In Hiding

Summary: Korra tried hard not to think about Kuvira living in a jail cell waiting for her trial to start – until she finds her sitting on her bed, looking for a place to hide. Set after series finale.

Chapter 1

Korra grunted as she performed a deadlift. She held the weight for a few seconds before dropping it back to the ground. She hummed along to the jazz music playing out of the radio across the room.

"Prince Wu, now known as King Wu, has returned to the Earth Kingdom, eager to start his plans to abolish the monarchy of the Earth Kingdom," a radio announcer said. "His plans to turn every nation in the Earth Kingdom to individual states is a big project that the young monarch will take on and oversee."

"I don't think there's anyone else better suited for the job," Korra mumbled. She walked over to a rack of dumbbells and picked up a pair the heaviest pair. She walked over to a mat and placed her feet shoulder width apart before performing some arm curls.

"In other news, Kuvira, previously know was the Great Uniter, has her trial date set. The case will be handled in about three month's time. Until then, she will be held in the Republic City prison in solitary confinement. Kuvira was arrested for terrorism among a list of other crimes."

Korra looked over at the radio and frowned. She placed the dumbbells onto the ground before wiping the perspiration off of her forehead with the bottom of her shirt. She walked over to the radio sitting on the shelf and turned the volume down with a twist of a knob. She leaned against the shelf, tapping her finger on her chin.

A swift knock came on the door. Korra gazed at the doors to the gym before straightening up. "Come in," she called out.

"Hey," Asami said softly as she slipped into the room. "I hope I'm not bothering you." She had a white towel draped over her arm.

"Nah, I just finished."

Asami shifted from foot to foot. "Tenzin had called and is wondering if you could stop by and watch his children as he travels to the next city." She pointed over her shoulder. "Pema is currently out shopping."

"Yeah, I can do that," Korra said with a shrug. She neared the door but paused at her sports bag sitting off to the side. She plucked a water bottle out of a side pocket and took a big gulp after popping the cap off. "Thanks for letting me use your gym. I didn't really want to be bothered at the temple."

"It is no problem," Asami said while handing her a towel. "You can use it whenever you need it." She pinched the bottom of Korra's shirt when she noticed the dark stain at the bottom. Korra brushed her hand away. "My mansion is your mansion…and Mako's and Bolin's…and their families…and Prince Wu's when he's in the city," she listed off.

"Isn't it too crowded for you?" Korra's voice was muffled by the towel as she pattered her skin dry.

"No, I like the hustle and bustle," Asami admitted. "It's better than being alone." Korra pulled the towel away from her face and looked at Asami. Her eyes were downcast toward the ground.

She knew that look. It only appeared whenever she found herself thinking about her father. After the battle with Kuvira and her army invasion, Asami was contracted by President Raiko to help oversee plans to advance the city. Korra knew Asami had taken the job because she help rebuild the city's infrastructure the first time, but she couldn't help but feel it was also to distract herself from dealing with her father's death.

"You know, if you need some peace and quiet you can come back to Air Temple Island," Korra said gently. She flipped the towel over her shoulder before placing a hand on Asami's shoulder.

Asami lifted her gaze. The corner of her lips twitched. "And risk having one of Tenzin's kids catching us?"

"We've shared a room before," Korra said with a shrug.

"Yes, but we weren't," she paused while thinking of the right word to describe their situation, "…involved…at the time."

"I can keep a secret." Korra rolled her eyes as Asami chuckled. Korra was one of the last people that could keep a secret. She had dead giveaways when she would hide something. It was only a matter of hours before the news that Lin and Tenzin had dated was spread around their group. "Have a good day at work…filing papers and reading reports."

"Those are not the only things I do," Asami insisted. She plucked the towel off of Korra's shoulder as she bent down to place her water bottle back into her bag.

"Yeah, but it's the few things I understand," Korra said. She placed her sports bag onto her back and picked up her glider. "I'm going to head out before it starts raining." She turned towards Asami and held her arms out. She paused and bit her bottom lip. She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck. Asami smiled softly before tilting her head a bit to the right. Korra quickly leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to her cheek before rushing past her. "Talk to you later," she called over her shoulder.

Korra exited the Sato Mansion and hoped up on her glider before taking off into the air. She got a bird's eye view of the destruction after the final battle with Kuvira. "And here President Raiko thought the Spirit Vines were bad," she muttered against the breeze. Korra sighed hard before directing her glider in the direction of Air Temple Island.

"Good, Korra, you're here," Tenzin said as she landed in the quad. Rohan was perched on his head, pulling at his ears. Korra sped walked up the stairs and in to the temple's sleeping quarters.

"I'll be right there, Tenzin," she called out as she passed him. "I just need to change really quick."

Korra twirled her glider around in her fingers as she walked down the hallway towards her room. She instantly stopped when she noticed the door was slightly open. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stick up. Korra quietly placed her glider against the wall before tiptoeing over to the door, careful not to step on a piece of floor board three inches away from the entrance. It squeaked very loudly.

She leaned over and peered into the sliver of space between the door and the doorframe. The room was dark but she could see someone's upper body backlit from the light pouring into the room from the window. Korra silently cursed herself for not remembering to lock her window, after the many times Tenzin suggested the idea to her. And by suggest, it was more like ordered.

Korra held her right hand open. The cap to her water bottle popped off and flew into the air. She quickly caught it in her left hand slipped it into her pocket while bending the water into the bottle. It stretched out and she formed the tip into an icy point. Korra slowly slipped into the room. With her left hand she conjured up a fireball in her palm. She raised her right arm high and moved into a low stance, water swirling up above her head…and then in bewilderment, dropped her arm. The water splashed to the ground and washed over her feet.

There, sitting on the corner of her bed, was Kuvira.

The two stared at each other, neither making a move. Korra scanned her face, taking note of her black eye and a cut near her right temple. She then noticed Kuvira was holding her right side, the same side that was injured after their standoff when she invaded Republic City. Her hair was a tousled mess and her clothes were ripped in various places. Korra then noticed she was barefoot.

After a few more seconds, Kuvira broke the silence.

"Avatar Korra."