Shane had been sitting in his car trying to calm his nerves for close to 20 minutes. If he didn't get in the house now, he just knew the surprise would be ruined so he took one final deep breath and opened his car door.

Shane entered his brand new 6 bedroom house that just last week had finished construction. Once all the drama of Capri's sex pictures died down and everyone knew they were back together Shane wanted to get their relationship back on track, full steam ahead. Shane loved his house, but he always knew it wasn't that "forever home". Even though he shared many great memories with Capri there, he moved in when he was at one of the lowest points of his life. He wanted to share a house with Capri that had no bad memories.

Along with his realtor he quietly searched for the perfect house but nothing was standing out to him, that is when his realtor brought him to an empty plot of land along the ocean and suggested that he build his dream home. Shane had never really thought about that but the more he stared at the 3 acres of land, the more his mind was spinning with ideas on what he could do. Capri happened to be on a 10 day tour in Canada so he waited until she got back and asked her what she thought. The fact that he was asking for her thoughts, meant the world to Capri and she couldn't have picked a nicer spot. Her only request was that in order for it to feel like her home too, she wanted to help pay for it too. Took some convincing but Shane eventually accepting Capri's money to buy the land.

The couple had been spending 8 long months meeting with architects, contractors, landscapers, and interior designers. After months and months of hard work and a pretty penny to make it happen, it was finally move in ready. Shane had been off TV for a while now and Capri had taken the week off from shows and appearances to move in. This was going to be their first official night sleeping there. Capri had some things at her old house in Boston that she wanted to add to the house so she had gone the night before to collect those things. After going back and forth, Capri decided it was best to keep her house in Boston for when they visited with her dad and had shows or other commitments nearby.

Shane entered the house and looked around. He had to admit, Capri and the designer that they hired did a fantastic job. His girlfriend was very involved with the design of their new home; there wasn't a doorknob that this girl didn't pick out. Thanks to the moving company everything was already there for them. He noticed photographs scattered around the house and he took time to look them over; some were of the McMahons, various pictures of them with friends, photos of them on various trips they had been on. On the mantle above the fireplace in a white frame was his most favorite picture from New York. Shane smiled to himself thinking how funny it was that they had only known each other a short 3 days when this photo was taken. They had already looked so in love, and perhaps they already were.

Glancing down at his watch he decided he better get moving if he wanted to have everything ready before people started arriving, mainly his girlfriend.


"Shane! You here?" Capri called out as she walked in the front door. "I have my dad and Jo with me."

Shane was on the back deck off of the kitchen that overlooked the ocean. He quickly shut the door behind him, making sure not to ruin the surprise. "Hey guys." Shane said greeting Albie and Jojo. He shook his girlfriend's father's hand and pulled JoJo in for a quick hug. "What you think?" he asked.

"House is absolutely beautiful, you both did a fantastic job." Albie congratulated. He was beyond proud of his daughter and knew she worked hard to get where she was but a lot of her success wouldn't have been possible without Shane. She had finally found her passion in the world, and for that he would always be forever grateful to Shane.

"You guys gonna show me my room?" JoJo laughed picking up her overnight bag and walking around the house. Capri and Shane looked at one another silently sharing an eyeroll. Leave it to JoJo.

"Babe, I think your parents and sister just pulled up. We really don't have anything to offer them." Capri said a little embarrassed that she didn't even have cheese and crackers in the house yet.

"Don't worry about it, we can order out or something." Shane reassured her. He still found it funny that even after all this time she still tried to impress his family.


After the whole grand tour, everyone gathered in the kitchen. Paul arrived after picking the girls up from school, as well as Chelsea and Dave who came at the request of Shane. Luckily it fit in their schedules and Capri was happy to have everyone she cared about under the same roof, it didn't happen that often.

Vince and Linda brought along several bottles of their most favorite (not to mention expensive) champagne to christen the house. They both were so happy for their son; he finally seemed to have his happiness back. It had been a crazy few years for him. Vince was about to pop open and propose a toast but was interrupted. "Before we get to that, I wanted to do something first." Shane stated. "I need someone to join me outside on the back deck please." He added taking Capri by the hand and leading her to the back door. "Eyes closed." He ordered before opening the door. Capri gave him a questioning look first but did as she was told.

Everyone was stone quiet, confused themselves on what Shane was up to. Everyone that is except for Albie who gave him a quick approving nod. The exchange between the two men was enough to tell everyone else that Capri's dad knew exactly what was about to happen. Shane opened the door and guided Capri out, "No peaking." He said smiling.

"I'm not!" She giggled.

Shane took a deep breathe before telling Capri to open her eyes. The sight she saw once she did nearly took her breath away. There on the freshly painted deck were hundreds and hundreds of red rose petals scattered all over, along with candles lining the banister; add the gorgeous pink and orange sunset in the back it was something straight from a movie. Before Capri could ask what was going on, she gasped in shock once she saw Shane sink to one knee. She wasn't the only one, everyone else had made their way to the doorway and were looking on as well.

Shane cleared his throat one more time before he began speaking, "For sometime I wasn't sure we would ever get to this moment. Since the day I met you, I have had a new love for life. And I know that is all thanks to you. I can't picture one second of my life without you. Capri Marie Calucci….will you marry me?" Once he finished he revealed the ring he had been holding and presented it to his girlfriend who at this point was a sobbing mess.

All the women in the house were in tears as well waiting for Capri's answer. Chelsea and Jo were leaning into one another; the two had become good friends since this WWE journey had started for Capri and they wanted nothing but happiness for their friend. Linda and Stephanie were in tears as well hugging; they were forever grateful to Capri as well because they knew the light he brought to Shane's dark world.

Capri was still trying to compose herself to give the answer everyone was waiting for. She suddenly dropped to her knees to join Shane on the rose petal floor of the deck. Still not speaking, she pulled his face close to hers and began kissing his lips. Shane smiled into her kisses, knowing this was enough of an answer.

However this was not good enough for some people because their kiss was disturbed by the ever-outspoken JoJo, "Oh hell Ri, give the man a goddamn answer already!" Everyone must have been thinking the same thing because the silence was broken by an outburst of laughter from everyone looking on, including the three little girls looking on as well.

Capri gave a quick glance and eyeroll to her best friend before turning back to the man she was so in love with. "Of course I will marry you Shane McMahon. Yes, Yes a thousand times Yes!"

Slipping the ring on her finger, Shane pulled her in for another kiss, neither one leaving the floor and remained kneeling as they shared more kisses.

Stephanie, Linda, JoJo, and Chelsea gave the couple another minute of kissing before all four basically attacked the couple, shoving poor Shane almost off the deck, and bombarding Capri's hand. All four marveled at how gorgeous it was holding it up to the setting sunlight. Capri was so busy kissing her new fiancé that she hadn't even looked at; she just near had a heart attack when she looked at the beauty of it. Shane knew better than to interfere with women and jewelry so he walked over to the rest of the crowd and accepted congratulations from the men. Stephanie's daughters had already joined the women on the deck and were all jumping around just as excited.


It was a long but exciting day for everyone. The McMahons were all heading home and even though Capri tried to convince her dad and friends to crash at the house, it was best to head to a hotel and give Shane and Capri their privacy.

With a freshly opened bottle of wine and a tired dog at their feet, Shane and Capri snuggled on the couch with the fire going. Shane laughed as he watched Capri continue to stare at her hand; she had not stopped all night. "Do you like it?" he whispered in her ear.

"Are you kidding?! Shane its absolutely stunning. You really designed it yourself?" She asked.

"Nothing else seemed right. I always told you I would put the perfect diamond on this finger one day." He said softly as she leaned into him.

"Everything about this day has been perfect." She said starting to tear up again. In addition to continuously staring at her hand, she also had not stopped crying either. "Thank you for never giving up on me. All the amazing blessings I have are because of you. I don't know how I got so lucky."

Shane glanced down at his fiancé and took her mouth in his then looking in her eyes simply said," It's me who's the lucky one."

Capri then got a mischievous smile on her face, "Speaking of lucky, we haven't really christened the new house yet."

Shane returned her smile with his very own that always makes her go weak and jumped up scooping her off the couch running to the stairs, "Way ahead of ya, Mrs. McMahon."

Capri screamed in delight as Shane carried her up the stairs, loving the idea of being Mrs. Shane McMahon.


Well…that's it. My first story is complete. I so love these characters, I've spent so much time building them and am sad to see their story end but I hope you all have enjoyed. And who knows….you may see them again in future stories. Let me know if you will miss them as much as I will.