Seth Rollins was on cloud nine when he got the news that WWE wanted to sign him. He signed a developmental contract and was assigned to Florida Championship Wrestling in September. He was primed and ready to live out his dreams of being in WWE. He successfully won his WWE debut dark match and was ready to begin his training in FCW. He was part of the first FCW 15 match and became the FCW 15 Champion. He felt like nothing could go wrong.

Until one day, he showed up, the man who will forever change Seth's life forever. Dean Ambrose also signed to FCW and he was a guy everyone wanted to avoid in the ring. Dean wanted Seth's title and he wasn't afraid to get in his face. There they stood, face to face, foreheads pressed against each other, neither side backing down. Dean stared into the chocolate brown eyes of the two toned man who had what he wanted. Seth stared back into the blue eyes of the man threatening to take what's his. Seth held up his belt smiling, staring down his foe. Dean looked at the belt and back at Seth, sizing him up. Seth was well built and muscular all around. Seth stared Dean down, sizing him up as well. Dean was also well built with large muscular arms, brown, short curly hair dripping with sweat.

Seth looked deep into Dean's eyes and felt he could get lost in them. Seth was lost in thought until Dean took a step forward, smiling at Seth, dimples on full display. "I challenge you to a match for that title," he said looking dead in Seth's face. Seth smirked and put the belt back on his shoulder, "You're on".

After the show, Seth was changing into his street clothes when Dean walked in, smiling. "You were awesome out there in the ring," he complimented. "Thanks man, you were too," Seth said, breaking out into a smile. "I look forward to our match. May the best man win," Dean said, extending his hand out. Seth stood up and gave him a firm handshake. " I will," Seth chuckled, causing Dean to laugh. After that, they walked to the parking lot, talking about many topics and exchanged numbers. Later that night, Seth was in bed thinking back to what happened during the day but mostly, he was thinking about Dean. Seth didn't know why but thinking about Dean caused him to break out in a huge smile and he couldn't wait to see him again. "What is going on," he thought to himself, unsure of what this new feeling is.

All night, Seth couldn't stop thinking of Dean. Dean's smile, his dimples, his arms, everything about Dean was clouding his mind. Seth had dreams of hanging out with Dean and just talk about any and everything. They were sitting on the couch, drinking beer and watching TV. Seth was having the time of his life and he couldn't be happier. Suddenly, Dean set down his beer bottle and turned to Seth with a serious expression on his face. He slowly leaned in and kissed Seth softly on the lips. Seth stared at him for a moment until he returned the kiss. Dean pulled back and pulled Seth down on top of him, not breaking the kiss. Seth took advantage and deepened the kiss as Dean slipped his hands into Seth's shirt, rubbing his hands down Seth's smooth back. Seth sat up to remove his shirt and tossed it to the side and returned to kissing Dean. Dean wrapped his arms around Seth's waist and sat up straight so Seth was sitting in his lap. He broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt and stared at Seth, smiling. "God, you look amazing," he said, kissing on Seth's abs. Seth closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Dean's soft lips on his abs and chest. "I want you," he whispered. Dean smiled and picked him up and carried him to the bedroom, setting him down on the bed. Dean climbed on top of Seth slowly and kissed him passionately. Seth moaned softly, feeling his erection getting harder by the minute. Dean must have been feeling the same way as he stopped the kiss and unzipped his pants. Seth looked on, wanting to see every inch of Dean and wanted Dean to see every inch of him. Dean took off his pants and his erection was fully printed on the inside of his boxers. Seth licked his lips, wanting to rip off Dean's boxers and take what was his. Dean slowly and teasingly unzipped Seth's pants and pull them off him. Seth was fully erect and it showed through his boxers. "Mmm is this for me baby," Dean asked teasingly as he rubbed Seth's hard on through his boxers. Seth moaned and bucked under Deans touch. Dean smiled and pulled down his boxers, his erection springing to life right before Seth's eyes. Seth gasped, mouth wide open, speechless. Dean smiled and rubbed his cock slowly, pre-cum forming at the head. Dean leaned down and kissed Seth before pulling on his boxers and Seth's erection sprung to life. Dean chuckled and rubbed his cock slowly drawing out low whimpers out of Seth. Dean leaned down and...

A loud buzzing sound woke up Seth from his dream. He sat up and looked down to see he was fully erect. "Damn that was a weird dream," he said and turned off his alarm. He hopped in the shower and slowly stroked his cock, thinking about that dream. Seth was always opened about his sexuality and when he came out a year ago, everyone was all supportive and caring. However, he has never been so turned on by anyone before until he met Dean. He kept thinking about his feelings until he reached the gym for his workout. As he was walking, still lost in thought, he walked into someone. "Sorry about that," he said looking up to see Dean. Dean smiled, "You must have a lot on your mind if you didn't see me". Seth blushed slightly, remembering the dream he had, and laughed " Yeah I guess you can say that." Dean laughed and walked with Seth into the workout room. Seth went straight to the treadmills while Dean went to go lift weights. Seth would occasionally look at Dean and quickly advert his eyes. Dean was only in black basketball shorts. Sweat was running down his chest, causing his chest to glisten in the light. Seth got off the treadmill and started doing push ups. Dean got up and looked at Seth. "Hey want to have a contest?" Seth stopped and looked at Dean, "What kind of contest?" "To see who can do the most push ups" Dean said, taking a sip of water. "Okay, what's the prize?" "Loser buys the winner a drink, how's that sound?" Seth took a drink of his own water "Fine your on". Both men got down in front of each other and started doing push ups at the same time. 20 minutes have passed and both men slowed down incredibly. Soon, Seth laid down out of exhaustion meaning Dean had won. Both men stayed on the floor, trying to catch their breaths. " Looks like you owe me a drink," Dean teased and laughed. Seth sat up, smiling "Yeah, you got the best of me today," he took a sip of his water and stood up. "Any time you're ready let me know," he extended his arm and helped Dean to his feet. "Thanks. If you're free tonight, I was planning on going to this cool bar I passed by yesterday if you want to hang out." Seth thought for a second, "Yeah, I'm free tonight so let's hang out, guys' night," Seth said stretching. He looked at the clocked. "We have a few hours to kill before we have to go to FCW. Want to go grab breakfast?" "Hell yeah man. I'm starving," Dean laughed. Both men headed to the showers to get freshened up. Seth would occasionally sneak peeks at Dean's body while they were in the shower. Dean's body looked absolutely perfect when it was all wet. Dean felt a pair of eyes on him and turned around. Seth quickly looked down and finished his shower and went to go get changed.

Once they were done with their showers, they decided to leave Dean's car in the FCW parking lot and took Seth's car to go get breakfast. Once at the diner, they placed their orders and sat at a booth, talking about a lot of different topics. Seth was having the time of his life and was enjoying every minute with Dean. He didn't know why but he just wanted to hang out with Dean more than anything. He didn't know what this feeling was that was building up inside of him but he was glad that it was there.

After breakfast, it was time to go to FCW and they would battle it out for the title. Seth didn't want to fight his new friend and hoped that the outcome wouldn't ruin their friendship. Dean must have seen the look on Seth's face and approached him. "Hey man, no matter what happens, we can still hang out." Seth smiled and they shock hands before they're match. The match went on for 15 minutes and the crowd loved every minute of it. Finally, Seth kicked the back of Dean's head and got the pin. He retained the title and the crowd was ecstatic. Seth went to the back and headed straight for the shower. He was fully erect and hoped no one, especially Dean, didn't see it. He sighed and stroked off his hard cock until he climaxed in the shower. He sighed and finished his shower and got dressed as he was walking out, he walked straight into Dean who was smiling brightly. "Man that was the best match I've had in a long time. Thank you for competing against me. We have to do it again." Seth smiled, relieved that Dean didn't see or feel his hard on earlier. "Yeah, we should do it again," Seth said and they walked out the building together.

Later on that night, Seth was getting ready to hang out with Dean. He called earlier saying he would pick him up and Seth hasn't been so equally excited and nervous at the same time. He was brushing his hair when there was a knock at the door. He opened it and there stood Dean. Dean was wearing a black shirt, dark jeans, and black shoes. Seth couldn't stop staring as he stepped out the way to let Dean in. "You almost ready," Dean asked as he sat on the couch. "Yeah, just let me get my shoes on and we can head out," Seth said as he bent over to get his shoes. Dean stared at Seth's perfectly shaped ass and quickly looked down when Seth turned around. Seth sat on the couch and put on his shoes, "So where are we going tonight?" "It's a new bar that just opened and it looked cool," Dean said, watching Seth tie his shoes. Seth stood up and Dean followed suit and headed out the door to the car to head out for the night.

When they got there, the bar was filled with a lot of people and the music was blasting. They walked in and sat at a booth together. The bar was filled with lively people dancing to the music. They ordered their drinks and something to eat and sat there talking about their match. Soon, this tall leggy blonde walked up and flipped her hair. "Hi, I'm Summer. What's your name," she asked, trying her best to flirt with Dean. Dean smiled and looked at her, " I'm Dean and this is my buddy Seth." Summer completely ignored Seth and continued to flirt with Dean. "How about you dance with me," she said, wrapping her arms around Dean's arm. Seth was getting more jealous by the second and decided to excuse himself to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and sighed. "What am I jealous about? It's not like it's a date anyway. He's probably straight anyway," he thought and decided to go back to the booth. As he was walking back, he saw Summer who looked at him with hatred in her eyes. He shrugged it off and sat back at the booth with Dean. Dean looked at him, "Sorry about that. Some chicks get like that for some weird reason." "You don't have to apologize, but what did you say to her? She looked pissed." Dean laughed, "I told her she wasn't my type and will never be." "Don't you think that was a little harsh?" "Nope." Dean laughed and Seth joined in. Soon they were drinking and laughing and having a great time.

Soon, it was time to go and Seth was a little sad they had to leave. Seth paid the tab and helped Dean into the passenger seat. They drove back to Seth's place and he made Dean stay the night. Dean was too drunk to drive and Seth wasn't going to let him drive. He pulled out the couch bed and gave Dean extra blankets and pillows and let him sleep it off. Seth got dressed for bed and went to sleep. Little did he know that Dean had climbed into bed with him in the middle of the night. Seth wrapped his arms around Dean and smiled contently as he slept comfortably.