Okay, hi this is Iloveumbreon123, and first things first, I do not own either blue exorcist or The Devil is a Part Timer. No matter how much I wish I did, I won't and never will. I hope you like sad stories. No? Then read no further.

It's been ten years since that day. The day everything changed. The day Lucifer, Emilia, and I were all forced back into Ente Isla. All the humans in Ente Isla are dying now, and it's all their fault. Ever since the True Cross order were discovered, all hell's broken loose.

Ten years earlier...

"Sadao, what's wrong?" Chiho asked, a concerned look coming over her face. I had been brooding over something all day, and it was clearly showing.

"Nothing, don't worry," I answered, trying to mask my worry from my girlfriend by plastering a fake smile on my face. The two of us had been together for over two years, and Chiho had gotten out of school. Neither of us worked at MgRonalds anymore, as we had both moved on to better, higher paying jobs.

To be honest, what was bothering me was a date I was to have with her in a few nights. It was going to be our third year anniversary, and I was planning to ask her to marry me. I knew it was a human custom, so since I really did want to spend the remaining years of her lifespan with her, I was going to do so.

"Sadao, are you sure you're okay?" Chiho asked again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I answered, my mind already drifting back to my previous contemplations. I really hope she says yes.

"Okay," she replied, but her tone suggested she didn't believe me.


Alciel's pov:

I turned my head, glancing back in the direction I came. Something was off. I had the distinct feeling I was being followed, and I didn't like it. Even though King Satan had moved out, I was still stuck with that good for nothing bum of a demon, Lucifer. Said demon was planning on moving out soon, and saying I'm happy is an understatement.

I turned again, catching a glimpse of someone darting behind a building. I was right. I'm being pursued. I sped up, trying to reach a large road, so I could lose him in the crowd. Sadly, there was none, as it seemed most were probably already at their workplace.

I heard a whiz, and jumped aside, some kind of dart flying passed where I had just been standing. That was close. I had no idea what those things could do, but I don't want to find out.

Yet another one flew, but this time I was not so lucky. I attempted to dodge, but it was too fast, and hit me in the side. I glanced down at it, my vision blurring. Something must have been on the tip, and also very strong. Probably a type of poison. But what? I'm a demon, even if in human form. I still had some magic, but that was doing nothing to dispel it. Who were these people? Did they know about us?

The man walked up to me, glaring.

"I, an exorcist from the true cross order, am here to eliminate you. Die, demon!" With that, he pulled out a gun, pointed it, and shot. Pain filled me for a second, then nothing more.

Lucifer's pov:

I stared at the computer screen in shock. I had placed a tracking device on everyone, and the ones on my fellow demons were under their skin, positioned in a way to read heartbeat. I got this on them by slipping a drug in their drinks and injecting it under their skin while they were asleep. This was a safety precaution, in case something happened to one of the others.

Something had just happened, something I had never thought would possibly happened. Alciel was possibly dead. How, I don't know. All I knew was his heart had stopped. I grabbed the phone, typing in Satan's phone number.

Sadao/ Satan's pov:

I was walking to the train station, to catch a train to work. We have enough money for a car, and own one, just taking the train was easier due to traffic. I was late. One more day until the big date. Nerves were eating at my insides, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't bring myself to calm down.

My phone rang, effectively pushing away thoughts of said date. I looked at the screen, to see who was calling. Lucifer. What could he possibly want? Sighing, I took the call.

"Sadao, Satan, whatever you want to be called; something really bad jus happened," I heard from the other end of the line, Lucifer's voice grim.

"What?" I asked, not thinking his and my definition of 'bad' really matched up. Probably something like his gaming device getting broken, or his computer catching a virus.

"It's Alciel. He's probably dead."

"Wait. What?" I stammered, more than a little shocked. Alciel? Dead? "How?"

"I dunno. Get mad at me later, but about a year ago I planted tracking devices on the two of you. Yours is right under the skin on your right arm, and can sense heartbeat. Just now, his stopped. I can still track the device, so it wasn't destroyed, but there is the slight chance someone found it and took it out."

"Where is it!" I yelled into the phone. He had to go check. Alciel had been serving him for a long time, and was the only one of his generals who had originally came with him through the Gate.

"Just a few blocks away. At the next intersection, turn right and just keep heading down that street. He's in an alleyway. I'll tell you when to turn." I took off running. The intersection wasn't that far off, so I turned quickly, continuing towards the possible location of the former demon general.

"There. Turn left there." I turned into the alleyway Lucifer instructed me to, suddenly hesitant. I took a few steps, and I saw it. On the ground in front of me was Alciel, a bullet hole through his head.

Sorry everyone who loves Alciel. I do too, but I need some way to completely enrage satan and introduce the True Cross Order. He is truly dead, no revives, no tricks. I completly apologize for killing him. Please though. Read and review.