Author's Note: This has been an idea I've been toying with for quite some time, let me know what you think

Chapter 1:

"Apple! Your royal majesty it is time to get up!" called out a maid's gentle voice as silence greeted her back.

Inside of Apple White's bedchambers was a scene that would of made all the realms, the Charming's, and the Snow's cry of shame.

"Mmmm-we-we should-you should-I cant breath-stop Darling" gasped Apple helplessly between kisses that were not meant to be shared, none the less with such a gorgeous young lady such as Darling Charming.

Giggling, I rested on top of Apple. Inhaling the warm scents of vanilla and apple spice that greeted me as her locks carelessly consumed everything when left without proper management. "You know with all those noises, I wouldnt be surprised if they dont come barging in" I teased in a low soft voice not wanting them to hear me.

Watching as her orbs grew, and as my world was quickly forced to an upside down angle. I mouthed to her "where are you going?" as her petite feet carried her about the small burgundy chamber.

"APPLE, FOR THE SWEET MOTHER OF GRIMM. WAKE UP!..I DON'T APPRECIATE GETTING YOUR WAKE UP CALLS ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE SUCH LATE MUSE-IC PRACTICES THIS MONTH!" contributed from none other Raven Queen as she began to rasp her own knuckles upon the gold door of what was suppose to be Apple's dressing room, but somehow over the past few months had turned into her secluded sleeping chambers.

"LOOK, IF YOU'RE GOING TO REFUSE TO GET UP EVERY MORNING, I'LL HAVE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO HAVE HEADMASTER COME IN AND SPEAK WITH YOU!" Raven's voice warned, knowing darn well she wouldn't call him even if it meant another month of this nonsense.

"APPLE, OPEN THIS DOOR PLEASE!" begged the maid as Raven shook her head "Im so hexcited this school thing is about done with for the year."

When silence continued on for both, Raven groaned and announced she was heading back to her room, to get ready for the day.

"Do you think they're gone?" whispered Apple's soft voice from under the bed draped in various shades of pearl, gold, and ruby.

Kneeling down to see just how she made room for herself amongst all those crown cases and "Glass Slipper Shop" boxes, I shook my head with a giggle before pushing myself to my feet.

Extending my powder white like hands out towards the true "Apple of my eye". I waited as her smooth hands met my well calloused ones before I effortlessly pulled her to her feet.

"I hope so, but if not, don't you think they would be rather puzzled onto why it is me who is in your bedchambers? or were you going for a stun strategic plan where because of their shock, you would be able to make the right defense move that ultimately allow for your vic-"

I was then silenced as a golden etched throw pillow would be tossed at my face.

"It's too early for battle plans." she groaned. "Actually it's to early for anything." she grumbled falling back onto the goose feathered mattress.

"Its never too early my fairest lady...and besides if you cant think of plans on your feet, how do you expect to survive in this world?" I asked flashing her a teasingly smile.

"As future Queen that's quite easy!" Apple declared as her sapphire orbs gazed upon my calming skies of blue that greeted her orbs back. "I shall have a head knight and he shall make all the plans for me. Plus war wont be a game i'll loose with my family's good relations with the Charming family" she answered, as if it was all already set in stone.

Ever since Nursery Rhyme School I had hated arguing the place of a lady with the girl who was the living breathing image of all things regal and lady like, but sometimes I found herself wishing I had opened those blinded sapphire orbs more.

"and HE, he?shall make your plans for you?" was all I could say in response as those orbs of sapphire rolled at me.

Apple then pushed herself into a sitting position. "Yes, he, Darling."

"Why couldn't I be your head knight?" I questioned almost demanding to know why. my smile completely faded.

"Ohh Darling, don't get all pouty on me. You know,I know, all the realms know that Daring-"

I then loudly scoffed as I slipped on my nightgown of robin blue, feeling its unfamiliar shape devour mine.

The only reason I wore it was to see her smile, but her I was once again working to make her happy to have her just ignore my happiness.

"If you're counting on Daring to protect you ,I might as well say goodbye to you now...Have you even paid attention to what happens on our collaboration day in "Damsel In Distressing"? the boy cant stop looking at himself long enough to notice anyone else may need him, but does anyone care?"

"And to make matters worst, you're still willing to build a nation around him as if he's worthy!" My words then ended as I looked to the floor defeated.

No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I proved herself, it seemed I was to be forever stuck in the huge shadows of my eldest brother Daring.

"I'm willing to do so because its my legacy, as it is your's to take your Aunt's place, as the next White Queen" Apple answered firmly as she trailed behind me around her room. Fixing the little things like my locks, buttons, and details, I had never possessed an eye for.

"And like I've told you more than pages can count, that's the destiny given from some old dusty book no one in their right mind can follow!" I insisted feeling Apple's arm tense from what I was assuming to be anger, before it melted into a hug.

"And like i'll continue to tell you, that book is the backbone of our society, those who wish to go against it, wish hardship upon us all...and not to mention stories aren't about just one person...they're about many and how they relate to one another..." Apple then caressed my face. "And beyond the boring lecture I always give you, you have to hear me when I say I only repeat these things because its the only way I can defend you."

I cracked a weak smile, brushing Apple's hand with a tender kiss. "Since when did I become the one in need of saving, your majesty?"

"Since whenever you thought just kissing my hand would get me through this morning" Apple teased before planting and brushing her lips loving over Mine.

Her kisses were intoxicating, and though i'm sure deadly to my health, I couldn't stop being addicted to them.

When the campus clock tower chimed, I sighed, knowing I now really had to go. If not I risked both of us being late. Which sure is fine to see us walking late together once in a while, but not as often as what we had been doing.

In so many ways it was like we weren't trying to hide our relationship, but anytime I thought we were stepping out into the light, Apple would always remind me how the shadows were our realm to take delight in.

Leaving me anytime her friends, my brother, sometimes brothers, would show up. Something about how she didnt want her legacy tainted, but I was still determined that I would change my fate, that my legacy did not match what that old dusty book had for me.

I Darling Charming, will be a Knight, and this knight will have her Queen