I don't think I know enough memes to pull this off well, but I tried anyway. I don't know the characters that well, either, so OOC most likely abounds, frolicking through the flowery fields that are this very story. You have been warned.

Very strongly inspired by the MemeMemeMeme Brigade.

Shulk was in desperate need of Internet phenomena. The one time he tried to go to the computer lab, he ended up getting a concussion, courtesy of Pit and Robin. And all because of that, he could not get his daily dose of meme until Dr. Mario did his weird pill-matching thing and fixed Shulk good as new.

Now, he was much back in such black, and back in very action, and also in the training room. If the site allowed, the font definitely would turn into Comic Sans right about now.

"I'm really feeling it!" he shouted to his friends, Ness and Captain Falcon.

"Okay," Ness said.

"Show me your moves! Come on!" Captain Falcon shouted.


With the obligatory taunts out of the way, the three meme buddies began to talk like mostly normal people.

"So, uh, you guys want to go to the computer room today?"



Since the computer room was on the other side of the mansion, they got into Captain Falcon's pimped-out ride, the Blue Falcon, and started to sing.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite meme-ing ship, soaring through the sky! Little Einsteins!" they sang. Then they all looked at the camera. "We need you! Little Einsteins, yeah!"

3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!

The Blue Falcon zoomed away, and they switched to belting out "WHAT IS LOVE?! BABY DON'T HURT ME! DON'T HURT ME! NO MORE!" The car blasted through mansion wall after mansion wall with so much awesomeness that it caused an explosion. Three pairs of sunglasses fell down from the sky, went through the car ceiling somehow, and landed perfectly on their faces. "COOL GUYS DON'T LOOK AT EXPLOSIONS!"

Peach and Mr. Game and Watch, who were just trying to have a calm tea party, were blown away into the sky by the awesomeness-induced explosion. Currently, they are still blasting off again and we sincerely hope for their return in future chapters.

Sonic also was in the vicinity of the explosion, but he survived by shouting "You're too slow!", which transformed him into his meme form, Sanic. He gotta-go-fast-ed away. Captain Falcon waved at the fellow memer as he sped off.

The car burst into the computer lab, knocking over Sheik and Yoshi, but since this time it wasn't as awesome, they didn't start flying up, up, and away. Sheik looked at the three memers climbing out of the Blue Falcon, then at the trail of holes in the walls.

"You guys are so going to get banned for that," she said.

"Eh. It's not like we're gonna get banned forever," Ness said. "Master Hand doesn't want to lose any money."

"Come on! Let's use these computers already!" Captain Falcon shouted. He ran over to one of the computers and flipped into the seat.

Shulk shrugged at Sheik. "Now it's Shulk time." He walked over next to Captain Falcon.


Sheik facepalmed. "I never will understand what you three are saying."

"That's because all you ever do is shout weird things! 'HUP!' 'UWEH!' 'AAAHHHHH!'" Ness replied.

"Hey! I do not!"


"Stop that!"


"I am an intelligent Sheikah, not an immature child like you!"

"AAAAAAHHHAHAHA!" Ness changed his face to the trollface as the trololol song played in the background. He walked over to Captain Falcon and Shulk, leaving Sheik to storm off through the hole in the wall.

The memers browsed the internet in near silence for a bit. Shulk found his way onto Urban Dictionary and started clicking on related words. Look, I don't know what memers do in their free time, okay? Do people just, like, look up their names on Urban Dictionary or something? Dear Shulk, please don't look up your name on Urban Dictionary. You don't need to know what it says...

...And he didn't, actually. The plot had other ideas. He discovered a very important word on Urban Dictionary, a word that would set the entire plot of this story in motion (the fourth wall could be heard making cracking noises in the background). "Memelord- an individual who shows a strong passion for memes; a joker," he said.

Ness glanced at Shulk. "Okay," he said, and then he went back to watching his 10 HOURS NYAN CAT! video and learning the ways of nyan and cat.

"So does a memelord, like, rule over a certain meme or something?" Shulk asked no one in particular.

"YES!" Captain Falcon shouted. "Did you seriously not know that before?"

"I'm kinda new here, so... Nope."

"Oh." Falcon leaned back in his chair. "Well, I guess it would help if you knew. Each memelord has a title and meme that they guard with their meme life. So, like, Ness is the memelord of 'Okay'. And you're the memelord of 'really feeling it'."

Shulk nodded.

"And, uh, the minor memelords aren't really that strong or important, but major memelords are super strong and well-known." Falcon pointed a thumb toward himself. "Like me!"

Shulk nodded.

"And if you defeat a memelord and take their meme, then you get stronger. Also, you destroy their meme life and they're destined to be normal forever. Just like an RPG."

Shulk nodded. "I get it. Thanks for the infodump."

"No prob." And Captain Falcon went back to browsing the Internet.

Shulk took all the information in and thought to himself. So if a memelord lords over memes... Hey, then what if I became the Supreme Memelord? Overlord of all memes in existence? Holy crap, think of the things I could do with that kind of power...

He imagined a world where he could make everyone eat Doritos and drink Mountain Dew while 360 no scoping and 420 blazing it and stuff like that at will, where people's faces changed to tfw no gf and trololo and y u no whenever they wanted, and, most of all, where everyone was really feeling it.

And the first thing he would do when he became the Supreme Meme Overlord would be to make everyone really feel it. And then he would make stupid people stop asking what color the stupid dress was. And then he could make everyone really feel it some more.

He rubbed his hands together and began to formulate a plan to conquer all the memelords and take their memes, one by one. First he would go for the weakest one, Ridley who was too big-

"CAPTAIN FALCON! NESS! SHULK! DO NOT DESTROY MANSION PROPERTY! YOU'RE BANNED!" Master Hand came in through the hole in the wall and blasted the memers out of the mansion with his middle-finger missile move.

Shulk would become Supreme Meme Overlord... right after he got back from being banned.

I didn't want this to go with my other story "Smash Shenanigans" because I'm planning on having Shulk conquer each memelord one chapter at a time, which would end up taking, I don't know, anywhere from 7-10 chapters, and that's kinda long. Shulk's first target: Ridley...