
"Take this you filthy blood suckers!" Voices yelled. Screams of agony echoed against the cave walls as three girls fell to the ground, another hesitated to, with a wooden stake to the heart, but soon fell to the ground with the others. One of the intruders lighting her body in flames, not stopping to watch the flames dance around, bringing heat to the cold of the cave.

"Marlene!" One of the girls yelled out to the remains of her friend before trying to run over to the fire, her eyes glowing yellow as she stared at the ones responsible. Her blonde hair was a mess from the sleeping arrangements that night and the back of her shirt was ripped from snagging something during the fall. The hunters looked scared but charged at her anyway, this time with a match and some type of spray. They weren't hesitant to spray into the fire at all, letting Abby light up in flames before he screams were the next to die out quickly.

"Abby!" Another girl, Victoria, shouted her short brown hair barely moving as she tried to tackle Abby to the ground before the hunters got to her, but she was too late. Her friend, sister even, was the next to go. It was her turn to get the revenge for her family, the only one left was Aileen, the newest member to their family, but not that she lacked the years of the immortality. None of them did.

"Run!" Victoria yelled at Aileen, trying to fight the three men who looked were crowding around her, they knew that was there best bet to take out one at a time, it'd be quicker to team up. They were experienced, Aileen and Victoria noticed. "Run!" Victoria shouted against, still facing off with the three men. "You have to go! Go find Max! He'll know what to do!" Those were the last words Aileen had heard before she took off, having the enhanced speed then humans really paid off at this moment.

Aileen was breathing heavily, not that she needed to, but she needed to hear something, anything. The sounds of the hunters were long gone but that didn't stop the girl from running. She was trying to think clearly. "Gotta find Max. I have to find Max!" She repeated out loud, never looking back to the cave where her sisters bodies were last in.