Better Brother

Chapter 1: Promise

A/N: Here's another story I just had to do after it arrived in my head. This story will be a Leo and Raph brotherly story about how their relationship changes after the Kraang invasion and Leo's ambush. I always like exploring their relationship, so I just HAD to do this. I'm not sure how long it'll be, but it'll mostly be when they're at the farmhouse. I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: TMNT and all related characters belong to Nickelodeon. I only own the plot.

Summary: Raphael stared at his unconscious brother. "If you wake up, I'll be a better brother to you, Leo," he said. "I promise."

Raphael sighed as he kept vigil over his brother. Leo had been out for months now, and it was looking less and less likely that he'd ever wake up. How could this have happened to them? Leo was the strongest Turtle Raph knew, and yet he'd been taken down by Shredder's army in one fell swoop. Granted, Raph was sure Leo hadn't gone down without a fight, but it still sucked to know that the brother you looked up to had been defeated. It was like being promised a treat and then being let down after your dad tells you that you can't have it because you've been bad again.

The water in the tub dripped slowly, and Raph thought it was annoying. They had to keep it like that though so that Leo would stay hydrated.

Raphael stared at his unconscious brother, hoping that he'd open his eyes. "Come on, Leo, wake up," he begged. "Just give me a sign that you're okay. Look, if this is karma's way of punishin' me for bein' a shitty brother, then I get it. I know I haven't been fair to you at times and I've been mean. If you wake up, I'll be a better brother to you, Leo. I promise."

He waited for the words to do the trick, but Leo didn't wake up. With a sigh, Raph focused on something else, until he heard a moan. At first he thought he was dreaming, but then he heard it again and turned to the bathtub. Leo was staring at him, his blue eyes filled with confusion which turned to happiness.

"Leo?" Raph gasped.

"Hey, Raph," Leo replied.

Raph couldn't believe it! Leo was awake! He turned and called the others up to the room and then turned to Leo. "It's gonna be okay, Leo," he promised. "Everything's gonna be okay. We're here."

"I know," Leo whispered.

Raph smiled as the others came up and rejoiced in Leo's return. They brought him downstairs and filled him in on what had gone on since the Kraang invasion. Leo was shocked that he'd been out so long. Raph then declared that he and Leo were going to do some training the next day to get Leo back on his feet. Raph had already made his promise to be a better brother to Leo, and he was going to keep it.


Leo was sitting on the couch watching TV when Raph came in.

"Hey, Leo, you wanna go in the woods for a bit?" he asked. "I figured we could make up for that session that didn't go so well."

"Yeah, I think that would be good," Leo said. "Sorry that I ended up getting sick."

Raph clapped his brother on his shoulder. "Don't sweat it, bro," he said. "You couldn't help it."

Leo gingerly got up and limped after his brother. It was nice to be back and not unconscious. Things had definitely changed, and Leo noticed a big change in Raph. He thought maybe Raph would be angry and surly, but he was surprisingly calm and gentle. He was very attentive to Leo, and though Leo tried his best to let Raph know he could do things on his own, he still appreciated the gesture.

They walked through the woods and marveled at everything that was there. They had never experienced anything like that before since they'd grown up in a city.

"So how are you feelin'?" Raph asked him.

"I'm still sore, but that's going to be present for a while," Leo answered. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," Raph answered.

"Have you been making up for all of the lost sleep?"

"Yeah, I have."

"You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I know, Leo, but I wanted to do it for you. You're my brother, and I meant what I said in the bathroom."

"You mean when you promised you'd be a better brother?" Leo asked him.

Raph looked shocked. "You heard that?"

Leo nodded. "Of course I did. I heard everything you guys said. That's what motivated me to come back."

"Well, I meant it, Leo. I'm gonna do better and not go off on you like I used to."

"I appreciate that, Raph, but you don't have to promise to be a better brother. You're already a good brother to me."

"I know that, but I have been mean to you. I want to make up for all of it, especially all the stuff I said to Spike about you. It wasn't right."

"You were just angry, Raph. I've had angry thoughts about you, too. It's only natural, and once the anger fades, you forget about them and remember how much the one you're angry at means a lot to you."

"Care to share those angry thoughts with me?"

"Nah. I don't want to ruin this brotherly bonding time."

Raph laughed. "Yeah, I can see that. Okay, we're at the stream now. You ready to cross it?"

"I think so," Leo replied.

"Okay, I'll go first and then you can come behind me," said Raph. He started jumping the rocks like a pro.

Leo sighed and made to step on the first one, but then an image materialized of him falling down a snow slope and falling into icy water. The water chilled him, and he remembered coming up, gasping for air and the fear that he'd almost drowned. That fear took hold of him again, and he began backing away from the water.

"Leo, c'mon," Raph urged. "Just jump over the water."

Leo frantically shook his head and kept backing away until he tripped over a root and sat down on his behind.

Raph hurried to Leo's side. "Leo, what's wrong?" he asked gently. "Why can't you cross the stream?"

"I can't," he whimpered. "I just can't."

"Okay, but why?"

"Ambush," Leo whispered.

Suddenly, it clicked into place for Raph. "Oh, bro, I'm so sorry," he soothed. "Okay, we don't have to cross it then. Let's get you back." He helped Leo up and put his arm around his shivering brother.

Leo leaned against his brother and walked with him back to the farmhouse. He was still shaking, and Raph helped him upstairs and into bed where he tucked the covers around him. Then he lay next to Leo and began stroking his shell and soothing him that everything was going to be okay. Leo focused on his brother's soothing voice until he fell asleep.


After Leo was asleep, Raph went back downstairs where everyone was gathered around the television watching Mikey's favorite show.

"Dude, what happened out there?" Mikey asked. "Did you scare Leo to death or somethin'?"

"We were gonna cross the stream, but Leo got scared," Raph answered. "I asked him why he didn't wanna cross, and he said, 'Ambush.'"

"So what does that mean?" Casey asked.

"It means that Leo was remembering something from the attack," Don answered. "He must have had something happen to him that involved water."

"Do you think Shredder tried to drown him like he did Master Splinter?" April asked.

"I don't know," Don replied. "But it obviously still haunts him."

"So what can we do?" Mikey asked. "Should we ask him about it?"

"I don't think we should do anything," Raph said. "Leo will tell us when the time is right. We should just leave him be and just be there for him when he needs us. If we push him, it might hurt him more."

"Raph's right," said Don. "We can't push Leo too hard. We have to let him go at his own pace."

"Yeah, but it still sucks," Mikey lamented.

"I know, Mikey, but there's nothing we can do," Raph told him.

Everyone nodded as they continued to watch TV. Mikey made lunch and Raph took some up to Leo, who was awake and who ate just fine.

"Are you okay, bro?" Raph asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," Leo answered. "Sorry about that little freak out back there. I swear, I'm hopeless, aren't I?"

"No, you're not," Raph insisted. "You just had a scare, that's all."

"But it never should have happened. First I get sick, and now I freak out over water of all things."

Raph put his hand on Leo's shoulder. "Look, Leo, you couldn't help it. I know some things happened to you when you were attacked, so don't worry about it. I probably would have freaked out, too, if I'd been you. And you don't have to say anything about what happened if you don't want to. None of us want to dredge up bad memories for you."

At first, Leo didn't answer, but then he said, "I fell down a slope."

"Leo, don't," Raph said. "Don't torture yourself like this."

"I fell down a slope into some icy water. I almost drowned, and that's why I got scared."

"Oh, I see. Well, I promise I won't have you go into water then. You don't have to cross that stream until you're ready for it, okay? We'll just take regular walks after I train with the others, okay?"

"Okay," Leo said.

"Good. Now let's go down and watch some TV. Everyone's been worried about you."

Leo nodded and followed his brother downstairs. The others greeted him warmly, and he settled down next to Raph.

Raph put his arm around Leo and pulled him close, not wanting to let him go. He smiled as he and the others let the mindless show swirl around them as they watched Crognard and his team fight different enemies. He nudged his brother. "Kind of reminds you of Space Heroes, doesn't it?"

Leo laughed. "Yeah, it does. I wonder what it would be like for Captain Ryan to deal with Crognard?"

Raph shrugged. "I don't know, but I think it would be hilarious. But I think if your captain tried to slap him, I think Crognard would have a thing or two to say with that sword of his."

"I bet he would," Leo agreed.

Then they lapsed into silence and continued watching the episodes. Raph was glad Leo was okay, and he was determined to make sure Leo had good memories instead of the bad ones. He didn't need to dwell on the attack and needed to focus on getting better. That was another promise Raph intended to keep. They would get their leader back and go back to New York stronger than ever.

A/N: And that's the end of the first chapter. I know how the second chapter's going to go, so I may have that up soon, though I'm not sure how soon. Feel free to leave a review and have a shelltastic day.