Here we go, my friends…the end of this story.

Chapter 26

Clip clop. Clip clop. Clipt clop. Clip clop.

The sound of horseshoes on rock-hard packed dirt provided a monotonous soundtrack as Isabella and Edward rode in a fine chariot from their home to Volterra.

Sounds like the chestnut has a loose nail, Isabella thought, noting the different sound as the four horses pulled their carriage toward Volterra.

Edward nodded in agreement. He would have the coachman check it when they stopped to water the team. Rosalie would burn him alive if he allowed one of her beloved animals to be mistreated in any way, even if it proved to be unintentional. Not that he could blame her, though. The four matched beasts provided a smooth ride and did not fear their vampire passengers.

He gazed lovingly over at his bride, still not believing she had looked beyond his beastly behavior and agreed to marry him.

After being dismissed by Rosalie as she dispatched Sheriff Newton, Edward had run to town only to discover a large crowd surrounding the jail. Fearing the worse, he pressed forward to learn the opposite was true.

Once word had spread of Charles' imprisonment, the townspeople realized enough was enough. Sheriff Newton needed to be removed from his position and a new sheriff appointed. Charles Swan was at the top of the list of eligible candidates, and the mayor's fervent pleas were seconded by those surrounding with loud huzzahs.

Charles finally agreed, with several conditions including that no harm come to the ex-sheriff. His goal was to imprison the man for the rest of his natural life. Thinking about why he was locked away, far removed from his previous, luxurious life would be punishment enough. In the end, it mattered not, for Michael Newton was never seen of again. It was as if he had disappeared in a puff of smoke.

After the hubbub and the crowd subsided, Edward watched as Isabella fussed and fretted over her father, ensuring herself no permanent harm had befallen him.

"I am fine, daughter."

"And I will believe that when I have proof."


"Don't you Isabella me."

As she checked him over, patting his arms, checking his wrists for marks, she clucked and muttered under her breath.


Charles palmed her jaw, lifting her face to look at him. He studied her features, staring particularly long at a pair of ruby-red eyes.

"Do you love him?" he murmured for her ears only (or so he thought).

He knew. At least he knew part of the story.

"With all of my heart."

"Then it is good enough for me."

Charles placed a loving kiss on her forehead before standing and brushing himself off. He looked beyond her to where Edward stood waiting patiently.

"You will protect her? Provide for her? Cherish her?"

"With all that I am," Edward vowed, meeting Charles' level stare with one of his own.

Charles studied the vampire for a moment before nodding.

"You have my blessing if you wish for it."

"Aye, we do," Edward said, moving forward to take Isabella's hand in his.

Charles nodded again before Isabella threw her arms around him, earning an oof! before the hug was returned.

"Father Carlisle will perform the ceremony whenever you desire, love," Edward murmured. "If you wish to wait, I am certain Esme and Alice and Rosalie can …"

"Tonight! Now! I mean…" Had she still been human, Edward was certain her cheeks would have burned red, but now, as a vampire. they barely flushed.

He completely understood. She had opened his eyes to the pleasures of simple things, of appreciation of the minutiae that might be overlooked but ever so wondrous.

It had been a simple ceremony with heartfelt words of love and adoration. And his mother's simple gold band fit perfectly on her left hand.

"What are you thinking about?"

Isabella looked over at her husband expectantly.

Edward smiled and raised her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss.

"How radiant you were at our wedding."

"You flatter me, sir."

"I speak the truth."

He turned to watch the familiar hills of the Italian countryside outside Volterra pass.

"We could have run," Edward murmured.

"And missed this journey? Not for a thousand stars in the sky. I am seeing so much and enjoying it immensely!"

Isabella beamed as she shuffled in her seat to maximize her view out the carriage window. It was all so new to her, and she absorbed every detail greedily. As Volterra came into sight, her jaw dropped as magnificent buildings rose from the lush green hills.

It was more splendid than anything she had ever imagined.

"You left this for…"

She could not imagine. Then she remembered just how grumpy he was the first time they met.

"I was not grumpy," Edward groused.

Isabella turned to gaze upon his pouting face, smiling knowingly. She lightly traced one finger over his lower lip, willing it to go back. Edward lightly nipped at the tip, earning a carefree laugh.

"Perhaps a little," he finally conceded.

"It is so beautiful," she marveled. The stonework in one tower alone was more amazing than anything she had ever seen.

"I can escort you around, if you would like."

"Very much so. Thank you!" Isabella's smile caused her entire face to brighten, and her thoughts were of nothing other than how happy a tour would make her.

Edward still could not believe that that something as simple as a promised walk around Volterra could bring one such joy, but her thoughts and countenance said just that.

Bliss. Pure and simple, simple bliss.

Then he remembered another part of Volterra, the one The Guard hid from public view.

"Not all of it is beautiful."

She paused, taking in just what he meant, before nodding. She knew. Not every vampire held to the golden-eyed diet. And, just like in her hometown, not every person had plenty to eat, a warm place to sleep, and adequate clothes to wear.

A sudden clambering outside the carriage brought her attention around, and the horses swerved, and the coachman yelled at what appeared to be both man and beast. A sickening thud caused Isabella's chest to tighten, and before Edward could stop her, she was out of her seat and standing on the street.

An urchin, barely more than five years old, stood beside the carriage wheel, unharmed. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for her wagon that was now smashed to kindling.

Isabella soothed the child, leaning down, whispering soft words as she stroked a tear away from a thin cheek. The child pointed to the debris, lip quivering. Her father had made that wagon for her out of scraps from his woodworking shop. She had painted it a motley array of colors, using up the drips and drops leftover from various consignments.

Ignoring the fact her gown cost more than a year's income to the family of the child, Isabella sat on the ground next to the girl, gathering the pieces of wood in her lap. She asked questions about each stick, earning a shy smile when she mentioned avoiding splinters.

Edward disembarked from the carriage, ignoring the hushed gasp that rippled through the small gathered crowd. As a member of The Guard, he was accustomed to such occurrences. Several recognized him, and quick bows and curtsies were made. Isabella was not used to the stepping-back-head-bowed-do-not-make-eye-contact-can-we-run-away attitude. She looked up at her husband, her thoughts filled with questions.

He squatted down, picking up a wheel and rolling it in his hands.

"You know," he said softly to the child, "I had a wagon just like this when I was younger."

"In pieces?" the girl sniffled.

"Yes. In pieces. I left it out in the yard and Father didn't see it. Crunch!"

The child snuggled into Isabella's side, giggling at the face Edward made.

"Let us see what can be done," he murmured, carefully taking the would-be kindling from Isabella's lap and fitting them back together.

"What's your name, child?" Isabella asked, smoothing an errant curl away from the girl's face.

"Bree, milady."

"Oh, I'm hardly a lady."

"But you have that." Bree pointed to the carriage. "And him. He's a guard. He…"

She fumbled with her words and Isabella gave her a kind smile. She understood.

You have been recognized.

Edward nodded as he carefully pulled out a tiny nail and with the flat of his thumb, pressed it in at a new location, repairing the wagon as he went.

Are they afraid of you?

He shook his head, still working on the toy.

"They are afraid of going to bed hungry, of their children disappearing, of what The Guard stands for. Not of me but of the cloak I wore," Edward murmured, too softly for anyone else to hear.

But no more?

"No more."

Edward rolled the finished wagon, a little wobblier than it was before the carriage clipped it, but in one piece.

"Give that a go, Bree."

The child took her toy in hand and spun the wheels with a gleeful smile.

Edward stood and brushed himself off before holding one hand out to his beloved. Isabella took it and stood, shaking the dirt and dust off of her skirts.

"I do believe a fine wagon needs something, though," Edward said, rummaging in his vest pocket. He pulled out two coins and dropped them into the bed.

Bree's eyes widened as she saw the gold pieces roll around.

"You take those to your parents, yes?"

She mutely nodded before beginning to dash home. Bree stopped a few paces away before running back. She threw her arms around Edward's legs and gave him a quick hug and then disappeared into the stunned crowd.

"I believe we have been delayed long enough," Edward murmured, a strange hitch in his voice. He offered his arm to Isabella, who took it.

Soon, they were back in their carriage on their way to Volterra castle.

"That was very nice," Isabella finally said, watching her husband carefully.

"It was just two coins."

"Two coins worth more than half a year's wages."

He shrugged.

Isabella leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you."

Edward was not certain what he was being thanked for, but through her thoughts, he saw how deeply Isabella appreciated the kindness he had shown.

And don't think I do not know what you did for Sheriff Newton's sons.

Edward shook his head. He had hoped she would approve, and her mind told her she did. Each of the boys had been placed in loving homes, all several days' journeys from their birthplace and all with barren couples, and a sizeable contribution to their living expenses had been provided from Edward's own pocket. Alice assured them all each matching was perfect and promised to watch over their futures.

The rest of the trip toward the castle was in silence, Isabella enjoying the views and Edward reveling in her unfettered thoughts about it all.

The carriage finally arrived at its destination. Isabella gasped at the line of cardinal-red cloaked vampires lining the front of the castle.

"A bit much?" Edward said with a smirk, enjoying her inner commentary.

"A bit." Isabella gathered up her belongings and tried to brush off another dirt stain from sitting on the side of the road. Now she was self-conscious of her appearance, worrying how others might take her rumpled garb.

"Isabella, put aside your concerns. We have been traveling for several days. Those that find fault in a well-earned spot of dirt are of little consequence."

Who are you and what did you do with the Edward I first met?

He laughed, earning more than one questioning thought from those assembled outside the carriage. No one on The Guard had ever heard Edward Anthony Masen Cullen laugh.


"That beast is long gone. Tamed by a fair beauty." Edward took her hand and placed a kiss on her inner wrist.

Isabella attempted to hold back the snort-laugh but it proved too powerful for her, and she shook her head as she took his hand as Edward assisted her out of the carriage.

"Head high, darling," he whispered next to her ear. "You are the shiny new toy they are here to admire."

She shuddered at the thought but plastered a smile on her face as Edward took her arm and guided her into the castle and toward his chambers. There would be little time between their arrival and the ball that was being thrown in honor of the wayward son's return.

"I am requested to report to Aro immediately," Edward said once they were ensconced in his quarters.

Isabella's eyes widened at the pure opulence of her surroundings. His rooms were larger than her former home. Rich brocades, fine paintings, exquisite art pieces engulfed her senses.

"It's only stuff, Isabella. Baubles gathered by a bored man. I can have it all sold or given away if it makes you uncomfortable."

He took her hands and willed her to look at him and to see the sincerity in his eyes. She studied him for a moment and then nodded.

"It all means something to you," Isabella finally murmured. "Each piece, it has a memory."

"Some not very good," he said in agreement.

"But memories nonetheless."


"Then we will find a way to keep the good ones."

Edward's face shone with a smile of delight, and he quickly kissed her before heading out.

"I won't be long."

"I will see if my gown needs attention."

After Edward's departure, Isabella opened a huge wardrobe trunk. She was still not used to her strength and made every effort to be careful.

No sooner had she unlatched the locks and opened it when a flurry of pale yellow burst through the door.


The frothy wisp bounced from one corner of the room to another room, calling his name in a wince-worthy tone.

"May I be of assistance?" Isabella asked, straightening to her full height.

The flurry stopped, surprised to find someone other than Edward in his chambers.

"Where did your master go?"

Isabella flinched at the sound. Surely the woman knew her voice was shrill.

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"Edward. Where is he? I am certain he knew I would be waiting for his return. We need to coordinate for this evening. It would be a shame for our outfits not to complement each other's."

The woman made a great show of looking over Isabella's dress from head to toe, a sneer tugging at her features.

"Each other's?"

"Are you daft? Simple? Addled? I am speaking plainly enough for you, am I not?"

The woman huffed around the room, shaking her head in dismay.

"And you are?" Isabella asked, dearly wishing her husband would return quickly and save her from this beastly woman.

"Tanya. Surely Edward has spoken of me."

This explained everything.

"Oh, he has spoken of you."

Isabella pulled out her ball gown, a lovely, yet simple, amethyst watered silk number.

Tanya scoffed.

"He knows I do not wear purple." She patted at her strawberry blonde locks. "The color clashes horribly with my perfection."

Isabella fought back the urge to tell her that she should not wear yellow, either, but thought better of it. Instead, she gently lay the dress on the bed and turned back to face Tanya.

"That dress is not for you."

"Well, it certainly isn't for Edward."

Isabella chuckled at the notion of her husband wearing a dress as she returned to the wardrobe and unpacked further. The nonchalance of her actions irritated Tanya until she could take no more.

"I am certain Edward would not appreciate you going through the gifts he brought me."

"Gifts? For you? Oh, you are sadly mistaken there, Tanya."

Before the words were completely out of her mouth, Tanya moved to stand immediately in front of Isabella. She smiled sweetly up at the woman from Edward's past.

"Take a look for yourself."

Isabella motioned toward an engraved plate on top of the wardrobe. With a suspicious glare, Tanya peered over.

"I. M. S. C.? What the devil does that mean?"

"Isabella Marie Swan Cullen," Isabella said slowly as if speaking to a small child. Then she pointed to herself. "That would be me."

"A cousin?"

"Not hardly."


Tanya's refusal to see the obvious was beginning to wear on Isabella's patience.


Tanya stood mutely for a moment before she burst into laughter.

"Wife," she scoffed. "That is a good joke. You almost had me." She waved a finger in mock accusation.

"It is not a joke."

Isabella turned back to her wardrobe and began rummaging through the jewelry case, taking special care to calm herself.

Tanya grabbed her arm and yanked her away.

"Listen, little girl. I don't know who you are or where you are from or how you even got into this room, but there is no way in Hell that you are married…"

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm."

Isabella's voice was low and threatening as she pulled herself away from Tanya's grasp. Her eyes immediately darkened from red-gold to red-black as she scowled at the rude woman before her.

"You may have been Edward's past, but I am his present and future, so I would recommend you leave. Now."

Tanya blinked disbelievingly at this slip of a girl with newborn red eyes ordering her around. Did the twit honestly not know of her influence within the Volturi ranks?

"Little girl…"

Now it was Isabella's turn to get into Tanya's face.


She shook her head, remembering what Alice and Rosalie had warned her about before they had parted ways.

She feeds on attention. It is almost as necessary as blood. Take that away from her and she will shrivel like worms in the sun.

"Now go about your business and leave my husband alone."

"Or what?" Tanya was not used to people getting between her and her desires.

"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Tanya jeered at the threat before straightening her gown.

"All right, dearie. We shall see tonight at the ball whom Edward decides to take back to his chambers."

She headed for the door, head held regally high. Tanya paused for a moment, her back still toward Isabella, and motioned at a repair in the wall.

"Do you see that?"

Silly question. Of course, Isabella could see it, but Tanya knew that.

"That is where Edward took me against the wall right before he was banished. Good memories."

And then she was gone.

Isabella unnecessarily released a breath, sitting on the edge of the bed. Whether what Tanya had said was true or not did not matter to her, but the fact remained that now Isabella would wonder at every little fault and defect in the wall, the floor, even the windowsill, if it had been caused by a tryst between her husband and the succubus.

She needed a plan. Not one to ensure Edward would stay with her. She had no doubt in her mind of his fidelity. A course of action needed to remind Tanya that the mate bond between them was permanent and infallible.

And that Edward was hers.

Then inspiration struck and humming a tune she quickly realized was the one Edward had played on the pump organ at Father Carlisle's church, Isabella began preparing for the ball.


Dozens of vampires in their sumptuous finery flitted and flirted around the grand ballroom. Aro and Caius, seated on deep burgundy velvet thrones atop a dais, lorded over the festivities, nodding in approval when various guests bowed or curtsied before them. A low buzz, discussion of the latest gossip, hummed in the air.

Edward had returned with a bride in tow.

Only one person among the throng did not share the excitement of the others assembled, and she, in a luxurious gold frock, tight in the right places and just a hint too low to be respectable in others, gazed upon the masses with barely veiled contempt.

How dare they think Edward had set her aside. And from all the accounts that swirled around, they believed that mouse of a girl she had found in Edward's chambers was his new lover.

Inconceivable. Well, she would set them all straight and leave no doubt who was the object of Edward's affections.

Just before the hour struck, the majordomo pounded upon the floor with his staff to announce the arrival of the guests of honor. All eyes focused toward the door where the couple stood. Edward clad in a fine, black velvet suit with a deep cardinal undervest while Isabella was draped in heavy, amethyst watered silk.

The corner of Edward's lip twitched as he attempted to hold back the prideful grin that threatened to emerge.


"Half admiration, half jealousy, my love," he replied to Isabella's query.

Then Edward's posture stiffened ever so slightly as he heard the thoughts of his former lover.


He nodded.

Leave her to me. Let us go make our introductions.

Isabella gently tugged on her husband's arm, pulling him back to where he was. Edward guided her toward the dais, wondering just what his wife had in store.

A string quartet played softly from one corner of the room as Isabella and Edward wove their way through the gathered masses on their way to Caius and Aro. Edward's heels clicked together as he presented his most formal bow and Isabella curtsied sweetly at his side.

"Edward!" Aro's high-pitched voice shrilled through the air as he presented a hand.

Edward had informed Isabella of Aro's talent of reading thoughts; every memory one might have would be open to the leader by a mere touch of the hand.

"It has come to our ears that you have been quite active since you left us."

Sent away came the frequent thought by those in attendance.

Edward nodded in agreement, his face blank of any emotion other than adoration for his wife.

"Come, dear boy, tell me what you have been doing," Aro continued, waving his hand once again.

Having no shame or desire to hide what had happened since he left Volterra, Edward stepped forward and took Aro's hand. For several moments, ooh and I see and ahh were all one could hear in the grand ballroom, leaving those assembled to titter and speculate just what the former member of The Guard had done while away.

"So you wish to leave us," Aro finally said, dropping Edward's hand.

A shocked rumble rippled through those assembled as they gasped and murmured among themselves at the announcement.

"If it so pleases…"

"You know it does not please me at all."

Aro's eyes narrowed as he looked upon the younger vampire. He then scanned the audience until something caught his eye. A small smile tugged at his lips before he motioned for Isabella to step forward.

Edward took her arm, holding her back, not trusting the ancient vampire.

"It will be well, Edward," Isabella murmured sweetly before placing a light kiss on his cheek.

She gathered up her skirts and stepped up on the dais.

A muffled cry of frustration arose from one corner of the crowd, and those around backed away from the culprit, one very agitated Tanya.

"Well, my dear, you are quite something," Aro said breathily.

"I am merely a small mouse among the cats, sir."

"Oh, you may be small and meek, but there is a fire in you, is there not?"

"If you say so, sir," Isabella acquiesced.

Aro studied her a moment longer.

"So, you've been coached on what to say to me."

"It was thought to be a wise thing to do."

"Fair enough."

Aro gazed over to where Tanya stood, her face screwed up in distress. He motioned for Isabella to come closer for he wanted to whisper something in her ear. When she did so, the crowd gasped at his question.

"What have you done to her?"

"I cut off her gift," Isabella said simply.

A low rumble of shocked amazement rippled through those gathered. All assembled knew of Tanya's ability to enchant any man or woman she so desired.

"You…cut off her gift?"

"She was trying to seduce my husband, sir. I could not allow that."

"And you doubt your husband's love so much…"

"Oh, no sir!" Isabella interrupted, immediately apologetic for doing so. "But she was going to try to make him jealous by throwing her wiles toward another, and we all know how well that turned out last time Edward was jealous."

"Toward another, you say?" Aro placed his elbows on the arms of his chair and templed his fingers in front of his lips, his eyes narrowing as they gazed at Tanya, who was now surrounded by Volturi guards. "And who was she aiming for?"

"You, sir."

"I see. And how did you know this?"

"I could feel her gift brush past me, sir. Master Eleazar said he thought that I was a shield. That I have a ball encircling me. I could feel something poke into the ball and guessed what it was."

Aro's eyes narrowed even more as he glared at Tanya, who did not even have the decency to look abashed at her plans. He motioned for her to be brought forward and held out one hand expectantly. Tanya's entire demeanor shifted immediately for she had no desire to have her memories read by him. Before she could turn and run, three members of the guard held her in place while another forced her arm out and Aro took her hand in his.

The look on her face was one of sheer terror as every memory she ever had was played out for Aro including the motivation behind her attempted seduction.

"We will deal with you later," Aro hissed, dismissing Tanya, who began to howl and plead for mercy to no avail.

Once the succubus was dragged from the ballroom, Aro turned back toward a horrified Isabella and a stoic Edward.

"Fear not, my child. Tanya's behavior has been accepted by the court for a long, long time. She just needs a little correction before she rejoins us. Much like your husband needed," Aro said in a remarkably soothing voice. "And that turned out rather well, I must say."

"I think so, sir," Isabella replied with a smile, stealing a quick look at her husband who seemed to be in a state of shock.

"So, enjoy your evening, and you will forgive us if we do not see you off in the morning."

Aro waved his hand dismissively, and Edward took Isabella's arm and guided her off the dais.

Dreadfully confused, Isabella looked up at her husband who quickly swept her into his arms and led her in the first steps of a lively waltz.

What just happened?

"Aro and Caius remain in control by carefully balancing the ingredients in this powder keg," Edward murmured, enjoying the feel of his wife in his arms.


"And you are new and unpredictable. They would rather observe you from a distance before insisting you stay in Volterra where you might cause more harm than good. You could even potentially lure others to your way of thinking and be the end of them."

"So we can go home?"

It was almost too good to believe, and her voice reflected her disbelief.

"We can go and do anything you please."

The amazement on her face was pure and overwhelming.

"I think, what I would like tonight is to show Tanya who you take home after the ball, though perhaps another set of rooms?"

Isabella shuddered at the notion of staying one minute longer in a place where she wondered if a crack or dent in the wall was caused by natural wear and tear or amorous activities.

Edward laughed as he spun and twirled his bride around the dance floor before he once again heard his beast speak, words he did not mind at all.



So, there we are, my friends. I hope you enjoyed the final chapter of She Tames The Beast Within.

I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude to Fran for volunteering to beta this work, for being a constant cheerleader, and enthusiastic promoter. Thank you.

To you, the reader, you have no idea how much your reviews and patience have meant to me. I'm hoping to go back and respond to a lot of the reviews, but I will probably miss many of them. Your feedback has meant the world to me. Ten thousand hugs to each and every one of you.

As for future plans, I am not sure where the inspiration will take me. I do not have anything lined up, but two stories ago, I thought I was done and you can see how that turned out. *grin* I may go back and re-read the prompts I did for the Twilight Twenty-Five and see if any of those light a creative fire (feel free to do the same and let me know if there's anything you'd like to see expanded).

Let me know what you thought of the ending!

Until we meet again,
