a relationship for a long time.

Clutching his head, he stood up and walked over to the grand piano in the corner of his living room. He ran his fingers on its fallboard, his eyebrows furrowed. Even in his drunken state, he still thought of something; anything, to serve as his muse to produce his new piece. His mind had been blank for months and it was already starting to take its toll on him. It was so frustrating how he had been thinking so much and yet, nothing.

Maybe, he could come up with something now, he thought. He raised the fallboard and sat down on the piano stool. Positioning his fingers on the keys, he tried playing something. Maybe, tickling the ivories would help him somehow. Soul closed his eyes and let his fingers play as if they had minds of their own. His foot stepped on the sustaining pedal to prolong the notes. His eyebrows furrowed more. Something was missing and he didn't like how hollow the song sounded. Still, he wrote down the first few notes he played on a music sheet and tried to continue from there. He tried for a few more minutes, hoping that his mind would cooperate and produce something good but out of the pianist's frustration, he slammed his fingers against the keys and groaned. Nothing was working for him.

"You need a breather, bro." Blake drawled out which surprised Soul. He turned to his friend who was still lying down on the ground and saw that Blake already sat up and was looking at him with a smirk. "Just go out with us for once tomorrow night. Once. That's it." He said before falling asleep once again, his head hitting the floor.

For a moment, he thought about it. He won't lose anything if he actually joins them. His time? He had nothing to do anyway. Besides, Blake was right, even if he didn't want to admit it. He may be able to think of something. Maybe see a scenario or experience something that would inspire him to work on his new piano piece.

"Okay." He sighed to himself. "Going out it is."

"Maka, please, honey. You've been working on that story for one week straight. You need a break. Maybe, you need someone new too? Live a little?" A soft voice from her phone's speaker said. The girl on the other line sounded worried for her. Can't blame her, Maka thought. She had been trying to finish a book that she was writing and had been so focused on it that she actually forgot that she had a social life.

The 22-year-old writer heaved a sigh as she reread the last few lines she typed. "Listen, Tsu-" She started before repeatedly hitting the backspace button to erase the last few words in her story. "I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I really want to finish this book so that my publisher can read it already then, have it published. " She replied.

There was a small pause between them before Tsubaki, her long-time friend spoke again. "Are you still not over that guy who ditched you-"

"Tsubaki Nakatsukasa!" The now annoyed Maka grunted through her teeth. "I am so over Hiro. He left me for some girl, no big deal. I just-" She was put to a stop when she realized that she had been staring blankly at her computer's screen for quite some time. "I just don't feel like meeting someone new, you know?" She explained, hoping that her friend would understand.

Maka Albarn knew how her friends worried about her during that break-up with her ex-boyfriend during their first anniversary celebration. The oaf said that he'll just go to the restroom and didn't come back after a few minutes, so she decided to check up on him only to see him kissing another girl. Boy, did she do a round on his face that night. Still, she was sad for a few weeks and only Tsubaki and her other friends from college, the Thompson sisters, Liz and Patty, helped her get over the heartbreak.

Six months had gone so fast and there she was, writing novels. She already had one book published and she was doing well on her own. She didn't need someone for now. At least, that's what she told herself. "Blake's really hoping you could go." Tsubaki said which caught her attention.

Blake Starr; she smiled at the thought of her childhood friend. He was so loud and arrogant, a lot of people wanted to beat him up for it - even her. But even if that's the case, she was still thankful to him. He saved her a lot of times when they were kids. The world was so small really. She lost contact with him after he moved out with his foster parents, but who knew that he and Tsubaki would bump into each other in the same fitness gym and end up going out? It was such a surprise for Maka to find out who Tsubaki was dating. "Oh please, I bet he'd rather have some quality time with you."

Tsubaki giggled at her comment. "Ah, but don't think you've gotten away from the invitation." Tsubaki reminded. "Text me if you're coming. By the way, how's the story?"

It was then that Maka realized that she actually stopped writing already. "O-Oh..." She let out a sigh and leaned back against her computer chair. "Writer's block." She said, pouting to herself. "I've been thinking of a good scene to write but nothing. It's all a blank."

"See? You really need to take a break. Just go with us for a while. You can leave once there's really nothing in it for you." The Japanese girl on the other line pleaded.

Come to think of it, Tsubaki's right. Maka nodded unconsciously. Maybe she had been in her apartment for too long that her brain's not functioning well because of the lack of fresh air? She was already at the part of her story where she's building the climax, but she just couldn't continue from there. A little bit of fun wouldn't hurt, right? "You know what, Tsu? Fine, you win." A squeal of delight was heard from the other line and Maka just laughed at her friend. The novelist took a quick look at the computer's digital clock in the corner. "Ah, it's already this late?" Maka mumbled to herself when she saw that it was already 11 PM. "Just text me the details tomorrow. I'll be heading to bed early tonight. "

"Earlier than usual, you mean." Tsubaki teased and she couldn't help but laugh. "Just be sure to go, okay? That's a promise?"

She saved her work and shut down the computer before standing up and stretching. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. G'night, Tsu."

"Good night, Maka."

The smell of liquor, sweat and raging hormones assaulted Maka's nostrils as soon as she set foot on the club that her friends lead her to. Talk about the breather Tsubaki was talking about - she could barely breathe in that place! But, there was no helping it, she promised to try and stay for a while.

Come to think of it, it had been a while since she hung out with Liz, Tsubaki and Patty. She shrugged and thought that she might as well enjoy the night as much as she could. Though, Maka groaned as some dancing girl with a very short party dress bumped into her, she doubt that she'll be enjoying herself to the fullest.

Underdressed. That was the perfect way to describe how she looked. She settled for a white sleeveless safari top tunic, black leggings and cream-colored doll shoes. Compared to her friends who were wearing party dresses, she looked terribly out of place. Not that she minded because she would rather be underdressed than uncomfortable.

"Tsubaki!" Maka heard a familiar voice and looked over to where it came from. It was so loud in the club and yet the shout of her friend's name was still piercing enough to be heard. The writer could not be mistaken of whom the voice belonged to. "Over here!" Maka's hunch was right.

There, on one of the tables by the blocked area, the VIP section, she saw the familiar blue-haired guy, waving his hands. Tsubaki went over to him and she, Liz and Patty followed. "Blake!" Tsubaki ran to her boyfriend and gave him a hug, which he returned. They part after a few seconds and Tsubaki looked over to her.

Maka looked over to the table. two other men were sitting there. She knew one of them. The guy with the jet-black hair with white stripes was Kid Death. He was one of Liz's classmates during college who became close with them already. The other one though, Maka took note of the man's appearance. He had a mass of silvery-white hair and even in the dark, she could easily distinguish how red the color of his irises was.

She didn't know how long she had been looking at him but she was snapped out of it when a hand suddenly touched her bare shoulder. "Maka! How've you been? Did you miss your wonderful, godlike friend?" She turned around to meet Blake who was smiling brightly at her. Before she could even respond, she was pulled into a hug by the said friend and she, herself, couldn't help but giggle.

Slowly, she raised her arms and awkwardly placed them around Blake. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm good. It's great to see you again, Blake." Was her reply.

"Ah! Let me introduce you to - wait, you know Kid already." Blake cut himself off and brushed Kid off who was waving and smiling at Maka. She bowed her head, still laughing, and waved back at the man. "That guy over there is Soul. He's a musician and composer. " Blake pointed the white-haired guy who was now looking at her. "This is the author friend I was talking to you about, Soul!"

For some reason, she felt self-conscious, as if Soul was judging her just by looking. "I'm Maka." She said, at loss for words. Why was he looking so intently at her? Did she have anything on her face? Either way, she tried to shake it off by holding out her hand to him. The said musician didn't seem to mind and shook her hand. Blake pushed her at the middle of the U-formed couch, she and Soul sitting next to each other in front of the table. Maka glared at her childhood friend who just winked at her before turning to his girlfriend.

"I'll be ordering the drinks then?" Kid said, taking what they'll be having. Maka decided to have something fruity so Liz suggested a strawberry peach margarita. Having all the orders memorized, Kid stood up and walked to the bar, Liz and Patty following him. Those three were such close friends. Maka swore that Liz and Kid would start dating as well, given the right 'push'.

Blake placed an arm around Soul and grinned, catching Maka's attention. "Did you know? Soul's so popular in the music industry that the club owner let us use this VIP table! Didn't know you're that well-liked, buddy." He earned a punch from Soul who shoved him off.

Whenever she gets the chance, the writer liked studying people's character. It was something that she began doing when she needed new characters back then. She could not get through Soul though and she couldn't help but wonder why. He looked so bored and tired yet he felt like he belonged in the place. He seemed famous but he didn't seem like the type to brag about it and yet his presence felt like he was boasting. The musician was already sending those kinds of thoughts to her - and he hasn't said anything to her yet!

Why was she here again? She had no idea. Maka definitely did not belong in that club. Blake and Tsubaki were talking and acting all lovey-dovey while Kid, Liz and Patty decided to go have fun on the dance floor after ordering their drinks. Maka noticed that she wasn't the only one though. Despite her earlier judgment, Soul didn't actually look like he was someone who partied as well with the way he was acting at that moment. He was simply looking at the walls with a blank expression.

The drinks came not long after Kid ordered them. She took a sip of her margarita and simply watched her friends interact, laughing along their jokes. A certain someone was pretty much doing the same thing she was. It was when Blake asked Tsubaki to go and join Kid and the others on the dance floor that she began to feel self-conscious. She was alone with this complete stranger (well, to her, at least). Scooting away more farther than she was would be kind of insulting, the writer thought. She decided to stay where she was, right next to Soul, their shoulders almost touching. She heaved a sigh before taking a sip of her margarita once more.

"You might want to take it easy there." Maka was startled when Soul suddenly spoke. "Doesn't look like it but the margarita they serve here is one hell of a traitor. That's gonna knock you out if you drink too fast." He warned before drinking his Martini. She could only nod as she set her glass down. He had been watching her as well then?

"Not to be rude or anything but, you seem quite out of place here." He placed down the glass and cleared his throat. "No offense."

Maka couldn't deny what he said. She was indeed out of place and she knew that from the very first time she stepped inside the bar. "No offense taken. You're actually right." She leaned against the table, resting her chin on her palm. "Wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for my writer's block and all. Though, I could say the same for you." She glanced at him and she was met with those red eyes that fascinated her the more she saw them. "You don't look like you're enjoying."

There was a brief second of pause from Soul, one of his eyebrows lifting for a brief second before he let out a sigh and smile. She caught a glimpse of the pianist's teeth and she wasn't sure whether the margarita was doing tricks to her sight because -were his teeth really pointy? "A good judge of character, I see." He nodded. "Yeah, m'not a big fan of the crowd."

A nod from the writer immediately followed Soul's statement. "Me too. I'd rather be locked up in my room, working on my book or something though, I guess going out tonight wasn't such a bad idea after all. I got to unwind a bit. I've been on a writer's block a while now." She admitted.

The white-haired pianist looked at her and she's impressed at the fact that he was slightly smiling. At least that was an improvement. She wondered if that meant that he was comfortable talking to her now. "We're quite the same then. I just can't seem to think of a melody for a new song." He sighed, looking over to their friends who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor.

"Ah." Maka sat sideways, facing him. He looked back at her and met with curious, emerald eyes. "I've always wondered how musicians make music. I mean, how do you even start?" She inquired, cocking her head to the side.

That was almost cute in Soul's opinion. No, actually, she's cute but, he's not about to say that out loud. "Good question." He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "I don't really know. It came naturally to me, honestly, when I wrote my first song. Not to be bragging of course. Then again, it's different for everyone." He explained. "We're both writers so I guess you know the feeling?"

Her reply was a nod. "I wish the ideas came naturally to me too. I tend to think about a lot of things and I always end up over-thinking; at least that's what Tsubaki always tells me." She smiled. "I'm not much of a music fan though so I don't really know much about the industry," Maka began, hoping that she's not getting to curious but, she obviously was. "What genre of music do you play?"

The musician smiled at her, quite interested with the way she had been trying to analyze him since earlier. Yes, he did not miss those stolen glances and he definitely believed her when she said that she tends to over-think. "Y'know, I get the feeling you've been trying to figure me out earlier," He started which made her bite her bottom lip and her eyes widen. He was sure she went red for a few seconds. "How about trying to guess?"

"I wasn't trying to figure you out - well, I was but that's sort of something I do. Don't take it the wrong way." The girl lowered her eyes and let her gaze fall to her lap.

Soul was, undeniably, interested in this girl. Her expressions were cute and she seemed like she could understand him. "Nah, that's cool. Great over-thinker, right?" He smirked when she raised her head to look at him, a sheepish smile on her face. "If it makes you feel better, I was trying to 'figure you out' as well earlier."

"Oh." The author opened her mouth to ask why but she just settled for another 'oh' and slightly nodded her head. "Ah, yeah! Uhm, you play... rock?" She hesitantly asked.

The young man could only chuckle. "I get that a lot. Do I really look like someone who head bangs and rocks out?" He asked.

"Want me to be honest?" Maka challenges and again, Soul found himself laughing.

He waves off his hand before looking back at her. "I kinda have the feeling I know what you'll say," He told her, watching as she covered her mouth to hide her giggle. "But no. I actually do Jazz." Soul could see the way her eyebrows raise and her mouth slightly open. "You're judgmental."

"No!" Maka protested, puffing her cheeks as Soul laughed at her. "You just don't seem like the type to be into that genre?" She sighed and then smirked. "Okay, so maaaybe I judge you there a little bit." She playfully did a hand gesture, as if saying 'just a tiny bit'. "Then again, I'm not familiar with that kind of music."

"Okay, what kind of music do you actually listen to?" He asked, now curious about her. "You've been saying how you're not that into music but, you gotta listen to something at least, right?"

Soul could not believe how straight her face was when she gave him her answer. "Techno." She said, not even batting an eye. The pianist furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Okay, now you're judging me."

His hand immediately covered his mouth to hide his laugh from her. "No, no, I'm not, geez." He said but he wasn't able to stop himself from laughing which earned him a glare from the young woman opposite him. "Techno, really? That's not gonna help you at all with anything."

"Does to!" Maka exclaimed, taking a sip of her margarita which actually remained untouched for the past few minutes. "They're fun and-"

"Auto-tuned and plain noise? Yeah." Soul smirked, chuckling when Maka lightly hit his arm with her hand. Looks like they've warmed up to each other already, he thought. "I didn't see you as the type who'd listen to techno trash. I mean, you write. Won't music be your perfect companion while typing down your story?" He asked.

Maka shook her head. "I don't listen to music when I write. Somehow, I get distracted." She confessed, pouting.

The pianist nodded at her statement. "Because techno is never a good choice of music. I should introduce you to the good ones." He let his arms fall to his side, smiling at the young woman. "Of course if you'd let me touch your playlist of techno songs." Soul mocked, closing his eyes but slightly peeking to look at her reaction.

It was hilarious, seeing the look of disbelief in her face. "Oh, please, be my guest." She grumbled. "Just make sure your good 'ol recommendations would really help me." Trying to figure out whether she was pissed or not, Soul opened his eyes to look at her. For a moment she scowled at him. He tilted his head and she simply laughed. "Be thankful I'm not in the mood to argue."

"Aye." Soul shrugged which made Maka smile. "What is it you write then? I'm sure I could help you out once I know what your book's about." A raise of an eyebrow was Maka's reply to the young musician and he knew what she's thinking. "You want me to guess?"

Nodding her head, it was Maka's turn to smirk. "Well, it's only fair, isn't it?" She grinned.

True, Soul thought. "I'm pretty bad at guessing but I'm guessing... romance?"

"And, why romance?" She asked once more.

"Because," Red eyes met with green ones. "You look like someone who enjoys love stories that make people's hearts skip beats?" He hesitantly answered.

She laughed and Soul cocked his head to the side, wondering why she was. "As much as I do like a good romance, no." Maka shook her head. "I write mystery novels." She informed him.

That surprised him. "No romance?" He asked. "C'mon, there's gotta be romance in there somewhere. Heck, even Harry Potter had romance in it."

"Nope, I've never added a touch of romance in my story; though, I've been reading some things online and my readers are already beginning to 'ship' my two main characters together. They're really hoping Danielle and Reginald become canon." Maka explained, taking another sip of her margarita before setting it down on the table. "Internet's really the home of good artists and... well, the creepy ones, sometimes. But hey, I'm thankful they support my series like that."

Soul only looked at her with a confused face. "Ship? Canon? Are we talking about some mysterious pirate story here?" He inquired.

The ash-blonde author laughed at the question which confused him more than he already was. "Ah, I'm sorry. I just assumed everyone's into the whole internet slang." Maka said, wiping the side of her eye. "A ship is the short term for relationship. And then, shipping is sort of... well, it actually is synonymous to 'wanting-two-people-to-be-together'," Maka gestured quotation marks with her fingers. "And then, canon is something that happens in the story that is actually according to the author or the creator." She explained.

The pianist nodded, taking the information in. "Ah, so that's what's it is." He mumbled. "But, you make it sound like you're not going to make your protagonists 'canon'." Soul commented.

Maka nodded. "Honestly, I have no idea yet." She admitted, leaning back against the backrest. "I feel like Reginald is really complicated and that Danielle needs someone who will understand her better. Also," She paused, reaching out for her drink. "I'm not too confident with how I write romance stories. I just... never had a good reference, you know?" She took a sip and Soul wondered what she meant by that. "What got you into music?"

The question caught him off-guard. He should've expected that a curious writer would ask about it. "You ever seen something that made you feel like you want to do it as well because you want others to have the same feeling you got when they're the ones watching you?" Soul smirked, leaning on the backrest like she was earlier.

"I know the feeling!" Maka exclaimed, surprising Soul. "It's like, you want to inspire them, right?" She smiled. looking at him. "Like, it's magic and they draw you in and then, you wish you could cast the same magic to people." She described.

The white-haired musician nodded his head. "You are indeed a writer." He chuckled. "Those descriptions are quite on point." He agreed.

A harsh coughing stopped them from conversing. The two of them followed where the sound came from and saw Tsubaki and Blake already in front of them, across the table. "You two done with your geek out session?" Blake smirked.

"Excuse me but we weren't geeking out!" Maka protested and Soul nodded in agreement. "We were merely discussing!" She groaned afterwards when Blake gave her a mocking face.

Tsubaki patted the blue-haired guy's shoulder and he stopped from his crazy antics. "Well, sorry to interrupt your discussion but you might want to take a peek at the time, pigtails. Waaay past your bedtime."

Maka took out her phone to look at the time. Her eyes widened after seeing it. "It's already one in the morning!" She gasped. Time does fly when you're having fun, she thought to herself. "Where're the others?"

"Kid already went off since Liz had too much to drink and Patty..." Tsubaki stopped, scrunching her nose as if trying to think of the appropriate words to say. "Let's just say she got way more hyped than she usually is." She explained and Maka had to grimace because she knew what Patty was like when she's had too much alcohol in her system.

Blake looked at Maka who was taking one last sip of her margarita then at Soul looked at him as if he was so bored to be in his presence. "Kid told us to take you two home-"

"I have my bike with me, remember?" Soul reminded, scowling at Blake. The ash-blonde writer wondered why his mood suddenly shifted.

The blue-haired gym instructor grinned at his friend which only caused Soul to roll his eyes and scoff. "Well, guess we should get going then." He said.

Maka collected her things, made sure nothing was going to be left behind. When she stood up though, she felt really lightheaded which nearly made her stumble towards the table. "Hey!" Soul called, spreading one arm out to stop her from falling on the table and the other held her on the shoulder, stabilizing her. "Told you that drink was a traitor." He flashed her a smirk.

She was tightly clutching onto the sleeve of Soul's shirt and her breathing was ragged from the surprise. "T-Thank you." She mumbled, standing up straight. She looked up at him and, when did we get this close? Maka immediately lowered her gaze.

"It's cool." Soul cleared his throat. She's cute up close! He noted to himself, lowering his arms to his sides and averting his gaze at her.

Another sound of someone clearing his throat interrupted them. "Hey, you two wanna stay a bit more?" Blake teased which made the two step away from each other. He laughed and Tsubaki hid her giggles as they walked out of the club.

They silently walked towards the parking lot and Blake lead them to his old car, which he had been using since college, as he says. Soul on the other hand, walked to his orange Harley Davidson. "You sure you can drive, bro?" Blake hollered at Soul.

The silvery white-haired guy chuckled. "I had one shot of martini, you asshole. You mocking me?" He flashed his trademark smirk again which Maka was beginning to admire because, damn, those are some sexy, sharp teeth. The young man's gaze went to her direction and once again, their eyes met. The parking lot was well-lit. She could really, positively, confirm that his eyes were the nice color of rubies. "It was nice meeting you, Maka."

She couldn't help but smile at him. The way her name rolled off his tongue sounded really nice. She liked the ring to it. "Same here. I had fun tonight."Maka told him. "Thank you, Soul."

"I swear, you guys might want to get in there again and continue this discussion you were having." Blake groaned and that's when Maka noticed that one; she was smiling dumbly at Soul and two; Tsubaki and Blake already entered the car. After one last wave, Maka went inside the car and Blake honked at Soul, as if saying farewell to him. Soul replied with his bike's horn and they both went off.

Maka was smiling to herself on the backseat, not knowing that Blake and Tsubaki was looking at her from the rearview mirror. "Looks like you two hit it off eh, pigtails?" Blake suddenly spoke which almost made Maka jump from her seat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Maka countered, looking out the window. "He was fun to talk to and he seems like a guy I'd get along with since we almost have the same job." She further explained.

Tsubaki giggled at Maka's reply. "You two looked really cute together earlier, Maka." She informed her friend. Maka couldn't help but stare at her barista friend from the rearview mirror. "It's like... those boy meets girl stories!"

"Please, you two," The writer started, giving them the 'you're kidding' face. "That was a friendly conversation. Yeah, sure, he was fun to be with but it doesn't seem like he's the person who I'd be seeing often, y'know? Besides, that went pretty smoothly. Those kinds of things don't happen in real life."

"I don't know about the whole story thing." Blake laughed, tapping the driver's wheel. "But, you got that right about not seeing each other often. Since you two almost never leave your apartments, I doubt you'll actually bump into each other somewhere."

"Who knows, dear?" Tsubaki smiled at her, actually looking at her now and Maka could only reply with a small smile as well.

It was already two in the morning when Maka reached her apartment. She immediately directed herself towards the fridge. She crouched down to get some water when her phone vibrated. She ignored it, thinking it was probably just Tsubaki telling her to lock her doors. She'd just reply later.

Grabbing a glass, Maka poured herself some water in it and drank. She didn't want to have any hangover or headache later. She was most likely to sleep till noon as well. The writer remembered her phone, already thinking of a reply to Tsubaki when she was put to a stop after checking. There was a text from an unknown number.

Hope you don't mind me getting your number from Blake. Forgot to thank you for the great convo earlier so, yeah, thanks.


Maka repeatedly blinked as she stared at her phone. Soul contacted her. That was really unexpected. She couldn't fight the smile that crept on her face as she typed in her reply.

Even if I denied it earlier, I really felt like we were geeking out earlier. Hehe. I really had fun earlier so, thank you as well.

The author walked over to her room and began to change when her phone vibrated once more. She grabbed a loose shirt to put on, stripped off her leggings and plopped on her bed with her phone in hand. She opened the message from Soul

Definitely geeking out. You should get some rest. Hope I didn't bother you or something. Good night.

Before replying, Maka saved the number and made sure she actually stored it in her phone. She took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling then at her phone.

Absolutely didn't bother me, don't worry. You should get some rest too. Good night.

It was one of those times when Maka Albarn slept with a smile on her face.

(A/N: So that's the first day of my SoMa Week entry! I had a really hard time this year. Not because of the stories, mind you. Problems after problems came but hey, I made it! Hopefully, I get to finish and publish all the stories in time. I only got to proofread the first few parts but I suck at that so, I apologize for the mistakes you might spot here and there. Anyway, HAPPY SOMA WEEK EVERYONE! Hope you enjoy!)