Hello everybody! I'm back with more Young Justice Broness!

So, for this series of shots, I want your collaboration! I'll be taking prompts on the reviews and try to make as many as possible! You want it? You get it! So, the only thing it has to be about the friendship of these three! It can be the three of them or just two! I mean, there is enough time to make stories for everybody! Remember, Wally/Dick, Wally/Roy, Roy/Dick and Wally/Roy/Dick. It's up to you, I'm just a medium for you to see the story you want!

This one is taken from a prompt by SpeedBirdsAndArrows, who asked for this kind of story in the reviews of Dog Days, my previous story. I hope she/he doesn't mind I borrowed her pen name for the story title! I still owe BecauseImBatman108 some oneshots, don't worry, they're on the list!

Without further ado, enjoy! And review! And send me a Prompt!

Speed, Birds And Arrows: Broforce

Wake Up

"I'm done, Roy, I really am…"

Wally was pacing around, fuming, angry. Things hadn't been the same lately, not with Dick Grayson. For the last year, Dick, now the almighty Nightwing, had been a pain in the ass. Well, that was according to Wally, who had tried to reason with his best friend, just to receive the ending of a cold shoulder. At first it worried Wally, but now he was mad. Dick was treating him like trash, and it pained him. It pained him a lot. Now, Wally was known for masking his emotions and now, his mask reflected his pain with anger.

Roy was with his younger redhead friend, trying to calm him down. Even if he was still in his search for the real Speedy, he had taken some time off to cool down his "younger brother. He folded his arms, clad in a grey jacket. "Wally, would you please stop pacing? You going up and about in super speed is not going to make it better…"

"What do you want me to do?" asked Wally, almost grunting. "He's been a dick! Hence his name I guess! I… I thought we were best friends. Seems I'm just one of his pawns. All he does is boss me around, and he treats me not like a friend, but like a bother!"

"Well, then talk to him!" said Roy and scolded Wally. "Listen, I've noticed too he's been rude, but… I also see his pain. He lost Jason, he's really… burdened. He's created a wall in his heart to protect himself, pushing everybody away. It is not okay, but it is… his way of coping. You have to understand."

Wally sighed. "I really try, but it hurts me that he hurts. And it angers me that he pushes me away…"

Roy nodded and walked towards the younger speedster. "Listen, Wally, he's in need of you. Not the other way around. So why don't we go and talk to him? Let's make him see light… maybe it will help…"

"Fine" huffed Wally and folded his arms. "But I hope his medical insurance covers the bloody nose I'm going to give him!"

"Let's hope it doesn't get to that…" said Roy and led Wally from his living room to the door.

Dick walked towards his apartment at Blüdhaven. Ever since leaving Wayne Manor, he's been working like hell in the Cave, as Team Leader and what not, a Blüdhaven's vigilante. He had just finished assigning Alpha Squad their next mission, and while Lagoon Boy was mad he was once again Beta, he had to put up with it. He sighed. It's been a long day.

It's been a long month.

He slipped the key and opened the front door. He entered and sighed, putting his jacket away. He had to get some papers ready for the Police Department. He was going to ascend from Rookie to Detective soon, he hoped. But right now, he had to deal with the paperwork and being "the detective's bitch". Which was an insult, since he was better of a detective than that asshole.

However, as soon as he entered his apartment, he saw Wally West and Roy Harper in sight, folding arms and glaring at him.

Dick breathed deeply, frustrated. "Did I miss something?"

"We need to talk," said Roy, and Wally just huffed.

"Listen guys, I would love to but I am to the neck with work. Maybe we can reschedule?" asked Dick, knowing that he was being rude.

Wally glared deeply. "Told you Roy, he's an ass."

Dick frowned at that.

Roy, however, was calmed and approached Dick. "Listen Dick, we need to talk. Wally is mad at you because you've been treating him… us… like trash lately…"

"Well, sorry you see it that way," said Dick defensively. "All I've done is being a good Team leader. I know we used to be close, but Nightwing does not have time for friends. The world depends on his good work with the Team…"

Wally exploded. "Oh, so you don't have time for us, right?! Well, fuck you, Richard Grayson! I spent almost eight years being your friend, I think… I deserve… respect…"

"You would get it if you did things right!" exclaimed Dick.

Roy lifted his arms to stop the upcoming brawl. "Okay, shut up you two. I know this is a very tough subject, but Dick… we're not as mad as you'd think. We're worried…"

"Worried? I'm okay, you don't need to be worried," said Dick, however, he could feel inside him how he was getting more and more nervous and answering defensively. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not," said Roy and slowly, his hand travelled to Dick's shoulder. "Dick, we can see your pain. I can. It is the same pain I have whenever I think of Speedy. But this ghost is worse on you. This is about Jason's death… isn't it?"

It was time for Dick to explode. "Don't you go there!"

Wally blinked and saw the pain in Dick's eyes. It hurt him. More than he was mad, he could see the stinging darkness creeping on the ebony's eyes. Dick was more than hurt, he was in despair. All the anger washed away from the ginger's face as he saw the true emotional pain Dick had. Roy was right, Dick was hurt beyond what he thought. "Dick?"

Dick snapped. "Okay, want the truth?! Fine! I am pushing you away! I just can't… feel like this again. I let Jason closed and now he's gone and I'm hollow. And I knew him for very little, just a year. It makes me wonder… what would it feel like if I ever lost you two? It would break my heart forever. I… don't want that…"

Roy's eyes filled with compassion. "Dick, pushing us away is not going to make you feel any less for us."

"I know," said Dick and he croaked a sob. "But… I thought if I tried… I would be able to disassociate you from my happiness…"

Wally stepped forward. "And could you?"

"Never…" said Dick with defeat as he stumbled to his knees. "I can't… you're too deep in my heart. I want to hate you, so I won't get hurt. But… I can't…"

Roy and Wally exchanged glances and nodded. They understood what it needed to be done. They both approached Dick, kneeling in front of him and looking at his watering eyes.

"It's okay, baby bro," said Roy and he wrapped his arms around Dick, letting the ebony cry into his shoulder. "You don't need to push us. If you ever lost our bodies, our souls will be with you forever. We… we love you, okay? Never try to push us away again, okay? It's not going to work…"

Wally rubbed Dick's back and leaned forward, their foreheads touching. "Dick, you're our little brother. So don't… lose hope on us. As we don't lose hope in you. You're going to be alright, just… wake up from the nightmare. Wake up, we're here… we love you… we love you… shh…"

"I'm… I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Dick, wiping his eyes. "Please… I didn't meant to… it's just… I don't ever want to feel like this again…"

Roy rubbed his hair. "It's okay, buddy. You've got us…"

And with that, the three brothers felt the connection to the Broforce rise. They were there for each other. No matter what.

Dick understood that now.

So, liked it? Hope you did! Review please! And prompt!

See you next update, which I hope is later this week, depending on the prompts I get!

Love you guys!