Authoress Notes: This is a sequel to Ticket to Berlin it has been in the works for no joke three years. I am terrified about putting this story out there. If you have not read Ticket to Berlin you will be a bit confused. I know I've gone forever. I got married. There were things, not kid things, but things. I'm halfway through the next part. I will update as soon as I can. I'm so incredibly sorry that it's taken so long.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Fast and Furious" or any of the characters within. I make no money off this so please do not sue me. This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

I Left My Heart in Rio: Part Four

November 13, Azores Island: 11:00pm

"Hate funerals." Dominic Toretto sighed as his brother-in-law fished for his keys.

"Yeah that and the 35 hours in the air each way." Brian O'Conner paused before unlocking the door. "What do you want to tell the girls?"

"The truth." Dom shrugged looking out at the ocean view that his sister got to enjoy on a daily basis. "Funerals are miserable and I'm glad we opted to not take two sick kids on a plane for that long."

"You talk to Hector?"

"Yeah, glad he was willing to help out and pick up Han to take him to the rest of his family. He's a good guy."

They stood on the porch in the quiet before Brian dared to mention what had been weighing on his mind. "It was weird that she wasn't there, ya know? I kinda figured she'd show up, even after everything." Brian shouldered his carry-on bag and questioned, "Did you ever get ahold of her?"

"No." Dom's answer was clipped, "I left a message, but I haven't heard from her since that weekend you guys rescued Letty."

"I don't think Han ever really got over her vanishing like that." Brian stood next to Dom. "Maybe that's why she stayed away."

Dom made a noncommittal sound and let his eyes wander to the light source away from the house. "Don't matter now either way. Can't apologize to the dead."

Brian winced knowing how personally Dom took Gisele's abrupt departure from their family. "It's just the garage light. I'll get it; go get some sleep, man. I'll see ya in the morning."


Dom nodded and let himself inside the already quiet house. He glanced at the clock on the wall as he passed it: 11, no wonder it was quiet. The door to Viola's room was ajar slightly and he looked in on his niece, expecting to see AJ in a sleeping bag on the floor, but his son's bedding was empty. He continued his way down the hall to the guest room and opened the door. He set his bag down next to Letty's and paced over to the bed she was sleeping on, with their son nestled in with her. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled when she opened her eyes.

"Feels like your fever broke." He observed.

She nodded sleepily. "Earlier today. AJ's broke last night, but he's still kinda out of it." She kissed AJ's temple, rolling her eyes at her son's angry growl in his sleep. "Can you pick him up? My arm's asleep and I need a shower."

He picked up their son and allowed Letty stretch out and climb out of bed. "You want him in bed with us?"

"No, he was trying to wait up for you. Go ahead and put him in Vi's room." She patted his shoulder. "Come take a shower with me. You could use it."


Brian opened the door to the garage and to his surprise he found his wife. "Mia?"

She turned around to face him, tears streaking down her face. She rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"Brian, I'm so tired of burying people." She murmured

He pulled her down to sit with him on the workbench seat. "I know, baby. I really do. I think it was just an accident, though. I didn't see any evidence otherwise at the crash site or in the reports." He continued to run his hands up and down her arms, "Why are you out in the garage this late?"

She sniffed, "I didn't want to wake the kids up. I kept breaking down and they were already sleep, so…"

Brian nodded and kissed her temple, "Is Vi feeling any better?"

"Yeah, her fever broke today. It was just the flu." She nestled herself closer to her husband enjoying his warmth, "She kept some food down finally."

"That's good. I felt awful leaving you with a bunch of sickos." He patted her thigh, "I'm surprised you didn't get sick."

She shrugged, "I got a good immune system. I think Letty had the worst of it. She hasn't kept anything down for three day, but…"

"But?" Brian prodded. Dom had been worried about Letty's reaction to being left behind.

"I think she could have eaten yesterday, but she was really upset about Han." Mia folded her arms over her chest. "Did you guys see Gisele?"

"No, and I think it was for the best. Dom's still pretty pissed at her for up leaving with no explanation." Brian tucked a strand of Mia's hair behind her ear and absent-mindedly ran his hand down her arm.

"She's struggling." She remarked softly as she captured his hand with hers.


"No Letty." Mia shook her head. "This isn't the life she wanted. I mean she loves Dom and AJ, but she never wanted kids." She released his hand and twisted her wedding ring, "She thinks being a mom makes her weak. She's trying to hide her frustration and I know she hasn't talked to Dom about any of it. She feels trapped. I'm worried about them."

"Are they having problems?"

"No, I don't think Dom has any idea where her head's at. I talked to her about school for AJ and she bit my head off." She sighed, "I just don't want to lose her again."

"We won't." Brian kissed her temple. "You will keep helping her and they'll get through it together."

Mia nodded and let herself be still in Brian's arms. She could hear the ocean through the open window and her son snoring through the baby monitor. She was trying to focus on the good that was here and now, but her heart hurt. She wished she could have gone to pay her last respects to her friend. "Dom said that Hector was going to help get Han to his family plot?"

"Yeah," Brian affirmed. "The plane isn't leaving until noon tomorrow. Dom and I figured that you and Letty could say goodbye at the airport."

Fresh tears sprung into her eyes, "Thank you." She hugged him tighter.

"We should probably go back inside."

"Not yet." She shook her head. "Can we just be here for a little longer? I just want to be here with you."

"No problem." He slipped his hand under her shirt and rubbed her stomach, grounding himself by physically connecting with her.

"I'll have to add another flower." Mia lifted her right leg and examined her tattoo. The ivy and flower pattern started on her foot with two intertwined lilies for her parents and moved up her ankle with different colored lilies for Jesse and Vince. "You think he'd object to orange? Like a tiger lily?"

Brian knew that the color of the flower was just as important as the flower itself on her memorial tattoo. White trumpet lilies for her parents and pure love that Mia remembered from both of them. Asiatic lilies for Jesse and Vince: Jesse's was an unnaturally brilliant purple (because Jesse was unnaturally brilliant) and Vince's was pale pink.

When Brian asked about why pink for Vince and Mia recounted the memory of her first dance. Her father had already passed away and with Dom in jail it left Vince to play big brother and Letty to play mom. Dances were not a big deal to Letty, so when the last dance of the school year rolled around and neither of the girls had been asked to go Letty laughed it off and was grateful to 'not have to wear some hideous thing to get groped in'. But Mia had wanted to go to the silly dance, even if it was just with her school friends. Vince must have heard her crying and decided to do something about it. What he did to get the money, Mia never had asked, but two days before the dance, Vince came home with two tickets to the dance and two dresses. He shoved the black dress at Letty with the tickets and gave Mia a pale pink dress with a hopeful smile. 'Pink's good for you right?' Mia squealed happily and hugged him tightly. She tried the dress on immediately, twirling around the living room and laughing out loud for the first time in months. Letty was less impressed, with the dress-wearing and dancing, but accompanied her little sister to keep her out of trouble. Pale pink was Vince's color; because that was moment he stopped being just another one of Dom's friends and became her big brother.

"Orange would be good." He confirmed, thinking Han would've appreciated the strong color. "My tattooed girl."

She grabbed his wrist and traced the bright blue hibiscus flower with their daughter's name framing it. "I think; you don't have any room to criticize."

He looked down at her, "Criticize? Naw, I think it's sexy. I'm with a dangerous criminal, it's exciting." He waggled his eyebrows at her and she let out a laugh, which she instantly covered her mouth to muffle. He goaded her further, "I was innocent young cop that got seduced when he went undercover."

"Seduced? Does Dom know how you feel?" Mia yelped and tried to jump away from Brian, but he pinned her against the wall of the garage.

"I told you, he's a bonus. You drew me in, you." He captured her in a slow kiss, his hands tangling in her hair. When he broke away he leaned his forehead against hers. "I love you, Mia."

"I love you too." She pulled him down for another kiss and gasped as his hands slipped under her shirt.

"This okay?" He questioned breathlessly as he nuzzled against her neck.

"Mhmm." She was lost in the sensation, enjoying the moment of being a woman with her husband. The pair might have continued, but the baby monitor spiked out their son's angry cry.

Brian smirked, "I don't suppose that's an 'I want attention' cry?"

"Nope." Mia shook her head and disentangled herself from him, but held out her hand to him. "That is absolutely hungry."

The couple made their way back into the house, when their son's cries abruptly stopped.

Mia quick stepped into the room, trying to swallow down her panic. Brian was hot on her heels, but what they saw made both of them smile. Viola was sitting in the crib with her brother rubbing his chest.

"Shhh, Benji, no cry. Shh, Sis is here." Viola was intent on her mission of calming her brother, until she saw Brian. "Daddy!" She squealed out offer her hands up to him.

"Shh, Bug, you're gonna wake up everybody in the house." Brian scooped up his little girl, while Mia picked up Benjamin. "You got him?"

"Yeah." Mia leaned forward and kissed her daughter's, "Goodnight, Vi. Thank you for helping with Benji."

"Come on, Bug. It's way past your bedtime." Brian carried her out of the nursey. "Benji wake you up?"

"Uh-huh." She hugged his neck tightly, "I missed you. I need airs."

Brian made his way outside unto the back deck and settled into one of the chairs with Viola on his lap. "This better, Bug?"

"Yeah." The three-year-old drew in several deep breaths of sea air, before demanding. "Need our picture."

He smiled and handed his phone to his daughter, who opened the camera app and took several selfies of them, before turning the camera on him. "Any of those any good?" He questions as she started looking through the pictures.

Viola bit her lower lip, concentrating harder than any three and a half year ever should, before selecting one of them smiling together. "This one."

"That is a good one. We'll send it to Uncle Rome tomorrow."

"I asked Santa for a camera. Mommy helped me write a letter." She informed him, flicking through the cameras options and taking random pictures of the beach below.

"Did she? That was nice." Brian kissed the top of her head, "We need to get you to bed, Bug."

"Okay." She sighed, "Can AJ sleep in Benji's room? AJ's messy, he doesn't put toys away."

Brian held back his chuckle at his daughter's compulsive cleaning nature. "We'll figure something out tomorrow, alright?"


Letty loved showers and it didn't matter how long they were, in those five to thirty minutes, she could be herself. She wasn't anyone's mom or wife, she was just Letty. She loved her son and Dom, but she missed being just her, sometimes. She told Dom that when she was in the shower she wanted to be left alone, no exceptions. Unless the building they were in was going to collapse whatever it was could wait until she was done. If she hadn't invited him to join her, he would have waiting on the bed for her to get out. Being together full time took some getting used to, because even when they were together they were constantly going off to do their own thing. Now they were focused on traveling the world with AJ and it was a complete different experience then traveling on their own and intersecting. She loved it and hated it at the time. She wondered if she was allowed to take a vacation by herself just to feel like she was her own person again. Then again, she didn't think she'd ever want to be away from her son that long. She heard footsteps outside the door as she worked shampoo into her hair.

She turned the heat down slightly, didn't want him complaining about the 'flesh-melting' water temperature. She was massaging the shampoo out of her hair when the door opened and breeze fluttered the curtain. She turned her back to the spray and listened to her husband drop his clothes to the floor. He invaded her spaced instantly, wrapping his arms around her wet body and kissing her.

"Missed you." He growled against her lips. "Hate flying. Hate being away from you and AJ." He tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss. His hands weren't in her hair for long before they stated to wander down her body massaging her back.

"I know." She confirmed when he let her catch her breath. "I was worried about you. Find out anything?"

He shook his head and leaned his forward against her shoulder. "Feels like we're being hunted."

"Oh no, papa." She ran her nails over his scalp. "Dom. Dom, look at me."

He raised his head and looked her in the eye.

"We are not being hunted. It's just shitty luck. No one is after us." She paused and smirked despite everything, "Well expected for LAPD, the FBI, Interpool, the police in the DR, France, Germany, and Rio…"

"I'm not wanted in France or Germany." His eyebrow arched.

"I am, and I'm not wanted in Rio, I thought I'd save time and combine our wanted posters." She reached for her conditioner and didn't protest when he took the bottle from her.

He started working it through her hair, "I'm not wanted in Rio either."

"How's that possible? You and Brian played demolition derby with a bank vault and the entire city. Saw it on YouTube."

"Elena." He removed his hands from her at the mention of the other woman.

Letty rolled her eyes at his reaction, and hooked her leg around his and pulled him tight against her. "You fucked her when you thought I was dead. We've been over it and I'm over it. I'm not threatened by some blonde cop. I even woulda played nice when I met her, if she hadn't disappeared."

Dom backed her up against the shower wall and she hissed at the cold tiles. "Somehow, I doubt that."

"Well we'll never really know." She slid her hands down his abs and smiled at his reaction. "You should show me how much you missed me."