in the past: 5 months after Ezra joined the crew

Ezra lay down in his bed sleeping the day when Kanan came in his room furious.

" EZRA you have been sleeping till noon. We have done eight supply runs without you. Why do you have yet to get up?" Kanan ordered as he looked at his padawan.

" I am sorry Kanan. I just have been feeling dizzy lately and unwell." Ezra told him as his stomach ached.

" Well then head to the med bay and get treated then get some rest. And stay away from the other crew members. We don't want anyone else getting sick." Kanan told him as he got up

Just then the light gave a little flicker, The room grew dimmer as chills were rushed up Ezra's spine.

" Kanan, if you think that scaring me out of bed and making me say " Hey now i feel better " you thought wrong." Ezra said before throwing a coughing fit.

" That wasn't me. Lets go see whats up." Kanan told him

They both walked toward the cockpit and saw Hera pacing. Next to her was chopper

" What to do..." Hera mumbled before noticing Kanan and Ezra.

" What's going on here why is the power out?" Sabine asked as she entered the room.

" I think this has to do with Ezra." Zeb grumbled as he followed Sabine.

" Hera care to explain?" Kanan told her.

" The power source in the ship died. I guess we will need another one but they haven't made one like it in 500 years. the same amount of time with chopper's." Hera told them.

" What are you saying?" Ezra rasped

" I am saying that we will have to take chopper's." Hera told him

Chopper gave a few grumbles and ran away. He obviously didn't want any part of this.

" Don't worry Hera, I will find a way to persuade him." Ezra told her.

" No you wont. you get to the med bay now!" Hera ordered.

Uh oh shes in mother mode. Ezra thought as he walked to the med bay with Hera on his tail. When they got there, She made him take some medicine and go to bed in the med bay so he wouldn't get Zeb sick. But secretly, he was disregarding Hera's orders and he finally found the perfect plan.

" Chopper!" Ezra called the next day. The orange rust bucket appeared as stood before him as he was ordered to.

" Hey buddy, I need to give you a checkup." Ezra told the droid as he began to open him up.

The grumpy droid was smarter than he seems. He began to roll away but Ezra was quicker. Ezra leaped on top of chopper and banged on top of his head while Chopper ran in circles trying to fling him off.

" Alright you had your fun now COUGH IT UP!" Ezra ordered as he began to get really dizzy. Kanan was behind him staring at him wide eyed. But it wasn't him that said something, it was Hera. It just took one glance, to send Hera boiling.

" EZRA! GET TO BED NOW!" Hera yelled at him, her skin turning red.

" Almost got it..." Ezra said with a grunt followed by a coughing fit. His hands were inside of chopper and with a yank, the power source came out. Chopper started to get pale and soon turned off. The rust bucket fell over sending Ezra down with him.

" Ezra, you ignored Hera and my orders. Now get to bed." Kanan told him.

" Okay, but take this." Ezra told him and put the power source in his hand. He then walked to bed and lay down.