Pairing: RoseScorpius

Prompt: 74. Quicksand

Word count: 278


Scorpius' head appeared from around the corner, a wicked gin on his face as he waited for Rose Weasley and her friends to reach him. He had his bucket in one hand, and his wand in the other.

She was so nosey, that girl, it was about time she really got stuck in somebody else's business.

Rose and her friends were completely oblivious to the upcoming disaster. They were laughing and chatting about some girl thing or another. They were giggling like silly girls when they neared. He watched as they came closer and closer, and Georgia Grey, a quiet Gryffindor leaned to whisper something in Rose's ear.

Rose turned a scarlet red at whatever she said and hissed back, "I don't like Scorpius!"

They were close enough for Scorpius to hear, and upon hearing it, he dropped the bucket of quicksand that had been waiting for the girls. The group heard the crash and turned to the noise.

"What's that?" Georgia asked.

Rose gasped. "Run!" she said. "It's expanding quicksand. It'll coat this whole floor in a matter of minutes."

Suddenly screams soon filled Scorpius' ears as the sand spread like fire around the corridor. He was too busy staring dumbfounded after the screaming Rose to notice that it was now up to his ankles. By that time, expanding quicksand was too far settled.

"Well, curse Merlin," he said bitterly. "Stupid girls." He looked up again at where Rose had disappeared.

I don't like Scorpius!

"Just lovely," he muttered as he sunk to his knees. "Rose doesn't like me."

Professor McGonagall then rounded the corner with her wand out.

Good, Scorpius thought. I don't like her either.

written for SiriusMarauderFan for placing in a competition of mine.

Please PM me with any requests for this collection. I am very much open and accepting them!