For awhile now I have been writing ficlets in what I call the "tiny apartment series" on tumblr. I'm going to collect them all here and post them bit by bit in order, starting with the little ficlet/drabble that inspired the entire series.

The tiny little apartment is the only place they can afford and Daryl feels so guilty about it that he almost doesn't put in an application until Beth tells him that he's her home and where they live doesn't much matter to her as long as she's with him. And she means it, so she doesn't much mind how small the apartment is, though it's definitely tiny. The kitchen is so little that really only one person can comfortably fit, unless you're Beth, who thinks it's entirely comfortable to have Daryl wrapped around her from behind while she cooks, kissing her neck and thoroughly distracting her, and the bedroom is really more of a closet than a room; there's just enough room for the bed and you pretty much trip over it the moment you come into the room, which is perfectly fine considering neither of them minds falling into bed together in a tangle of limbs. There's so little room it's all her stuff and his stuff mixed up all together, her shirts all mixed up with his in their single small dresser, and half the time she reaches in for a shirt and grabs one of his instead, but neither of them mind that because he loves how she looks in his shirts. (Once he grabbed one of hers and she teased him for ages trying to get him to put it on, but he ended up stripping hers off instead somehow and she definitely wasn't complaining.)

They're packed together in this tiny space but neither of them mind because that's just how they are together, they're close. They're wrapped up in each other's hands and hearts and so there's nothing strange about being always close in this little apartment. Plus, it's their's. Their home, their space. They don't care that the floors are worn because they cover it with this pretty little rug they found at a flea market together, and it doesn't matter that the windows squeak; they keep them open most of the time anyway because Beth grows plants in her tiny little planter that brighten up the window. They don't mind that the sun shines right into their bedroom in the morning because they like waking up all snuggled together, kissing over skin warmed by sunshine until they finally get up and 'conserve water' by showering together in a tub that they don't even notice is barely big enough to hold them both. And if the kitchen table is very small to fit, then it just means they have to sit closer together in the morning when they drink their coffee and eat the toast that almost got burnt because Daryl was distracting Beth by wrapping himself around her in their perfectly-small kitchen, kissing her neck and sliding his hands over her stomach until she giggled herself breathless.