Haya everyone so here it is the REWITE to 'Was It All Just A Dream' I hope you like this one better :D enjoy.

Declaration- I do not own Naruto or any of the side stories I do not make any money from this, I am just writing a story to entertain people.

Character description:

Nina-Nina Anne is a Ten year old girl who loves doing crazy things. She is a bit of a klutz but is always trying to help people. I wouldn't call her a tomboy but then again I wouldn't call her a girly girl. She loves anime and has the most amazing parents that love her very much. Nina. She has a weird habit of spontaneously starting to sing about how she is feeling, but she gets really embarrassed about singing in front of others so she tries to only do it when she is alone or with people she trusts. Her parents and friends have told her that she has an amazing voice when they catch her, but she just shrugs them off and refuses to go professional with her voice. She is active and likes sports, but is very clumsy, she can be a quiet think but more often than not she is childish and outgoing, but went it comes to standing up for what's right she will jump head first, not worrying about her own life or consequence. Nina is the youngest and shortest of the group. (Ow and Nina has big boobs haha they are only just bigger then Kay's). Nina has long bright red hair with bright bits of blonde though it, it's below the shoulder-blade when it is in a high pony tail, she has a long left side fringe that stops at her collar bone and a small fringe on her right side that stops at her chin. She has light- bright purple eyes but they change to a Gold colour when she is very emotional, she is tanned but not overly so. Nina is an only child and loves her parents a lot.

Kay-has dark brown hair that reaches her lower back when her hair is tied up, she has a front fringe that stops just above her eyes and has two long pieces on both sides of her face framing it. She has bright greeny blue eyes and pale skin, she is a real girly girl that likes her clothes and cares about how people see her, and she is far from shy and will tell you exactly how she feels. Kay is the tallest in our group but is aged between Nina and kithara. Kay is an only child and she loves her parents dearly, and her parents love her just as much, so they spoil her and give her mostlyeverything she wants.

Kithara/ Tara-has olive skin, and very pale blonde hair that almost looks a light blue when the sun hits it, her hair hangs mid back , her eyes are light brown that she hides behind reading glasses, she is shy and a girly girl, she likes guys but find them a bit scary, but when she is around Nina and kay she laugh and scolds up like a mum and if you get her mad, RUN-RUN FOR YOUR LIFE she is really scary, kithara is the middle tallest but she is the oldest, Tara is almost flat chested. Tara unlike her friends has a very large family of 6 brothers and two sisters, her being the eldest girl and fourth eldest, with only her mum to take care of them.

Chapter 1- This Can't be Real.

"Believe it, I'm going to become Hokage one day" I chanting along with the main character of the most awesome anime ever, I have all the seasons of Naruto ever released and as you can imagine I have seen all of the season's more times than I can count. I can't wait for the next one to come out, and find out if Naruto finds the woman with Master Jiraiya.

"Hey Nina, sweetheart can you come and help me pack away all the food that I just bought please." My mum yelled from the kitchen.

"OK I'll be right there." I replied as I pressed pause the movie and raced into the kitchen to help, tomorrow is my tenth birthday so we were getting ready for the party. I don't have many friends but at least I have my parents and two of the most amazing friends ever, my last birthday they gave me five different coloured bracelets, I gave one to each of them so I only have three now.

I'm lucky when I think about it at least I have friends and family to spend my birthday with, Naruto doesn't have anyone in the beginning, it makes me sad because he must be so lonely. And to make it worse the villagers hunt him down and attack him on his birthday, its just sad- to always be alone and hated by everyone when you hadn't done anything wrong, if anything he saved the village- taking the demon and having it seal in him. I shook my head and slowly walked over to the door to the kitchen, I need to stop thinking about these things- every time I do I always get upset and wish I was there to be his and all of they're friend.

I started packing away all the biscuits into the lower cupboard when I screamed. My mum turned to see all the food she had just bought scattered all over the floor-while I'm up on a chair screaming and throwing things onto the ground, then she saw what had made me jump. A mouse raced across the kitchen towards me, it stopped to stare at me for a second and then raced around the chair I'm on and back into its home. Of Course mum started laughing, for some unknown reason animals seem to love me and always come to me, I mean I don't mind most of them but when you wake up to have spiders, mice and all other house animals like ants and cockroaches sleeping spread out all over your room -you would start to freak too.

"Ha-ha are you scared of a little mouse sweetie?" She said still laughing; I pouted and crossed my arms still eyeing the mice hole.

"It's not funny, and I wasn't scared it just spooked me a bit!" I huffed as I got down from the chair, and just because of my luck I slipped on some slimy egg yolks coursing mum to start laughing even harder- she bent over holding her side to try and breathe while laughing her ass off. I looked down at myself and wanted to cry- not only was I covered I egg but because I had been throwing biscuits and rice they too were all over me. Finally mum gave one last chuckle then took a deep breath and walked over to carefully as so not to slip herself- to help me up. Mum is a beautiful-skinny woman in her late twenties, she has a fare complexion and blonde hair, she has bright blue eyes.

"Why don't you go clean yourself up and I'll clean this up and finish packing the food away." She said softly as she guided me by the hand to a less slippery bit in the kitchen, I just nodded and walked carefully- so as to not make a bigger mess. Once in my room I got some clean clothes and a towel, then I made my way to the bathroom again trying not to make a mess. I changed out of my messy clothes and jumped into the shower, I made sure to give myself a good scrub and wash my hair five times 'hey I don't want to smell like egg or have any bits still in me'. I got out of the shower and put on my clean pyjamas- because it is night-time anyway.

When I was finished I went back down stairs, just as I reached the bottom step the front door opened and dad walked in, I ran and jumped knowing he would catch me.

"How was your day my little princess?" He said with a smile on his face, he swung me around and then hugged me tightly. My dad is a tall well-built man, he has paler skin then mum and dark brown hair-almost black and brown eyes, he is in his early thirties.

"Daddy I'm not a little princess anymore." I said laughing at how silly he could be, I really love my dad he always seems to understand me, not that mum doesn't -it's just that I get along better with dad.

"Hmm really well let's see huh kiddo?" He said as he put me down, I stood up as tall as I could so that he could dragged his hand across my head back towards himself to measure my height, I came just below his chest.

"Yes it seems your right; you are no longer a little princess! But your still my princess right?" He said as he bowed from the waist- over my hand then kissed it, I giggled at how silly my dad is at times but I loved being his princess. I took a deep breath and made a slight curtsied with my other hand going out to my side- as is lifting a dress, said with the straightest face I could muster.

"You may raise my king!" them I bowed lower, we both raised and looked into each others eyes before bursting out laughing, then mum came in and kissed dad. My being a typical child 'EWWED' and overed my eyes, which made them chuckle and make kissy noises at me, I squeaked but couldn't get away from the kiss attack.

"Well it looks like I will be entertaining royalty tonight at dinner! This reminds me, dinner is ready so please make you way to the dining room your highnesses." Mum announced after they were done, Dad and I looked at each other and nodded. Dad scooped mum up into his arms and carried her to the dining room, with me following behind them smiling, as I sat down at our Japanese low table (Kotatsu) - dad placed mum gently down on the Kamiza which is the seat of honour and kissed her on the head.

"For a change the king will do all the work while his queen and princess enjoy themselves." He said as he served the first meal, mum and I giggled and thanked him as he made his way around the Kotatsu to serve the food to us, then we all sat Japanese style and ate my favourite Japanese meal Kushiyaki which is basically skewers of meat and vegetables with a side of tofu, mushrooms, green peppers and asparagus all wrapped up in bacon (Mm mm Yum).

After dinner I went straight to bed to give my mum and dad some time together, dad works away a lot so he's rarely home, I would love to stay up at talk with him but I was already getting tired. Returning to my room after brushing my teeth in the bathroom I closed the door then hopped into bed. I laid there for a few minutes daydreaming about my party tomorrow, and about Naruto hoping they would leading me into a blissful sleep.

Ting, Ting Tong, clink.

'What is that sound?' I thought, it felt like I had only just fell asleep- only to hear the sound of metal clinking against metal.

'It's like a battle going on.' I slowly opened my eyes to see what had woken me, I almost wish I hadn't as the first thing I see is a knife coming straight at me. I was just about to scream when something zoomed across my vision and hit the knife- no wait it's not a knife, it's a- it's a Kunai.

I lifted my head and looked to my right to see who had just saved me. "I can't believe this" I said in my head as I saw a leaf shinobi fighting anther shinobi, they were moving so fast my eyes couldn't keep up, and they looked really skilled but I can't tell which village the other guy is from. "Man I better move before I get caught in the cross fire." I quickly got up and ran over to the closest tree to hide. Now I just need to figure out how I got here, could I be dreaming? I pinched myself.

"OCH" I said as I rubbed my arm where I left a red mark, which I know will turn into a bruise. 'Ok so I'm not dreaming then how am I here? How do I get back without getting myself killed?' I peered out from behind the tree to see what is going on, but just as I did a hand grabbed me and pushed me up against the tree. I screamed into the hand that came up and covered my mouth, my eyes widened with fear- while they tried to make out any details of the person trapping me.

"Quiet! Don't make a sound or they will find you!" A deep hushed voice said in my ear, when he moved back, I saw that it is the man who had saved me from the kunai. I stopped screaming and nodded my head slightly to show that I understood, he started at me for a second more before he removed his hand. I should really thank him for saving me, but just as I was about to open my mouth to say thank you he handed me a scroll.

"Take this and keep your head down, I will be taking you to somewhere safe! I need you to keep this hidden and safe until you get to the village, do you understand?" He said as he pushed the scroll into my hand, I clutched it tightly before nodding. He grunted before nodding and picking me up, I gasped as I felt energy surround us before I felt a sharp jerk, and then my stomach dropped as we reappeared somewhere else. I quickly wiggled in his arms- he got the hint and quickly released me to the ground, as soon as I was- I fell to my knees and all the food in my stomach came back up. I felt a comforting hand come to rest on my back a rub gently, I coughed a couple more times before moving back to rest on my knees.

"Sorry about that kid, look we're not really safe here either and I'm sorry to have to do this but you need to head in that direction, you should arrive by tomorrow night if you keep walking. I will stay here and keep them off of your trail! Now go and stay in the shadows for as long as you can and then run!" He said as he pushed me in the direction that he pointed, I stumbled forward a couple of steps before I turned to ask where it was that I was heading, But instead of seeing him all I saw was blood getting slashed all over my face, I wiped my eyes so I could see where it had all come from and just as I feared it was from the man who had saved me. I screamed and stumbled backward and away from him, I stared wide eyed as blood flowed out of many wounds, but even with the wounds he quickly killed the ninja that injured him.

"I told you to run, I will protect you until I can't any longer but the longer you stay here the harder it will be, now go run!" He said coughing up some more blood, I hesitated for a second before taking a deep breath to calm myself down and I put the scroll he had just handed me in my pocket- and that's when I noticed that I am not wearing my pyjamas. But I can't think about the right now maybe when there isn't a battle going on, as quickly as I could I tuned and grabbed his arm before I turned back in the direction we have to go again and started to walk.

"Well wouldn't the best way to protect me to stay with me? You wouldn't want me to get lost would you? And plus I'm not just going to leave you here to die from your injuries after you just saved me!" I said turning my head and giving him a small smile, he started wide eyed at me for a moment before chuckling and muttering 'kids these days' before shaking his head. We ran from tree to tree hiding in the shadows, after a bit I saw a clearing up ahead; we ran for it and then keep running. We were barely out of the forest when he pushed me to the ground; I turned my head just in time to see him falling to the ground with about fifteen kunai in his back. I quickly moved to his side and moved his head to the side so I could look at his face; it was twisted into a look of pain.

I looked over to see a leaf ninja killing the two that had just attacked us, he finished them off quickly before turning to look at me I turned my attention back to the man that saved me.

"Hey mister? Please be ok, please don't leave me, answer me, please don't die!" I said tears coming down my face, I pulled out all the kunai and then with all my strength turned him back over, I put my head to his chest to see I could hear his heartbeat. At first I thought he was dead but then I felt a slight beat it is faint but there none the less, I have to wake him and somehow move him so we are out of the open.

"Come on wake up, please wake up." I said as I gently shuck him. He moaned and opened his eyes, he looked at me.

"You need to go now! DON'T ARGUE just go, I'm going to die anyway, but if you stay here you're going to die as well and if you die everyone fighting now would be fighting for nothing! So please go I will lead them in another direction." He said as he pushed himself up with a wince and then stood up, he is wobbly on his feet and I don't think he can see very well.

"That's just the thing, why are you all trying to protect me, I don't understand?" I said as I wiped away the tears and walked around to stand face to face with him and gave him my best serious face and looked him straight in the eyes. I just notice that this man must be a giant because I barely came up to his hip and I had to stretch my head right back just to see his eyes, I haven't shrunk, have I? That couldn't have happened could it?

My mind couldn't dwell much on that thought as it was refocusing on a more important question which was 'why were they protecting me? I mean I'm not even from this world.' The man opened his mouth to say something, but just then I felt a sharp pain in my back I stumbled forward- the man caught me. I felt him me pull something out of my back, naturally now would be as good a time as ever to scream so I did- very loud and long- if I might add. Man this hurts so bad, I have never really been hurt before and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I took a couple of deep breath to steady myself, when I thought that I would be able to stand on my own, I pushed myself up and winced. The man moved me so he was standing with his back to the forest- I'm guessing so I don't get hurt anymore.

"We don't have time to talk right now, every second we waste the more likely you will die! So please, take this and ran as hard as you can in that direction! I will run that way and throw them off your trail." He said as he handed me a kunai and turned me around, I hesitated and looked over my shoulder to see he had his back to me, turning quickly I hugged the back of his legs before turning and running. He is right I can't help him because I don't know how to fight, and I can't heal him- and for some reason they are trying really hard to protect me- I don't want them to be fighting for nothing. As I ran almost blindly –thanks to the tears that wouldn't stop, I could hear the battle behind me –the pain in my back hurt really bad. I started to cry more and more, so much has happened in just the last ten minutes, "HOW IS ALL THIS HAPPENING?"

Time Skip

After about two and a half hours of a stumble run- I slowed to a walk to catch my breath, 'man I'm so tired but I can't stop if I'm going to make it by tonight! I need to keep moving!' The sun had come up about half an hour after I started, 'least I can see now but I'm scared that as the sun raises so will the heat.'

"I hope not! Please, ow please stay nice and cool!" I said out loud but I know that it more than likely won't stay cold- and that I'm just talking to myself. 'I hope that the man who saved me and all his men are ok and healed up! I really don't want anyone to die, and I really hope that the men from the other village are not coming after me to kill me!' This reminds me.

"Why were they trying to protect me? And why is the other village trying to kill me? Do they want this scroll? Or do they just want to kill me for the fun of it?" Thinking about that made me pick up my pace again. It's kind of hard to walk quickly on sand but when there are people literally dying to protect you- I know I can giving up some comfort to get there faster –it's the least I could do. 'After all if I get to wherever it is that I'm going faster, this battle will end faster right? God I hope so.'

Time Skip

The sun is directly above me now and it's as hot as I know it would be, the moisture in my mouth is long gone, my throat is sore and making it even harder to breath. I could really do with some water right about now; I can only think about water, even the throbbing in my back is second on my mind. Man I really took eating and drinking for granted, what I would do just to be back at home siting on my dad's lap talking and laughing with mum, with a large cool glass of milk and a plate of cookies. Thinking about my parents makes me want to cry but with the lack of water in my system they just wouldn't come out, and I could not afford to be crying at a time like this I have to concentrate on getting to the place I'm heading and saying alive.

Time Skip

It's not as hot now but there is still a dry warm wind blowing. The sun is behind me now but I am so tired and worn out and I'm not moving very fast, I can barely lift my legs I have never walked this far before. I'm thirsty, tired, and dizzy and my back is really throbbing now it's like every step makes it hurt more. I fell forward to land on my hands and knees, I took a deep breath but it just made it worse. I tried to stand up but fell back down and landed on my stomach. I can't move anymore, I closed my eyes and the face of the man who saved me flashed across my eyes and I remembered why I am pushing myself so hard, I tried to stand again and this time made it.


After another hour I looked up though the haze in my eyes and saw what looked like a rock cave not too far ahead, I almost cried at the beautiful site, moving a bit faster- I stopped at the entrance. Slowly I moved into the small- well I wouldn't call it a cave more like a bent in large rock, but whatever it's giving me shade. With a moan I sunk to my knees, I moved so my back rested on the back of the rock- while I faced the entrance. My eyes feel so heavy, my body felt stiff and sore all over, I clutched the kunai in my hand as I started blankly at the entrance. My vision became even hazier then before and started to turn dark; I heard a sound of footsteps getting closer. I blinked to try and clear my vision but I could only make out to dark figures at the entrance, I wanted to bad to stand up and defend myself, to come all this way only to be caught- but I just don't have the strength, hell I don't even have the strength to keep my eyes open.

And just like that my body gave up on me and my eye sight went black, vaguely I heard shouting getting closer but still couldn't understand what they are saying. Then I felt myself being lifted, I have no strength to open my eyes to see who it is.

"Don't worry little one you are safe now." A smooth, deep voice said softy in my ear. 'Could I really be safe? Are they not the ones that were after me? Am I really safe?' I wanted to cry at the possibility that I made it to people that could help me, but I didn't want to waste what little water I still had in my body, and if I wasn't safe it would have been all for nothing.

"How old do you think she is?" Asked a soft females voice, as I felt the male carrying me start to move, the kunai was gently pulled from my hand and a soft hand touched my extremely burnt face- and moved it to rest on the mans shoulder.

"I'll guess around five or six years old." I heard the man mutter, before he shifted me gently, I am completely shocked. 'How could they not see that I am nine years old? I mean that's three to four years younger than I really am! I couldn't have become younger could I?'

"What do you think a girl her age is doing all the way out here? And where are the child's parents?" The woman asked, I think she was in some kind of semi-shocked state, not every day they see a child wondering the desert I guess.

"I don't know but it's not our job to find out, so leave it be!" The man said. I was starting to feel very dizzy again and just before the world went black I heard the women say something but I couldn't make out what it was.

Then everything went silent.

Well there you have it the first chapter of the rewritten version of 'Was It All Just A Dream', I hope you all like it I tried my best to get as much detail and make sure it makes sense lol.

Anyway let me know what you all think of it and if you like this version better, if you do I will be uploading the rest of the chapters by the end of the week.

Cheers Love ya xx

GaaraRules29 OUT.